Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 11, 2021


Daryl arrived at the large horse barn where Sam and the stable hands were starting to muck out the stalls for the five new horses coming in the morning. Sam had said they were gorgeous, and they were! Thoroughbreds worth a lot of money. There were two for studding and three mares for breeding, and with these new horses combined with the others, they could bring in serious money to add the already bulging coffers of the ranch.

Daryl watch Sam work and was so proud of his lover's hard work and the way he treated the other workers in the huge barn. Everyone seemed to really like Sam and as he had already noticed, he got along with everyone. He knew he had made the right choice by falling in love with Sam.

Sam looked up and smiled as he saw Daryl standing there watching him. "Hey babe. Ya'll come down here for a bit of work? We have to get this done as the new horses arrive at like 8:00AM in the morning. They really are very beautiful and should be, for what we paid for themÉabout $850,000 and that is a lot for horse flesh!!" Sam and Daryl started to laugh.

It was nearing lunch time and soon Daryl and Sam were headed to Sam's house a for a quick clean-up and then to the big house for lunch. It was a warm day with a slight breeze and very comfortable. They entered Sam house and the men embraced as soon as the door was closed, and they kissed deeply with great passion. Sam pulled his face back and gazed into his lover's eyes, smiled and exclaimed, "I love you beyond words and have to practically kick myself several times a day to make sure I am awake and not dreaming! If I am dreaming, I never want to wake up. I have never been this happy in my whole complete and entire life, and that, Mr. Man, is all your fault. I love you for it!!"

Daryl smiled, kissed his man and said quietly, "I have never felt like I do when I am with you darling. When that asshole Steve left me because I was gone all the time, I was so very upset `cause thought it was all my fault!!! I soon came to realize after many tears, that it never would have worked in the long run. He was too selfish and only wanted what made him happy. He had no concept of whether I was happy or what I was feeling. From his rapid departure, he never EVER thought about me. So, that chapter in my former life of now a closed book. I now have you in my heart and soul forever and I love you more than words can say!!!"

"Well, sexy man, let's get cleaned up and head up to the house for lunch and then I have more work to do and want to get it done ASAP so I can spend the late afternoon with you, maybe go for a swim before having a nice dinner with you and Ms. Elsa. Does that work for you babe??"

"Sounds like a plan. You need some help in the barn? If not, I can go lay by the pool and get some reading done. I need to call Robbie and let him know we are coming down tomorrow afternoon and will ask if they need any help with anything? Does that work for you baby??"

"MMMMMM I don't know whether I want you parading around the pool in a speedo and having any of the men ogling your hot, hairy body, that now belongs to me!!"

Daryl laughed, smiled and said, "Yes darling, this body, all of it belongs to you and I just want them to know what they're missing and want to make them jealous. OKAY!!!???"

The men kissed and walked up to the house to join Elsa for lunch, once again served on the patio. The table was set under the shade of a huge umbrella and there was a pitcher of sweet tea with ice and a platter of assorted sandwiches, ham, turkey and roast beef, a large macaroni salad and a large platter of honeydew melon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blackberries, and grapes. It all looked delicious. The men kissed Elsa and asked how her morning was.

"I talked to the boys and things are shaping up for the re-opening on Saturday night. They are looking forward to seeing us when we get there tomorrow afternoon."

"That's great news!!" replied Daryl. We are looking forward to going down as well!!"

They tucked into lunch as Sam explained about the horses that were coming in the morning and once he got them all squared away, they could clean up and head South. The food, as always, was fantastic since Miss Ellie always did a superb job and everyone adored her. While she carried a huge rolling pin, NO ONE messed with her! But she was really a very sweet person, very kind to everyone (except when you messed with her kitchen) or even worse, picked at her food on their plate, which was a total sin!!!

Lunch was over and Sam asked Elsa what she was going to do that afternoon, and she replied, that she was going to back for the weekend and for the party at the restaurant on Saturday evening, then finish a novel she was reading and was looking forward to dinner that evening.

Sam told her that they had new horses arriving in the morning about 8:00 AM and they were going to get them settled in their new home (their stalls) with fresh oats, an apple, and a carrot or two to calm them. Daryl spoke next and said they wanted to leave about 1:00 for Beverley Hills and the hotel. Everyone was looking forward to the party on Saturday night!!

Tommy and Robbie were slaving away getting everything done. The carpets looked fabulous, the repaint was fantastic and everything sparkled!! The new POS system was learned quickly by the staff. Everyone was practicing ordering and how orders were received in the kitchen. Both men were pleased.

Sgt. Tayler called in and said they were getting the trail started and that Ralph had quieted down just a bit but was still screaming his innocence!! They had a slew of charges against him, and all were going to stick.

Tommy had called his dad at the law firm and Thom said he wanted to come down representing the family corporation as a whole. After all, the law firm was fully entrenched representing Blackford Corp. and their many interests.

Robbie and Dean were finishing up things in the office and all were running smoothly across the whole restaurant. The food had been ordered and they had decided on a substantial buffet with a carving station, a seafood station, a huge salad table with many different salads to choose from, and a pasta station. There would also be a dessert table with a large selection of cakes, tarts, cream puffs, and crme brulee.

They would pass Hors'd oeuvres, cheese puffs, crab puffs, blini with caviar, and provide a cheese station with crackers, as well as pate`. All in all, it was shaping up and everyone was looking forward to it. There was a huge response and over 250 people said they were coming. The bar was stocked with wines, both red and white, champagne, and soft drinks. They had decided not to serve hard liquor as people were driving.

It appeared, from the amount of phone calls they received, response was really astounding. It looked like they would be back with a flourish, their reputation intact.

Tommy and Robbie were sitting at the bar with a glass of Chardonnay chatting. Robbie was really pleased with the way things were shaping up and they both realized they made a great choice in hiring Dean back as manager. From what they had seen, he really deserved the substantial raise they had given him. Ryan, the bar manager, was also doing a fabulous job and he was also destined to get a raise as well.

The men finished their wine and headed back to the hotel for a swim and a lay down before dinner in the suite. Who knew what they could come up with later that evening. Robbie wished everyone a warm goodnight. They were going to head out. Everyone wished them a great evening as well. As they were leaving, Dean came out and hugged both men tightly and said a huge "Thank You" for the confidence they had placed in him.

It was still early, so on the way to the hotel Tommy called his Dad at the office to see how things were. Everything was running smoothly, and Thom told Tommy several clients were asking for him. He said he would fly up for a day or two when the re-opening was over to take care of business.

Back at the ranch, Sam was working hard in the barn with last minute things needed before the new horses arriving in the morning. Daryl was asking if he could help when Elsa called him back to the house.

Gerald, the housemanager/butler was feeling rather ill, and Daryl was asked to come help! Seems while doing his duties around the house Gerald was walking into the living room and collapsed. One of the maids heard him groan as he fell. Elsa called the paramedics, and they were on their way. Daryl covered him with a blanket, but he was barely conscious when the paramedics arrived. They took his vitals and loaded him onto a cot, placed the cot in the ambulance and set off for the nearest hospital. Elsa immediately called Daniel at his office and let him know what was going on! He was grateful and said he and Cynthia would come down ASAP. He thanked Elsa for the phone call, and he would call back when in the air. He requested to have a car meet them at the airport when they arrived.

Daniel called Cynthia and told her what had happened. He asked her to pack a bag with any essentials they might need as they had clothes at the ranch already, and to have one of their staff drive her to Butler Aviation, where the plane was kept, and he would meet her there shortly.

Daniel called Robbie and told him what was going on and they had everything under control but would keep them informed of events. They were flying down and would be at the ranch later that day. Robbie, of course, asked if there was anything he could do and Daniel said, not now, since he had the re-opening to deal with. Everything was being done for Gerald that could be done for the moment.

Gerald was still a fairly young at just barely 65 and had been at the ranch for over 30 years. He lived in the house and had a large suite of his own, in the staff section of the house. He had been a great influence on the staff. Gerald was gay and was partnered for many years. His longtime partner, of 28 years, died of cancer three years prior. He was attractive, 5'10", with striking silver hair, a trim body, ate well and was kept busy running the ranch house with precision. He was absolutely honest and well respected by the household staff, as well as the family.

Gerald stopped breathing in the ambulance, but the paramedics shocked his heart back into beating regularly with paddles while providing oxygen support. It was touch and go while the ambulance raced to the hospital, lights flashing and siren blaring!

The ambulance reached the hospital and Gerald was wheeled into the emergency room, where the doctors took over. He was alive, but barely. After many tests, they decided that Gerald needed a quadruple by-pass or possibly a few stints. The fact that he was in great shape for a man his age was a major plus. It would take several months to get in shape, even after a successful surgery. The family, of course, would take care of everything and Gerald's insurance was top notch.

Robbie and Tommy were really upset as Robbie had known Gerard just about his whole life and he had taken Robbie under his wing and taught him about the house and how things worked: How to set a table, about wines when he was older, the proper way to address his hired staff, and how to deal with Miss Ellie. They were friends and both men respected each other greatly. Gerard got him interested in cooking and Robbie hung around Gerard whenever he was at the ranch, which was most summers. Robbie loved it there and now so do Tommy and Daryl.

Hours passed and the family had arrived at the hospital just as Gerald was coming out of surgery. He had survived and from the looks of things, he was going to recover completely after many months of re-cooperation and therapy. He was lucky but probably going to have to quit work and gracefully retire.

Daniel and Cynthia were there when he came up to his suite, which Daniel had insisted on. There were flowers from the family and the household staff as well. He was tired and needed to rest but both Daniel and Cynthia would be back in the morning. Miss Elsie was really very upset and had wanted to see Gerald, but extra visitors would have to wait until he was a bit better.

Daniel and Cynthia were driven back to the ranch and installed in their large suite. They were both drained from the stress. Everyone would have a simple dinner tonight in the small family dining roomÉbasically soup and sandwichesÉand Miss Ellie and made a cherry pie for dessert with homemade vanilla ice cream.

Daniel had called Thom and Daniella and wanted them to fly down so they could all attend the party on Saturday night at the restaurant. They would all stay at the family hotel, `The Blackford Arms'. Daniel kept a large two-bedroom suite there for business so the Gilman's could stay with them as well. They were distressed on hearing the news regarding Gerald and yes, they would fly down tomorrow afternoon and have a car bring them to the ranch in time for dinner on Friday evening.

Sam had been busy with the horse barn, when Gerald had his medical miss-hap and was being treated at the hospital. Everyone at the ranch was very upset for Gerald, as he was loved and admired by everyone. Daryl comforted Sam, but both men realized that Gerald was strong and in great shape for his age and would most likely pull through just fine.

Sam and Daryl sat with Elsa, drinking iced tea on the patio. Miss Ellie asked if anyone want some lunch and all said no thanks as no one was hungry. Before long, a limo pulled into the drive and Daniel and Cynthia got out to be greeted by everyone. They went up to their suite. Daryl stepped up to carry things for them upstairs. Both parents liked Daryl and were pleased that he and Sam were now a couple and that Daryl was moving down to the ranch to be with Sam.

Daniel and Cynthia came back downstairs and asked for some iced tea. Miss Ellie served them, with a grim look on her face. "Iz shur hopes Mr. Gerald is gonna be okays. Iz like him a lot an he's a good mens!! He works so hard here. I done said a prayer to make him better from the good Lord!!!" Everyone smiled at the comment.

Gerald had been in surgery for hours but the phone finally rang. Daniel answered it. It was the hospital saying that he had pulled through and would be in hospital for about 10 days, then placed in rehab for about a week. Everyone was greatly relieved. He relayed the news and then called Robbie and Tommy. Robbie started to cry, and the pair held each other so relieved at the news. They had tried to keep busy at the restaurant for the opening was tomorrow. Everything was basically done. They left the restaurant and went back to the hotel to have a swim and relax for the rest of the day.

They arrived at the hotel and went up to their suite to change (after some huge hugs and kisses). Neither were in the mood for making love at the moment. A nice swim to relax and then maybe a nap followed by more cuddles sounded great to the men. "I'm so glad that Gerald came through ok and hopefully will be fine. It will be a long haul for him. He has his hefty retirement and I know he has huge savings."

"I have been thinking, I know that is dangerous at times, but I think this has solved Daryl's dilemma about what to do at the ranch so he can be with Sam. He can take over for Gerald and can learn much from him. Look what he does for us and how far he has come since he came to work for us. He can be the new Houseman/Butler at the ranch! He has a great new job; He is with his Sam; and we can still see him when we come down here. We can hire another young man to help Elsa at our house. We can ask Daryl if perhaps he has a friend who may be willing to work for us, travel when needed, would be very trustworthy and most of all, get along with Elsa. That is a must above all else. We can run this by Elsa and see what she thinks, plus Mom and Dad will have to approve."

Another problem hopefully solved! The swim in the hotel pool was relaxing and they decided to have a bite from the snack bar with a tall, cool, iced tea. Neither felt like drinking any liquor. They went up to their suite to have a lay down and a cuddle. The stripped down, showered together followed by a little playtime, stroking each other's hard cocks. Tommy went down on his knees and engulfed Robbie's hard 9" cock down his throat and with some major sucking action, Robbie shot five blasts of cum into his throat and he savored each precious drop. He slowly rose up from his knees, and the men kissed, sharing a bit of cum that was still in Tommy's mouth.

"My turn," said Robbie as he started to sink down but Tommy stopped him and said, "Sorry lover, but when you came so hard in my mouth, I shot like 4-5 times without touching myself all over the shower floor. You just totally do it for me and couldn't help it. You always turn me on, so fucking much, but I will make it up to you tonight when I tongue fuck your hot hole and then plow my huge hard cock deep inside your horny ass and fill you with a gallon of cum!! Does that work for you, lover mine??" With love in his eyes, Robbie just nodded and leaned in and kissed Tommy with great gusto.

The men dried each other and went to lay down, cuddle close and drift off for a much-needed nap.

They were awaked by the phone near the bed and Tommy, being closest, answered with a slight sleepy hello. It was his Dad, asking if everything was alright? Tommy explained what was going on and that Gerald came through the surgery fine and would recover after lots of re-hab. He was going to have to retire, but everything would work out in the end. Tommy reminded his Dad about the re-opening tomorrow evening, and his father wished them good luck. Hopefully they would see each other soon. They men said I love you to each other and Tommy asked his dad to kiss his mother for him. What was not said was they were flying down to Beverly Hills in the morning, staying at the hotel and would be at the party as a surprise.

They hung up and Robbie gazed at the clock. "I would like to check in at the restaurant to see how things are going, then have an early dinner, and watch a movie on TV in the living room." They put on robes and Robbie went to the bar and poured each a glass of Chardonnay. They sat on the couch and Robbie called the room service and requested their butler, Bradley, to have dinner served at 7:00 in the suite. They ordered garden salads with Maytag blue cheese dressing and Croutons, Steak Diane for two, potatoes Lyonnaise, fresh green beans with fresh dill and shallots and for dessert, Crme Brulee.

When they called, the restaurant was going like gangbusters and Dean had everything under control. Ryan, in charge of the bar, was equally prepared. Robbie chatted with John, head Chef, and everything that was ordered had arrived. They were starting to prepare menus for the following evening. Robbie breathed a sigh of relief and hung up.

They cuddled on the couch and turned on the news. Just then the phone rang, and Robbie answered. It was Sgt. Tyler from the police. "Have you got the news on?? I have some rather shocking news."

Robbie gasped and Tommy asked what was the matter? Robbie. while still holding the phone, just said in a quiet tone, "He's dead! The fucker is dead!!!"

Here ends a rather long chapter and hope you all enjoyed it. lots of twists and turns. Much more to cum. It looks like our Daryl with have a new job so he and Sam can be together and continue their relationship!! Gerald seems to be doing well and hopefully will recover. The grand re-opening is coming tomorrow night and the parents are coming. Who's died? Can anyone guess?? Most probably, YES!! So, dear readers, be true to yourself, be kind to others, be who you are and be happy! Please get vaccinated and be safe for others as well as yourself. Wear your masks and please play safe.

And last, my most sincere thanks to my dear Allen for his hard work, to help make sense of my story for you!! I love you darling, always and forever!!

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Best to all,

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 110: Robbies True Love III 24

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