Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Mar 27, 2021


By the time this was over, both Robbie and Tommy were mentally drained. Robbie called his father to let him know what was going on and that he and Tommy had Carl and Ralph arrested. They were going down later to file a formal complaint. Robbie said that they had closed the restaurant for a week to clean it up as it was dirty and dowdy looking. They were also going to search the place for any hidden money. Robbie also said what funds he was giving the staff and he was going to repay any customer for the parking fees they were charged. Daniel replied "What a fucking mess. I'm glad you caught it so soon after it all began."

Robbie wanted to contact the former employees and confirm the facts of why and how everyone left. It was all to puzzling! He was going to through personnel files but it had to be done.

John had shut the kitchen down but asked if either Robbie or Tommy wanted some lunch? He could provide sandwiches and a salad if that sounded good. They graciously accepted and John served a couple of delicious chicken salad sandwiches, a tossed green salad and some fresh iced tea. As John was leaving, Robbie handed him $100 bill and many thanks. John said he would be back in the morning to straighten up and clean the kitchen if that was ok? He also asked if could bring Raoul back to help clean and do the dishes. Robbie said that would be wonderful and he should take an inventory of the kitchen, pantry and freezer for him. John smiled and said 'of course' and left smiling.

Robbie and Tommy finished their impromptu lunch and cleaned up, washing the dishes and then they headed to the police station to file a formal complaint again Carl and especially Ralph. He was in some deep shit and was going to pay big time!!!

Meantime, while all of this crap was going on, Elsa and Daryl had a beautiful breakfast out by the pool back at the ranch. They enjoyed cheese and ham omelets, cantaloupe, strawberries, honeydew melon and blackberries. Toast from homemade wheat bread with house-made apricot jam, pineapple and pecans was served. It was all fabulous and some of the best coffee was served with steamed milk.

Both Elsa and Daryl were looking forward to the ride around the ranch. When they finished breakfast, Sam came strolling up with a huge smile and said hello. He leaned down and kissed Elsa on the cheek and then turned to Daryl and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth that was sexy and could've turned into more if they had been alone. Both men were a bit smitten but played it cool.

"Looks like Miss Ellie put on quite a spread for y'all this morning!!! Are you both ready for a ride today to see the ranch?" Both Elsa and Daryl smiled and said yes, and they were ready anytime.

One of the maids came out to clear and Elsa expressed their thanks. They were both dressed in jeans and button-down shirts. Daryl was wearing cowboy boots and Elsa had on a sturdy pair of ladies boots as well. They had light jackets and sunglasses too. When they reached the barn, Sam gave each a cowboy hat to wear.

Sam had picked a nice gentle horse for Elsa named Pixie; a small but slightly spirited mare who was about two years old. She was a Sorrel and really quite pretty. Elsa went to pet her and give her a treat of a sugar cube and a carrot. Pixie seemed happy with her treats and whinnied and snorted.

Daryl got a bigger horse, a three-year-old black stallion with a white star on his forehead. Daryl petted and stroked his long neck. He had also brought treats, sugar cubes and two carrots. His name was Stomper since he like to stamp his foot. He was gorgeous!

Both horses were saddled and ready. Sam's horse was a gorgeous Palomino names Sky. He was also about three, as well. Sam asked if Elsa needed an leg up and she said yes since she had not been on a horse for years but loved to ride. Sam helped her up into the saddle and they were off. Sam had a picnic basket and blankets for their picnic lunch later. There was cold fried chicken, fresh fruit and iced tea in the basket with some sugar cookies included for dessert.

They were off for their ride. The trio reached the grassland and Elsa asked where the lake was? Sam replied, "It's about two miles that-a way and pointed to the West. It was a gorgeous day with a warm breeze. Both Elsa and Daryl exclaimed what beautiful morning it was as they reached the peak of a nearby hill and looked West for miles. They could even see the ocean in the distance.

They traveled on and soon reached the lake. Sam explained it was filled with fish and he often came here to fish with guests, family or just some of the ranch hands. There was great bass in the lake and Sam laughed and said, "Mighty fine vitals!!"

They had not brought fishing equipment and were not wanting to fish anyway so they gave the horses a drink and served themselves sweet tea. Next, they were off to see the herds of cattle. The ranch ran about 600 head and they were looking into getting some Wagu Beef as well, but they had to keep the herds separate for breeding purposes. The ranch sold a lot of the beef to local restaurants and hotels all over the West coast. It was quite lucrative for the ranch. Also, they had hen houses and they raised about 550 well-tended hens for eggs and sold chicken to the same places. They had many different kinds of hens and some laid different colored eggs, white, green, brown of course and they supplied the household as well. That's why Miss Ellie's food was so good! Fresh eggs, fresh chicken and prime beef. Not too far from the house was a huge field containing a massive veggie garden. Fresh corn, beans and tons of tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, carrots, beets, peas and so much more. There was also an herb garden that kept the kitchen well supplied.

"Would you like to go see the cattle?" Sam asked. It's a bit smelly but beautiful at the same time. Both Elsa and Daryl said that was great. So, off they rode. On the way they came upon a group of old oak trees and Elsa asked if they could rest and eat a bite of lunch? Then laughed and admitted her backside hurt and needed out of the saddle since she was not used to riding. "Sure thing, not a problem at all" Sam laughed.

"How are you doing Mr. Daryl?" he chuckled with a huge smile. They dismounted and Sam put down a soft blanket and got the lunch basket out. He poured everyone a cool sweet tea and then set out the food. Everyone raved over Miss Ellie's fried chicken and Elsa said that Robbie had to get the recipe for the restaurants. It would be a huge hit! It was already their favorite!!

They sat for 35-40 minutes and then packed up and continued the ride to see the cattle herd and on the way home, they could see the huge chicken coops and the egg packing room. Elsa asked why they didn't do dairy cows too? Sam said there was another farm in the area that did that but we have everything else.

"This is really the biggest farm/ranch operation in the area. We have 30 people working here and during round up and calving, we bring in about 20 more cowboys. We have about 15 or so that just tend to the hen barns and take that end. It's a big job and the eggs bring in a lot of money. I really don't know how many eggs they produce in a day, but a lot!! I am the head man who looks after the horses and we have a herd of about 30 or so. I also have help that work for me. And Yes Elsa, I am single for now. I was in what I thought was a wonderful relationship for just about two years. Then I found out he thought it was an 'open' relationship. Let's just say I caught him in, shall we say, a very compromising situation with a guy I thought was my best friend. That ended the relationship immediately and I also lost my best friend. He has since moved away. We had been best friends since grade school and I go him a job here. "That was ruined forever," he whispered. "But now enough of that!!"

"As Robbie has told you about 80% of the men here are gay and we all love the work. Most are partnered and there are some that don't want to be. Some live here on the ranch and we have little cabins scattered here and there plus we have few bigger houses for the married men with families. Those who live off the ranch and have their own homes or live-in college housing."

"I love living here! We all get along really well. Most of the seasonal help comes from the Agricultural College in town and they are a big help. We provide meals and horses and a tad bit of money, but mostly they work for college credit. It meets everyone's needs."

Both Elsa and Daryl were very impressed with the ranch and how things worked. They noted the land was quite beautiful and very well taken care of. All the employees they met were kind, polite and seemed to work hard.

Lunch finished, they headed back to the house for a lay-down before dinner. They arrived back at the horse barn and dismounted. There were hands waiting to deal with the horses. One of the hands, named Taylor, handed sugar cubes and a carrot to both Daryl and Elsa, which they immediately gave to their horses. They patted each horse good-bye and headed back to the house. Daryl looked quietly at Elsa and said he would be along shortly since he wanted to be alone with Sam for a bit if he could. So, he walked back to the barn and found Sam in his office near the tack room. Sam didn't see him standing there but had a huge smile on his face while scribbling Daryl's name on a piece of paper. Daryl made an "Ahem" sound that startled Sam. He turned to see Daryl and grinned as Daryl walked into the small office. He quickly closed the door and both men embraced and kissed deeply! Each man was moaning both instantly had raging hard-on's. They pulled apart from each other out of breath and smiling.

Sam sheepishly asked, "You want to come back to my place and have a lay down with me for a while??"

"That sounds wonderful and yes, I would love it, but can you get away for a while now??"

Sam smiled, "I'm the boss and have hands here to take care of stuff so let's git!!"

They left the barn holding hands and quickly reached Sam's little cabin and once inside embraced again while kissing each other, unbuttoning shirts and loosening belt buckles. Soon they were naked, hard, horny as hell and fell onto Sam's bed with Daryl on top, grinding his cock into Sam's and leaking lots of pre-cum!!

Daryl looked down at Sam laying under him with a huge smile. He worked his way down his chest, teasing his hairy nipples, causing Sam to moan loudly. Daryl's tongue kept moving downward, pausing to give ample attention to the furry belly button, and soon reached the purple head of Sam's leaking, cock. He stopped again to savor the taste. He took the head between his lips and sucked gently. "Stop Babe, PLEASE STOP or you will make me cum way to soon and I need a taste of your cock in my mouth as well!"

He flipped Daryl over onto his back and proceeded to do return the favor while Daryl gasped for air.

He didn't just take the head of Daryl's leaking cock into his mouth, but he deep throated the whole 8 1/2" cock, causing Daryl to scream with delight!!! Up-and-down he went, sucking and playing with Daryl's cum filled balls. Daryl was panting and whimpered, "Please STOP or I will cum way to soon!"

Daryl had other plans in mind so he asked Sam to come and sit on his face so he could rim that gorgeous hairy ass and get it wet. Daryl was going to fuck him into oblivion and fill him with shot after shot of creamy white cum.

Sam didn't hesitate and immediately sat on Daryl's face while Daryl dove his tongue deep inside Sam's gorgeous hairy hole. Sam was moaning, begging to be fucked hard and deep! Daryl turned and flipped Sam onto his back again and moved between his legs. Sam started to reach for his iron hard cock but Daryl slapped his hand away.

"Oh no you don't, cowboy. That belongs to me and it's mine to play with. Hands off! Got that sexy??"

Sam smiled and admonished replied, "YES SIR."

Daryl grabbed the lube off the nightstand and applied a generous amount to Sam's hole. Next his own raging cock got an ample deposit and then Daryl moved into position. Sam was panting with anticipation, begging to be fucked hard and deep, as Daryl slid his well lubed cock into Sam's furry, horny hole. Sam let out a gush of air as the 8 1/2"cock impaled him. Daryl felt his bush slam against Sam's bull balls. Stopping momentarily, he began to move slowly to savor the feeling and leaned down and kissed Sam, thrusting his tongue to the entrance of Sam's throat and did battle with Sam's tongue while grinding their lips together. He raised his hips and proceeded to pull out, then push back in, setting a tempo that caused both men to moan.

Daryl started to pound Sam's hairy hole vigorously. Sweat began to pour off the men. Sam's ass muscles clenched Daryl's steel hard cock as he plowed the ranch hand!

Too soon Daryl announced he was going to cum deep inside his host! One final push deep inside Sam and with a shout Daryl released hard loads of steaming cum along the walls of Sam's hole. That set Sam off and without touching himself, he shot several huge ropes of cum all over both of them.

They lay there panting and totally sated as they gently kissed and Daryl's softening cock stated to slip out of Sam's thoroughly fucked ass. They held each other close and passionately kissed.

Sam looked smilingly at Daryl and said, "This could become a wonderful habit!"

A sad look crossed his face and a tear slipped down his cheek. Daryl looked over and questioned, "Hey what brought this on, babe?" Both men sat up and Sam looked deep into Daryl's eyes and said sadly, "I just found you. You're one of the most beautiful men I have ever met. Fun to talk to, we seem to share a lot of the same interests, and one of the hottest lovers I have ever been with...but you live in San Francisco or down in the Desert and I live here. I have started to fall for you, big time. You're going to leave here early next week and damn, when will we see each other again? It scares me. Do you feel the same way about me??"

Daryl reach over and pulled Sam close to him kissing Sam passionately. "I don't know what to say, but I have started to have feelings for you too. You are so damn hot, so fucking sexy and also one of the best lover's I have ever had. We do seem to have a lot in common!! I want to spend the night with you again tonight and I want you deep inside me so we can cum together and hold each other as we fall asleep. We'll wake up in the early morning and make love all over again. I know it's Saturday, you probably have to work or could we spend the day together in bed??"

Sam wanted to cry as everything he hoped for seemed to be coming true, except for the part of being far apart. But If it was meant to be, then it would happen.

'Please let it happen!!!' Sam prayed.

They got up and ran to shower together and after a little cock play they washed each other, kissing and touching intimately.

The shower was over too soon but so was the hot water! They dried each other off and Daryl got dressed. They kissed once more passionately and Daryl headed off but said he would come back after dinner. Sam replied Saturday was his day off and they could do anything that Daryl wanted: maybe go into town, have lunch and maybe see a movie or do some shopping.

"Let's play it by ear, so to speak, and I will see you later, you sexy devil!!!"

Daryl walked back to the main house and as he entered Elsa was coming down the stairs. She smiled when she saw her almost Grandson.

"Where have you been, as if I didn't know! And by the look on your face, I am sure you were with that handsome young Sam. I think you are quite taken with each other!! Am I right??"

"Oh, Elsa he is just fabulous and we really get along and are sooo compatible. He asked me to spend the night with him and then we have all day tomorrow since he is off for the day. So, Gamma how was your afternoon?"

"Well, I got back here and needed a rest after that long ride today. I have to admit my behind is a tad bit sore from the saddle, but I really had a great time. So after a short rest, I spent the afternoon with Miss Ellie and we had the best time talking about Robbie and Tommy. She actually gave me a couple of recipes, including her fried chicken recipe!! Robbie will be thrilled since he has been bugging her for ages for it!!! She has then best since of humor and truly loves working here. It's been almost 35 years. She started out as a kitchen maid, washing pots, and little by little got to help with the cooking. She really is fabulous!!

She told me all about the trip the family gave her and her family as a bonus. They travelled to Disney World in Florida and had two large suites all paid for with meals and everything! She was like a little kid talking about it and her family had never been on a vacation before. They were flown in the corporate jet, were waited on for over a week and spoiled rotten. She really loved it!

And now, young man, get yourself cleaned up since we are having dinner in the dining room tonight and having a special dinner. Miss Ellie said they are having guests coming for dinner and we have to dress up a bit. Cocktails are at 7:00 in the living room. The two kissed and Daryl wandered upstairs to his large bedroom, pulled off his boots and laid on the bed, quickly falling asleep, dreaming of Sam.

He woke about an hour later, stripped off his clothes and went to take a shower in the large in- suite bathroom. Daryl turned on the water, stepped into the steam and let it drench him. It made he feel wonderful. He was shampooing his hair when a vision of Robert popped into his head. It startled him! What a mess this was going to be. He liked Robert a lot, but yet they had only been on one date before he left to go South.

They seemed to get along, but then this fabulous connection with Sam could not be ignored. Sam was so good looking and they also got along really well, liking a lot of the same things and above all he seemed really genuine and the sex was beyond words. Versatile, great cock and a fabulous kisser. But he lived here in Santa Barbara and he lived in San Francisco. He was really confused so he washed his body and conditioned his hair. His shower finished, he dried himself and went to figure out what to wear for dinner.

He put on a nice pair of dark blue slacks and a lighter blue shirt. He thankfully had packed a dark blue sport coat. As he finished dressing he realized it was close to 7:00 and he needed to get downstairs..

After checking himself in the mirror, he deemed himself well dressed for the evening, so he left his room and headed downstairs. He walked into the living room and was stunned to see the dinner guests. Sam was there with a beer chatting with Daniel Blackford and his lovely wife Cynthia. Daryl was stunned as he had no idea they were coming. Elsa was also there, looking fabulous in a dark green silk sheath and pearls. She smiled at Daryl as he walked towards her. When they met, he kissed her cheek, and murmured, "This is a surprise to say the least and went over to Daniel and Cynthia offering his hand. Daniel asked Daryl how things were going and was he having a good time? Daryl answered that he loved the ranch and was having a great time riding and simply relaxing. He had also made a great friend in Sam who was looking out for him and Elsa.

Daniel said that Sam had been with the ranch for five years. He was a trusted employee and friend to the family.

Just then the dinner bell rang and everyone went into the dining room where a gorgeous table laid with silver, crystal and fresh flowers was waiting. Candles were lit and the room sparkled. There were place cards and Daryl was intrigued to see he was seated next to Sam. Both guys smiled as they sat down for dinner.

So, here ends Chapter 15. I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter. More about Daryl, the ranch and of course Sam. What will happen next? What about Robert? What will happen with Sam since they live so far apart? How are things going further South with Robbie and Tommy? Stay tuned for Chapter 16 to find answers to these questions and more.

As always, be true to yourself, be kind and help others when you can, please be safe and considerate of other's, wear your masks and above all, thrive! Thanks to my dear Allen for his hard work editing this story for me. His love for me outshines everything!

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Ciao for now,

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 102: Robbies True Love III 16

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