Robbery Gone Wrong

By Andrew Davidson

Published on Jan 28, 2015



Jamie had had a real long day at work. The construction company he worked for had until Sunday to get their current job done, and they were only about halfway finished. I'm his boyfriend of about 7 months, and I've made it routine to give his thick, stocky body a massage after every day. 12 to 13 hour days of being on his feet and using his muscles really gets him sore, so I like to do whatever I can to help him out.

He wasn't a small guy, either. At 6'3" and 270lbs, his back was twice as wide as mine, and his biceps were bigger than my thighs. He had real big hands that I liked to put mine against, because they dwarfed mine. It was oddly arousing to see his thick, calloused fingers against my more dainty, skinny ones.

I pleased Jamie by giving him as good of a massage as I could every evening. He pleased me by holding me close to his thick, solid chest. His hair tickled my face every night as I fell asleep between the slabs of meat that were his pecs. However, tonight was quite different.

I had been asleep for maybe two hours when I awoke with a jolt to a slight crashing sound downstairs. Jamie slept straight through it, bless his heart. Our walls are thin, and I heard hushed whispers from the kitchen downstairs. Fear ran through me, and I quickly shook Jamie awake.

"What's going on?" he said sleepily.

"Baby, I heard sounds downstairs. I think someone is in the house." I said in a quiet whisper.

Jamie didn't waste any time waking up. He quietly rose out of bed wearing nothing but his briefs, and I listened as his heavy footsteps descended the stairs. His deep voice was audible from where I lay.

"I didn't know about this party." he said in a false tone of pleasant surprise. The hushed whispers had stopped and a dead silence followed his words.

"C'mon boys, never seen a man before?" Jamie continued, his heavy footsteps audible again.

I heard a sudden, loud `thud' which sounded like someone or something hitting the ground.

"You can't start running when the guest of honor has just arrived!" his booming laughed resounded throughout the house.

Loud gasps were heard, and next I could hear a small voice saying, "Let us go!" with thumping sounds coming from the stairs. Jamie appeared in our doorway, holding three grown men over his shoulders like they were prey and he was a hunter. He plopped them down on the floor and folded his arms, showing off his massive forearms.

"Babe, look what came to visit us!" he said. I finally took a look and it appeared to be three grown men in their early to mid 30's, the heaviest one maybe weighing 150lbs. They were all pretty scrawny, like me, and wore typical burglar attire. No originality there.

"Dude, I don't know what the fuck you are doing, but you better let us go!" one piped up. It was the same small voice that had demanded to be released earlier.

"Hold up motherfucker, you're in MY house trespassing. The ball's in my court here." I could tell Jamie was getting angry, his cheery facade having faded. No one liked Jamie when he was angry. Not even me.

His booming voice had silenced the burglar, whom he began to approach. "I can tell you now that we're gonna have some fun." Jamie said as he obscenely rubbed his package through his briefs.

"Babe, c'mere. I want you in on the fun." he said to me. I didn't feel safe with those goons next to the bed, so I walked over to where Jamie was standing. "You should have seen these pipsqueaks try to take me on," he laughed. "Not even three grown men can't take me!"

"What are you going to do to us?" one of them asked.

"I'm gonna teach y'all a lesson." Jamie grinned. He pointed to one of the goons and said, "You. Come here."

The goon looked at both of his comrades nervously and rose to his feet. He slowly shuffled over to where we were standing, measuring at a pathetic 5'7 compared to Jamie's 6'3. It was like seeing a chihuahua next to a pit bull. Jamie was tall and muscled from his years of hard labor, this man looked like he couldn't even lift a bale of hay.

"On your knees." Jamie commanded. One of the other goons gasped in the background but the man complied. He had to have known what was coming next because he looked up into Jamie's eyes.

Jamie crudely dropped his briefs to reveal his thick slab of man meat. "Oh yeah, I didn't shower after work today either, so have fun." he laughed as he put his heavy arm around me.

"Oh god, it reeks!" the man cried out as he put his nose in Jamie's junk. He quickly jerked his head away and held his nose.

Jamie frowned and looked at the two goons in the back. "Men, this is what will happen if you disobey me like your friend just did." Jamie grabbed the man's head and put it between his big thighs.

The man could be heard saying "No, no!" through muffled speech, but it was of no use. I knew what was coming next because it's how I've seen Jamie discipline men in the past. Jamie squeezed the man's head between his solid thighs and I watched in jaded apathy as the man's face began to turn beet red. In a sick sense of romance, Jamie leaned over and dominated my mouth with his tongue while the man struggled to breathe below us.

"Make him stop!" one of the goons cried out.

"Jamie does what he wants, when he wants. I have as much control as you do." I said solemnly.

"Aw babe, you know that isn't true. How `bout that time I was gonna go in dry but you convinced me to lube it up?" Jamie laughed crudely as he nuzzled my neck with his nose.

"I guess by lube it up', you mean get the best head you have ever had'?" I smiled.

"Hell yeah!" he said before giving me another deep kiss. By this point, the goon below us who had been beating on Jamie's solid quads in an attempt to break free had gone to light taps of his fingers. Jamie suddenly released his grip on the man's poor head and he collapsed to the floor, barely breathing.

Jamie lazily kicked the man aside and called out to one of the goons in the background, "Next!" He scurried over to where we were in front of us, looking wearily at his friend's barely conscious body. Jamie snapped his fingers in front of his growing cock and said, "Over here, boy."

With a look of extreme disgust, the goon put his mouth on Jamie's uncut cock. I had blown him once right after work and I could still remember how sweaty and masculine his package smelt. It is a powerful scent that one never forgets. Jamie got hard pretty easily as he continued to tongue kiss me in front of them.

The only other goon must have seen an opportunity, because he charged past the body of his barely conscious friend and into Jamie in an attempt to knock him down. Instead, all that happened was the goon fell onto his back, and Jamie continued to enjoy the forced head he was getting.

"I weigh almost 300lbs, you think you can knock me over?" Jamie laughed gruffly. He roughly pushed the goon off his dick and approached the man who had tried to knock him over.

"You wanna knock someone out? This is how you do it." Jamie said as he lowered his extremely hairy ass down onto his victim's face. The goon tried to push him away as Jamie was lowering his ass but it was no good. Jamie sandwiched the man's nose between his solid ass cheeks and left the man to inhale the nastiness that was Jamie's asshole. Construction workers are notorious for their hellaciously smelly assholes, and now this man was being forced to smell only that.

From where he was sitting on the man's face, he was within arm's reach of the goon who was still barely conscious. With his cock completely hard, Jamie was ready to put that goon through even worse pain than what he had. He yanked the guy over to where he was sitting, and with one tug, ripped the man's pants off. The goon looked terrified despite being barely awake. He must have known what was coming next. I know I did. Except this time, Jamie was going in dry and this goon wasn't a pretty boy like me to convince him otherwise.

I watched Jamie's thick, hard cock gyrate around as it forced itself into the guy's asshole. My own ass hurt at the sight of Jamie's big dick granting itself entry, inch by inch. The man's face contorted in pain with each advancement, trying to scream out for help but his sounds muffled by one of Jamie's huge hands.

"Babe, go lock the door." he said to me as he saw the third goon stirring around, recovering from having fallen on his back. I did as he told me and locked the bedroom door with the key, and put it in my pocket.

My cock started to grow hard as I watched Jamie completely manhandle two men at the same time. The guy being forced to sniff his asshole was trying so hard to break free, but Jamie just weighed so much. It didn't help that he had his thighs straddling the sides of the man, effectively crushing his rubs. The guy being forced to ride his cock was clutching his stomach because Jamie was so deep inside of him, his voice gone from having screamed for so long.

The third goon had started walking to the door when Jamie looked at me. "Just push him over here." he said.

I hesitated. Jamie was the combatant here. He was the behemoth who knew how to fist fight and wrestle. I didn't consider myself a pansy but I didn't consider myself an avid fighter either. I was kind of afraid what would happen if I physically engaged the guy.

"Babe, if I have to get him, there's gonna be four asswhoopins tonight." he said in a strong tone.

My heart fluttered and my cock twitched as he made his threat. Jamie never made empty threats, so I did as he told me and pushed the goon as hard as I could over to where Jamie was with the other two. Jamie seized his chance and grasped the goon around the throat with an iron-like grip. Cords of muscle in his forearm leapt to life as he squeezed, and the goon's pathetic attempts to break Jamie's grip just turned him on more.

My own cock danced within my underwear as I witnessed the absolute domination going on before me. There was silence except for the sound of Jamie's dry cock going in and out of the goon's unwelcoming hole.

"C'mon babe, stroke it. You know you want to." Jamie gave me a cocky grin as the goon bounced up and down on his dick. "Aw what's wrong, this ain't kinky enough for you?" he goaded me. "Alright, I can turn it up a notch."

He lifted his ass up and let the goon who had been stuck under it roll to the side, but only briefly. He then body slammed onto the goon's chest, and there was a distinct `cracking' sound as one of his the goon's ribs broke. As the goon getting fucked bounce up and down on Jamie's dick, Jamie's weight was forced onto the chest of the goon underneath him. All 270lbs of it. Watching Jamie bully these men had me on the brink of an orgasm, but I knew the fun wasn't over yet.

Jamie roughly threw the goon off his cock facefirst onto the ground. The goon twitched in pain as his previously tight hole had been stretched wide open by Jamie's thick, uncut cock. He chokeslammed the one whose neck had been encircled by his huge hand, and finally all 3 goons were on the floor, abused and in agony before Jamie, who had not one scratch on him.

"Babe, you're gonna like this." he smirked back to me as I watched him lift one of his huge size 16 feet off of the ground. I knew what was coming next because it was perhaps the kinkiest thing I liked Jamie to do to me. Except he wasn't going to be gentle with these guys like he was with me.

The defeated burglars had no idea what to expect. One was clutching his ass in searing pain, another was grasping his battered rib cage, and the third was trying to catch his breath from having been choked for so long. Jamie smashed his big foot into the face of one of the goons, and grinded it all over his face. It was so big that the goon's face wasn't visible underneath it.

Jamie's feet always stank, especially after working in the heat wearing his thick socks in his work boots all day, and this poor man was getting the brunt of it.

"Aw don't worry, there's plenty to go around!" he said as he lifted the foot from that man's face and smashed it into another's. Their faces contorted in pain and disgust as this blue collared mountainous man pulverized them with just his feet.

Finally, he turned to me and said, "Babe I think I'm ready to get my nut. Wanna help?" I knew what that meant. It meant he wanted some of my good head, and he was gonna soak these men in his seed. I knew exactly how to get Jamie off: where to lick, where to stroke, how far down to go, everything. He was virile but he couldn't control his orgasm once I got started on him.

He made the men lie side by side each other and then crouched down. What he did next even amazed me, and I had seen Jamie do a lot of crazy shit. Wrapping one gargantuan quad around the heads of the men on either side of the trio, he sandwiched the middle one between the two and trapped them all in a tight headscissor hold. Being 6'3", his legs were quite long, and he had no problem completing the hold. The men's faces were squashed against each other, and though they tried to force his quads apart, they couldn't. The thick, long veins in his thighs prominently snaked their way down his leg, and as he flexed, the muscular juts in his quads became apparent.

My cock could barely contain itself at this point, as I watched Jamie further manhandle these three grown men. They tried so hard to escape but there was no way. I'd seen Jamie squat far more than those three men weighed combine.

I timidly walked over to the display of power going on before me and dropped to my knees next to Jamie. He began stroking his cock as he grabbed me around the shoulders and easily pulled me to his lips. "Fuck, I love you." he said gruffly as his tongue made my mouth his. We broke apart and I instinctively went down on his man meat. I gave Jamie the head that he liked, unlike the crappy job the goons had gone earlier. His moans were evidence of my skill. When he forcefully pulled me off his dick, I knew what was coming next. Jamie could cum like nobody's business.

His body went rigid as he started jerking his dick harder and harder, and as he let out a big moan, I saw his cock start to spasm. "Uh-uh.." I heard him gasp as the first thick shot of cum erupted from his dick. He aimed it well and it totally soaked the face of one of the goons. Completely. It covered his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his lips, his ears, his hair... not one part of his face was untouched. He shot again. Then three times. Four times. Five times. And finally, a fifth time, each rope of cum as thick and long as the previous one. By the time he was done, the goons were soaked from head to toe.

He released his stone-like grip on their heads and stood up, almost unphased by that earth-shattering orgasm. His half-hard dick hung down obscenely as he turned to me, sweat glistening on his body.

"Fuck, you know how to please a man." he said to me.

"Not just any man." I replied.

"Damn right." he said, grabbing the back of my head and forcing me into a long, deep kiss. I put my comparatively small hands on his biceps and squeezed them as hard as I could. The feeling of those powerful muscles set my dripping cock into overdrive, and I sucummbed to an orgasm that rocked my world, cumming all over the place without a care.

Jamie let me go and walked over the three men, lifting them over his shoulders just as he had brought them in. "I'm gonna take the trash out babe." he said back to me before exitting the room. I heard a loud `crash' outside and looked out our bedroom window. Jamie had roughly dropped the men in the street outside our house. Of course, it's not like he was going to taxi them home.

As he walked back in the bedroom, he turned off the lights and we got back into bed. "That was wild." I said quietly.

"Yeah well, I don't take kindly to people waking me up when I got work in the morning," he said. "But while we're up... " he grabbed my bare ass with his big hand and gave me a little squeeze with his thick fingers. I felt his cock spring to life against mine and I knew where this was headed.. but hey, after seeing what I just saw, how could I say no?

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