Robbery at the Sperm Bank

By Dennis

Published on Feb 22, 2005


Jim had always taken pride in his tenacity, at least when it came to work. And that summer was no different. If anything it was a chance to work undisturbed on the project while many of his colleagues were away on vacation. Ricardo had arranged another shipment from Copenhagen. Each time Jim thawed one of the vials he found himself fantasizing about its donor and couldn't resist the temptation to taste it. Unflavored or not he developed a taste for it and sometimes used it as cock lube for masturbation. Since that morning in the kitchen when his wife discovered the joy of cock sucking, he'd taken a perverse satisfaction in denying what promised to become a semen addiction. But his nights working in the lab gave her opportunity to spend more time as a volunteer at Rev. Tim's summer camp where their son Mike was undergoing "reconditioning" to cure his homosexuality. Being a dutiful but neglectful, father Jim agreed to attend a family day picnic at the camp.

Mike was glad to see his parents although Jim detected a nervousness in the boy he'd never seen before. He pulled away when he tried to hug him, but not so his mother, even after she'd caught him in bed with another boy and threatened to disown him unless he attended the camp.

"Welcome, welcome dear friends!" Rev. Time said with an effusive handshake. "Our programs is going nicely, thanks to the Lord, and Mike is making progress in overcoming his difficulty."

"I'm glad," Jim replied with more curiosity than enthusiasm. "I'd like to know just what kind of program you're running for gay kids."

"He's not gay!" his wife broke in. "In another few weeks Mike will be perfectly normal." It had taken a lot of persuading to get Jim to visit the camp and she'd been hoping he could have a talk with Rev. Jim and maybe even agree to become a member of his church. The Reverend could be very convincing. "I'll let you gentlemen have a little talk," she said coyly. "I'll help the other mothers with the picnic food."

"Yes do that," Rev. Tim replied. "I'd be happy to tell Jim about our program." He put his arm around Jim's shoulder, quite fatherly it should be noted, and led him to his office.

Rev. Tim was tall and lanky with an Abraham Lincoln beard. He wore black Bermuda shorts revealing extremely hairy legs. His office was rustic and adorned with a large American flag and a wall full of pictures showing him posed with recognizable government officials. Behind his desk was a picture window that afforded a view of a large classroom. "Our media room," he explained, "where we conduct prayer service and the reconditioning program."

"That's what I'm interested in," Jim said. "I don't know if Mike is gay or not, which doesn't make any difference to me. My wife thinks differently and from what I've seen today gets along better with him than I do. I never told him what he did was wrong. I just accepted it, maybe as part of his growing up."

Rev. Tim sat back and locked his bony fingers together. "If you're not part of the solution," he said, "you may be part of the problem. Parents have a god-given obligation to teach their children right from wrong. Unfortunately evil forces around us will take up the slack and teach only what is wrong."

"Do you really believe that?"

Rev. Tim smiled. "It seems like so many others you are of, let's say, a liberal persuasion. But I do understand your thinking and I hope you will come to understand mine. The devil exists in many guises and is never more happy than when he can get into the minds of adolescent children. Had you shared your wife's concern for Mike's sinful transgression against what is written in the Bible, you would have realized the seriousness of the situation. But be reassured that I am doing everything in my power to counteract Satan's influence on your son."

"How good of you," Jim replied with an edge of sarcasm. "Would you mind telling me what you have done besides holding prayer services?"

"Not at all, since you're a man of science even if you don't share your wife's faith in the Almighty. In the media room," he continued gesturing toward the room behind the window, "we have the boys take seats on lounge chairs. Electrical leads are then attached to their genitals. It's perfectly safe. Our moderators are all certified physical therapists and trained in behavioral psychology. The boys are then shown frankly pornographic slides. When they see nude females they are given a mild but pleasurable electric stimulation to their genitals. When they see nude males they receive a somewhat unpleasant shock. This technique has been used at several leading universities and has been found successful in reconditioning one's sexual preferences toward more acceptable channels."

"Like the old Pavlov experiment with dogs."

"More or less," he admitted with a smile.

Jim fought to conceal his anger at his son being used like a guinea pig in an outdated experiment. From what he knew more recent science had reason to believe that sexual preference was predetermined by the genes and could no more be "reconditioned" than the color of one's eyes, skin or hair. And yet Mike's preference for his mother, noted earlier, seemed to indicate that the reconditioning had had some effect. He knew that when he had a chance to be alone with Mike he'd have a father-to-son talk with him and admit that he also had had homosexual experiences and had found them enjoyable. But this was not to take place.

The reconditioning had succeeded only in eliminating any sense of sexual identification in Mike. Both his mother and Rev. Tim persuaded him that his only salvation was to repent for his sins and hope that the Lord would forgive him. In his confused state of mind he tried as best as he could to seek their protection from the evil that had befallen him. The painful shocks administered in the conditioning sessions convinced him that his attraction to males was like the forbidden fruit story in the Bible...a fruit he would never again enjoy. The pleasurable stimulation he received on watching hetero slides was little compensation. He returned to school in a state of depression. One day he took his surf board and paddled into the ocean, perhaps thinking there was a far off shore he could reach where there would be a better life. His body washed ashore several days later.

The funeral couldn't have been more sanctimonious. Rev. Tim clasped his hands and with eyes rolled heavenward prayed that the good Lord would forgive Mike his sins and take him into paradise. It was then that Jim became intent on getting revenge – not by assaulting the son-of-a-bitch preacher or suing him for wrongful death resulting from the reconditioning, but by using those very techniques on Rev. Tim and his associates.

In the weeks following the funeral Jim's wife had sought grief counseling from Rev. Tim and during one of the sessions confessed that there were problems in her marital life. He pressed her to explain in detail so that he might offer a solution, quoting the scripture about wives being subject to their husbands in all things – and adding that husbands had a responsibility of satisfying their wives in all things.

"I committed the sin of an unnatural act," she confessed. "The idea came to me in a dream inspired by the devil himself."

He prodded her into revealing the nature of the act so that she might receive absolution.

"Oral sex isn't necessarily a sin," he said when she had finished and admitted that she'd enjoyed it. "In fact a man's sperm is not only a source of life but divine nourishment and is not to be denied."

She went on to relate that her husband had been denying her that nourishment and didn't know what to do about it."

Rev. Tim locked the door of his office and stood before her. "Get on your knees, good woman. I would be happy to be a surrogate in providing the nourishment that you seek. Feel free to indulge that wish."

Seeing the bulge in his crotch she reached for his zipper. Her fingers trembled as she withdrew his penis, which was longer and thinner than Jim's, and it's glans was hidden in a foreskin that overhung it by almost an inch.

"Peel it back," he said. "The gift you wish to receive lies waiting within."

His words were like part of a religious ritual and encouraged her to explore the inner sanctum of his cock. No sooner had she rolled back the foreskin she licked the purple head. It had a cheesy taste but the drops of precum that oozed from the slit more than made up for it. Holding his cock at the base she lowered her mouth on it and fought the urge to gag when the knob reached her throat. She backed off and washed it clean of the cheese before beginning the sucking that would release his semen. A moment later she felt him tense. His leg muscles tightened at the impending orgasm. Globs of sperm filled her mouth...not as flavorful or as creamy as Jim's but satisfying just the same.

"Thank you," she whispered reverently after licking the last drops from the slit. "I feel much better now."

"Whenever you feel the need for such nourishment," he said while tucking his softening cock back in his pants, "I am here to provide it."

While Jim suspected the counseling sessions included more than prayers, he said nothing to his wife. When she mentioned that Rev. Tim was planning a training session for next year's camp counselors he suggested they hold it on a cruise ship. Through his contacts in Venezuela he might be able to arrange at a clerical discount. Rev. Tim found the idea inspirational.

The counselors were graduate students at a fundamentalist university and as conservative as they came in matters of morality. Jim couldn't have found a better control group on which to test his new formula. If successful they'd be sucking each other off as born-again semenarians. Lars had mentioned that his Danish friend had sometimes used electro stimulation on the Spermacor depositors to facilitate their ejaculations. He'd rely on him to position the electrodes so that when the counselor watched hetero porn they'd receive a painful shock; when watching gay porn they'd get erotic stimulation. After each session their lunch would include one of Henri's desserts served with a generous topping of Banana Manna.

(to be cont.)

Next: Chapter 5

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