Robbery at the Sperm Bank

By Dennis

Published on Jan 24, 2005


This is a work of fiction intended for adult readers with an interest in male sexuality. Comments may be addressed to the author: (Note: reference is made to another of my Nifty stories: Dr. Lerner's Spa).


Chapter 1

It wasn't the usual kind of bank heist. There were no men in ski masks with drawn guns, nor were men in ski masks nor were there security guards or hidden cameras to catch the thieves at work. No sacks of cash were hauled to a getaway car. There was no hi-speed police chase. But as with any bank heist the operation took meticulous planning and was in fact carried off so smoothly that no one, least of all the depositors, was aware that anything was missing from the cryogenic vaults at Spermacor, NA in Amsterdam.

That had been the easy part. Unlike cash or bullion, what was stolen from the bank was highly perishable and had to be delivered to its destination intact.

After placing the canister into a shipping box packed with dry ice Jan Vanderbeck opened the back door and loaded it into his van. The other employees had left promptly at five o'clock that Friday night and, as usual, gladly left the closeup chores to him. His job as assistant lab technician at Spermacor was hardly the first rung o the ladder to success he'd imagined even with a newly earned degree in biology. His academic credentials were less impressive with Dr. Klein, the director, than his youthful good looks. Like the depositors Jan could have been a poster boy for the old Aryan ideal - blonde, blue eyed and slenderly well built. As part of his training he'd been given the job of cleaning the mastabatorium booths of careless depositors along with the labeling of beakers containing their donations - a job that seemed to grow on him even though the pay was meager. Considering the enormous fees Dr. Klein received for doing very little other than recruiting depositors from the university and finding eager recipients, it took little persuasion on the part of his former employer to get him to take part in the heist. If the project was successful he'd soon become a wealthy young man.

Before leaving he deleted canister 1292 from the computer along with the encoding that could identify the depositors. Monsieur Sibolet had assured him that a check would be forthcoming as soon as the canister reached Curacao. With that in mind he hung up his lab coat, slipped into a sweater and climbed into the van. Even with traffic there was plenty of time to reach the terminal. Clearing customs would be no problem since this would appear as a normal Spermacor shipment listed in the computer under "misc. expenses." He had no way of knowing that this would be the first of many such shipments or that he'd ever be caught.

Henri Sibolet squinted against the rising sun as the dark spec grew larger on the horizon. A smile of recognition spread across his pudgy face as the Cessna came into view from its flight from Caracas. The Amsterdam shipment had arrived an hour earlier. With all the ingredients now in place the prep work could be started for what would become a gourmet masterpiece. Monsieur Trebel had worked his way up through the ranks of the culinary hierarchy from dishwasher to executive chef at some of the finest restaurants. His latest post as director of cuisine for the cruise ship "La Contessa" was hardly suited to a man of his experience as the retirement years approached. But then it was better than facing the indignity of a trial for child molestation, especially since the little urchin had been moore molester than molestee and had no doubt sucked a great many cocks in his fourteen years. The ungrateful wretch wretch had settled out of court with the help of a greedy lawyer and whoring mother. But the job did have its compensations in the young crewmen he'd seduced. While portly and in the throws of advanced middle age, Henri had proven time and again that the way to a young man's heart - no less than his cock - was through the stomach. He waved his hat as the plane taxied to the runway's end.

Two men climbed out. The taller was Ricardo Talavera, a successful entrepreneur in the catering business in Caracas. Darkly good looking in an open sports shirt and shorts that revealed nicely muscled legs, he took off his sun glasses and returned the wave. The other man was shorter and rather slim with rusty brown hair, slightly receded, but nevertheless attractive even from a distance.

"Good to see you, Henri," Ricardo said with a firm handshake before introducing his passenger. "This is Jim Barnes, the chemist I told you about. Jim flew down from Miami last night and has a case of jet lag."

"Welcome to Curacao," Henri greeted. "I think some breakfast and a short nap is in order to relieve your condition before we get down to business."

"Thanks," the younger man replied stifling a yawn. "I left my luggage at Ricardo's place and wanted to make sure the shipment arrived before setting up my equipment."

"It's here waiting for your inspection," Henri said. "I have a space reserved for it in the Contessa's freezer."

"I should explain," Ricardo added as Henri led them to his car. "La Contessa is the name of Henri's ship on which you'll soon get your sea legs and maybe a good tan."

"Sounds good to me," Jim agreed as he climbed into the back seat.

"It's only a fifteen minute drive to Willemstad," Henri remarked looking into the rear view mirror. "But you can take a short cat nap if you want."

The younger man yawned and stretched his arms before closing his eyes I sleep...a view Henri found enticing, especially when Jim's spread legs revealed the outline of a nice package.

The idea had taken root some time ago during the last of several visits he'd made to a mens spa in Mexico run by a Dr. Lerner, a brilliant but eccentric physician who fancied his mission in life was to enhance male sexuality for the benefit of mankind through priapic worship. Even men well into their eighties swore that the treatments received at the spa had rejuvenated their sex lives to levels never before achieved even with the highly promoted erectile dysfunction drugs promoted by the pharmaceutical industry. At first he attributed those claims to psychological conditioning and the daily routine of mastabatory exercises employing electric stimulation and the usual sex toys of dildos, pumps and sounds. While most the spa clients were gay or bi, there were also a number of straight men who took part in the routines but avoided the orgies - or "rituals" as the director referred to them. On his last visit the men were served an herbal fruit drink before breakfast and their daily enema and a fruited liquor after dinner. Both drinks were delicious and seemed to produce an effect that was both mental and physical. He noticed that his fellow spa mates sported semi-erections during the day even after ejaculating during the conditioning routine, and even stranger was that they reported nightly dreams about penises of all sizes and shapes and mighty eruptions. The straight guys began attending the rituals they'd previously avoided and began sucking cocks with obvious enjoyment.

Ricardo was no exception. He'd sucked the cocks of friends in Caracas but avoided swallowing semen, which he found unpleasant. But at the spa he developed a taste for it that amounted to an addiction. Since ancient times people had gone to spas "to take the waters" - drinking noxious spring water and wallowing in slimy baths in the belief they'd receive miraculous benefits. Maybe so, maybe not, he mused and wondered if the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon had actually discovered the fountain of youth that had been his lifelong quest and had kept it a secret. Whether or not the spa's guru had rediscovered that secret he was convinced that the drinks given to the men had somehow infused their semen with an irresistible flavor. Realizing its commercial possibilities he left the spa with several jars of it hidden in his luggage.

On returning to Caracas Ricardo planned to put the samples to a test. One of his colleagues was Jim Barnes, an American food chemist working on product development for a nutraceutical company in Miami. Married and with two kids, Him was as straight as they came. While in no way homophobic he never showed the slightest interest in anything gay. He knew that Jim would be attending an industry show in Caracas and offered him the use of a spare bedroom in his condo rather than stay at a hotel. The 'spare bedroom' suggested he'd have complete privacy to ally any suspicions. Jim accepted the invitation.

Following the first night of the trade show they returned to the condo and had a nightcap of the elixir and another mixed with orange juice at breakfast.

"Have a good sleep?" Ricardo asked as they sipped coffee.

"Pretty good," Jim replied, "except for some weird dreams. Guess I'm not used to Venezuelan food."

"Then tonight I'll take you to a yankee steak house."

"Whatever you suggest," came his reply.

Ricardo wondered what, if any, effect the drinks had had. Jim had admitted to "weird" dreams but he wasn't about to ask what they were about. That night at dinner they both drank several glasses of beer and visited the men's room before leaving the restaurant. Standing at adjacent urinals they unzipped and relieved themselves. Ricardo had seen Jim's penis once before in a Miami men's room, recalling that it was cut, rather shriveled in it's flaccid state and rather ordinary - there being no way of telling whether or not he was a grower...and certainly not a shower like himself. Ricardo always enjoyed the furtive glances of guy at adjacent urinals admiring his 7 inch uncut cock. But this time he saw that Jim's penis, while not hard, was at half mast and, like the others he was stealing glances at his uncut pride that also sported a semi. Jim stuffed his penis back into his pants and zipped up while Ricardo shook the last drops.

"That was a great dinner," Jim said making small talk. It was the first time in his life he'd ever shown interest in another guy's penis and it obviously embarrassed him.

"Then you should have only good dreams tonight," Ricardo replied as they were leaving.

The potient seemed to be having some effect. He couldn't be sure until he took the experiment one step further. As on the previous night they had the liquor before retiring. This time Ricardo casually took off his shirt and shoes before they went to their bedrooms, which were separated by a shared bathroom. Jim lit a cigarette and seemed in no hurry to leave the room as his eyes wandered over Ricardo's hairy chest.

"Make yourself comfortable," Ricardo suggested as he took off his pants. "I'll join you for a cigarette before turning in."

Jim fetched a cigarette from the pack and fumbled in a shirt pocket for his lighter. "You sure keep in shape," he said offering to light the cigarette.

"I try to work out when I can," he replied. "What about you?"

"Don't have much time like you single guys," he said while unbuttoning his shirt. "When I get home from the lab there's the wife and kids to look after, not to mention the household chores she's lined up for me."

Jim had a trace of sandy brown hair between his rosy nipple and a thin trail that disappeared into his pants. His slim build revealed ab muscles that might have been better defined by some workouts, but there was no trace of love handles around the waist. His eyeglasses gave him a nerdy look and even at 35 was boyishly handsome.

"You're nicely built yourself," Ricardo said returning the compliment. Not wanting to push the situation further even though he'd sparked Jim' interest, he suggested they get ready to turn in for the night. "Finish your smoke and help yourself to another drink if you want," he offered. "Im going to take a shower. See you in the morning."

Jim climbed into bed nude. He heard the sound of the shower from the adjacent room as he ran his hand over his abdomen. His fingers stroked his bush lightly, causing a tickling sensation that was new to him. They then found their way to his cock, which responded into a full erection. A moment later a shaft of light broke across his bed as the door opened. Ricardo appeared, nude from the shower and with a towel draped around his shoulders.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

Jim pulled a leg up to hide his erection and replied: "Yeah...great."

"Then pleasant dreams," Ricardo said before closing the door.

The experiment was going well. It was time to take it to the next step.

Returning to the bathroom Ricardo stood in front of a full length mirro. At forty six his athlectic good looks had yet to be erased by middle age. If anything, the mature male physique was an expression of wholeness that young lacked. His penis swelled and lengthened until the foreskin revealed its hidden crown. He wondered if at that moment Jim was stroking himself to climax or caught in an erotic dreamworld. He'd check the bedsheets in the morning for semen stains. But first he continued the experiment.

He opened the medicine chest and withdrew a tube of lube and a condom. After lubing his hardon he rolled the condom onto it and masturbated. It wasn't long before the reservoir was filled with his milky cum. He then slipped off the condom and held it to his nose. The aroma was fragrant. The potient had been infused into his semen. He placed it on the edge of the sink where Jim was sure to find it in the morning. With that accomplished he went to bed and enjoyed the most wonderful dreams.

He stayed in bed until he heard stirring in Jim's room and a few moments later the flushing of the toilet. He got up, went to the bathroom and knocked at the door. "Hey, I got to pee," he said.

"In a minute," came the reply.

The door opened. Jim stood naked with toothbrush in hand. There was no evidence of the condom on the sink. Before Jim could squeeze out some toothpaste Ricardo made a pretense of grabbing a comb from the shelf above the sink, and in so doing was able to get close enough to Jim's mouth to detect any odor of semen. His breath was fruity fragrant! The condom had been flushed down the toilet but not before Jim had sucked out its contents. Ricardo decide to take the experiment one step further.

After pissing into the toilet he said: "Go ahead and brush your teeth while I put on the coffee. And," he added, "you don't have to dress for breakfast around here. I usually have it in the nude."

Two plates had been set out along with glasses of enriched juice. Riccardo was pouring coffee as Jim entered the kitchen naked, his cock swinging between his legs in that in-between state like the men at the spa.

"You're looking good this morning," Ricardo said. "I hope you slept well."

"As a matter of fact I did," he replied taking the seat opposite him.

"Any more weird dreams?"

He grinned sheepishly. "Guess you could say that. I had a wet dream. Sorry to mess up your sheets."

"No problem, buddy. It's been a long time since I had one. Guess you'll be glad to get back to your wife for some major relief."

"Not necessarily," he said after gulping down the juice. "She thinks she fulfilled her sexual obligations after having two kids."

"That's too bad," Ricardo remarked while brushing Jim's leg ever so lightly with his foot.

Jim reacted with a boyish smile. "Hey, that's nice."

"It seems you need some attention that you're not getting from your wife."

"You may be right," he agreed. "I've felt different the last few days. Don't know how to explain it. Maybe something in the water, you think? But anyhow I feel great."

He didn't know how close he'd come to accounting for the change.

"I'm glad," Ricardo said. "Maybe you're finding another side of yourself you didn't know existed. You're an attractive guy and have been the last one to know it." He reached under the table and squeezed his leg.

Jim blushed and was bold enough to touch Ricardo's hairy leg with his foot. "I've never had a friend like you before," confessed. "I heard from the grapevine that you're gay, or at least bi. It doesn't make any difference with me."

"And I heard that you are straight," Ricardo shot back at him, "but never held it against you."

"You're not like the gay guys I've heard about...I mean the fags who act like women."

"They're in the minority, Jim. You'd be surprised how many straight guys have what the call 'man-to-man' sex. It's a celebration of their masculinity. What's between a guys legs can be enjoyed as much as what's between his ears...maybe more in some cases. Trouble is that many men are afraid to admit it."

"I never thought of it that way. The fact that here we are, two guys, sitting together naked having breakfast, really blows me away."

"Hope you're enjoying it as much as I am."

He nodded and smiled. "Maybe even more, Ricardo.

Then quietly he added: "I think I'd enjoy what's between your legs."

Ricardo broke into a grin. "I thought you'd never ask! I wouldn't make any moves on you if I thought you'd be offended."

"Until now I would have," he admitted. "It's just that something's come over me that I can't explain. Maybe it's your the one's I've been dreaming about."

"Well there's no need to dream about it." He stood up, revealing a full blown erection. "You can touch it if you like. It won't bite."

Without saying a word Jim pushed his chair back, got up and stood in front of Ricardo. He had an urge to kiss him, but that would have been too much. He nervously ran his fingers over Ricardo's dark chest hair. They tingled at the touch. He slowly squatted down without with his eyes following the hairy trail that led to a thick pubic bush. Inhaling the musky aroma he gently, almost reverently, took hold of the cock and licked its swollen head already tipped with a clear fluid. The taste was unlike anything he'd imagined even in his recent dreams...a foretaste of what was yet to come. He savored its flavor on his tongue and wanted more of it. As inexperienced as he was in the art of cock sucking he lowered his mouth on the engorged penis as if by instinct and would have reached the pubic end had not the gag reflex intervened.

"Easy does it man," Ricardo groaned as Jim came up for air. "You're one hell of a cock sucker your first time out."

Jim paid no attention as he took a deep breath before diving down on the cock with determination. The few drops of precum had enflamed an appetite that wouldn't be satisfied until he swallowed a full load of semen as he'd done with the condom.

Ricardo's groin muscles spasmed as his orgasm approached. He let out a loud groan as wave after wave of his semen were expelled into Jim's hungry throat.

Jim gulped down the first two blasts before easing off so that the following eruptions bathed his mouth. The fresh semen was even more delicious than that from the condom. When the flow slowed to a trickle he let the cock slip from his mouth but tongued the pee slit to siphon the remaining drops. Ricardo ran his fingers through Jim's hair before pulling him to his feet.

"How was it?" he asked.

Jim smiled as their eyes met. "Better than I could have imagined," he whispered as they embraced. With heartbeats merged against their chests they exchanged kisses, this time with no hesitation on Jim's part. The feeling of tongues snaking together was delirious. Ricardo tasted traces of his sperm that lingered on Jim's lips. He then placed his hands of Jim's buttocks and pushed him into the chair. "My turn now," he said kneeling between Jim's legs. He began, not by sucking his cock, but by tonguing his balls...taking each in turn into his mouth - a feeling Jim had never experienced. He then nibbled his way up the shaft until reaching the very sensitive rim just below the pee hole. A drop of precum appeared, crystal clear and flavored with the now familiar taste. Ricardo eased his mouth onto the shaft until Jim's bush tickled his nose. His throat muscles clamped the swollen head, sending shiver through Jim's groin. He felt Jim's balls contract and his hips buck in spasm as the orgasm shot its contents into his throat. Like Jim. He eased back to let the last spurts wash his tongue with the fruity elixir.

The experiment had been a success. Two questions remained, however. Would the aficionado of elixir enhanced semen also find ordinary semen desirable? If so, commercial exploitation of the finished product would be limited, while on the other hand if it were found to be unique the market would be unbounded. The elixir was yet to be tested on females. According to reports from both married and single men, few females enjoyed giving blow jobs and did so either to avoid pregnancy or to satisfy a guy's demands. Many vulgarly referred to semen as 'cock snot.'

"Now that you've experienced man-to-man sex," Ricardo said, "I think it's okay for me to ask a personal question."

"Sure," Jim replied. "What is it?"

"Has your wife ever given you a blow job...sucked your cock?

"She started to once before we were married," he admitted.

"Started to? Didn't she finish?"

"Almost did, but when I started to cum she almost threw up at the taste and finished me off by hand. I was never so humiliated in my life."

"I can understand," Ricardo said. "Now I want you to do me two favors, let's say in the interest of science, which I'll explain in a minute. When you get back to Miami I want you to find a guy and let him blow you. Then ask him how he liked the taste of your semen."

"Jeez!" he exclaimed. "That's gross. Besides, I couldn't just go up to a guy and ask. I'd get my teeth knocked out."

"Not if you do it right. You could go to a gay bar. You're an attractive guy and it wouldn't take long for you to get propositioned. Like I said, it's in the interest of science. Next I want you to suck a guy off and see what his cum tastes like. I know it comes in different flavors depending to some extent on what a guy's eaten in the last few hours. We've tasted each other's cum and agree that it's delicious."

Jim nodded but was still confused.

"Our semen has one thing in common," he continued. "It's been flavored with an ingredient in the liquor we drank."

"You mean it?" he asked incredulously.

Ricardo smiled. "You're in product development. Consider the possibilities."

"You intend to turn unsuspecting people into cocksuckers? That's indecent and highly unlikely."

"That was your suggestion, not mine. I'm talking about a new food flavoring. What someone puts into their mouth is their business, not ours. You could spread the product on a cracker or lick it up like ice cream. Is that so indecent?"

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I didn't mean it like that. The idea still seems pretty farfetched."

"But it works. I think we can both attest to that. I'm interested if it also works on females...which is where you can help. I'm going to give you some of the liquor and want you to do a chemical analysis of it. I also want you to give some to your wife and see if she shows any interest in your cock...maybe even finish the blow job she owes you."

"That'll be the day," he laughed. "But I would like to do an analysis."

"As long as you keep it confidential. And don't forget about the blow jobs. They're important too."

"That may be the hard part," he said. "But I'll do my best."

Next: Chapter 2

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