Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Mar 15, 1999


NOTE: Due to some technical difficulties, my next few installments will take a while. Also, my screen name might be changing soon, so if you are going to e-mail me, do it fast. I will post the new name up with the next part to the story. Also, I changed John's name to Jay, simply because I like it better. I am also going to give myself a cell phone in the story. It is compliments of the record company. Once again, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to e mail me with the word "Story" in the sub box. And now, on with the show!


I stripped down to my boxers and crawled into bed next to him. He looked so peaceful that I thought it best not to wake him up. I figured I could surprise him later on before he wakes up. I just laid there next to him staring at his beautiful face, thanking God that he sent him to me, and also for making my life long dream come true. I stroked the side of his face and he stirred a little.

"Huh? What's goin on? Rob? Is that you?" he said groggily.

"Yeah, it's me baby! Shhh, go back to bed."

"But, I was waiting up for you." He said as his eyes fell shut.

"Go back to sleep baby. You need it." I said as I kissed him on the head.

He snuggled up next to me and fell asleep. I lay there for a while just holding him in my arms, realizing how lucky I was and how perfect my life was going. I soon fell asleep and for the first time in a while, felt safe. I thought that nothing could harm me as long as I was in his arms.

The next morning I woke up around 10. As I opened my eyes and felt around for Lance I realized he wasn't in bed. I looked around for him in the room and saw him on the balcony. I wrapped a blanket around myself and stepped out there with him. It was cold but he didn't seem to mind.

"Hey, what are you doing out here like that? You'll freeze!" I said as I wrapped him in the blanket with me.

"It's hard to believe that in just a few days, my life has changed so much. I feel..complete. I know now what was missing before." He said looking out onto the city.

"And what was that?" I said, knowing the answer.

"You, love, just your love."

"That's sweet! It's amazing how just one person, in a short amount of time can wind up changing your life forever."

"I know."

"The emptiness you once felt, the lonely nights, all gone because of one person. You feel a fire inside, and with each passing day, that fire grows stronger. Just like our love."

He turned towards me and looked deeply into my brown eyes and said, "I love you, I never thought that anyone could ever make me this way!"

He kissed me and we stood there on the balcony in the blanket making out above the noise of Fifth Ave. We stood there for 15 minutes straight just kissing. Then we broke the kiss and just held each other.

"I think we should get inside before we freeze to death." I said pulling him in.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you."

We lay back down on the bed and started talking.

"How, did you sleep?" he asked.

"Great considering I didn't get that much."

"What time did you get in last night? I tried to wait up for you but I think that only lasted about five minutes."

"I don't even remember. You don't remember waking up?"

"No, what did I say?"

"You were babbling. You looked soooo cute sleeping there. I didn't have the heart to wake you."

"Shut up!" He said as he started to blush.

"Awww! !Miralo! !Ay, que lindo!"

"Shut up! I don't know what you're saying but shut up!" He said blushing even more. I pinched his cheeks and was laughing hysterically.

"You're starting to act like Chris!"

"AAAHH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I said as I jumped out of the bed and started running around the room.

He threw a pillow at me, it caught me off guard and I fell.

"Ah, you ass! I'm gonna get you for that one!" I said as I got off the floor, ran to the bed and tackled him.

"Damn, I didn't realize how strong you were!" He said while struggling to get free.

I gave him a quick kiss and started flexing for him while still sitting on top of him.

"Oooh! Sexy!" He said starting to feel my arms.

"Uh, uh, uh! No touching!" I said as I smacked his hand.

He gave me a puppy dog look and I melted.

"HA HA HA! I won!" he said as he flipped me over and now had me pinned.

"Hey! NO fair!! You had an unfair advantage!"

"And what is that? You're so damn cute!" I said as I lifted him up, threw him to the side of me and got back on top of him.

"DAMN!" was all he said.

"You don't grow up with an older brother without learning to defend yourself when lying down."

"What??" he said looking at me funny.

"Whenever I used to sleep in his room, he always use to wake up before me, takle me and we would wrestle. He always won, until I was in like 10th grade. I got too strong for him, as I am for you! Bwaaa hahahahahahahaaaaa!"

"You're crazy you know that?"

"Yeah. Now come here! I've been waiting for this all night!" I pulled him up to me and kissed him.

He grabbed my back and started to rub his hands up and down. I did the same for him and he grabbed my ass, pulled down my boxers, and started fingering me. It felt so good but I wanted the real thing. I stood up on the bed, kicked my boxers off and pulled his off as well. I got back down and proceeded to suck on his cock. Once I got it all lubed up I positioned it right below my ass and sat down on it. We both let out a loud moan and once he started to build up a steady rhythm, I grabbed the back of his head and pulled it towards mine. We kissed forever while he was making love to me. He came but we didn't stop. I just kept riding him like there was no tomorrow. It got to the point where he came again and then fell back on the bed. I fell to the side of him and we just laid there exhausted from our little round of one on one. I looked over at the clock and it was 12.

"Oh shit! I forgot!" I yelled.


"I promised Justin that we would play ball with him today!"

"So, just cancel, I'm sure he'll understand."

"I can't, I called my boy Jay last night and told him to come down and we would play."

"Who's Jay?"

"One of my best friends since 5th grade. I'm supposed to meet him at my apt. at 1:30, and we were gonna meet you two at 2."

"Wait! I'm supposed to go too?"

"Yeah, do you mind?"

"No, I just wouldn't have spent all of my energy on what we just did."

"Well, how bout this?"


"I don't have to leave here until at least one. It's 5 after now. How bout we relax in the tub for an hour, then I'll get dressed and you guys can meet us there." "Sounds good to me. I'll go fill it up."

"Ok, I'll call Justin and let him know what the deal is."

He went into the bathroom and I picked up Lance's phone and dialed over to Justin's room.

"Hello?" he said as he picked up the phone.

"Yo, Jus. It's me Rob! Listen, I'm gonna leave here around one to go pick up Jay, and we'll meet you at the courts. By the way, where are we playing?"

"At the gym on 56th St. I rented the courts for 3 hours. No body else will be there but us."

"What about the rest of the guys?"

"They said that they might stop by later on, they all have plans for the day." "Ok, I gotta go. I'll check you later!"

"Bye, have fun!" He said laughing.

"Shut up! Bye!"


I hung up the phone and joined Lance who was already in the tub.

"Nice of you to wait for me!"

"I wanted to surprise you! Surprise!"

"You crazy!"

"Only for you!" he said in a mushy voice.

I stepped in the tub and the water was just right. I sat down next to my gorgeous blonde boy. We both just held each other and let the water do the rest.

"This feels good!" he said.

"Yeah, we should do it more often!"

"So, tell me more about your family."

"What do you wanna know?"


"OK, I'm named after my father. He's Roberto Sr. My mom's name is Lucy, but everybody calls her Luz. They live in the boon docks of the Bronx. My brother's name is Ricky he's gonna be 23 in July. He lives in Brooklyn with one of his friends. Let's see..what else?"

"What do they do?"

"Oh, well, my mom doesn't work. My dad works for the phone -company, doing fieldwork. As for my bro, he's in between jobs right now."

"What about Jay?"

"Jay? Oh, he's been one of my best friends since 5th grade. We've been through a lot together and we know everything about each other. He's still in HS though, he got left back twice. He knows about us. I told him last night. You don't have to worry, he won't tell anybody."

"So, when are you gonna pick him up again?"

"I'm gonna leave here at one."

"Well, then we better get out of the tub then. It's five to.

"Shit! Look, I promise, the next day we have off, it'll be just you and me for the whole day! I promise!"

"Cool! Come on let's go get dressed."

We got out of the tub and I got dressed in two min. Lance was still parading around in his boxers, he looked so hot! After I finished getting dressed I gave him a kiss and had to force myself out of the door. As I got into the hallway I ran into JC. He was leaving to go on his date with Jessica.

"Sup Rob!"

"Hey! Where you headed to?"

"Goin out with Jessica. You?"

"I'm goin to pick up my friend at my apt, change, then we're gonna come back here and play some ball with Justin and Lance." I said as we stepped in the elevator.

"Word? Cool! I feel like playing too."

"When you're done, stop by then you can play."

"Ok, I know where it is." He said as we walked through the lobby.

He started to get mobbed by some fans and I helped get him out of there. He got in his limo and I got in my car. As I drove to my apt I was listening to the radio. It turns out that the guys were supposed to do a radio appearance/interview tomorrow night. I suddenly thought that they would probably take me with them and then let it out to the whole tri- state area that I was a new up and coming artist that would be touring with them.

"Watch, I bet you that's gonna happen!" I said to myself.

I pulled up to my building and saw Jay standing outside waiting. I beeped the horn and got out.

"Sup kid??" I said as I gave him a five and a hug.

"Nothin much. Been waitin out here for your ass! Where were you anyway?"

"How long you been here?"

"Since I got out of school. I came straight from there. It's only a 15 min ride."

"Cool! Ok, I gotta go change and check my messages. Let's go upstairs and then, once I'm done we'll go."

"Fine with me!"

We went upstairs and I checked my messages. There was one from my mother, and one from my job.

"Rob? Why aren't you home??? This is the 15th time I've called you! Call me back!"

"Hey Rob! Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be at work at 8 this morning? The boss is pissed! As soon as you get this message call in!"

"Shit! I forgot to call and put in my resignation! Joey was supposed to remind me!" I said.


"Yeah, Joey."

"From N SYNC?"

"Yeah ass! I told you about them!"

"I thought you were just playin!"

"No dick! I'm serious!"

"Oh shit! SO you mean we're really gonna be playin ball wit them today??"

"Yeah! This is what I said."

"Oh my god!!"

"Remember what I told you. Don't act all psychotic when you get around them. They're just regular guys, and we still gotta kick their asses."

I picked up the phone and called my job. The boss was pretty pissed. Both cause I didn't come in today and because I was quitting. I told him that I would be by before the end of the week to clean out my locker and to pick up my check. He tried to offer me more money. I told him the reason why I was quitting and he didn't believe me. I just told him to believe what he wants but that was the reason. I hung up the phone and went into my room to go and change. I came out and grabbed my duffel bag with all my basketball apparel and we were out the door.

"I can't believe you got a record deal!" Jay said while we got into my car.

"Believe it. I'm leaving here in a few days. Then it's recording and touring with the guys for a long time."

"Oh shit!" He said in a sad tone, "I'm gonna miss you!"

"Don't worry, it's not like you're never gonna see me again! The company gave me a phone, I'll give you the number and you can call me whenever."

"For real?"

"Yeah man! Nothing's gonna change between us! You're my boy! I told you one day I was gonna be a star!"

"I always knew you would!"

We got to the gym and Justin and Lance were shooting around.

"Ok, now look! Remember."

"Yeah, yeah! I know, they're just regular guys! I won't act psycho!"

We walked out onto the court and I introduced Jay.

"Guys this is Jay. Jay these are the guys!"

"Uh.uh.uh..uh..uh. n..n..nice.. you!" He said stuttering.

"As you can see he's a little nervous. He's a fan."

"It's ok, we won't bite, hard!"

He laughed and lightened up a little. He started to dribble the ball and get warmed up while I went over to Lance.

"Hey baby!" I said as I kissed him.

"Hey sexy! Ooh, I don't know whether to guard you or screw you! You look good!" He said while feeling my arms.

"We can do both, but not now! We're here to play basketball!"

"Let's get this game started! Jay, you take out the ball first!" Justin said.

"What we playin, 21?" He asked while going to the top of the key.

"Yeah!" I said as he passed the ball to me.

I checked him the ball and we started to play. It was an intense game. The scores were all close. But Justin was the victor. We played another two games. Jay won one and I won the last. After the third game we started a two on two. It was me and Jay VS Lance and Justin. We won the first game and took a break for water. We played another game and they won. Just as we were in the middle of the third and final game, Chris, Joey and JC walked in the gym. They sat over on the benches and were watching us play. We were killing them. The score was 25 to 10, and the game was 32. Just as the guys started to watch us play, Jay started to get preoccupied. That gave Justin and Lance an unfair advantage. They caught up and the score was 28 to 26. I called time out and pulled Jay over to me.

"YO! What the hell is wrong with you??!? We were killing them and then as soon as the other guys walked in you started showing off and acting stupid! Focus on the game! Let's show these scrubs how we used to do it in the old neighborhood!" Those words got him to focus back on the game and though it was close, we still won. Final score being 32 to 29. Once we finished we all went to get some water. I grabbed my water bottle and a towel from my bag. Jay did the same and I took him over to meet the rest of the guys.

"Guys, Jay." I said catching my breath.

"Sup!" He said also out of breath.

They all said hi and complemented us on a good game. We sat down for a while and just chilled. I had brought my radio and was playing it while we were sitting on the benches.

"So, how'd it go with Jess?" I asked JC.

"It was alright! She's too freaky for me though!"

"Then let me get her number!" Joey joked.

"As I recall, she said she didn't like you!" I said joking right back.

They all laughed, before long, JC took the ball and he, Jay and Chris started shooting around. It eventually turned into a game of 21. Once they started the game I got up and joined them, leaving Lance, Joey and Justin sitting on the benches.

"They were pretty good!" Joey said.

"They got lucky!" Justin said.

"Yeah!" agreed Lance.

"I seem to recall them killing you before Jay got distracted by us!" Joey said starting to laugh.

"You shouldn't talk! You can't play for shit!" Justin said countering his joke.

"Shut up! Anyway, I gotta piss, I'll be right back!"

He got up and went to the bathroom leaving Justin and Lance there alone.

"So, what do we have planned for his birthday?" Lance asked.

"Well, considering we start touring next week, we have a show the day of his B-day. We won't be able to do much but we already planned something."


"Before the show, we'll give him his presents and stuff, take him out to lunch or something. Then, in the middle of the show, we'll get the audience to sing happy birthday to him. After the show, we'll be real tired so the next day we have off. His family's gonna fly in and surprise him. Then we'll have a small little party."

"How we gonna get his fam w/o him knowing?"

"Hmm, maybe we can get Rob to pick them up!"

"Good idea, shhh, shhh. Here he comes!"

"Feel better?" Justin asked.

"Much, thank you!" He said with a smile on his face.

"I'm gonna go and get in this before the finish playing." Justin said as he got up and walked over to the rest of us on the court.

"So, what do we have planned for his B-day?" Joey asked.

"Well, we have off on that day so we're just gonna have a little Super Bowl party just the six of us, if Rob isn't recording. If he is then it'll be just us 5. We were gonna try and get Lynn and Johnathen to fly in, but she has a meeting the next day that she can't get away from."

"Oh, too bad! It should be cool though!"


"SHhh, here they come."

"YO, I am dead!" Jay said collapsing on the benches.

"Me too!" I said, "What time is it?"

"4:30" Joey said.

"Damn! We've only been here that long?" Justin said.

"Yeah, seems longer though!" I said.

"I know."

"How long we got this till?"

"Till 5."

"So, let's just chill here for a half hour then we can go get something to eat!"

"Sounds good to me!" JC said, "What you guys wanna eat?"

"I don't know?" Joey said.

"Hmm, me either!" Chris said.

"How would you guys like a nice home cooked meal?" I asked.

"Ooooh, yeah! I haven't had one of those in a long time!" Justin said.

"You cooking?" Lance said.

"Not exactly! I was thinking maybe I would ask my mom if I could bring you guys over there so they could meet you and maybe also cook for you!"

"Cool!" Justin said.

"Bringing the boyfriend home to mommy?" Chris said starting to laugh.

"Shut up!" I said as I threw my towel at him, "For real, you want me to?"

"Yeah, sure!" Lance said.

"Ok, let me call her now!" I said as I took my phone out of my bag.

To be contd... Comments welcome!

Next: Chapter 7

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