Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Apr 8, 2000


Hi all! Yeah, I know . . . I'm updating more often! But I KNOW you're not complainin! So, there's not much to say except . . . ON WITH THE SHOW!

Last time . . .

The ride up there was filled with jokes, and conversation. We even heard a couple of my songs on the radio. It was funny cause they were making fun of how I looked on stage when I sang those songs. I then in turn made fun of Josh and how he looks when he gets amped up on stage.

After dropping the guys off, and letting them have the run of the house until I got back, Mel and I went to the supermarket.

"So, what happened?" I asked once we were in the car alone together.


"Come on, spill!"

This time . . .

"Well, it was really romantic!"

"That's Josh for you!"

"He was so caring! He kept asking if it was ok to do this, or that. And OH MY GOD! Was it GOOD!!!!" I laughed after she said that, "Did you know that he was a virgin?!"


"Yup! I was his first! And it was so beautiful! He was crying afterwards!"

"Aaaaawwww!" I said, letting the mushy side of me come out.

"And he was so focussed on pleasing me, and making sure I was ok. It was just . . . so . . . Perfect!"

"Well, I'm really happy for you!"

"Thank you!"

"So . . ."


"Is he . . ."


"Yeah, Justin told me."

"How did he know?!"

"Long story!"

"I got time!"

"Well . . . like Josh said, when you're on a bus all night and you're horny as hell, and there's a broken lock on the bathroom door, you're bound to walk in on somethin!"


"I thought it was funny!"


"Hey, they've all done it to each other, at least twice!"


"Hey, just be happy they ain't doin it together!"

"EEEEEWWWWWW!!!" She said hitting me on my arm.

"OW!" I said rubbing my arm with one hand, and my other still on the wheel.

"Ok, so now off that subject! What do we need?"

"Hot dogs." "OW! What?!?"

"You did that on purpose!"

"NO! LOOK! It's right there on the list!"

"Oh . . ." She said taking the list from me.

"We need hamburger meat, buns for the hotdogs and burgers, chicken, steak, potatoes, French fries, corn on the cob, lettuce, tomatoes."

"Damn! There's only six of us!"

"Yeah, but five of us are guys! And, this isn't just for now, it's for dinner too!"


"Ok, I think we have some corn at the house, so scratch that off."

"I saw some lettuce in the fridge too."

"Was if fresh?"

"I dunno."

"We'll buy one just in case."


"You're making your potato salad right?"

"Yeah, that's why we need potatoes."

"We need soda!"

"Yeah, we'll buy a couple of cases. You wanna buy some beer?"

"Um . . . yeah, we'll buy a couple six packs of Corona's"

"So then we'll need some lime."


"Are you sure they like Corona's?"

"I think so. We had that at my party." I said pulling up to the parking lot of the supermarket.

"Ok, make sure to park close, just in case we gotta make a quick run for it!"

"Yeah, I got my camouflage gear! Hopefully it'll work! This time I'm prepared!"

"Yeah, don't wanna repeat of the Village nightmare!"

"Hey, but it was fun!"

"Yeah, but I almost died!"

"Hey, that's the price you pay for being friends with me!"

"No, believe me, the price I pay is MUCH worse!"

"Oh, fuck you!"

"Sorry . . . That's Josh's job!"

We kept at each other all the way into the supermarket. She grabbed a cart and we went inside. We did really well! We got everything on the list, plus some other stuff all under an hour. We were even luckier that I wasn't recognized. We got on the line to pay for everything, and as I was loading the stuff onto the moving counter thing, I saw a teenie magazine on one of the magazine racks next to the counter that had me on the cover. I pulled my hat down further and adjusted my sunglasses.

"Shit!" I thought, "We better hurry up!"

Mel must have known what I was thinking cause she saw me checking my disguise then looked to the side and saw the magazine. Now was the hard part, getting past the check out girl without her freaking. I let Mel pay for the groceries so the girl wouldn't be looking at me. I started to pack the groceries and right when I was done, and had everything loaded into the cart, and just as Mel paid for everything, I heard a scream.

"Oh my god!" the shrill teen voice shouted.

I started to push the cart out the door and to the car. I opened up the back door and loaded them all in with the help of Melissa. Just as we got everything loaded, and closed the door, we heard another scream.

"Ahhh!!! It's you!" the girl said running up towards me. "Do you know who you are?!?"

"Um . . . No, and if you don't I'll give you an autograph, just as long as you stay quiet!"

"Ok, ok, ok!" She said jumping up and down.

"What's your name?" I asked as she gave me a piece of paper and I took out a pen I had in my pocket.


"Well Genoveeve, here you go!"

"Could . . . could you take a picture with me?"

"Sure! You gotta camera?"

"Y . . . Yeah!"

"Ok, I'll have my friend here take a picture, but remember, you gotta keep quiet! I don't want anybody to know I'm here!"

"Ok, ok!"

"Hey Mel! Take a picture of me and Genoveeve here!"

"Sure!" Mel said taking the camera from the girl.

I put my arm around her and posed. She had this huge grin on her face and couldn't believe what was happening to her. After Mel took the picture, she gave the camera back and she thanked us. Just as we were about to leave, I said goodbye and gave her a kiss on the cheek, which sent her into shock. I got in the car and we pulled off.

"That was a close one!" I said.

"Yeah, but that was nice though! You could've just left!"

"Never that! I love my fans! It's just sometimes more times than others!"

"Stupid!" She said laughing.

"Well, let's just hope nobody else saw us and decides to follow us!"

"I'll keep a look out!"

"Roll up the windows, I'll put on the AC." I said reaching for the switch. "Tinted windows are a blessing!"

"OH yeah!" she said as we both laughed.

We got back to the house successfully without being followed. Once we got back to the house, we found the guys hanging poolside. When they noticed me, they started to make fun of my old pictures. I gave them all the finger and told them that if they wanted to eat they would shut the hell up right now. That got them to stop real quick! Mel was in the kitchen starting on her famous potato salad, and I was firing up the grill. While I let that get going, I went into the kitchen and seasoned the chicken and steak for later on. Lance came in all dripping wet.

"HEY! Dry up before you even set foot in this house!" I said pointing at him just as he stepped in.

"Sorry!" He said.

"Oh my god! I'm turning into my mother! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I said.

"HA HA!" Melissa laughed.

"Shut up!"

After drying off real quick, Lance came back in and said,

"So, what's on the menu?"

"Well, for lunch, we got some hotdogs and burgers, and Melissa's making her famous potato salad. And for dinner, we're having steak and chicken, with corn on the cob and some macaroni salad that my mom left up here from last weekend."

"Ooooh! Sounds good to me!"

"Babe, do me a favor and tell the guys, that if they want a soda or beer, there's some in the cooler by the grill."


"I'll be out in a minute to start on the burgers and stuff."

"That's no fare! They get to have all the fun and we have to cook!" Melissa whined.

"Well, they're gonna wash the dishes, they just don't know it yet!"


Once I started on the food, I saw Lance laying out in the sun trying to get a tan.

"Give it up Poofu! You're just gonna burn! Albino's don't tan!" Chris mocked, splashing some water on him, to which Lance threw a nerf ball at him and hit him in the head.

"Well! Look who finally got some aim!" Joey commented, laughing at Chris.

"Shut up!" Lance said throwing another ball at him, but missing and hitting Josh who was sitting on a raft, face down tanning in the pool.

"HEY!" Josh yelled, "I didn't do anything!"

"Sorry! Missed bozo the clown over there!"

"Wooo! Look at that sexy man over there on the raft!" Melissa yelled coming out and standing next to me. "Nice ass!"

"Why don't you come in and join me?" He asked smiling.

"Can't right now, I gotta cook!"


"Hey," She said talking to me, "the hotdogs are ready to be put on the grill now, I'm gonna bring them out ok? Do you have room?"

"Yeah! Wait . . ." I said before she went in, "Who's having what?"

"Josh, what do you want to eat babe?"

"One of each!" He said.


"Two burgers and a hotdog!" Joey replied.


"Two of each!" he said.

"What about you Lance?"

"I'll just have two burgers."

"Ok! You got that Rob?"

"Yeah! What about you? What are you having?" I said.

"I'm just gonna have a burger and some potato salad."

"So bring out . . . 8 hotdogs. Just in case. I have ten burgers here, so that's all good!"


After all the cooking was done, the guys got out of the pool and we all ate. We told them about the episode at the supermarket, and they laughed. We shared some more tales of being spotted and fan reactions. It was funny! The guys lucked out this time, cause we used paper plates and plastic cups. They wouldn't be so lucky during dinner! Bwooo woo waa aaah haaa haaa!!! After about an hour of just chillen, and talking. I went in the pool with Lance. Around 3, everybody was in and we were playing stupid pool games, like chicken wrestling, and Marco Polo. It was stupid, but fun none the less. Around 5, Josh, Chris and I went to play some basketball in the driveway. Lance and Melissa were in the pool, relaxing and talking, and Joey was inside playing video games. We finished our game around 7, and I jumped in the pool real quick, then got started on the steaks and chicken. After dinner, we all went inside, and the guys were forced to do the dishes! REVENGE IS SWEET! But, since there were 4 of them, it wasn't so bad. They all were telling me that I was a good cook, and I said that that still wouldn't get them out of doing the dishes. It was starting to get late, and none of us felt like leaving, cause we were having too much fun. So, we decided to stay the night up there.

"Ok, so I'll just call Justin and tell him that we're staying up here, but we'll be back in time to pack and make the flight." I said picking up the phone and dialing the number. I got the machine and left a message.

"What'd he say?" Josh asked.

"I got the machine, they're probably still too `busy' to pick up the phone!"

"Damn!" Joey said, "I don't even wanna know!"

Justin woke up around 10 to find Jay lying with his head on his chest. Justin looked down at his man sleeping so peacefully.

"He's so beautiful!" Justin thought. "Like an angel! How did I get so lucky?" He placed a kiss on top of Jay's head and Jay stirred a bit. "Shhh . . . sleep baby! Don't you worry about a thing! I'm here to protect you!"

"Did you say somethin?" Jay asked tilting his head up to Justin, but keeping his eyes closed.

"No, just go back so sleep babe."

"Mmm hmmm."

Justin continued to watch Jay sleep, and after about an hour, he too fell back to sleep. The sleeping couple awoke around 12 and stayed in bed till about 1. After forcing themselves to get up to get something to eat, they decided to shower together. The two wound up cuddling under the steaming hot jets and kissing. Once they managed to get each other clean, they went back into the bedroom.

"You wanna do anything today, or just stay in?" Justin asked.

"I dunno . . . you got anything in mind?" Jay replied.

"How bout we just lay in bed and chill?"

"Sounds good to me! But it seems like chillen with us always winds up to sex."

"You complainin?"


"Then if it does, it does!"

They both laughed, threw on a pair of boxers and went back to the bed. They laid in bed for hours just talking. Catching up, discussing plans for the summer, sharing stories and just relaxing. Occasionally, they would make out or touch each other, but didn't go much farther. Eventually, they came upon the subject of each other's families.

"So, are you finally gonna tell me the story about your dad?" Justin asked.

"I guess . . . I've tortured you long enough."

"Thank you!"

"Well, I don't really remember much about him, but my sister does. He used to drink a lot and a lot of time he would come home drunk and him and my mom would get into fights. He never abused us or anything, he would just come home drunk, him and my mom would fight, and he'd either go back out drinking and not come home till the next day, or he'd just pass out on the couch in the living room. I only remember a couple of time finding him passed out on the couch. I thought he was just sleeping, at least, that's what they told me. Anyways, he was a garbage man and one day, while he was working, his hand got caught in the compactor. Took his hand right off. He sued and we got some money for awhile. But, since he wasn't working, and lost his hand, he turned to the bottle more and more. My mom couldn't take it anymore, so she threw him out. He came back the next day all sobered up, begging her to take him back and saying that he'd change, but she refused. So, he went back out drinking and died of alcohol poisoning."

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Justin said pulling him into a hug.

"It's ok, really. Like I said, I don't really remember much."

"Do you have any good memories of him?"

"A couple. I remember one time he took me to work with him and I got to sit on his lap while he was driving the truck. I also remember the day before my mom kicked him out. I think he sensed it coming so he took me on his lap and told me that I'd have to be strong and become a man. He gave me this ring and said that one day, when it fit, I would truly be on the road to manhood. That didn't start till about March. Ever since then, it was always in my box under my bed. I remember being all stressed out cause of school, you being gone and my mom was raggin on me about some shit. So I took out the box to look at some of your letters and a couple of pictures of you, and Rob, and the ring fell out. I looked at it for a moment, then tried it on. And finally, it fit! And even though he had some problems, I realized how much I missed not having him around. But I knew he'd be proud of me."

"That's beautiful, and I'm sure he is!"

"Yeah . . ." Jay said looking at the ring, which lay placed on top of his night stand, next to the bed, "So, tell me about your dad."

"I've told you about him."

"I know. Have you told him yet?"


"Why not?"

"Why haven't you told your mom?"

"Cause . . ."

"Yeah, that's what I thought!"

"How bout this . . . How bout I go tell my mom, and the next time you see your dad, you tell him?"

"And what, you're gonna go tell her right now?"


"You're serious?"

"Uh huh!"

"Jay . . ."


"O . . . Ok!"

"Ok, cool! Then get dressed, cause you're driving!"

After they got dressed, Jay called his mom to make sure she'd be home, which she was going to be. He also made sure Lisa was there, just in case. They got into the car and were on their way to Jay's house. Jay told Justin to wait in the car, or walk around. Either way, he thought it best that Justin not go in with him, cause he needed to face his mom first. If all signs were good, he said he'd come out and get him. As Jay walked inside his old building, he didn't even stop to say hi to any of the guys that were hanging around. They all looked at him weirdly, then looked into the car and saw Justin. Justin proceeded to drive around the block a few times. It was around 8 o'clock and Justin was wondering how everything was going. Jay had been in there for about an hour already and there was no sign. The windows to his first floor apartment were all closed, and the air conditioner was blocking out any noise that might indicate how things were going. Justin finally just parked the car and waited inside, listening to the radio. The people around him were finally starting to figure out who he was, and were on their way over to the car, when around 8:30 now, Jay came storming out of the building, pushed passed them and got in the car.

"What happened?" Justin asked concerned.

"Drive!" Jay said not looking at him.



Justin apprehensively sat back, started the car up and drove off.

"Jay? What happened in there?" Justin asked as they got up the block.

"I don't wanna talk about it now!"

"Ok, you wanna go back home?"


"You wanna go somewhere and talk?"


"Then where do you wanna go?"

"Come on, we're going upstate!"

"To Rob's?"

"Yeah! Come on!"

"I . . . I don't know how to get up there!"

"Fine, then pull over and I'll drive!"

"I . . . I don't think you should be driving now."


Justin did as ordered and they got out and switched seats. He decided to just let Jay cool down before he would ask again. But by the looks of things, he knew it didn't go well.

Jay was so angry, he was speeding on all the roads. What was normally about an hour and a half to two hour drive, became an hour drive. They finally got to the house around 10 and Jay got out and walked to the front door in a rush, followed by Justin.

"I'm gonna try again, maybe they'll pick up this time!" I said.

"Leave em alone! Let them have their fun!" Lance said.

"But . . ." I said as I heard a knock on the door. "What the . . . Who the fuck could that be?" I asked as I headed towards the door.

"Don't answer it! It's probably some masked murderer!" Chris said.

"Good, in that case, they can get you first!" Joey said.

"Ok, that was corny!" I said. "Oh my god, it's Jay and Justin!"

"Speak of the devil!"

As I opened the door, Jay just pushed passed me and let himself in. Justin said hi and I closed the door behind him.

"What's up with you guys? Why are you up here? I thought you were havin that whole little romantic thingy to yourselves!" I said noticing Jay's obvious pissed off mood, as he went through the kitchen to the other side of the living room. I followed him and he stopped over at the bar, getting a look from everybody.


"WHAT?!" Jay said pulling out a bottle of tequila and a shot glass.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"What does it look like? I'm gonna have a drink!"

"No you're not!" I said taking the bottle away from him.

"GOD DAMMIT ROB!" He said throwing the glass at the far wall, causing it to shatter into pieces.

"Jay! What the FUCK is wrong with you? Justin? What happened?" I said looking at him in disbelief.

"I dunno! I mean, we went down to his mom's cause he was gonna tell her, and then he came out all pissed off and hasn't said a word to me other than a few orders since then!"

"Wait, wait, wait . . . tell his mom? Tell her what?"

"I came out to my mom just now!" Jay said gulping from a bottle of gin.

"Stop this NOW!" I said taking the bottle away from him. "Go over there and sit down! I'm gonna get you a cup of coffee and you're gonna tell us what happened!"

"And if I don't want to?"

"You don't have a choice!"

"That's what you think!"

"Look who you're talking to here! You KNOW you're not leaving here without telling me! And since all these people are worried about you too, and they're just gonna find out anyway, you're gonna tell all of us!" I said getting all up in his face. "And you KNOW that that's the reason you came up here! Cause I KNOW that you didn't come up here just to get drunk and throw a shot glass up against my wall! Now go over there, sit next to your man, and calm your ass down NOW!" The look of disbelief was now shifted towards me. They were amazed at how I convinced Jay to do as I said. As I went into the kitchen a little pissed, I started up the coffee. "Does anybody else want a cup as long as I'm here?"

"I'll take one." Melissa said walking into the kitchen. "I almost forgot how commanding you could get!"

"Well he knows better!"

"I know. He's a little more lightened up now. He's crying on Justin's shoulder now."

"Looks like Linda didn't take it too well."


"Give me the phone real quick?"


I took the phone and dialed my mom's number.

"<Hello Mommy?>" I said in Spanish, "<I'm sorry for calling so late, but we have a little problem up here.>"

"<What's wrong?>" She said answering the phone.

"Well . . . " I said in English. "Jay just got up here with Justin. Jay came out to his mom. I don't think she took it well since Jay was just trying to get drunk and wound up chucking a shot glass up against the wall."

"Oh my god!"

"Yeah, I want you to talk to her. Find out what happened, and see if you can calm her down."

"Ok, you want me to do that now?"

"Yeah, could you?"


"Ok, I'll call you tomorrow before we leave and we'll fill each other in."


"Talk to you tomorrow."


"Love you!"

"Love you too!"

After the coffee was done, I poured three cups and Melissa helped me bring it out into the living room. Once we were all settled down I said,

"Ok, so what happened? Start at the beginning."

"Well . . . Justin and I made a deal that if I told my mom, he'd tell his dad. So we went up to the neighborhood." He said taking a sip of his coffee. "I told him to wait in the car and I went inside." He said sniffling a little. "So my mom and Lisa were in the living room, waiting for me. Lisa kinda knew what I was about to do and she was hoping that it would go well." He took another sip of coffee and continued. "So, we started talking and . . . and I told her."

"How did you tell her? Did you jump out or did u just creep out?" I asked.


"Did you go, `Hey mom! How you doin, guess what, I'm bi!' or did you beat around the bush?"

"The second one."

"What did you say?"

"I said that there was something that I wanted to tell her, that I'd been trying to get the nerve to say to her for awhile now. She asked what, and I hesitated a little, then told her."

"And what did she say?"

"She thought I was kidding at first, but then when she saw that I was serious, she said What? You better be lying to me! Cause I KNOW my son ain't a faggot!' Then she got up and said to Lisa Is he kidding?' and we both said no. She told me to shut up and asked Lisa, `Did you know this? And you didn't tell me?!' Then we started arguing. She kept telling me to shut up and keep quiet, but I didn't. Then she kept saying that I was a faggot and that I wasn't her son. Finally she just told me to get out of her house and not to come back."

"What!?" I said, beyond pissed off, "That fucking bitch!"

"Oh my god, baby, I'm so sorry!" Justin said pulling Jay into a hug followed by a kiss on the forehead.

A silence came over the room and all that could be heard were the muffled sobs of Jay, covered by Justin's chest. I got up and sat next to Jay. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it. After a few minutes of consoling him, I helped him sit up so he could hear what I had to say.

"Ok, listen to me!" I said shaking him a little. "You listening?"

"Yeah . . ." He said his voice still shaky.

"I'm sure that she just needs some time to have this sink in. She loves you and you know it. I'm sure it just came as a shock to her. Just give her some time, everything will work out!" He nodded his head and I thought, "I hope! Please let this all go well! I hope mom can talk some sense into her!"

"Come on, I think you need some rest!" Justin said, helping Jay up off the couch.

"Come on, I'll show you to a room." I said getting up with them.

After bringing them to one of the bedrooms, I left Justin to console Jay. I was on my way back to the living room when Justin came out and stopped me.

"Rob!" He said reaching out to grab my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I said turning around.

"He wants you to stay with him . . . just you." He said with a saddened look.

"But . . ."

"It's ok, I'm fine with it really! I understand!" He said not very convincingly.

"Just . . ."

"Go . . . I'll be in the living room with the others."

"Just . . ." I said as he stormed off towards the living room. As he made his way back, I hung my head down, sighed and went into the room.

TBC . . .

Well . . . what'd you think? Let me know! Email me at See yah!

Next: Chapter 45

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