Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Feb 26, 2000


Hey there all! How goes it? Anyways, I smell Grammy's! Since Nifty's down for the week, this won't be up till the weekend, but it's Wednesday now and we'll just have to wait and see if our boys get anything. One thing I've added, to which many have told me they want, is a little end view of the last chap to put at the beginning so you would remember where the story was at. I'm gonna shut up now, so.. OH!!!! WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!! Before I forget, this is the one-year anniversary of my story. It's a year old! Before I kick this next chap off, I would just like to thank a few people. First off, if it wasn't for this story, I would've been a depressed wreck of monkey shit. What started off as a therapeutic thing turned into something that I know I wouldn't be happy without. I have met some great people from this story, and helped out many authors on this website. I helped start the flood of Lance stories on here cause before I started this, there weren't many stories about him. I'd like to thank Michael of Lance and Michael, my partner in crime from Vamps Dave, DCKevin of N Sync Lance n JC, Lauren of Lucky me, my anonymous guest writer from a few chapters ago, Frank of Lance's Liaison, and all the other authors I've helped, or inspired on this site. I'd also like to thank the writers of some great stories such as LISA, Search and Rescue, Luv thru chat (which I just started reading), Ryan and Lance (which I also just started reading), and all the other stories which I've come to love! Thank you all, without you this story wouldn't be. So, now that I've finished my rambling, the words you've all been waiting for... ON WITH THE SHOW!!!

Last time..

"Where'd you go?" "To dinner, then just walked around a little bit." "Any fan hassle?" "Nah, was a pretty quiet night. What about you?" "We went out with Topanga and Angela." "Won't Shawn and Corey get jealous?" "Eh.. we could take em!" "Where'd you go?" "We went to dinner then to some club where we wound up bumpin into Joey and Steve." "Joey drunk?" "A little, he's sleepin it off." "That's Joey for yah!" "As long as we didn't have to carry him home all vomit covered." "True." "Anyway, I'm gonna get to bed, Lance is probably wonderin what's taking me so long." "Aight, I'll see you in the morning." "Yeah, night!"

This time...

When I crept into the room, I saw Lance passed out asleep on top of the bed with his clothes still on.

"How cute!" I thought.

I went over to the bed, rolled him onto his back and started to undress him. First went his shirt, then his shoes and socks. When I was undoing his pants, I heard him moan in his sleep. As I started to pull them down, a tent began to grow in his boxer-briefs. I got an evil grin on my face and was debating on what I should do.

"Should I? Hmm... it WOULD be interesting... but he's tired and asleep. Would he even wake up?" I thought to myself, "Hmm... fuck it!" I whispered out loud.

I quickly stripped down to my boxers and made sure he was still sleeping. I then quietly and softly climbed on the other side of him on the bed. His hard-on was starting to fade, but it quickly sprang back up to attention once I place my hand on it and started to rub it. He rolled away and onto his stomach, which gave me access to his firm ass, so nicely complemented in his underwear. I massaged his cheeks through the fabric and he turned back onto his back. His dick was so hard now, that it was lifting up the elastic to his boxer-briefs. I pulled down the waistband and his cock sprang forward. I started to stroke his stiff prick with one hand and cupped his balls with my other hand. I heard him giggle a little in pleasure so I continued. I picked up the speed on his cock and decided to take it a little further. I started to lick his head while still stroking him. As my tongue did little circles around his head, I heard him start to moan and whisper something. At first I couldn't hear what he was saying, but it was at the point where I had swallowed all I could of his cock, that I heard him say something.

"Oh yeah.. Don't stop. Danielle!" he whispered in pleasure.

"WHAT?!?" I yelled abruptly sitting up and yelling so loud to wake him up.

"Ah! What? Huh?! Rob? What happened!" He said sitting up with a start.

"You tell me! Why the FUCK did you call out Danielle's name?!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about! You called out Danielle's name!"

"So what, I was talking in my sleep!" he said still confused.

"Yeah, not a good thing to call out your ex-girlfriend's name while your boyfriend's giving you a blow-job!"

"What? You were giving me.. I said.."

"Looks like I should've asked YOU instead of her!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Whatever, I'll let you get back to your little dream about Danielle! Good night!" I said getting up from the bed and grabbing my clothes.

"W.. what? Wait Rob. where are you going?"

"Somewhere that's not here!"

"Rob! Come on, you're over reacting! I can't control my dreams!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Why don't you go talk to Danielle about that!" I said buttoning up my pants and storming out of the room.

Lance sat there in the bed confused, worried, sorry and extremely horny. He didn't know what happened, and why he had called out Danielle's name. He didn't even know he called out her name. He didn't even know he was getting a blow-job. He didn't remember if he was even having a dream, let alone what it was about. He figured that he'd try and make sense out of it in the morning, right now, he just needed some sleep.

As I stormed out into the hallway, I was wondering if I should head back to my hotel, or just crash in one of the guy's rooms. I was too tired and upset to get a cab and go back to my hotel, with my luck, I'd probably run into someone who I didn't want to be dealing with and I'd blow them off... and get in trouble... just like Lance! I figured I'd knock on Chris' door, since I knew he was still up.

"Rob?" Chris said opening up the door.

"Hey, could I crash in here tonight? Lance and I just sorta got into a fight and I don't feel up to headin back to my hotel."

"Yeah, sure! Come on in!" He said opening the door and walking in, "I was just about to take a shower and head to bed."

"Oh, well I'm pretty tired, so I'm just gonna go to sleep. I'll sleep on the floor, don't worry about it." I said putting the rest of my clothes on the floor and shaping it into a pillow.

"Man please! Get yo ass up off the floor! Look, don't tell any of the guys I'm doin this, cause they'd never let me live it down.. That bed is big enough to fit the both of us comfortably and still have room left over for the Laker Girls, you can just crash with me in the bed. BUT, if you even try to make a move on me, I'm gonna throw your ass out the window!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead!"

"Ok, thanks man! I owe you big time!"

"No problem." He said entering the bathroom. He left the door cracked slightly and while he was undressing, he said, "So what did you two fight about anyway? That's if you don't mind me askin and you wanna talk about it."

"Trust me, you WOULDN'T be interested!"

"Try me."

"You sure?"


"Only fools are positive."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive! Hey.. Oh my god! You're the first person to ever get that!"

"Lion King man!"

"Anyways, last chance to back out."

"Would you just tell me!" He said turning on the shower.

"Well, when I went into the room, he was sleeping. He fell asleep in his clothes so I undressed him."

"And you found a hickey that wasn't from you?" He said stepping out in a towel.

"No. Well... he was kinda. hard when I pulled off his pants and."

"OH god..."

"I told you, you wouldn't want to hear this!"

"Nah, it's cool.. Really.."

"Well, I started to jerk him off, that in turn turned into a blow-job... and he called out Danielle's name."

"OH shit!"

"Yeah, so you can see how I would be pissed off."

"Did you say anything?"

"Hell yeah! I was like, `What the fuck!?!' and that woke him up."

"Did he know what happened?"

"He says he didn't, but I don't know."

"Well, if he was dreaming, you don't know.."


"And since you just came back from going out with Danielle, he was probably thinkin about that and with you giving him head, the two subconscious thoughts got merged together, and caused him to call out her name instead of yours."

"Scuse us doctor Freud!"

"Hey, I didn't get a bachelor's in psychology for nothin!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"Well, just get some sleep and you two will work it out in the morning."

"Thanks man! I really owe you big time!"

"Don't sweat it!"



I went to sleep forgiving Lance about what happened, and thanking Chris for being there. I decided I'd apologize first thing in the morning, after I got some desperately needed sleep.

The next day, after waking up with a mess in his shorts, Lance attempted to call me at my hotel.

"Good morning, how can I help you?"

"Yes, Ryan Rivera's room please, I need a can of soup."

"Right away sir."

After asking for my assumed name and saying the password for the phone, Lance was eagerly waiting for me to answer the phone.

"Your party is not in their room at the moment, please leave a message at the beep." The automated voice said.

"Shit!" Lance said slamming the phone back on the receiver. He picked up the phone again and tried my cell number. He thought he might reach me, but was greatly disappointed when he heard my cell phone ringing from under the bed. "Fuck!" He yelled throwing the phone on the bed. "Great! Now I can't find the little bastard! Shit! Maybe he's with one of the guys." He picked the phone back up about to call around the guy's rooms to see if I was there, but decided he'd just go knock. After changing his shorts, and throwing on a pair of pajama bottoms, he walked out into the hallway and went across to Justin's room. He opened the door and walked in to find Justin still asleep buried under his blanket and a mountain of pillows. "I guess he ain't here!" Lance said to himself walking back out into the hallway. "Ok, I doubt he's in Joey's room, cause Steve's there and they don't get along. So that leaves Josh and Chris."

He went over to JC's room and knocked on the door. When he tried to open it, he found it was locked. He knocked a little harder and waited for a couple of seconds before knocking again. Right when he was about to knock again, Josh came storming to the door and yelled,


"Um... hey... mornin Josh, is um... Rob in there by any chance?"

"What? Why the fuck would he be in here? Wasn't he with you?" JC said getting angrier and angrier that his sleep, which he treasured so greatly, was being disturbed.

"Um, yeah... but we got into a fight last night and he stormed off."

"Oh." JC said becoming concerned now. "Well, you want me to help you look for him?"

"Nah, that's ok. I'm just gonna go check with Chris and see if he knows. If he's not there, then I'll just wait a little while. He left some stuff in my room that he's gonna need, so he'll be back."

"You sure, cause I don't mind. really, you know how I am when I get woken up."

"Nah, it's cool, thanks anyway, go back to sleep." Lance said turning towards the direction of Chris' room.

"Well, I'm here if you need me!"

"K, thanks!" Lance said opening Chris' door and stepping in. As he stepped into the dark room, he could see Chris' back facing him, as he neared the bed, he saw something that greatly disturbed him. Lying in the bed was me, sound asleep along with Chris, who had his arm wrapped around my shoulder and was cuddled up against me. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" Lance yelled, "GET THE HELL OFF OF MY MAN!" he yelled waking the both of us up and throwing Chris out of the bed. "YOU TALK ABOUT ME SAYIN SOMEBODIES NAME, AND YOU GO AND FUCK CHRIS!!?!"

"Who fucked Chris?!" JC said running into the room.


"What the fuck happened?!" Justin said running in right behind JC.

"You fucked Chris!??" JC yelled.

"Rob fucked Chris!?" Justin repeated.

"Rob fucked who?" Steve asked from the hallway, "HE fucked Chris?!"

"NO! I DIDN'T FUCK CHRIS!" I yelled over the confusion.

Lance picked up Chris and threw him against the wall, "I should beat the living shit out of you right now! The only reason I'm not is cause HE deserves a beating first!" He said dropping Chris and coming for me.

"LANCE! STOP! JUST STOP AND LISTEN TO ME!" I said backing up towards the window.

"Why should I? You didn't last night when you stormed off!"

"That's cause I was pissed, and I know I was wrong for that. I was going to apologize first thing this morning."

"Yeah, some apology! Sleep with my best friend, who I thought up until now what straight!"

"I am!" Chris defended.

"Shut up!"

"Look, Lance. this is all just a misunderstanding. Let me explain." I said.

"Save it! I don't wanna hear it!" Lance said turning around and walking around the bed, towards the door.

I jumped on top of the bed and ran across it to cut off Lance,

"Lance, baby, please.. Just wait. Let's just all calm down and discuss this. I didn't sleep with Chris... well, I did, but we."

"See! He admits it!"

"NO! I meant I didn't fuck Chris.. I slept in the same bed as him, that's all!"

"Why should I believe you?! You didn't believe me!"

"I know, and I'm sorry about that. Chris even helped me realize that I was wrong about the whole thing."

"I'm listening."

"Ok, after I left your room, I was trying to decide whether I should go back to my hotel or just crash with one of the guys. I didn't wanna go all the way back to my hotel cause I wasn't in the mood to deal with anybody. So, I knocked on Chris' door cause I knew he was still up, cause I had just seen him before I went into your room. I asked him if I could crash on the floor cause me and you had just gotten into a fight. He said yeah. When I started to make a bed on the floor, he insisted that the bed was big enough for the both of us and that I could sleep in it with him. It's just like what happened back when all of you got drunk, and you thought you slept with Joey."

"Who slept with me?" Joey asked dragging himself into the room with his hand on his head.

"Rob fucked Chris." Steve said.

"WHAT!?!" Joey yelled his eyes becoming wide, "OW!"

"I DIDN'T FUCK CHRIS!" I yelled.


"Sorry Joe. I didn't fuck Chris! It was just a misunderstanding!"

The room was quiet for a couple of seconds, the silence was broken by Lance, who started to crack up out of nowhere. It was a chain reaction, I started to laugh, then Chris, then JC and finally Justin. Steve stormed out of the room and Joey was still grabbing his head.

"I'm sorry I flipped out." Lance said, "Come here." He said grabbing me into a hug. We hugged and he hit me on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For scaring the shit out of me!"

"Come on, at least give me SOME credit! If I WERE to cheat on you I'd at least do it with someone better than Chris, no offense!"

"None taken." Chris said.

"I'm sorry too for buggin out last night."

"What DID happen last night?" JC asked.

"You DON'T wanna know!" Chris said.

"I do!" Justin said.

"I'll tell you later." I said.

"Ok, is all forgiven?" JC asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Yeah." Lance said.

"Good. Well, now that we're all up, how bout we all meet up in restaurant downstairs foe some breakfast?"

"Sounds good to me! All this confusion's made me hungry!" Chris said.

"Green eggs and ham makes you hungry!" I said.

"Hey! I don't eat that rancid food!"

"Come on Sam I am, let's go!" Lance said.

"We'll meet in about an hour?" JC asked.

"Yeah." We all agreed.

When Lance and I got back to his room, we apologized to each other repeatedly and wound up making out for about 15 minutes before starting to get ready.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. care to join me?" He asked starting towards the bathroom.

"Yeah, in a minute. I'm just gonna see if I have any messages for me at the hotel." I said sitting on the bed and dialing over to my hotel.

I only had one message from my publicist Alexis,

"Hey Rob, this is Alex, I'm just reminding you that you have that interview with MTV today about the Latin Explosion at 12, and you are going to meet that contest winner afterwards back at the hotel at 2:30. You have to take her shopping then bring her back so you can be ready. You have to be at the venue by 6. You're not sitting with the guys cause all of the seats around them were already booked. I believe you're sitting next to the Backstreet Boys. If you have any questions, give me a call on the cell. Talk to you later."

"Shit!" I said hanging up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked.

"I forgot, I got an interview at 12 and I gotta pick up my date at 2:30."

"So no relaxing after breakfast?"

"Nope. I gotta eat and run. Oh, and I'm not sitting with you guys tonight either."

"What?! Why not?!"

"All the seats were booked. I'm sitting next to the Backstreet Boys."

"Well they better not try anything with you!"

"Are any of them.."

"I dunno... we're not very close. When we see each other, it's usually hi and bye."

"What about back in New York? Wasn't Justin and AJ gonna play some basketball?"

"They always say that whenever they see each other. AJ doesn't even PLAY basketball. Nick and Brian are the basketball nuts."


"Well, how bout that shower now?"

"Ok, but we can't take too long, no messin around cause I gotta get ready."

"You're no fun!"

"Yes I am, just not when I'm in a hurry!" I said kissing him then going into the bathroom, taking off my clothes on the way.

There was little fooling around in the shower, we cleaned ourselves, kissed for a few, then got out and got dressed. We met the guys in the restaurant and ordered some food.

"So what's on the agenda for today Scoop?" Joey asked.

"We gotta go to sound check at 4, then get ready and go back." Lance replied.

"What about you Rob?" Justin asked.

"I got an interview at 12, then I gotta pick up that contest winner and take her shopping. After that, get dressed and go to the venue."

"So how was last night?" JC asked.

"We had fun, well. up until that little incident, but it was cool. By the way, where's Steve?" I asked looking up at Joey.

"He wasn't hungry. He said he was goin back to sleep and he would order room service when he got hungry." Joey said.

"Oh, ok." I said exchanging a glance with Chris.

"So did you get together with Tony last night?" Justin asked JC.

"Nah, I couldn't get in touch with him. I tried Keri, but she was on the set, I tried Marc but he wasn't home, and I tried Dale, but he had a date."

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was tryin to get together with some friends from the Mouse Club last night but no one was available."

"Oh, well that just sucks ass."

"Yeah, oh well. Next time I'm in LA I guess."

"What time is our flight back tomorrow?" Chris asked.

"We leave LAX at 1, and get back to Orlando around 10." Lance said.

"Then it's a couple of days off and back on the road." JC said.

"You're comin back with us, right Rob?" Joey asked.

"Nope. I'm off to New York for a meeting about Jay's graduation, then to Atlanta for some interviews, then I'm meeting you at the first stop on the tour." I said.

"Damn it, no down time for us then!" Lance said.

"Nope, sorry babes." I said finishing my food, "And now I gotta get goin. I gotta get changed and head over to that interview." I said starting to get up from the table.

"What's it about anyway?" Justin asked.

"About the whole Latin Explosion thing, you know, the sudden boom of Hispanic singers."

"Oh, cool."

"Yeah, well, I'll see you guys tonight, even though I'm not gonna be sittin with yah."

"What? Why?!" They all said.

"Lance'll explain, I really gotta get goin! Laters!" I said giving them all pounds and leaving.

I called up Jay on the limo ride over to the interview. He still has NO idea about the concert, and I can't wait for us to go and surprise him. I'm not telling him that I'm coming to NY tomorrow, I want to surprise him. He was tellin me that school was getting stressful just cause he couldn't wait to get out of there. I couldn't stay on long cause I had to get to the interview. It was just after I had told him about the incident with Lance, that we arrived. I had to interrupt his laughter fit cause I had to tell him that I had to go. After I got off the phone, I got out of the limo and went into the place where they were shooting the interview. After a quick visit to hair, make-up and wardrobe, I was taken to the set and put in front of the camera.

< Let's get started by me just telling you what we're going to be doing today.

Sure, I've been told some things about what's going down, but haven't been totally filled in.

< Well, within the past few months, ever since the Grammy's there's been a "Latin Explosion" in the music industry. With such new artists as Jennifer Lopez and you, and others who are attempting a crossover, such as Ricky Martin and Marc Anthony, there's been a new sound that has sprung up into mainstream Pop music. MTV has gotten in contact with many Latin artists, both new and old asking them what they think about it all and if they feel they're apart of it. We're going to start this interview by asking you to just respond to all of this, in a general state.

Well as far as these new sounds springing up, it's nothing new! These sounds have been apart of our culture for thousands of years. I feel that Latin music has been always been in its own stream. It's always had a big following; mainstream America is just the last ones to catch on. I mean, when you have Latin artists selling out shows in minutes over in Japan, Germany and all over the world, it's nothing that has just sprung up since the Grammy's. If you're referring to Ricky Martin, he's been in this business since he was a little kid, back in Menudo. Marc Anthony has been around for years; he's won a few Grammy's for his Salsa albums. A lot of people are calling these crossover artists, New artists, when they've been in the game for years. If I were to go up to one of these American fans, who've never listened to Spanish Music before in their life, and who say that they love all of Ricky Martin's music, and play for them something from one of his Spanish albums, they wouldn't even know it was him. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Ricky Martin, I've heard some of the stuff he's gonna be putting on his English Album, and I think it's genius what he's combining in his music, but don't mistake him for a new artist. Jennifer Lopez is a new artist, I am a new artist. It can't be new if it's been around for a long time.

< Wow... I can tell you've really thought about this. A lot of others we've interviewed just came up with the answer on the spot. Tell us, how would you classify your music? Would you call it Pop or R&B?

My music is a combination of things. Throughout my study of music, I've been influenced by many different kinds of sounds. When I was in high school, I was introduced to Classical music, I sang Jazz for the first time, I learned how to scat, improvise, I learned so much that it all helped to shape the style that makes up my music. In my music, I combine my knowledge of Jazz, R&B, Salsa and Pop and fuse it all into one sound. Not all of my songs have that sound though, there are a few songs on my album that just have a strictly Pop sound, or a strictly R&B sound or a strictly Salsa sound. But even though that is the case, you'll find elements of that fused sound in all of them.

< Who have been some of your greatest influences in Latin music?

Wow.. So many. Well, in no particular order, um.. Hector Lavoe, Tito Nieves, Marc Anthony, DLG, Carlos Santanna, Gloria Estefan, so many. I can't even name them all.

< Have you always been into the music of your heritage?

I'd be lying if I said yes. When I was younger, I used to hate it when my parents played Salsa and Merengue around the house. I couldn't stand it. But, as I got older, you can only withstand so many trips in the car listening to the Spanish radio stations, before you start to like it. I started to get into it when I was around 14 or so. I don't remember exactly when, but I know I got into it, and as I grew older, I was introduced to some more of the classics, and I just started to love it.

< You come from a Puerto Rican family correct?

Yup, my mother's from Carolina and my father's from San Juan, but I have family all over the island as well as New York.

The interview went on for about an hour or so. I had a good time. They told me that they were going to get Angie Martinez, a radio DJ from the New York station Hot 97, to narrate the special. They also told me that they would send me an advanced copy and let me know when it would be airing.

After the interview.. What did I do? Hold on, lemme check my schedule.... Oh yeah, I had to go and pick up the contest winner. But, it was only about 1:30, so I had time to kill. I decided to go back to my hotel so I could take a shower and change. After changing, I decided to go online and check my mail and talk to some people. I decided to go onto Cyber Venue and see if any of my friends were on.

Attempting to connect to CyberVenue...

Connecting to host ... Connected

Room: Lobby Exits: lfo, backstreetboys, kimberlythach, cnote, rob, innosense, nsync and mandymoore

You see here: Rob_IS_M1NE, BSB_N1ck, lance04, JRT_luvsme1, NiaJ32, JCsLUVer2, NicksGyrl5, BSB99_2000, ROBnJC143, KevyKev99, 1wantChris, NSYNCCH1CK, BsB4eva, and R0BsGYRLY

s0meRnR enters.

Rob_IS_M1NE says, "No way! Rob is cuter!"

1wantChris says, "eHll no! AJ is WAY hotter than Rob!"

1wantChris says, "Gyna, who do you think it is hotter? Rob or AJ?"

KevyKev99 says, "um.... I'd have to say Rob. AJ would be cute if he stuck to one color for his hair, but ROb is definitely hotter"

Rob_IS_M1NE says, "I told you Sara!"

1wantChris says, "but that doesn't matter cuz Chris is hotter than all of them!"

Rob_IS_M1NE says, "yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

NicksGyrl5 says, "has ne1 ever talked to them online?"

KevyKev99 says, "Who, RoB or Chris?"

KevyKev99 says, "or AJ?"

NicksGryl5 says, "either"

R0BsGYRLY says, "I've talkted to Rob a couple times"

ROBnJC143 says, "For real??!"

R0BsGYRLY says, "Yeah He;s really nice!"

ROBnJC143 says, "what's his sn?"

R0BsGYRLY says, "It;s I_am_RR99"

KevyKev99 says, "That's not him! That's a poser!"

JustinT00 enters

JustinT00 exits heading for NSYNC

ROBnJC143 says, "how do u know?"

KevyKev99 says, "Cause I know who that id"

KevyKev99 says, "is"

KevyKev99 says, "I got o school wiht him"

wildNcrazy1 enters.

You say, "Hey wild!"

wildNcrazy1 says, "hey R. Long time no see!"

You say, "I know"

NSYNCCH1CK says, "does ne1 know JC's AOL sn?"

You say, "What u been up to?"

wildNcrazy1 says, "workin, as usual"

You say, "me too"

NSYNCCH1CK leaves heading for NSYNC

1wantChris says, "but neway, you gotta admit AJ IS hot!"

BsB4eva says, "h<ell yeah! i soooooo want him!"

KevyKev99 says, "now i've talked to him b4"

wildNcrazy1 says, "what's his sn?"

You say, "don't encourage them!"

KevyKev99 says, "he told me not 2 say"

You say, "it's probaly a poser anyway"

KevyKev99 says, "no, he's the real thing"

wildNcrazy1 says, "how du u know?"

KevyKev99 says, "cuz my friend met him and he told her"

wildNcrazy1 says, "das cool"

You say, "Yo, I gota go. I got some work to do."

wildNcrazy1 says, "yeah. i gotta jet too"

You say, "Well, hope to tty soon then"

wildNcrazy1 says, "yeah.. u 2"

You say, "later"

wildNcrazy1 says, "bye"

As soon as I closed CV, I got an instant message from Justin.

(NOTE: This is made up, I don't know if this is really Justin's sn)

CurlySpice23: You trader! Flippin over to the BSB!

BxBOYRob: u know it ain't even like that!

CurlySpice23: yeah right... whatever

BxBOYRob: anyway, what up?

CurlySpice23: u know i'm jus playin

BxBOYRob: i know, cuz if u wern't i'd kick ur ass!

CurlySpice23: bring it on!

BxBOYRob: boy.. remember what happened last time u messed w/ me?

BxBOYRob: u don't wnana repeat!

CurlySpice23: thas only cuz u caught me by surprise!

BxBOYRob: yeah right.. that's what u always say!

CurlySpice23: but anyway... don't u got atht interview?

BxBOYRob: finished it. I'm at my hotel. I'm waitin for this girl to come in

CurlySpice23: cheatin on Lance huh?

BxBOYRob: basically

CurlySpice23: stupid

BxBOYRob: she should be here pretty soon, then it's off to the mall

CurlySpice23: I wish I could go, but we gotta go do soundcheck

BxBOYRob: ur doin sailing right?

CurlySpice23: yeah

BxBOYRob: flying and all?

CurlySpice23: you'll see. we're doin it w/ chris cross

BxBOYRob: jump jump

CurlySpice23: not that 1

BxBOYRob: I know. the gyu who sang it originally

CurlySpice23: yeah, josh is excited!

BxBOYRob: I know, he told me

BxBOYRob: so what are u doin?

CurlySpice23: nothin... had some mail to check and send

BxBOYRob: did u get that thing I sent u?

CurlySpice23: yeah, thakns

BxBOYRob: no prob

BxBOYRob: did u get me that u drive me crazy single yet?

CurlySpice23: yeah, I forgot to give it to u

CurlySpice23: remind me later

BxBOYRob: i'll probably forget, but that's ok

BxBOYRob: oh! i talked to ur man today

CurlySpice23: word? how is he?

BxBOYRob: he's good

BxBOYRob: he still has no idea about graduation

BxBOYRob: and he better NOT find out!

CurlySpice23: I'm mnot gonna tlel him!

BxBOYRob: u better not! if he finds out i'm seriously gonna kick ur ass!

BxBOYRob: and i'm not playin this time either

CurlySpice23: yeah, yeah, yeah... i know i know!

CurlySpice23: Chris said hi

BxBOYRob: tell him I said wassup and that some teenies in CV were fighting over who was cuter, me, him or aj from bsb

CurlySpice23: he siad, "i know i won right?"

BxBOYRob: Oh.... he was serious?

CurlySpice23: he said to shut the hell up

BxBOYRob: hey, i gotta get goin. This girl's gonna be here any minute. They just called and said that she's checking in now. I gotta go meet her in the lobby.

CurlySpice23: aight, I'll ttyl. We'll see u b4 the awards right?

BxBOYRob: Probably, but I don't know. If not, I'll see u during a commercial or somethin, i'll go over there and talk for a sec.

CurlySpice23: cool, see u later then!

BxBOYRob: peace!

CurlySpice23: bye!

As soon as I shut down my laptop, I went downstairs to meet Stephanie, the winner of the contest. When I got out of the elevator, I saw her back, she was signing something over at the front desk. When she turned around, her hair was covering her face so I didn't see it at first. The security people brought her over to me along with Alexis.

"Rob this is Stephanie, the contest winner and your date for tonight!" Alexis said.

"Hey!" I said, "Long flight?"

She looked up at me and cleared the long dirty blonde hair away from her face and said,

"Don't you hey me Rob!" She said as I got a surprised expression on my face partly because of what she said, soon becoming from seeing her face.

"Oh my god!" I said realizing for the first time who she was. "STEPH!!" I said pulling her into a bear hug.


So, who is Steph? Tune in next time! I really wanna know what you people think of my writing, if there are things that you don't like about it, let me know so I can try and change them for the better. So please, give me some feedback, email me at BYE!

Next: Chapter 41

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