Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Nov 28, 1999


Guess who's back! HI! Yeah, I know, long time no see, well I've been a little busy. Anyway, I have a feeling that you're all gonna like this one. call it a writer's hunch. Anyways, so I don't distract you anymore I'll say it. ON WITH THE SHOW!

"That show kicked ass!!" I said once we got back.

"That's like the 7 millionth time you've said that!" Joey said.

"That's like the 7 millionth time we've done that!" Justin said.

"I'm sorry, but it did!" I said.

"Ok! Calm down man!" Chris said.

"He can't help it! It's a common reaction to those who've seen our show for the first time." JC said.

"He's not a virgin anymore!" Joey said.

"Was it as good for you as it was for me?" Chris said.

"Better baby!" I said.

"Ok, ILL!" Lance said.

"Aww. he's jealous! Don't worry babe, my heart only beats for you!"

"Ok, I think I'm gonna be sick now!" Melissa said.

"Hey, it's getting late and we gotta head out of here early tomorrow!" Lance said.

"Aww, you're no fun!" I said.

"He's right. As much as we'd all like to continue this party of ours, we gotta be out of here by 8 tomorrow." JC said.

"Eeeeew! So that means we gotta be up by 7?!?" Justin complained.

"Yup, it sucks, but we've had worse! So let's get to bed!"

"Together? All of us?! We'd need a huge bed!" Chris said.

"Now we KNOW it's gettin late, cause Chris is gettin corny on us!" I said.

"Shut up!"

After he finished blushing, we headed to our rooms. Lance had to fight me off of him, as much as he wanted to fool around, he had to be up at 6 to finish packing, since my presence there didn't allow him enough time to do it the day before. I reluctantly agreed and we went to sleep. The next morning, he woke up at 6 and started packing his clothes, while I was still sleeping. At around 7, he went into the shower and I got up and joined him. I surprised him a little and he wound up shooting shampoo in my eye.

"AAH!!" I yelled due to the burning sensation in my eye.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" He said letting the shower jet hit me in my eye.

"I'm ok, it's my fault!"

Before I could open my eyes again, my lips were pressing against his. We stood under the hot water kissing for 5 minutes until he broke the kiss and said,

"I gotta finish getting ready!" then jumped out of the shower.

"COCK TEASE!" I yelled.

"You know it!"

"I'll get you back!"

"Why does it always have to be about getting each other back? Can't you just accept that I'm the master?!?"

"Oh, don't worry you'll get yours! Especially for that comment!"

"What about this?!" He said turning on the hot water to the sink.

"AAAHHH!!" I screamed as the water turned ice cold.

I turned the water off and saw him standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist and shaving cream on his face.

"Oh, my sexy hunk of man!" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I know!" He said flexing in the foggy mirror.

"I like these muscles better!" I said pulling off his towel and caressing his bare ass.


I rubbed my hands up and down his tight chiseled body then while pulling him back against my still hard cock with one hand, grabbing his now hardening member with the other. I started to kiss him on his neck and he moaned in pleasure.

"How bout I take you right here, on the bathroom sink?!" I said in my seductive bass voice.

"Mmm hmm.."

I was tempted to just leave him there and get him back for what he didn't do in the shower, but I was too horny. I also knew that this would have to last me for about another month, until I saw him again. So, after about half a second of debating, I bent him over the sink and started to shove my rock hard dick into his awaiting ass. Both of us still being wet from the shower provided the lubrication that was needed. I started building up a slow and steady pace. As we started to have hot passionate sex over the bathroom-sink, the phone started ringing. Normally either one of us would've stopped and went to answer it, this time, however, was different. There was something extremely hot and sexy about doing it there, the way we were. We were so wound up in the passion that we ignored it completely. As much as we were both into it, I was the hornier of the both of us. I built up a quicker pace and grabbed onto Lance's shoulders for support. I ran my nails down his back and he grunted in the exotic pain. I brought my hands back up to his shoulders then pulled him up so his back was against my chest. We both moaned in total ecstasy and I started to kiss him on his neck again. I ran my hand down his side and rubbed his ass cheek. That made him start to moan louder. Hearing him in pleasure, I reached around to the front and started to stroke his achingly red cock. That sent him over the edge and soon he was gyrating his hips back and forth, making me fuck him even harder while simultaneously fucking my hand. Again we were so caught up in the moment that we didn't hear the door open and Justin calling us.

Justin heard commotion in the bathroom and walked towards the door. He caught glimpse of out bare flesh and was curious as to what exactly we were doing. At the sight of us fucking each other's brains out, he immediately got hard. Two things were going through his mind, one how hot he forgot Lance's body was, and two, how he had just experienced a mind blowing orgasm while with Jay just two days before. He was thinking how sexy my body was as well, but that thought was quickly replaced with an image of Jay's. He still had to take a shower, so he ran back into his room and quickly got in. Lance and I were both nearing our earth shattering climaxes and we both knew it. Losing myself in the pleasure, I started going faster and faster with both my hips and my hand. We both reached the point of no return, and I blew my hot load in his eagerly awaiting ass, and he blew his on the still foggy mirror. Both spent and weak, we fell forward against the counter. As our heavy breathing started to regulate, I turned him around and gave him a long passionate kiss. We stood there for about 10 minutes locked in that embrace before either one of us said anything.

Justin soaped up his hand and reached down for his hard cock under the hot water of his shower. The image of Lance and I engaging in our wild sex scene was quickly replaced to the one of him and Jay from a couple of days earlier. He could smell Jay's scent, feel his breath against his neck. The vivid images of the episode had him shooting his load all over the glass door of the shower stall instantly. He slid down to his knees and let the hot water hit his body, only wishing that Jay was there to share the sensation with him.

"Wow! That was.." I began to say.

"Incredible!!" Lance said panting along with me.



"I know!"

"Damn, whenever we wanna be alone, somebody always gotta walk in on us!" Lance said grabbing a towel and walking over to the door.

He opened the door and there was Josh standing there looking not so happy.

"Where the hell have you been?!? I've been calling and I even sent Justin over to get you guys, but now he's disappeared too!" He yelled as Lance started to blush.

"Um.. we were kinda busy.."

"OH great! Well, while you two were gettin busy, we ordered breakfast a half-hour ago! You only have half an hour to get dressed and eat before we gotta leave!"

"Ok, I have my clothes out already, all I gotta do is throw them on and I'm set!"

"Well hurry up! I'm goin to find Justin!"

"Ok, I'll see you in a couple of minutes!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

I came out of the bathroom, after jumping in the shower again to rinse off the sweat that I had worked up.

"Was he pissed?" I asked toweling off.

"As always. what can you expect? He's Josh!"

"Well, you better jump in the shower real quick to rinse off, then we can get out of here!"

"Yeah, that's just what I was about to do!"

While he was in the shower, I got dressed. When he got out, he was surprised at how fast I had gotten ready. After breakfast, we made our way down to the lobby where they had a shuttle van waiting. As always, the good bye was rough on all of us, but we got through it.

After the tearful farewell, Melissa and I went back to the hotel for her car. We went back to her place and just hung out for the rest of the day, catching up on everything that had been going on. She drove me back to Orlando the next day, and was sad to go back alone. But again, we got through it. She couldn't stay cause she had some work to do and had to get back home as soon as possible.

I had like 10 messages on my machine since I had last checked it. Four of them were from the label telling me about some things that I had to do that were already described in the fax I had received the day before. Two were from Kim, one was from Danielle, one was from Christina, and the last was from Jessie. I called Danielle back first, but she was on the set so she said she would call me back. I called Kim and talked to her for a few hours. Just about stuff, nothing special.

That week was tough cause I stayed late everyday in the studio to work a couple of songs that I wanted to put on the album. The label was great about it, they didn't mind me staying at all, as long as I locked up when I was done. Between dance rehearsals, vocal rehearsals with my singers, and prep for the interview, I was dead tired by Friday. I had to be at this studio by 11. They did my hair, make-up and wardrobe, and I started the shoot at around 12. That lasted for about an hour then it was off to the actual interview itself. That went pretty smoothly. They were asking me some pretty standard questions. How did I get my start? How did I meet N Sync? If it was true that I helped produce a song that was going to be on their new album? Where I grew up? What was it like? Stuff about my family. About my education in music. When my album was due out. When was the next single coming out and what would it be. The thing I especially liked about it was that there were only those 2 questions pertaining to my connection with N Sync. They wanted to know about me, and not just how, I was connected to the guys of N Sync. I had a good time and it didn't feel like a standard interview.

Well here it is the middle of April, and a week and a half before my album is released. We're down to the last song on it. At the last minute we decided to do a remake of the song "Back to life" and have my backup singers sing on it with me. We're in LA in the process of getting it recorded. After this is done, the album is off to be pressed. I've spoken to everybody imaginable in the passed month. I've done countless interviews, my popularity has grown ever since the April edition of "Teen People" came out with me on the cover, I've been on millions of radio shows promoting my album and the next single is scheduled to be released next week, only 4 days before my album. As tired as I am, I can't help but be excited.

Tomorrow is my record release party. It's being held in this club in New York. They decided to hold it there because it's only right, considering it's my hometown and place of discovery. I'm gonna be going on TRL and then after that, they're gonna have me do an in-store appearance at Tower Records on 66th St and Broadway, that should be cool, cause my old school is just down the block from there, so I'm hoping to see a lot of familiar faces. I was on the radio 4 times today already. The first one I did was in the morning, on 97.9 La Mega, one of the Spanish radio stations. I talked about my album and the song I did with Marc Anthony, and I even gave them a sneak peek of it. The next show I did was the morning show on 103.5 KTU, which played pop and house mostly. They greeted me with high regards and asked pretty standard questions. After that, I had an interview with some magazine and a photo shoot. I had to be at this other radio station 107.5 WBLS, who played R&B and Hip-Hop. I talked about the single I did with Missy, Timberland and Aaliyah. At first they were a little weird about me being there because they thought of me as just some Pop singer. Once they found out how much I knew about the Hip-Hop and R&B world, and how there were songs on my album, that were strictly R&B, they lightened up. And after they heard the song that I did, they eventually accepted me. After that it was off to, 97.1 Hot 97, who also played Hip-Hop and R&B. It was the same case as with WBLS. For some reason, in their eyes, just because a person may sing Pop, it means that they can't do something else. After those last two, I was a little pissed off. I had one more radio interview to do and that was it for the day. The last one wouldn't be so bad cause it was with somebody that I already knew, Cubby. As I made my way to the Z100 studios, I started to feel better because I realized that it was just 4 months ago that I first stepped into these studios and introduced myself to the tri-state area. Now, here I was with the finished product of my album, and waiting to see how it was going to be perceived by the fans. As always, the interview with Cubby was fun. I was sayin how he was my first interview ever, and he said how Z100 was the first to showcase me. They were sponsoring the CD signing tomorrow and they gave away some passes. After about a few minutes, I left and went to my parent's house to have dinner.

Of all the people who are in my corner, they're the ones who are most proud of me. It gives me such a sense of accomplishment to see the look on their faces when they realize that I've made it and have fulfilled my dream. We were listening to the advanced copy of my album that I had gotten for them, while we were eating. My mom started to cry cause she was so proud of me. After that little emotional display, we finished eating. After I left there, I went home and went straight to bed after filling in Jay about the day's events.

I woke up around 11 the next day and just lounged around until 2. I had to be at the MTV studios by 3. I got ready and left by 2:30. When I got to the studios, I went around the back way in order not to be spotted by the fans. I was in hair and makeup when Carson came in and introduced himself. He seemed pretty cool, and from how the guys described him, he wasn't that bad of a guy. My video had reached number 1 and was battling with "I drive myself crazy" to hold down the spot. I found it funny that there was a competition between our videos. When I stepped into the studio, I looked outside the window and saw some people with signs that had my name on it. I just found it all funny and Carson noticed.

"Wow, look at them, they're like dying!" I said laughing.

"Yup, and it's all for you!"


"So are you still getting used to that? I mean, the fan treatments and all."

"OH yeah! It's all new to me! I just can't believe that they're all here to see me!"

"That they are, go say hi!"

I walked over to the window and waved again. I heard some muffled screaming then walked back to Carson.

"So, the video and single, `The one I want' is doing extremely well, on TRL and the Billboard charts!"

"Yup, it's already went to number 1, and is on its way to going platinum!"

"So tell us how exactly you got discovered. I heard that N Sync had something to do with it?"

"Yeah, I ran into Lance at a movie theater and saved him from a mob of fans. We hit it off, he introduced me to the guys, we hit it off. They took me into the studio with them cause we were gonna go out clubbin afterwards. I stuck my two cents in about stuff that they were recording and they were impressed. They heard me sing and were even more impressed. The producer who was there was also impressed, so much so that he brought the tape of me singing to the company, they liked it and signed me."

"Wow, so it was just by pure luck!"

"Yeah, I was originally planning on going to college to major in Music Production, but I took a year off to save up some money. After college I was gonna try and make it as a singer. But, thanks to the music gods, I've been handed a great hand!"

"Well a great hand and a great voice. We're gonna get to the number 2 video today, slipping from number 1, is `I drive myself crazy' by N Sync, we'll be right back with Rob oh MTV's TRL." After they cut through the video and were back on the air, Carson said, "So is there any competition between you guys? I mean there's a constant fight between your 2 videos everyday here!"

"No, not at all. I mean, they've become 5 of my new best friends! It may sound corny and all, and like I'm just tryin to play it off, but I seriously mean it. I've gotten to become close friends with every one of them. Some closer than others, but close none the less!"

"So have you really dealt with any competitors yet?"

"Well, I wouldn't say so. I mean, as far as other artists out there, I guess you can say I'm competing with them, but I'm doing something totally different. I'm doing something that very few artists have attempted to do. I'm getting my hands into 3 different styles of music. On my album alone there's 3 main different styles of music, although there are some songs that fuse them together. A lot of people see me as just a Pop singer and I'm not. On my album, I have a song that I did in Spanish, a Salsa song. I have an R&B/Hip- Hop type of song that I did with Missy, Timberland and Aaliyah. In all of my songs I bring that influence of those different types of music into them. There's also some Jazz influence and even some Classical. I mean, I was Classically trained for 4 years. In my Junior year of high school, I started exploring the world of Jazz music. So, I sing so many different types of music, that it's hard to classify me as just one type of singer."

"That's definitely something that we haven't seen in a long time, and that I think, we honestly need more of."

"I agree, how can you call yourself a musician, if you just limit yourself to just one type of music? You have to be willing to explore! And it's not easy! A lot of people think that you just get up, go into a studio, sing and go home! NO!! It's hard work! I think it's a little easier for me because of the training I've had, but even with that, it's still a hassle!"

"But a hassle that's well worth it!"

"OH yeah! Definitely!"

"Well, we're gonna get to our number 1 video now, it's Rob with `The one I want'! We'd like to thank Rob for stopping by today, and I understand that you're on your way to a CD signing?"

"Yeah, on 66th and Broadway! Right around my old school! I actually don't live that far from there either!"

"Well, good luck with the album and everything. Feel free to come back anytime!"

"Thanks, it was my pleasure! GO BUY MY ALBUM! In stores today!"

"Once again, Rob!"

When they went to the video, I shook hands with Carson again and left.

By the time I got to Tower, there was a really long ass line. There were tons of screaming fans. I waved and waved, and waved, and waved! When I was brought into the store, I answered some questions from the press and took some pictures and after about a half-hour, we started the signing. There were about 40 winners from Z100 who got a free copy of the album and got to cut in front of the line. Out of those 40, I recognized about 5 of them. After they were done, they let the people on the line in. Even though after about an hour, my hand was killing me, I was still having a good time. I recognized a lot of people from my old school, some of whom were friends and some of whom I had no idea who they were but knew me. I was having a great time, enjoying every minute of it. There were some people who started crying. I couldn't understand why, but I remember Justin telling me to get used to stuff like that. That there were some girls who would just get so emotional that they would break down into tears. As flattering as it was, I told them to stop crying and I gave a couple of them a hug. That didn't help much, cause they just got even more hysterical.

By the time 9 o'clock came, it was time for me to leave. I didn't get a chance to sign everybody's CD, and felt a little bad. But on my way out, I waved to everybody. That whole day I was doing something that I really wasn't used to. I was getting driven around everywhere. I was brought to some store where they had stayed open a little later in order for me to get some clothes for that night. I picked out some kick ass clothes that looked really good on me. After buying them, then putting them on, we were on our way to the party. I knew there were going to be some celebrities there, as well as my family and some of my friends, but I wasn't sure if the guys were going to be there or not. They had said that they might not be able to make it due to the tour schedule. When I got to the club, after getting a congratulatory greeting from everybody, I was disappointed to find out that the guys couldn't make it. Jay said that he had talked to Justin, who said to call them around 12 that night so they could congratulate me. After setting the alarm on my pager for 12, I made my rounds to greet everybody and had a good time.

The party was jumpin, the music was kick ass, and I was having a great time. I was dancing, and socializing with a lot of business people. Lance would've been proud of me at how while still having a good time, I was politicing with various business men and women. The clock vibrated 12 and I excused myself for a minute and went outside to the limo, to call the guys. I dialed Lance's cell first. When he answered, he gave me the number to their hotel room, so he could put me on speakerphone. I did as told and when they answered Chris was doing a mock teenie voice,

"Oh my god! It's ROB! AAAHH!!! CAN I HAVE YOUR BABY!?"

"I would let you, but 1, I think Lance would get jealous, and 2, that would kinda hurt for you that is.."

"ILL!" they all responded.


"Nothin!" they all said.

"How's the party?" Joey asked.

"Off the meter!"

"Oh god, the ghetto is coming out of him again!" Lance said.

"Shut up!"

"So, I take it everything is going well?" JC asked.

"Oh yeah. I'm having a blast! Oh and Jus, you were right!"

"I know.. about what?" He said laughing.

"About the teenies breaking down and crying for no reason."

"Oh that? Duh!"

"My hand is killing me! AND NO CHRIS! Not from that! From the signing!"

"I didn't say nothin!" Chris said in mock hurt.

"Whatever. anyway, how was the show?"

"Same old, same old!" Lance said, "Thousands of screaming girls, a couple of things that went wrong, the usual!"

"Lance messing up on the choreography!" Chris chimed in.

"Well at least I didn't go flat!"

"HEY! Calm down! This night ain't about you!" I said, "It's about me!"

"BOO!" They all hissed.

"Anyway, sorry we couldn't be there bro!" JC said, "You know we wanted to, but.."

"Yeah, I know. No need to explain." I said.

"Well, look at it this way, within a couple of weeks, you'll finally be on tour with us and then we'll see each other everyday and get sick of each other!" Joey said.

"Of you, maybe. of the others, no!"

They all laughed and I said that I had to get back to the party. After saying goodbye to the group, Lance picked up the phone and we spoke for about 5 minutes, before I really had to get going.

I went back to the party, to find that my parents were getting ready to leave. I gave them my love and they congratulated me again, and left. Ricky was getting a little bit too social, so I had him go home. Jay was tired and had to go to school the next day, so I told him to go home too. The party ended around 3am and I wasn't that tired, due to the amount of sleep I had the night before. I had the next day off, and then it was on to do some more promotional work. I was gonna be on Rosie and after that, it was back to Orlando, for some packing, last minute meetings, and then on the road.

The taping of Rosie went well, she's a nut! I sang two songs on the show and did the interview. After that, I went back to my apartment, got my things and had to leave. When I got back to Orlando, I started packing and I finished by 11 that night. The next day I had some meetings and by that night, I was on a plane. I was flying ahead of the guys, and would meet them at their next stop, which was the next day. I checked into the hotel and went to sleep. I was awoken around 4 in the morning by, someone entering my bed. I couldn't see, but I knew by smell and the outline of their body, that it was Lance.

"Hey baby." I groaned.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He said with sorrow in his voice, wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah, but it's ok!" I said turning to him.

"When'd you get in?"

"I dunno. but I was just so tired that I went to bed."

"Oh I'm sorry, then go back to sleep!"

"It's ok babe, really! How was the show?"

"Same old shit."

"Cool!" I said while yawning.

"Go back to bed. I'm gonna take a quick shower and then join you. We have most of tomorrow off except for an appearance that we don't have to do till the evening, so we can sleep in."

"Ok, night babe!"

"Night!" He said kissing me on my forehead.

I woke up around 10, and didn't want to disturb Lance, so I gently got out of bed, got my laptop, plugged the phone wire into the jack and went out into the hallway. I checked my mail and went into Cyber Venue under my own screen name. I found that it was better, and a hell of a lot funnier, to go in on a different screen name other than the one that was given to me. Over the passed month or so, I had made a few good friends in CV there were some that I even trusted enough to reveal my identity to. Whether they believed me or not, was up to them. It was funny to see the teenies in the room fight over who was better looking, either me or one of the guys from N Sync, BSB, or 98*. I couldn't help but laugh at them.

When I got into the room, there were only about 3 people in there besides me. I knew 2 of the 3. They introduced me to the third guy and we just started talking.

Attempting to connect to CyberVenue...

Connecting to host ... Connected

Room: Lobby

Exits: lfo, backstreetboys, kimberlythach, cnote, rob, innosense, nsync and mandymoore You see here: hot4nickC, CrAzY4YoU and wildNcrazy1

s0meRnR enters.

You say, "what up y'all!"

hot4nickC says, "hey RnR!"

You say, "how's it goin?"

CrAzY4YoU says, "hey R, good, u?"

wildNcrazy1 says, "hey"

You say, "jus chillen, jus woke up too!"

CrAzY4YoU says, "Oh that's right, you're startin this week!"

You say, "yup, officially start tomorrow night."

wildNcrazy1 says, "brb, gotta reboot"

CrAzY4YoU says, "K, see u in a few"

wildNcrazy1 leaves.

You say, "k"

hot4nickC says, "I gotta go too u guys. I'll see yah. Good luck R!"

You say, "Bye babes!"

CrAzY4YoU says, "bye tiff!"

hot4nickC leaves.

You say, "So who's this wild guy?"

CrAzY4YoU says, "he's a cool guy, you'd like him"

You say, "kool, so what's up w/ u girlie? Long time no speak!"

CrAzY4YoU says, "nothin, just hangin around, you know how I be"

wildNcrazy1 enters.

wildNcrazy1 says, "hey, where'd tiff go?"

You say, "she had to bounce"

wildNcrazy1 says, "Da<mn!"

CrAzY4YoU says, "So what's up wild?

wildNcrazy1 says, "nothin, workin hard"

You say, "what do you do?"

wildNcrazy1 says, "everything is seems"

You say, "I know how that is!"

You say, "i've never seen u in here, u come here a lot?"

wildNcrazy1 says, "mostly in tha mornins, we're off today so i get just chill"

CrAzY4YoU says, "lord knows u need a day off!"

wildNcrazy1 says, "ehll yeah!"

LaNce_is_mine_99 enters.

LaNce_is_mine_99 leaves heading for N Sync.

You say, "be back in a few"

CrAzY4YoU says, "ok"

wildNcrazy1 says, "k"

s0meRnR leaves.

wildNcrazy1 says, "so who's he?"

CrAzY4YoU says, "he's a cool guy. U 2 have a lot in common!"

wildNcrazy1 says, "I bet"

CrAzY4YoU says, "you have no idea!"

I put the laptop on the floor cause I heard something in the room. When I got up to check on Lance, he was still sleeping, just snoring a little. After mentally commenting on how cute he looked, I went back in the hall and signed back on.

Attempting to connect to CyberVenue...

Connecting to host ... Connected

Room: Lobby

Exits: lfo, backstreetboys, kimberlythach, cnote, rob, innosense, nsync and mandymoore You see here: CrAzY4YoU and wildNcrazy1

s0meRnR enters.

You say, "back"

CrAzY4YoU says, "that was fast"

You say, "Yeah, had to do somethin real faast"

CrAzY4YoU says, "hey, i gotta get goin u guys, work is a callin"

You say, "aw man. ok, I'll see u later then!"

CrAzY4YoU says, "sorry hun, but I gotta make my money!"

wildNcrazy1 says, "later vicky"

CrAzY4YoU says, "later guys"

CrAzY4YoU leaves.

You say, "bye"

You say, "so..."

wildNcrazy1 says, "so.."

You say, "Where u from?"

wildNcrazy1 says, "orlando, u?"

You say, "NY, but I live in orlando"

wildNcrazy1 says, "for real?"

You say, "yeeah, but now i'm on the road"

wildNcrazy1 says, "kool. i'm hardly ever there either."

You say, "ur job keeps u travelin too huh?"

wildNcrazy1 says, "oh yeah!"

You say, "same here, it hasn't been that bad in the passed few months, but it's about to get worse."

wildNcrazy1 says, "y?"

You say, "long story!"

wildNcrazy1 says, "i c"

wildNcrazy1 says, "hey, I gotta go, got some things to do"

You say, "aight, I'll see yah then, was nice talkin to yuo"

wildNcrazy1 says, "u 2, later"

You say, "bye"

wildNcrazy1 leaves.

After he left, I logged out. I sent some email to a couple of people and just as I was done, I saw the door to 1 of the rooms open and out stepped Chris.

"Hey Predator!" I said.

"Huh?" he said groggily.

"Nothin.. The braids.. Predator. forget it!"

"Oh, Rob! Wassup?" he said yawning and walking towards me as I stood up, "What're you doin out here?"

"Lance was sleepin, and I wanted to go online, and I didn't want to disturb him."

"Ok.. Whatever.."

"You look dead, what time you guys get in last night?"

"About 3:30. What about you?"

"I don't even remember, I just went to sleep as soon as I got in!"

"Me too."

"So where were you headed to?"

"I dunno, was gonna wander around downstairs and probably get something to eat."

"Ah, cool!"

"Wanna join me?"

"Sure why not. Let me just put this away and throw something on."

"Ok, I'll meet you by the elevator."


I went into the room, grabbed some clothes out of my suitcase and quietly tiptoed into the bathroom. I jumped in the shower really quick, then dried off and put on my clothes. When I got to the elevator, Chris was asleep up against the wall. I smacked him in the head and ran around to his other side.

"Hey!" he said still groggy, "You ready?"

"Yeah, I should ask the same for you! If you're so tired, why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I'm not sleepy, it just takes me a few minutes to wake up totally."

"Ok, whatever, come on, the elevator awaits."

By the time we got down to the lobby, Chris was awake, and I wished that he was still asleep. We noticed some of the teenies that were outside the hotel waiting for us.

"There they are! The flock of mindless teenies that we secretly control through our songs and videos!" He said as we walked into the restaurant.

"Gotta love those subliminal messages! You want to have Chris' baby!' Think Lance and Justin are straight!' `Joey's a slut!' Oh, sorry, that one was mine!"

"Oh! So how was the party the other day?"

"Oh man! IT was hot!"

"For real?!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Any fly girls?!"

"Of course! And I danced with practically all of them!"

"Aight, go Rob! Shh.. Don't tell Lance I said that!"

"Of course not! There was this one girl that I was dancing reggae with, and DAMN! Did she get me hard!"

"Oh shit!"

We got a table in the back and ordered some food.

"But for real, the occasion, and me being a little tipsy, and them playing music that I actually liked and could dance to, made the party off the hook!"

"You tipsy?!? I thought you didn't drink!"

"I told you, I only drink on special occasions!"

"Yeah, whatever!"

"But for real, you would've had a great time!"

"Oh well, maybe next time."

"Yeah, anyway. So what's been up with you?! We haven't spoke in awhile!"

"I'm getting a dog!! I picked him out already and all I gotta do is pick him up!"

The food came and we started eating.

"So you're actually gonna get one, huh?"



"This week!"

"Oh god! Well, all I gotta say is that I ain't cleaning up after him! I done raised my share of dogs in my time, and I ain't doin it again!" I said in a mock southern drawl. Chris started laughing and was choking on his food.

"Ok, breathe and swallow man!" I said laughing and patting him on his back.

"Shut up!" He muffled out with a full mouth.

"Geez, it wasn't that funny!"

"No, but what I was thinking was!"

"Do I wanna know?"

"Not really."

After we finished eating, we were walking around the hotel lobby. We were just talking, making jokes and doin the normal stuff when we heard about a dozen high pitched girl screams.

"Dare I look?!" I asked.

"I don't think so!" He said.

"Exit stage thataway?!" I said pointing towards one of the exits to the street.

"Yeah, RUN!"

We ran out the door while the screams followed. It turned out to be an even bigger mistake because outside waiting for us were dozens of other fans blocking the main entrance. All it took was one of them seeing us to set off a major chain reaction and sent us running down the street like the spectators running from the bulls in Spain.

"This was a bad idea!" I said panting as we fled for our lives.

"Ya think!?!" he said as we turned a corner.

"I feel.. Like Michael Jackson. in that video.. For Speed Demon!"

"Shut up and keep running!"


Dum dum duuuuuumm... Uh oh! How will our heroes get out of this one? Will they turn into a claymation rabbit and get on a motorcycle while singing "get your ticket right"? Will they get pummeled by the massive swarm of fans? Will the wind up in a desert just the two of them and start dancing to the music playing in the background and get a ticket for dancing in a no dancing area forcing them to give their autographs to a cop that is just like the really big claymation one that stopped all the fans from following them and locked them up in a the back of a paddy wagon and took them away as our heroes flew over the ocean through the nights sky????? All that and more in the next issue of.. Rob and Lance!!

Oh.. btw. did you like that scene? I knew that you would. No? Then why not!? Either way, let me know, email me at And as I once said, I speeded up the time period so I can get some major stuff in and hopefully soon, get it to be in real time. So, again let me know what you think, all questions, comments and suggestions are encouraged and more than welcome! Come on people! I like getting fan mail! It makes me feel appreciated! Ok, I'm done now.. BYE!!!

Next: Chapter 34

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