Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Nov 4, 1999


Wow, I didn't expect to get this out for at least another few days, but luckily for all of us, I got a chance to write tonight! I just want to take a couple of moments out to thank all of my devoted readers. I've made some great friends out of some of you and I cherish those friendships (y'all know who you are, so I don't have to mention names). As long as I have a story to tell, you don't have to worry about me ending the series, thank you! Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, ON WITH THE SHOW!

"Do you need me to carry you? I mean, being that you can barely walk and all!" I said as we made our way through the walkway.

"Shut up!" He said laughing.

"So did Jay have a `happy' birthday?"

"You saw the smile on his face, what do you think?!?"

"That was just cause now he has the apartment all to himself again and he can actually sleep in the bed and not on the couch!"

"Shut up!"

"You think I'm kidding!"

"Anyway, how was the video shoot and recording session?"

"Both awesome! Oh my god! I had MADD fun on the video shoot! We were buggin out in between takes, it was like we were high or somethin, but just madd energized!"

"What's this I hear? Geez, you're in New York for a couple of weeks and you start talkin like a."

"Yeah well that's what happens when I go home! And especially when I'm around Jay! Talkin like a what?!?"

"Nothin, never mind!"

"Like you should talk! At least I was from the ghetto! You just a wannabe! You just wannabe down!"


"White boy tryin to act black!"

"Shut up!"

"You know I'm jus fuckin wit yah!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"So anyway, did I tell you who I met when I went into the recording studio?"


"None other than the Puerto Rican Goddess herself, Jennifer Lopez!"


"Yup! You should've seen me there drooling!"

"Ooooo! I'm gonna tell Lance!"

"You do and you'll never see Jay again!"

"Bring it on!"

"Down boy! I kicked your ass before and I'm not afraid to do it again!"

"Shut up!" He said starting to blush.

"Anyway, she's coming out with an album. I head a couple of tracks off of it, it's not that bad."

"Cool, when's it gonna be out?"

"I think sometime this spring."


"Oh man, the track we recorded was off the hook!"

"Did what's his name sing on it with you?"

"Nah, Marc just wrote and arranged it. But he was talking about maybe getting together and doing a duet. Either in English or in Spanish, cause he's coming out with an all English album too!"


"Well, it was supposed to be out in like late June, but he went through some legal trouble so it'll be out in the fall."

"What happened?"

"Sony wanted to pick him up off of his former record company and have him record the English album for them. He was supposed to fulfill a 5 record deal with his former record company and then go up for renegotiations, but Sony wanted him. So there was some legal issues and they settled out of court with him going over to Sony and his album date being pushed back."

"That sucks! I would hate to have to go through that!"

"Yup, truly sucks!"

The rest of the plane ride was spent either talking or sleeping. We finally got to Miami and were greeted by Melissa, she said that JC was in the car waiting. Of course the others wanted to come but didn't want to get mobbed. One N Syncer and an up and coming star was hard enough to get out of a busy airport with thousands of people coming and going, imagine all 5 and an up and coming star, that would've been hell! We almost made it out of the airport without being noticed too! The best part was that it was me who was noticed first. As I was picking up my bags, a girl started to scream when she saw me bend down to pick up my bags. Apparently, MTV was having some news reports about me, and some pictures of me were taken on the video shoot and published in some teenie-bopper magazine. She had it with her and she asked me to sign it. She said that she loved my single and couldn't wait till my album came out. Melissa and Justin just stood back and were laughing at me.

"Aw.. how cute, his first public spotting!" Justin whispered to Melissa.

"Look at him, he's glowing!" She said and pointed.

Just as Justin started to bust out laughing, he was spotted by a group of girls. They started screaming and ran over to him. He signed some papers and then as soon as I was done, we all got out of there before it got any worse. Well, we spoke too soon, cause as soon as we got out to the car, Josh was surrounded by a bunch of girls and signing autographs. It was actually a blessing in disguise, cause once they took note of us, and I do mean us cause they were screaming my name too, they all ran over to us. That gave Josh enough time to start up the car and Melissa enough time to run and get into the car. We almost thought they were gonna leave us, but as soon as they pulled up behind us, we said that we had to get going. It was a good thing too, cause another mob of people were on their way over.

"T... that was f.. fun!" I said laughing and trying to catch my breath.

"You say that now! Just wait till they get you at 3 in the morning!" Justin said laughing just as hard.

"What up Rob!" JC said from the driver's seat.

"What up man! Long time no see!" I said sticking my hand in the front for him to give me a pound.

The car ride was fun; it was just a bunch of friends enjoying a ride in the car. As much fun as I was having in the traffic filled streets of Miami, I couldn't wait to get back to their hotel. As soon as we got back, I ran to the elevator and they were all laughing at me. I would've kept going, if it weren't for the fact that I didn't know what floor they were on. Luckily for me, that as soon as I pushed the button, the doors opened and inside, just about to walk out, was my blonde god of love (that sounds really corny, but hey!). He was reading some papers and about to walk out, when I pushed him back in and pressed the door close button. He looked up at me in shock and as soon as the doors closed, I kissed him for all he was worth. He was still a little confused as to what was going on, but he knew it was me that was kissing him. As soon as he pushed me off long enough to breathe, the doors opened and there stood Josh, Justin and Melissa, all laughing.

"Shut up! You people actually GET to see your significant others!" I said as they stepped in and JC pushed the button.

We got back up to their suite and I was greeted by Chris and Joey who were on their way out, but decided to stay in since I had came back.

"Nah, that's ok! You guys go out, we'll hang out later or tomorrow before the show." I said.

"But we haven't seen you in a long time man!" Chris said.

"Um... guys... I think they want to be ALONE!" JC said.

"OH!" They both said at the same time as the rest of us laughed.

"Uh... yeah.." I said blushing, "I mean, you guys can stay, but I'm not gonna be hanging out with you. So, if you had plans, by all means, tend to them."

"Well, Josh and I were going out to dinner." Melissa said.

"We were?" JC asked.

"YEAH!" Melissa said nudging him in his gut.

".. Oh yeah.. we were!"

"Guys, really, it's ok! You don't have to all file out cause me and Lance want to be alone. That's what his room is for!"

"Yeah, but we don't wanna hear you call out big daddy and beg for more!" Joey said.

"ILL!" Melissa, JC, Lance, Justin, Chris and I said.


"Never mind! If you really wanna go out, fine, but you can stay here if you want!" I said.

"Well, we're all going out. What about you Jus?" Chris asked.

"I think I'm gonna hang here. I'm a little tired." Justin said.

"Yeah...." Joey began.

"SHUT UP JOEY!" We all yelled.

"Gees! You guys can't take a joke!" He said as we all laughed.

As Justin headed into his room, everybody else left and Lance and I went into his room.

"I've missed you sooooooo much!" I said hugging him as he shut the door.

"Me too!" He said as we just stood there in each other's arms.

"We need to talk."

"Yeah, we do."

"You wanna go first or should I?"

"You can go."


We sat on the bed and got comfortable. We were both sitting up straight, facing each other.

"Ok, I've been thinking a lot about us and how things have been going."

"Me too."

"And, what I've realized is this. We fell for each other REALLY fast! And, I know that we both know why that was, but it was still fast. Through out these passed few months, I've been thinking, and thinking, and thinking. Now, before you go thinking that I'm breaking up with you, calm down; I'm not! But, if you wanted to break up with me, I suggest you tell me now and save the time and embarrassment!"

"NO! I don't want to break up!"

"Ok, good! Now that that's out of the way, here goes. What I've come to realize is that we really don't know each other that well. I mean, sure, we've been doing that over the phone and all, but in order to really get to know each other and just like..."

"We need to actually see each other!"


"Yeah, this is exactly what I was gonna talk to you about."

"Well, let me finish what I have to say and then you can say whatever you have to say even if it's the same thing."


"Ok, so what was I gonna say? Oh yeah! So, we won't get to really spend some time with each other until I start touring with you next month. And, even then, my time is gonna be split with promoting my album and doing a whole bunch of stuff that I'm sure you already know and were probably gonna say too! And then on top of that, you guys gotta do your thing with whatever you gotta do."

"I know."

"Now, I really want to make this work! I mean, even though I've only been in love twice before you and 1 was only in a relationship, I can sense something different about you. And it's not the fact that you're a man either!"

"Wow.... only one relationship?"

"Yeah, I told you, she was my first everything practically. Now before you go thinking that I need to experience whatever I need to experience, just stop right there! Cause I've gotten that before! And if I didn't want to experience this, I wouldn't be with you! So, I guess all I'm saying is.. I don't know what I'm saying, I'm just getting some things off my mind. So you understand right?"

"Yeah! Totally! I told you, I was gonna bring up the same thing!"

"So what were you gonna say?"

"Well, basically the same, about how we don't know each other as well as I would like to, and that in order to do so, we really need to spend time together, but that'll be hard cause of our conflicting schedules. I mean, there's a lot that we don't know about each other and I can't stand that! I wanna get the feeling that I know you inside and out, better than anybody else!"

"Me too!"

"I mean, I'm sure Melissa and Jay know you better than anybody, but I wanna be able to know that perhaps I know some things about you that even they don't know!"

"Well, you do! You know how to make me."

"You know what I mean!"

"I know, I'm just playin wit cha!"

"So I say we start now while we have the chance!"

"Ok, but first could we order some food? I'm starving!"

"Yeah, sure, what time is it?"



"Yeah! I'm starving!"

"Ok, well what do you wanna eat?"

"How bout some Chinese?"

"Go out or eat in?"

"Eat in."

"Ok, well, I'll order some and have it delivered."

"Ok, I'll go ask Curly if he wants any."


I went into Justin's room to find him sleeping.

"Justy's sleeping! Jay really wore him out!"

"Ok." Lance said laughing, while he was on hold, "Ok, I'll just order a lot in case he wakes up and is hungry, and I KNOW Josh will want some once he finds out we ordered!"

"Ok, cool."

He ordered the food and as we waited we started to talk to each other. It was nice to start to find out useless information about each other. I was in the middle of a story when the phone rang telling him that the food was here.

"Hold that thought, I'll be RIGHT back!" He said standing up on the bed and jumping off, "WEEE!"

"You're an idiot!" I yelled.

"I know!"

While he was out getting the food, I was getting some plates and cups. While I was getting some forks, the zombie awoke from his tomb.

"Hey sleeping ugly! We ordered some Chinese food, you want some?"

Now, if I weren't fluent in mumbling, I wouldn't have know what the fuck he was sayin, but he agreed. Lance came back upstairs and was really hyper. He was skipping into the room and almost tripped over his feet.

"You're a dumb ass! Now calm down and give me the food before you drop it!"

He laughed and gave me the food; his antics got Justin slightly out of his grumpy mood. I poured 3 cups of soda and Lance took the plates to the living room area and put them on the coffee table. Justin crawled to the couch and was about to go back to sleep until he smelled the food. That brought him fully to attention and he was no longer grumpy. While we ate we shared embarrassing stories about ourselves, the rest of the guys, Melissa, and Jay. Before we knew it, it was going on 11 and Josh and Melissa were coming through the door. They were surprised to see us there, and we just were laughing so hard that we didn't even know they had come home.

"What's that smell?!?" Josh said immediately after entering the door, "Is that Chinese food?!?"

"Huh?! Oh! Josh, Melissa!" I said finally noticing them.

"That is! OH!!!! GIMME SOME!" JC said running over to the table.

"Damn boy! Didn't you have enough at the restaurant?!?" Melissa said.

"He can never have enough Chinese food!" Justin said trying to contain his laughter.

Josh piled some food on a plate and started to scarf down his food while Melissa sat down on my lap.

"Hey baby!" She said.

"What up sexy?" I said.

"Should we be jealous?" Lance asked.

"Nah... not yet at least, only when we've had a few drinks." She said getting a shocked look from Josh.

"She's kidding, go back to your food." I said.

He went back to his food and we started to laugh at him. We stayed up till about 12:30. We were all pretty tired, some more than others, so we decided it was time to turn in. Me and Lance went to his room, Melissa went into JC's room and JC and Justin went into his room.

"Why are you coming in here?" Justin asked.

"Cause.." JC was about to say.

"Josh, can you come here?" Melissa said pulling him out of the room, "Night Justin!"

"Night!" Justin said closing the door.

"What's up? Where're we going?" JC asked as he was getting pulled into his room.

"YOU are sleeping HERE with ME!" Melissa said throwing him into the room.


"OK, I appreciate you being a gentleman, and you're the sweetest! And I don't care about having sex, in fact, I think it's even sweeter that you haven't pressured me into having sex with you! But come on! At least sleep with me! AND NO ROB NOT LIKE THAT OK!" She yelled as they heard me laughing, "I mean, you mean a lot to me, I just want to feel even more special by falling asleep in your arms!"

"How.. Romantic?" JC said laughing a little.

"I'm sorry, but as much as I love you being the sweet, romantic man that you are, I know you're a little shy, but I.. I.. I dunno!"

"Come here!" JC said pulling her into a kiss.

"Huh? What was I saying?"

"Come on, let's get to bed."

JC took Melissa by the hand and led her over to the bed, he pulled back the covers and she got in first, he places the covers over her, went around the bed and got in with her. Once under the blanket, JC moved in closer and kissed her lightly on her forehead.

"What was that for?" Melissa asked giggling.

"I want to tell you something." JC said seriously.

"What is it Josh?" She said sitting up.

"Shh.. lie down... I want to look into your eyes."

She lied back down and they were staring at each other face to face.


"Well, we've been together for awhile now, 3 months next week to be exact, and I feel that I've really gotten to know you. And I know that you've gotten to know me. I've really never been able to open up to anybody as I have with you. I've never really felt this strongly for anybody like I do for you. What I'm saying is, that.. well, I.. I think I'm falling.... I know I'm falling in.. in love with you."

"What?" She asked in a joyous shock.

"I love you Melissa."

Melissa pulled Josh into a loving kiss, when they parted she said,

"I've been waiting to hear those words, from somebody who's meant them, for a long time. You've treated me like no other man has ever treated me; you treat me like a queen. I can without any doubt on my mind say that, I haven't thought about how I feel for you and us. I've sat awake in my bed countless nights after we'd gotten off the phone, thinking about what I feel. I finally came to the conclusion the other night. You were sleeping in Justin's room, while he was in New York with Jay. I thought to myself why is it that you didn't want to sleep with me in the bed. Then I remembered back to Valentine's Day when you carried me to bed. I got a smile on my face, remembering how sweet you were, that night. As I stood there, watching you sleep in Justin's room, I saw you turn over and I saw your face, so peaceful. I knew right then that I had fallen in love with you. You are the sweetest, most kind hearted man I have ever known. I love you Josh."

He kissed his new love and it was the best kiss that either of them had ever experienced. All the stress and problems that were going on in their lives disappeared for those few moments while they were locked in each other's lips. When they finally parted, Josh stroked the back of his hand against Melissa's cheek and she cuddled up against him, leaning her head on his chest, hearing his heart beat for her. He placed his arm around her and they just lie there in each other's arms, not having to say a word about how each other felt, they both knew. They fell asleep in that pose and stayed like that for the whole night not waking up once.


I thought I'd end off on a happy note. I think that that little scene was some of my best writing. Anyway, y'all know the drill, questions, comments, suggestions, or if u just wanna say hi, email me at

Next: Chapter 32

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