Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Oct 17, 1999


Ok, I am really sorry about taking so long to get this out. BUT I have had like NO time to do anything! Those of you who know me all know why. Before you go on and read (assuming you're even reading this) I would just like to say one thing. As you probably have heard, the guys (N SYNC) are goin through a lot of difficulties right now. Their career is being threatened and is hanging on by a limb. All I'm asking is that you keep faith in them and pray to whatever god you believe in to help them come out the victors. Cause if we have no more N Sync, half of this directory would fade (that coment applying to those who like them more for their looks than music). I would hate to see such a talented group be destroyed cause of stupid greedy assholes. Their music has inspired me way too much, and I wouldn't be who I am without it. So, all I'm asking is (however corny this may seem, and it's the first time I've actually ever said it) STAY *N SYNC!!!! Now that I've gotten that off my chest, ON WITH THE SHOW!!!

I was having a really good dream! I was back at Lance's house and we were the only ones there. He was sitting on the living room couch and there was music playing in the background. As we started to make out, the music turned to Janet Jackson's "Rope burn" off of her Velvet Rope CD. I slowly got up off the couch and started to dance seductively in front of my blonde lover. I slowly moved my body to the rhythm of the music. As I started to rub my hands up and down my body he watched me intently. As the first chorus was sung, I climbed on the couch and stood on my knees. I ran my hands up and down his body. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt revealing his tight, muscular chest. I ran my hands down his chest then back up. As she sung the last words of the chorus "Rope burn" I brought my lips in front of his and just as he was about to kiss me, I got off the couch. I moved my body to the music again, this time more seductively. I started to unbutton my shirt slowly. As I revealed my chest and abs, I ran my hands up and down my body making sure he saw me play with my nipples. As the tent in his pants grew larger, I took my shirt off and threw it at him. It landed on his head and he pulled it off to watch the show I was giving him. I slowly moved closer to him and once again climbed on the couch on my knees. I grabbed his head and he grabbed me by the waste. I pulled his head to my chest and he started to kiss it. I ran my hands threw his hair then pulled his head back. As I moved my lips closer to his, just before he was able to kiss me, I turned my body around and was now sitting in his lap. As the normally 4 minute song repeated over and over, I proceeded to give my love a lap dance. As I slowly bumped and grinded at his crotch, I could hear his moans for me to keep going. As I sped up I knew he was close to coming, I kept up my steady rhythm, leaned back and started to kiss him.

"ROB!!! PHONE!!" I heard Jay yell from the living room.

As I was pulled away from the love of my life, I was pissed that I didn't get to finish my dream. I picked up the phone and that feeling was quickly replaced.

"Hey baby!" Lance said.

"Mmmm, even better!" I said in a sexy/groggy tone.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but I'm glad you did!"

"Why's that?"

"Hmm, hmm, hmm.. Wouldn't you like to know!" I said in a seductive tone.

"If I didn't know you any better, I'd say that you are horny right now."

"Oh yeah!"

"And why's that?"

"I just had this VERY good dream!"

"Oh really? Do I wanna know what it was about?"

"Oh yeah... the only thing is, should I tell you, or wait till I see you, so I can show you?"

"Hmm... considering the fact that I won't get to see you for say, another month or so, I'm thinking you should just tell me!"

"You present a convincing case my dear James."

"I love it when you say my name."

"No, you love it when I scream your name!"

"That too!"

"Oh, and they say he's the shy one!"

"Now you KNOW that ain't true!"

"Ain't that the truth!"

"So, you gonna tell me what this dream was about?"

"Let's just say it involved you, me, a little Janet Jackson and your couch back home."

"Not that 3some dream again!"

"No idiot! What 3some dream?"

"Oh, I guess that was me then!"

"Oh, ok. I see! Nah, it was a certain song, that's all I'm gonna say about that! The rest you'll have to wait until I see your gorgeous face and have you all to myself!"

"Ooooh.. That a promise?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Well then, I can't wait!"

"Yeah, well, in the meantime, I have a huge hard-on that's just dyin for some relief!"

"Oh really? Maybe I can help with that!"

"How so?"

"Where's Jay?"


"No dumb ass, I've been hanging out with you too long! Anyway, I mean, is he in ear range?"

"No, he's in the living room and my door is closed."


"Why? And what about you?"

"I'm in the hotel now! I've got the WHOLE night free!"

"Oh! Goody! That means we get to talk?"


"Woo hoo!"

"Now, as I was saying."

"What were you saying?"

"I dunno. I forgot!"


"Oh yeah, your little, or should I say, big, problem in your pants."

"Oh yeah!"

"Hold on, let me lock the door, don't want any interruptions!"

"Yeah, me too!"

"There, that's better!"

"Uh huh!"

"So now, are you all comfortable?"

"Yup, I am now, what about you?"

"Hold on.... yeah, now!"


"Now.. I had a dream of my own, which is why I called. Well, one of the reasons anyway."

"And what was this dream about?"

"Hmm, hmmm, wouldn't you like to know!"

"Hey! That's my line!"

"Well, in this dream, it was you and me on a beach."

"Ooh! I like it already!"

"Just wait, it's just gettin started!"

"I'm listening."

"Well, the beach was deserted except for the 2 of us of course."

"Of course."

"So, we start off by watching the sun set. It was beautiful, and very romantic. We were sitting up and I was in your arms and we were cuddling."

"How romantic."


"Go on."

"So, as soon as the sun set, we started to kiss."


"So as we sat there making out on the sand, the waves started to come in. We were getting wet but didn't care cause we were kissing. We fell back on the sand and I was on top of you. I held you down on the sand and started to unbutton this short sleeved, button down shirt you had on, all while still kissing. So you were there in only a pair of bathing suit shorts. I had this cute short sleeved shirt that showed off my chest, but anyways."

"I swear, you are such a woman sometimes!"

"Huh? Whatta yah mean?"

"Never mind, continue!"

"No! I wanna know!"

"You're killing the moment here!"

"Ok, fine! But not because you told me to!"

"Yeah, whatever, just finish your story!"

"So where was I? Oh yeah, so we were making out. Then you did THE sexiest thing! You literally ripped my shirt off! It was SOOO sexy! Woo! I'm gettin chills just thinking about it!"

"Keep goin!" I said as my hand slowly made it's way down.

"Then you rolled me over and got on top of me. The waves were crashing up against us as we lay there on the sand exploring each other's mouths. Then you started to pull down my bathing suit shorts. As my cock sprang out of the bathing suit, you started to stroke it."


"Should I keep telling?"

"You stop now you ain't never gettin any ever again!"

"I'll take that as a yes. So as you were giving me the best hand job I had ever experienced,"

I couldn't help but giggle as I heard him say "Hand job".

"We were still kissing and getting wet from the waves crashing in. As I was about to pull down your shorts, Joshua HAD to wake me up!"

"Aw man! That was just getting good!"

"I know!"

"Well, as good as my dream was, I'm glad you woke me up!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Don't be!" I said as I heard my cell phone ringing, "Hold on babe, my cell is ringing."


"Hello?" I said picking up my phone.

"Hello, is this Rob?" a voice said.

"Depends, who's this?"

"This is Marc."

"Marc? As in, Marc Anthony?"

"Um, yeah... is this Rob?"

"YEAH! Oh my god!"

"Well I was just calling to say,"

"Um, could you just hold on for one second?"


I pressed the hold button and picked up Lance,

"OH MY GOD! Guess who's on the phone!!"



"Um... ok.."

"You don't know who he is do you?"

"The guy you're doing a Spanish song with, yeah.."

"Yeah, but you don't understand! It's MARC ANTHONY!!"

"You said that! So, I guess this means you have to go."

"Um, if you want you can hold on. Or better yet, here, talk to Jay!" I said walking into the living room with the cordless phone, "JAY! Talk to Lance, I have another call on my cell that I gotta take!"

"Um.. ok." Jay said a little confused.

"Thanks!" I said tossing him the phone.


"Hey Jay!" Lance said.

"Hey Lance! How's it goin?"


"Now what was that all about?"

"Rob's on the phone with Marc Anthony."


"Oh god, here we go again!"

"Hello Marc?" I said taking him off hold.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Ok, I'm back. What's up?"

"Well, I was just calling to discuss some of the things we're going to be doing this week."


"Well, as well as, recording the Spanish song for your album, I wanted you to help me with something."

"That being?"

"Well, I don't know if you've heard or not, but I'm in the process of recording an all English album."

"Yeah, I heard!"

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me out with one of the songs."

"Sure, what's it called?"

"I need to know."

"Well, so do I!"

"No, that's the name of the song!"

"Oh! Ok... cool, well, we'll discuss it tomorrow then!"

"Yeah, they told me to tell you to be here around 2."

"Cool, I'll be there!"

After I hung up the phone I ran into the living room and screamed,

"Oh my god! I just spoke to Marc Anthony!!! AAHH!"

"If he gets like that with Marc Anthony, imagine if he meets Michael Jackson!" Jay said.

"It's a normal reaction when you're first starting out. I was the same way the first time I met Garth Brooks!" Lance said.

"Hold on, I'll let you calm him down!"

"K, nice talkin to yah man!"

"You too!"



"Oh.. my.. God!!!" I said as I took the phone.

"Calm down baby!"

"CALM DOWN!!! Do you KNOW who that was?!?"

"Yes, and you need to calm down! If you act like that by just a phone call, how you gonna act when you meet the guy and actually work with him?"

"True.. b..but!"

"No buts! Calm down, he's just a regular person like the rest of us!"

"You're no fun!"

"I don't know whether to be happy for you or jealous!"


"Well, for one thing, you NEVER get that excited when I call! Two, you sound like you want the man! Three, you didn't get that excited when you met us!"

"Well, one, I get excited when you call, it's just in a `different' way! Two, I don't want him, he's mad skinny, and I have you! Three, if I had gotten that excited when I met you, you would've ran cause you would've thought I was one of those psycho fans that you were so desperately trying to escape from!"

"True.. HEY!! What do you mean, `and I have you'!? Shouldn't that come first?!?"

"You know I was just playin baby!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Say that now!"

"Muah to you too!"

"How can I resist that?"

"You can't!" I said as I closed the door to my room and jumped back in bed, "Hey, do you guys have any days off coming up??"

"Well, we just had like a day off cause we were back in Orlando. But, we're back on the road. I think they're giving us a couple of days off when we hit Miami."

"When's that?"

"Hold on, let me check."


"Yeah, we got two days off when we get to Miami, and that's on Thursday."



"Well, that's when Jay's birthday is!"

"Oh yeah, Justin's been raving about it for like a week now!"

"Well, I have an idea for the ultimate gift!"

"Hmmm, I think I know what you're getting at!"

"Do you now?"

"Yeah, all I ask is if I can come along so we can see each other too!"

"We can go upstate to my grandmother's old house and stay there, this way we can give those two some privacy, and we can make all the noise we want and not worry about anybody!"

"What do you mean your grandmother's old house?"

"My dad's mom. She died a couple of years ago and left my dad the house. They tried to sell it, but there was only a couple of more payments due on the mortgage and he couldn't go through with it."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. She's in peace. Anyway, I should be done with Marc by then hopefully!"

"Yeah, we could leave Wednesday night, and leave by Friday afternoon!"

"Oh yeah!"

"All I gotta do is clear is with management."

"I'm sure they'll have no problem with it."

"I hope not!"

We continued talking until about 1:30. We both had to go cause we had work the next day. Even though I didn't have to be in until 2, he had to be up at 6. The next day, I couldn't wait to get into the studio. I got there a little early, as usual, and saw Marc there with this really, incredibly hot looking girl. I couldn't believe who it was. Somebody I had been fantasizing about for a long time (don't tell Lance!), none other than, the Puerto Rican goddess herself, Jennifer Lopez!! As I stood there drooling, they noticed me. Stepping over my puddle of saliva, I introduced myself. After the introductions were done, Jennifer had to leave. It turns out that she was working on an album of her own. Marc was a cool guy; after a few minutes of being star struck, he made me feel at ease. Once we got down to work, it was a mixture of fun and responsibility. He already had some lyrics that he wanted me to look at and see if I wanted to add anything. I added a few things here and there, but for the most part it was ok. The rest of the day was spent on arranging the orchestral parts.

As the week went by, I spent it working in the studio on the vocals, helping Marc with some arrangements for "I need to know", eating dinner at my parents house, and chilling with Jay. I got a call Wednesday afternoon from Lance. He couldn't make it up cause he had to meet with one of his artists on Free Lance, but Justin was still coming up. We were done with the song so, after work I went to go pick Justin up from the airport. We managed to get out of the airport without hell breaking loose. Once we got back to my place, I told Justin to wait outside in the hallway for 5 minutes then knock on the door.

"Hey, I'm gonna give you your birthday present a day early! It should be here in a few minutes!" I said to Jay as I walked into a closet and grabbed a bag to put some clothes in.

"Um... ok... where are you going?" Jay said noticing the bag.

"Oh, I'm goin to spend a couple days upstate before I have to go back."


"Can you get that?"


I quickly went into my room and heard Jay scream,


"Care to ask why I'm leaving? I mean, I could stay if you truly wanted me to!" I said coming out with my bag filled with a few clothes.

"No, that's ok!" Jay said.

"Oh, I see how it is!"

"You're still here?!?"

"That's messed up!" Justin said.

"Hush, you know you want him out of here as bad as I do!"

"But let the man take his time at least!"

"It's ok Jus, I was ready to go before you got here!" I said.

"Good now go!"

"Damn, not even a thank you! Don't worry, I'll get you back later!!"

"OK, now bye!"

"Later Jus!"

"Peace!" Justin said as Jay pushed me out the door, slammed it, then grabbed Justin and kissed him for all he was worth.

As I stepped outside the door, I was just on my way down the stairs when I heard Jay say,


I turned around and he came up to me.


"Thank you!" He said giving me a hug.

"No problem!" I said a little saddened.

"What's wrong?"



"Nothin, really! Now go be with your man! He's only here till Friday!"

"I owe you!"

"No you don't! Happy birthday bro!"


As I headed down the stairs, I heard the door close.

"Ok, what's wrong with Rob?" Jay asked as he stepped back inside.

"Oh, well, Lance was supposed to come up with me, and they were gonna spend some romantic weekend, even though it's on a weekday, upstate." Justin said.

"Oh... Now I feel bad!"

"Don't worry, when we leave on Friday, he's coming with me to Miami, and he'll get to see Lance, Melissa, and the rest of the gang!"

"You sound like you're from a Scooby Doo cartoon!"


"Dumb ass! Come here!" Jay said pulling him into a kiss.

Meanwhile, back in Miami.

"It's ok Lance, you'll get to see him on Friday." Melissa said trying to comfort him.

"Yeah, but one, I'll have to leave the next day, two, I have a concert that day so it'll only be for a little while, and three, I won't get to really spend time with him!" Lance said starting to tear up.

"You just gotta hold out for a few more weeks Lance." JC said, "Then he'll be on tour with us, and you'll see him everyday!"

"Let's see. It's the end of March now, he'll start to tour with us in late April, that's about the same time his album comes out. Between promotional appearances, and interviews and all that shit, plus our shows, we're still not gonna be able to see each other that much even when we're on the road!"

"But that'll only be that way for the first couple of months or so. And by him being on the road with us, you'll see him, just not as much as you would like, but you'll still see him. And we'll be in the same hotel, and you'll wind up sharing a room, so.."

"True, but... ugh! This is so frustrating!"

"Don't we know it!" Melissa said.

"I... I'm sorry to bother you guys with this. I'll leave so you can get back to your date." Lance said getting up from the bed and starting towards the door of the hotel room.

"No, it's ok Lance, really! What kind of friends would we be if we weren't here for you?"

"You consider me a friend?"

"Of course! I mean, we're all practically family! Even though we haven't gotten a chance to really get to know each other, I still consider you a friend! You're practically my brother-in-law, in more ways than one!"

"Thank you, but I really should get goin, I'm gonna head off to bed."

"You sure?" JC asked.

"Yeah, I just need to get some sleep and think for awhile. I'll be ok. Thanks for bein there guys!" Lance said followed by a hug to each of them.

Back in New York.

"This is how it's always gonna be! One of us is going to have to go to work and leave the other one alone." I said to myself while on the highway up to my grandma's house.

Even though my grandmother had been dead for over a year, we (my family and I) always refer to the house as "Grandma's house".

As I drove on the dark roads, I was listening to the radio. My song came on, and I realized, it was the first time I've actually heard it myself on the radio. As depressed as I was, and even though I was at the break of tears, I somehow, by hearing myself sing my first single, became happy. It was a refreshing, magical feeling. It was like my career was finally beginning, even though I had been in the studio for months working on the album.

As I finally turned onto the road where the house was, I saw the big brown house where I used to spend so much time at when I was younger. Memories of my childhood and former family gatherings started to come to me. The Easter egg hunts, the 4th of July barbecues, the graduation parties, the New Years parties, but mostly my grandmother. As I pulled into the driveway, the automatic light turned on, and I opened up the garage. I pulled the car in and got out. It brought me a sense of relief to be there. It was a break from everything and everyone. As I thought how Lance would've love this place, I finally realized that it wasn't anybody's fault that he had to work, and that I would be seeing him on Friday.

Feeling a little better, I went upstairs and put my bag in my room. I went into the kitchen and found the fully stocked fridge. Every weekend one of my family members in the tri-state area would come up to the house to check up on things, or to get away. The fridge was always stocked for those who came up. I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and went into the den. There was a computer that my uncle had brought up there so whoever wanted to go up there could go online or get some work done if they wanted to. I went online and checked my mail to find that Joey was online. (NOTE: This is not really Joey's sn, at least not that I know of, this is only story based!)

Hey there guy!


What up?

Nothin, just chillin, hanging round the web!

Aight. What you been up to man? Haven't talked to you in a while!

Yeah, I know!

So what u been up to?

(NOTE: From here on, I'm just gonna write J for Joey and R for Rob. It's getting too tiring to write out the sn!)

Nothin, tour life as you already know.

Anything exciting?

I went out with this girl the other night.

And? Details, details!!

Nothin much really, she was too interested in the N Sync Joey and not the real life


So in other words you just made out all night and nothing eventful?

LOL Basically!

Dumb ass!

Takes 1 to know 1 right?

Shut up!

How've you been? How's everything been coming along?

TIRED!! I don't know how you guys have been doin this for so long! Nah, I'm

enjoying it every step of the way! I just wish I could get to see all of you!

You're almost finished w/ it right?

Yup. Just about. Only a few more tracks. That'll probably be done when I get back.

Cool, then it's out on the road with us!

Yup! Can't wait!

Neither can we, we miss you round here! Especially Lance!"

How has he been doing? I mean, he tells me ok, but really? How's he been taking

all this?

Well, he's been depressed here and there, but he's taking it the best way he can.

Just like you, I imagine.

Oh yeah!

You ok?

Yeah, I mean, it'll only be a little while longer before we're together again, and if

you start quoting lyrics from that song, I'm gonna stick a stick of Kryptonite up your

guido ass!

LMAO!!!! HEY! Watch it about the guido!

LOL J/K I can't stand that song!

Me either!

It sounds like that song that they always play when the racers are running in slow


I KNOW!! That's what I said!!!!


Hey, I gotta get goin, I'm goin clubbin tonight w/ Chris.

Aight, cool, I'm gonna go too. I'll see you Friday!

Aight, later!


After I got offline, I went and took a nice, long, hot shower. I thought about when I spent those days with the group in January. That got me thinking about when Lance and I met. That got me thinking about how much I missed him. So, in the end, I was crying while soaking in the hot water. After my little release session, I felt a little better. Although I still missed Lance like crazy, it felt good to release the pent up stress and emotions.

My days at my grandma's house were peaceful and just what I needed to relax. I wound up writing 3 songs. I left Friday morning and headed over to my mom's house. When I got there, I spent a little time with her, and then headed back home. Jay and Justin were lying naked on the living room floor naked and asleep. "What a nice picture!" I thought to myself, "Imagine receiving that in your Christmas card!"

I went into my room and packed up the rest of my stuff. Once finished, I woke up the 2 sleepy heads. They were a little embarrassed, but they got over it after I told them that I'd seen both of them naked, and was used to it by now.

We got to the airport around 1. Justin had to be back by 6. They had a concert the next day, so they wanted to make sure he'd be ready to go (meaning not too soar). I didn't have to be back to work until Monday, when we would resume recording. I was gonna stay in Miami the weekend, and head back Sunday night. Justin and Jay gave each other the most loving good bye that they could afford to give in public (meaning they made out while I covered them). After their slobber-fest was over, I gave Jay a hug and Justin and I headed onto the plane.


There, you happy!? NO CLIFFHANGER!!! Anyways, you know the deal, questions, comments, suggestions, Hot Lance pics, you know where to find me,

Next: Chapter 31

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