Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Sep 8, 1999


Here you go! The long awaited next chapter! This is the way I wanted it to go so don't kill me! Another thing, I start school tomorrow so, chapters won't be posted or written as often. I can promise that I'll try and get them out as soon as possible. :) Now on with the show!!!

"So, you're that Rob huh? I knew your name sounded familiar." Danielle said sitting down next to me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I said noticing her.

"Don't worry, he's yours! The way he always talks about you whatever urge I had to try and get him back left me a long time ago!"

"What do you mean get him back?"

"We did go on a few dates, but it was nothing serious. That was just before he went to New York."

"He never told me that."

"Can you blame him? If you got like that just because of rumors, imagine how you would've been if he told you that we went on like 3 meaningless dates?"

"True... I'll still have to kick his ass when I see him though."

"Yeah right! And get me in trouble?"

We both started laughing and she asked,

"So, you're gay?"

"No, bi."

"Oh, just like Lance."


"Do you have a cover up girl yet?"

"Not yet, though I've still got time."

"Well, you should at least start looking."

"I will."

"So, you gonna come hang out with us?"

"Yeah, why not? And hey, I'm sorry for grillin you before."

"For what?"

"Giving you the evil eye."

"Oh, sure, no problem."

"You're really cool."

"Thanks, so are you."

"Hey Danielle! We goin or what?" Ben said from the stage.

"Yeah, we'll be right there! Come on, let's get goin before they have a heart attack!"

We got up and went to the guys. We went out to a club and had a good time. It was nice to know that whenever I came to LA I would have someone to hang out with. Also, it was even better knowing that I didn't have anything to worry about with Lance and Topanga.

As the week went by, I spent time with my aunt, did my recordings and went out with Danielle, Ben and Rider. Not always all 3 together, but most of the time. I had stuff in common with all 3 of them. Danielle reminded me of Pam, and Rider reminded me of Ricky, Ben, was just Ben. He was his own type of person all together. When it was time for me to get back to Orlando, I switched numbers with the 3 of them and was on my way. Titi Paula was sad to see me go cause she hadn't seen me in years, not since after the divorce of her and my uncle. She said that next time I was in LA that we would have to spend more time together. After an emotional goodbye, I was on my way back to Orlando.

It's already March. Wow, time has went by really fast! I've gotten 2 more songs done and I'm gonna be working with, Aaliyah, Timberland and Missy Elliot. I purposely wanted to work with them so my music could tend to those who liked hip-hop and R&B. Also, growing up in the Bronx in a semi-ghetto neighborhood meant I would have to represent.

When I was with them, the whole time, it felt like I was back in my old neighborhood. I was being my old ghetto self and wasn't minding too much. The song had a down south type of beat/feel. Timberland was producing and did a beat box in the background while Missy rapped over it. While we were taking a break, Missy had told me that she was interested in possibly doing something with the guys of N Sync. I told her that they would probably be more than interested, but she would have to talk to management. They were all cool people, really laid back. Aaliyah was flirting with me and I admit, I flirted back, but then when she said that we should go out sometime, I told her that I was in a relationship.

I've been working really hard! Between learning basic dance moves and then learning the choreography for the songs that were already recorded and done, that wore me out! Then I was doing all these practice interviews, then going to meetings with writers and producers, it's giving me a head ache! On the up side, I'm gonna get to work with Gloria and Emilio Estefan, Marc Anthony, and the best news of them all, I get to start on my song that I'm producing and just so happened to write with JC! I was stressed and tired out but I was glad that I got to work with the people who I really wanted to work with. By working with Emilio and Gloria, that gave me a chance to get that latin/pop sound that they had practically perfected in the 80's. By working with Marc Anthony it allowed me to do a Spanish song, which I had promised my parents I would. I was on cloud 9 considering how much stuff I was juggling. I had done what I really wanted to do. I wasn't limiting myself to just one form of music. I had my hands in pop, R&B/Hip-hop and Latin music. Everything was going great. As soon as I found all of this out I had to call Lance. Even though I had talked to him right before I went into the meeting I just had to let him know. He was really excited for me. He kept saying "I told you so" and he told the guys and they were all excited and yelling in the background. I couldn't help but laugh. They had to go cause they were on their way to an interview. They were gonna be in New York next week and were really excited about seeing Jay and my family. Of course Jay would be in the front row and have backstage passes. I talked to him and he said that he was going with his sister. He had told his sister that he was bi and going out with Justin. He made her promise not to tell anybody about it either. He and his sister were always close so he could trust her. He then told her about me and Lance and that didn't shock her as much because of when we had went over there. She as well as I encouraged him to tell his parents, but he still wasn't ready.

"So, you excited about goin to New York?" JC asked.

"Hell yeah! Even though we're only gonna be there for like 2 or 3 days, I still get to see my man!" Justin said.

"Isn't his birthday coming up? I think I heard Melissa talking about it."

"Yeah, the 24th."

"Right around the corner then!"

"I know!"

"What did you get him?"



"Yeah! You'll think he'll like it?"

"Yeah! I mean.... who wouldn't!"

"I hope so!"

"Does that mean?"


"Oh, ok.."

"Don't worry Josh, I'm not stupid like that!"

"Never said you were."

"You were thinking it!"

"Shut up!"

"Told you!"

"So, when are they getting in?" I asked.

"Tonight around 11. They're coming from Jersey." Jay said.

"Cool. You gonna stay with Justin?"

"Yeah, I'm not gonna go to school. Shh!"

"What about Lisa?"

"Well, as luck, mine, not hers, would have it, she can't make it."

"Why not?"

"She got in some serious shit with my mom!"

"Ooh! That bad huh?"


"Oh well, more fun for you then!"

"Yup yup!"

"How you doin in school?"

"The best I've ever done in all my 5 years!"

"Good! That's cause you have motivation now!"


"Can't wait till graduation?"

"Nope! And as corny as this might sound, I wish Justin could go to the prom with me!"

"Aaaawww!!!! How sweet!"

"Shut up!"

"It is!"

"Go with another friend!"

"I was thinking Melissa. She said she'd be up there that week cause she's coming to graduation too!"

"You know I'm gonna be there!"

"You better!"

"Even if I have to show up late and make a grand entrance I will!"


"And if they can the guys will too!"

"I know. I've talked to Justin about that already. He said if they can, they'll be there!"

"Well, by then I'll be on tour with them. I've told management about it already and they said that they can't give me a definite answer, but don't worry! I'll be there!"

"How's the album coming?"

"Great! I'm in the studio working with Gloria and Emilio Estefan!!"


"Yup! She wrote this song that she wants me to do with her on some album that she's coming out with, and Emilio's producing a song for me!"

"How was it workin with Aaliyah and all them?"

"I told you! She was flirtin with me!"

"Did you flirt back?"

"Of course I did, but still! You know I told you all this!"

"I know, I just like hearing the fear in your voice about flirtin with another woman!"

"Oh please! Lance knows! I told him, he was laughing! Especially when I told him that she asked me out!"

"I can't understand you people!"


"I have to fight not to knock out these girls that are always saying how much they want Justin, and how he's their man and all! I'm like, `Bitch! He's my man!' but of course I don't say it!"

"Of course!"

"So, I can't wait till they get here!"

"OH OH OH!!! Did I tell you??"

"What? What?"

"My single's coming out next week!!"



"Which one?"

"Well, the one I produced and wrote w/ JC. It's called `The one I want'!"

"Hmm, let me guess who you two were thinking about when you wrote that!"

"Shut up! I'm gonna shoot the video for it in two weeks! And you know where?"


"In a little city called, New York!"


"Yup! I'm comin home!!"

"Aight! But wait, that means I gotta sleep on the sofa bed!"

"We can alternate if you want."

"For real?"

"NO! I get to sleep in my own bed for a good week! I'm sorry man but I miss my bed! I like my bed here but it ain't MY bed!"

"Aight fine!"

"Aight man, I gotta go. I'm gonna call my mom and tell her and then call up my man and see how he's doin."

"Aight man, tell them to call me as soon as they get in!"

"Cool, later!"


I called up my mom who was ecstatic that I was coming up. Lance was happy for me about everything, they got in late and Justin was really excited to see Jay.

"Jay!!" Justin called as soon as he was in view.

Jay came running to the guys, he was held back by security but Justin told them to let him go. The guys all gave him a hug, including Justin who couldn't "greet" him until they were out of public view. They got into their limo and as soon as the coast was clear Justin pulled Jay into a long passionate kiss. They rest of the guys couldn't help but laugh. Justin and Jay didn't care though, they just kept kissing until JC finally said,

"Uh hem! You'll have plenty of time for that later, but we gotta go check in now!"

"We're here already?" Justin said.


"Whoa! Time flies!"

"Yeah, when you're having `fun'!" Chris said.

"Shut up!"

They all started laughing again and JC said,

"Y'all ready?"

"Yup!" they all said.

"Jay, you make sure to hang on to Justin!" Lance said.

"Not a problem!" Jay said with a wicked grin.

They got out and fought their way through the crowd. The order was JC, Joey, Chris, Justin, Jay and Lance in the back. Jay got tossed aside and when he tried to get back security pushed him back. Lance quickly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him along with him. Once they were inside Lance said,

"Whoa! That was a close call! Almost lost you there!"

"I know!"

"Let me try having to explain that to Rob! `Oh I lost your best friend by the way!' I would've been dead!"

"You ok?" Justin said.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Let's just get upstairs." Jay said.

"Hold on, let me just let security know that you're with us!"


Justin went over to the front desk and let the staff know that Jay was with them and to make sure that he wouldn't have a problem with their security guards. After that was taken care of, they went upstairs to their rooms. It was late so they all went to sleep, well, almost all of them. Justin and Jay spent some time getting "reacquainted" with each other.

"I've missed you!" Jay said.

"Me too! It's been a long month!" Justin said.

"For you and me both!"

"Come here!"

They started kissing and holding each other. If Justin wasn't so tired they probably would've done some more catching up, but he was beat and they had a concert the next day so he needed his rest.

The next day Jay awoke to Justin laying next to him staring at him.

"What?" Jay asked.

"Nothing." Justin said smiling.

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"You look so peaceful sleeping!"

"Just how long have you been staring at me?"

"Since about 9."

"What time is it now?"



"I can't wait!"


"Stay right there!"

"Um.. ok."

Justin stood on top of the bed and jumped off. He went over to his suitcase and went through one of the compartments. He pulled out something, put it in his hand and closed it tight. Jay was watching him with closely trying to figure out what the hell he was doing. Justin ran back over to the bed and threw himself into it. He landed right next to Jay and then planted a kiss on his lips. Jay couldn't help but laugh now.

"What is up with you this morning?" Jay said after controlling the laughter.

"I couldn't wait until your birthday so I'm gonna give you your present now!" Justin said, his grin getting even wider.

"YAY!! I get a present!"

"Close your eyes!"


"Give me your hand!"


"Just do it!"

"Ok, ok!"

"Ok, open them!"

"Wow! It's beautiful!" Jay said looking at the gold bracelet, "I. I can't accept it though!"

"Why not?"

"Cause, I still feel bad that I couldn't get you anything for your birthday!"

"Don't! I don't care that you didn't get me anything, it doesn't matter!"

"Fine, I still feel bad though!"


"Come here!"

Jay pulled Justin in and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you!"

"Happy Birthday baby!"

"Thanks. I'm gonna be 19!!"

"Yup! Damn you old!"

"Man shut your mouth! You're just a year younger than me!"

"How are you doing in school?"

"Wow, that was out of nowhere!"

"I know, but I want to know!"

"I'm doing great! This is the best I've done in all my 5 years of high school! I've brought my average way up! I'm gonna take the SAT's again this May and see if I can at least break a thousand this time."

"What did you get last time?"

"A 950. I wanna do better so I have a chance at college!"

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Well I'm gonna take the first semester off and maybe go in the spring of next year, or I'll just take the whole year off and go around with you guys! Then go back in the fall."

"Don't hold off your college education on my account!"

"Look, I figure when I go to college I'm gonna be working my ass off! I've been working my ass off all these years in school already, I want to take some time off so I don't go crazy! I also want to spend time with you!"

"Where do you wanna go again?"

"An art school in the city."

"What are you gonna major in?"

"Graphic design."

"When are you gonna draw me?"

"Who says I haven't?"

"You have?"

"Maybe.. Maybe that was gonna be your belated birthday present!"

"That is crunk!"



"What the hell is that?"

"You've never heard me use that?"


"I say it at the end of `Giddy up'."

"Is that what that is?"


"What the hell does it mean?"


"It sounds like another word for cum!"

"Eewwww! Shut up!"

"It does!"

"Oh great, now whenever I say it I'm gonna remember you saying that!"

"You're so cute!" Jay said laughing then followed by giving Justin a kiss.

That little kiss turned into a make out session that was cut short by the phone ringing.

"Damn it!" Justin said as he picked up the phone, "Hello?!?"

"Did I interrupt?" JC asked.


"Good! Come on, that's enough of that for both of you! We let you `sleep in' long enough! We're hungry and we want to eat! Joey's starting to look at my leg like it's a piece of sausage! Get your asses over to Chris' room so we can eat! Cause then we gotta get ready to go do sound check!"

"Alright, alright! You want me to get dressed first or after?"

"Get ready first, cause we're gonna leave as soon as we're done eating!"


"And tell Jay to go use the shower in my room! Lord knows what will happen, if we let you 2 stay there together! We'll have to cancel the show!"

"Very funny!"

"I'm serious now, come on get ready!"




"What happened? We in trouble?" Jay asked as Justin hung up the phone.

"It was Joshua! Not only is he making us get ready, he's making us do it in separate rooms!"

"What?!? Why?"

"Cause they're tired of waiting for us and they want us to get ready already so we can eat and get out of here."

"Fine, but I don't have to like it!"

"Neither do I!"

They both laughed and gave each other one last kiss.

"So where am I being sent to?"

"Josh's room. It's right next to mine, to the left."

"Ok, and where are we meeting?"

"In Chris' room. That's right across the hall from JC's."

"Ok, see you in a few."


After they both got ready they went off to Chris' room. To both of their surprises, the others were half way through eating and weren't fully dressed.

"What the hell? You said to get dressed and then we would eat!" Justin said upon entering the room.

"I told you that cause I knew that you would take even longer if you got dressed after we ate!"

"Hey, look at it this way, you'll get more time while we're getting ready!" Lance said.

"Oh yeah!"

"Well, we got you some waffles and some eggs. Pick whatever you want." Joey said, "And do it fast before I eat it!"

"Touch it and you die!"

"Down boys!" Jay said.

This got a laugh from the rest of the guys. After they ate, they all went back to their rooms. Justin and Jay were spending quality time together and the others were getting ready. After they were all done, they made their way over to the venue. They had to do sound check, make sure everything was good with the wardrobe and after that they got to hang out until 5:30 when they all went to eat and afterwards went to chill backstage.

Jay was torn between seeing the show and spending time with Justin. Justin told him to go to his seat so he could see the show and before his seat was gone. After five minutes of convincing, Jay was on his way to his seat. He was amazed at the show. The opening acts weren't that good to him, he was eagerly awaiting his man to take the stage and do his thing. Finally the time came where they came out on stage. The fans were screaming, all he heard around him were thousands of screaming girls. He thought to himself,

"If they only knew that 3 of the 5 were in relationships 2 of which were with men!"

He laughed a little and out came the guys. The whole show was great! Justin kept looking in Jay's direction and the girls that were sitting near him thought that he was looking at them, which made Jay laugh. The rest of the guys looked at Jay from time to time and waved, which made the girls around again think that they were waving at them. During "God must have spent a little more time on you" Justin looked at Jay the whole time. Jay had a huge grin on his face the whole time and couldn't wait till the end of the show so he could see his man. After the concert, Jay ran backstage. He was stopped by security for only a second but was then recognized and was let through. He went into their dressing room and they were there in sweat-drenched clothes relaxing and drinking water. There was nobody in the room but the 6 of them so Jay jumped into Justin's lap and gave him a big kiss.

"Hey, hey, hey! None of that now! We're expecting some fans!" JC said.

"Sorry! I just couldn't help myself!" Jay said.

"How could he? I mean, look at this face!" Justin said.

"Exactly! Even more of a reason to stop!" Chris said.

They laughed and there was a knock at the door, Jay got out of Justin's lap and sat in the chair next to him. In came 8 to 10 fans, eight of which were girls. He recognized 2 of the people, this girl and her boyfriend, from school. Before they saw him, Jay said,

"Oh my god! I know them!"

"Who?" Justin asked.

"That couple over there. They go to my school!"

"Are they friends of yours?"

"Not really, I had a crush on her my second sophomore year. I almost went after her too but her boyfriend threatened to kick my ass. Normally that wouldn't have stopped me, but this guy was buff! Her name is Angela."

"Oh really? You don't still have a crush on her do you?"


"Ok, just checking!"

The guys got up and greeted the fans. They signed stuff and took pictures. Jay almost got away with not being noticed, but right as the 2 were about to leave Angela said,

"Hey, I know you!"

"Yeah, you go to our school right?" her boyfriend said.

"Uh... yeah." Jay said.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hanging with my friends."

"You're friends with them?" She asked.

"Yes he is!" Justin said.


"Well, we'd better get goin, we'll see you back at school!" the guy said.

"K, later!" Jay said.

The fans had all left and Jay said,

"Watch, when I get back to school she's gonna try and get with me now cause I know you!"

"Well we can't have that now!" Justin said.

"Don't worry!"

"I'm not!"


"Hey guys! Let's get back to the hotel! We're tired!" Joey said.

"Aight, let's go!" Jay said with a wicked smile.

"Not tonight! I'm dead tired!" Justin said.

"Aw! Then what am I going for? NO! Just kidding!"

"Oh! Oh! I see! Ok, in that case! Nah, let's go!"

They all laughed and made their way to the limo. On the way back to the hotel Justin fell asleep curled up inside Jay's arms. The guys were talking and making fun of Justin the whole way there. The best part about it was that he didn't wake up throughout the whole trip. They put stuff in his hair and threw stuff at him. When they finally arrived at the hotel they woke him up and tried their hardest to keep a straight face. Chris was the first one to crack, he started cracking up, which caused a chain reaction and got the others laughing hysterically. Justin kept looking at them and wondering what was going on.

"What the hell are y'all laughin at!?" he said confused as to what was so funny.

As they were walking in the hotel, they passed a mirror and Justin saw a whole bunch of stuff in his hair. He shook it out and got a pissed off look on his face and said,

"It's on now!"

The guys ran to the elevator and got in before Justin could get there. Joey repeatedly pressed the door close button but Justin managed to squeeze in before the doors closed. Before Justin could do anything, Jay pinned him up against the elevator door and kissed him. This made Justin forget about what the guys had done to him, as he was too busy concentrating. The guys were laughing and making sound effects in the background, which the two ignored. They kept that up until the doors opened and they had to stop or they'd fall out of the elevator.

Jay called me today, he said that the guys had left and that he was a little depressed. He was really happy to see them all especially "his Justin" as he put it. He was also happy or some other reason, one that I would find out shortly. He said that he couldn't wait till I came up there to shoot the video cause he really missed me. I thought that was sweet. I told him that we were auditioning dancers for the video and they would wind up being my permanent dancers on the road once I started touring.

"So yeah, there were some hot people that auditioned!"

"Oh really?"

"Yup! And guess what?"


"One of the chicks that auditioned I know from high school!"



"I don't remember."

"She's about 5'6 or 7, dark skinned, puertoriquena, curly hair, had red highlights. Remember, I used to say that if I wasn't with psycho bitch I would've asked her out!"

"OH her?!?"


"For real? How she look now?"

"Still hot as ever!"


"BUT I'm with Lance so it doesn't matter! And besides, ever since the summer before Senior year we became really good friends! The only reason we lost touch was cause she moved down here with a group that she was in to try and get a record deal."

"What happened?"

"Well they've been looking and looking but still nothing. The 4 of them all auditioned and I told management that I wanted them. I'm gonna see if I can hook them up somewhere along the line!"

"Do they know?"

"No, I'm gonna surprise them. I've got some wavs of their work and I'm gonna play it for Johnny and see if he likes what he hears."

"What if he don't like it?"

"There's always Lynn."

"Well good luck!"

"OH! Guess what!"


"I met this chick, she's another former Mouseketeer, her name is Christina. She's coming out with an album in late August. I heard some of her stuff it's hot! There's this song about some geenie or something it's phat!"

"What's she like?"

"She's mad cool! Me and her hit it off, we went out a couple of times."

"What do you mean went out?"

"As friends dumb ass!"

"Oh, ok... bout to say!"


"So what other people have you come in contact with?"

"Well, as I told you before, I just finished with the song that Emilio Estefan did for me. I went to their recording studio in Miami and afterwards went back to their house and had some good old fashioned, Hispanic food!"


"Yup! Gloria can cook!!"

"Didn't you say that she wrote a song that she wanted you to do with her?"

"Yeah, but I told her no."

"What? Why?"

"Cause, I felt it would be better to have a group do it with her."


"I told her to ask the guys. It would sound better with the harmonies. I helped her write some more lyrics to it though."

"What's it called?"

"Music of my heart."


"Yeah, it's for a soundtrack that she's doing for a movie that she's staring in!"

"I didn't know she acted!"

"It's her first movie."


"Yup, so I should be in New York by Tuesday of next week."


"Yeah, my mom's excited too! I must warn you though, we might not get to spend a lot of time together. My schedule's pretty hectic cause of the shots we're gonna be shooting. I'm gonna be getting home all late! So, I've decided this!"


"Well, if it looks like I'm gonna be getting home really late, I'll let you take the bedroom and I'll crash on the sofa bed. This way I won't wake you up, cause I know you got school."

"That's cool! OH!! Speaking of which, did I tell you?"


"I heard it today!"

"Heard what?"

"Your single!"

"For real?!?"

"Yeah! I was listening to Z100 and Cubby introduced it! Hold up, I got it all on tape!"

He played it for me and Cubby said,

"We had him here first, he was up here a few months ago with the group N Sync. He said he was coming out with an album in the spring, we have it here first folks! The first single off his self titled debut album Rob, here is `The one I want'! On Z100!"

The song played and I was just psyched! After the song finished, Cubby came back on the air with Danielle Manero for the 5:30 entertainment sleaze. They were discussing the song and Danielle said,

"I understand that that song was written by him and JC of N Sync. I also heard from his record company that he produced it!"

"So, we have a multi-talented artist here! He sings, he writes, he produces! Wow!"

"I think we're gonna have him on the Z Zoo next week!"

"Well be sure to check into the Z morning Zoo to find out more about Rob! He's a cool guy, when I met him!"

"Well we'll find out next week now won't we! Other news about N Sync, they just finished their show here yesterday I think it was, and from what I hear, it was HOT! You had Joey call in from the arena to kick off the 5 o'clock whistle right?"

"Yeah, well we tried but we were on hold!"

"Well in other news.."

The tape cut off and Jay got back on the phone.

"Was that cool or what?" He said.

"Oh shit!"

"So you're gonna be on the morning show huh?"

"Apparently! I haven't heard anything about it! They'll probably fill me in tomorrow! I have a meeting to discuss my schedule for next week."


"Yeah, well I gotta get goin now! I gotta get up early for the meeting! I'll call you before I leave next week!"

"Aight man, peace!"


I immediately called Lance after I got off the phone.

"Hello?" Lance said picking up the phone.


"Your single was played on New York radio and you're gonna be on that morning show next week!"

"How'd you..."

"Jay told Justin and Justin told us!"

"But wh..."

"After we left Justin got a call from Jay who was all ecstatic cause he heard it, then after an hour of talking and saying how much they missed each other they hung up. And I'm assuming that Jay called you right after."

"Yeah, but he didn't tell me right away."

"Probably cause he was depressed."


"Well we're all happy for you baby!"

"Thanks! I can't wait to go back!"

"Neither can Jay."

"I know. Where are you guys?"

"We're on the road right now."

"Oh for real?"


"Where are the others?"

"Josh is sleeping, big surprise there! Justin is in the back with Chris playing video games, Joey is in the bathroom jerking off, and I'm here in the kitchen talking to you!"

"Um... ok.."

"One thing you'll learn when you come out on tour with us, you can't really keep anything secret on this bus!"

"Ok, I'm scared now!"

"Don't be!"

"What if we decide to have some fun though? I'm gonna be worried about the guys hearing us and disturbing them!"

"Don't worry about that! We've discussed that, and as long as we don't get all loud and start yelling to the point of waking the dead, they said they're ok with it."

"Well it'll take time for me to get used to it!"

"As with everything."

"Oh! Guess what!"


I told him about Kimberly and her group as well as everything else that has happened to me within the last few days. He laughed a little when I mentioned Christina.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, once you come out with us, you're gonna notice that we're gonna be running into a lot of former Mouseketeers, at least the ones that the guys have kept in touch with. Even others! They always come to our concerts. Whenever we're in LA, JC always gets together with Keri, Tony, Marc and/or Dale. Nikki is in Innocence, and even though she broke up with JC and there is some rough spots there, we still run into her cause Lynn manages them. So you're gonna find that we're always gonna be seeing someone from there!"

"Well I don't care! I loved that show!"

"Yeah, I know. I never even watched it to tell you the truth!"

"What about the others?"

"Chris saw it every so often, and Joey! Joey was practically an honorary member! He went to a lot of the shootings! That's how he and JC met!"

"Hmmm... never noticed, well then again, it's not like I would've anyway!"

"Yeah well it's funny though!"


"I miss you!"

"I miss you too! When are we gonna get to see each other?"

"I dunno. Hopefully soon though!"

"Good! Well, I really gotta get to sleep! I gotta meeting in the morning."

"Let me guess, about your schedule?"


"Ah, I know them well!"

"So do I! I'll talk to you soon!"

"Alright! I love you!"

"Love you too!"




:) So there you have it! Can't wait for more? Well you'll have to, don't worry though, it won't be that long. As usual, questions, comments, suggestions all welcome! Email me at

Next: Chapter 29

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