Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Jun 13, 1999


I know, I know.. it's been awhile since the last chap, but hey! What do you expect? I have a life too! Anyways, here it is! The conclusion of the party. Oh and I have to say this! As you may or may not have read River's story "Brush with fame" my character is going to be introduced into his story. I have to stress, that even though Rob, Jay, Melissa and who ever else he decides to introduce, it has NOTHING to do with the out come, or events that will take place in my story. It was just a cool idea that he came up with and I let him use my characters. Once again, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY STORY except for the fact that my characters are in it. That is all. So, here we go! On with the show!


Back upstairs.

"Lance, I want you to meet my cousin!" I said dragging him from the line.

"Hey! I was just about to get some food!" He said as I dragged him away.

"There's plenty of it for everybody, don't worry!"

"Not after Joey and Chris get through with it!"

"SHUT UP!" Chris and Joey both said.

"Would you just come on!" I said.

"Fine!" he said giving in.

"Miguel, this is Lance, Lance this is my cousin Miguel."

"Nice to meet you! I'm a big fan!" he said shaking Lance's hand.

"Same here, can I have my hand back now? I kinda need it!"

"OH! Sorry! I...I..."

"Don't worry about it!" Lance said smiling, "My god! You two look sooo much alike!"

"I know, he's my twin!" I said.

"No, you're MY twin!" Miguel said.

"Hey! I was born first!"

"So! So what if you're 2 years older!"

"That's 2 years I got up on your ass!"

"Now boys, don't fight!" My mom said joining us.

"He started it!" Miguel said.

"DID NOT!" I said.

"And I thought you and Jay were bad!" Lance said laughing.

"You ain't seen nothing! You should've seen him and his brother when they were younger!" My mom said.

"Ok, let's not go there!" I said.

"Why? I got a million embarrassing stories to Lance here!"

"And I'd love to hear them!" Lance said.

"Hey, watch it!" I said giving him a look of `if you encourage her, you're not getting any tomorrow'.

"Ok, ok! I won't!" He said picking up on the look.

"So, when do you guys leave again?" Miguel asked.

"Tuesday." Lance said.

"Yup, two days left." I said a little sad.

After I said that, there was a moment of silence. It would've been longer had Joey, Chris and Ricky not come over to us.

"Hey Scoop! Here, I got you some food!" Joey said.

"Thanks!" Lance said taking the plate.

"Hey, what about me?" I asked.

"Here!" Ricky said as he pulled a plate out from behind Chris.

"Thanks bro!"

"No prob!"

"After everybody finishes eating, I want all of you up here!" My mom said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, I want to hear my baby sing for me with his friends before you leave!"

"Aaaaaaaw!!!" Chris, Joey and Lance said simultaneously.

"Shut up!" I said turning red.

"He's blushing!" Ricky said.

"Alright, stop." My mom said.

"Thank you!" I said.

"!Ay que lindo!" My mom said pinching my cheeks.

"That's it!" I said as everyone around me started laughing.

I walked over to where my dad was talking a couple of family friends.

"There he is! My star!" he said as I walked toward him.

"Hey there!" I said as he put his arm around me.

"What did I tell you boy?! I told you that you would make it one day!"

"I know."

"You see! That's what you get for not giving up!"

"So when do you start recording?" one of my neighbors asked.

"Well, I start recording at the end of this month. I start touring probably around this spring or summer."

"Didn't you sat you were going to start in March or something?" My dad asked.

"Well, they had planned for me to go out on this tour with them, but considering I don't have any material and it will take a while to record, I probably won't be on this tour, but the next one." I said taking a bite of my plate of arroz con pollo (rice with chicken, for those of you who don't know).

"That's great!" my neighbor said.

"Who else will you be going on tour with?" My dad's friend asked.

"Well, it still hasn't been final yet, but I think, according to what MTV said, the European group Five and Jordan Knight.... I think that was the guy from New Kids on the Block. Apparently he's coming out with a solo album or something."

"Oh, that's nice!"

"Yeah, but these things aren't for sure yet, I don't think. So, it could wind up changing."

"I see."

"Whatever, as long as my boy here gets the attention he deserves!" My dad said patting me on the back.

"Thanks! Well, I gotta go mingle." I said laughing.

"You are going to sing for us tonight aren't you?" My neighbor asked.

"Maybe." I said as I walked away.

I walked over to a group of friends from high school. Two of the three guys, that were in a group that I had in high school, Mike and Angel. The third, being Cisco.

"Wassup fellas!?" I said as I sat next to them.

"Nothing man! Damn! You've come a long way since the group!" Mike said giving me a pound.

"I told you I was!"

"I know! Too bad we couldn't make it all together."

"Well, we tried, but."

"Let's not bring that back up again. What happened in the past is over now."

"Yeah, at least one of us made it!" Angel said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure if you guys wants it bad enough, you'll get it!" I said.

"Who knows?"

"So when you leaving?"


"So soon?"

"Yeah, I'll be moving to Orlando for a while. I'm gonna be recording for a few months, then it's out on the road with the guys."

"Your mom's calling you!" Mike said.

"Oh, ok... Well, if I don't get a chance to talk to y'all later, you know I love you guys!"

"Go on! Get out of here!" Angel said as he and Mike smiled.

I gave them both hugs and went into the kitchen.

"Yeah ma?" I said as I got into the kitchen.

"Your grandmother's here with your cousin, take Lance and go out side and help her." She said.

"Ok." I said as I turned towards the basement door.

I walked downstairs and found Lance talking to Pam.

"Hey, Scoop! Come upstairs and help me!" I said.

"Ok, I'm coming!" He said as he got up as Pam gave me a suspicious look.

"No, it's not that!" I said looking at her.

"Then what the hell am I going with you for?" Lance said laughing.

"Oh, ok! I see how it is!"

"You know I'm kidding!"

"You're lucky you're cute!" I whispered as he joined me on the stairs.

"I know!"

We walked upstairs and went outside to help my grandmother out of my cousin's car. Once we helped her out I said,

"Grandma, this is Lance, El es mi novio." (He is my boyfriend)

"!Ay, que guapo!" she said smiling. (Oh, how handsome!)

"Hello!" He said

"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" she said with her accent.

"Ok, grab her by her other side and we'll walk her in." I said as I stuck my hand out so she could hold on as well as for me to guide her.

Lance did the same and we walked inside while my cousin went to park his car. Once we got inside she said,

"I want to talk to you later."

"Ok!" I said as my mom came and took over for me.

Just as she did that, my cousin came up from behind me and grabbed me in a headlock (like he always does when he sees me). I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, and grabbed a pressure point in his neck.

"Now, what did I tell you about doing that? I can seriously hurt you, but you never learn do you?" I said laughing as he was screaming in pain.

"ALRIGHT!! LET GO!" He yelled.

"Ok." I said as I let him go.

"Now, give me a hug!" he said giving me a bear hug.

After escaping from his death grip, I introduced him to Lance and then took him downstairs and introduced him to the rest of the guys. The rest of the night I spent in between the guys, Lance, mingling and chatting with the guests and talking to relatives. My grandmother just wanted to know what everybody else did as well. I told her and she was excited for me. Around 9, my mom called everybody up to the living room and she ordered me and the guys to sing for them.

"Well, what should we sing?" Justin asked me.

"Hmmm.. How bout..." JC started to say.

"More than a feeling." I said.

"You want to?"

"Yeah! That's like my favorite song!"

"What about the rest of you?"

"Ok." They all said.

"I'll double the bass part and then harmonize with Justin on his verse." I said.

"Ok." JC said as he looked at surprised that I could do it so easily.

"Hey, I was a fan before I became apart of your little click!"

"I didn't say anything!"

"You didn't have to, I saw it in your eyes."

"Ok, well let's do it then!" Justin said.

"Ok! Everybody hum your starting note." JC said.

We hummed our first note then Lance and I began to sing the bass line. We were standing in the middle of the living room giving a private concert for all of my friends and family. I had fun singing with my friends. I was enjoying 3 things all at once. Performing, singing, and hanging with my friends. After we finished the song, which we kicked ass in singing, everybody clapped and cheered. We took our bows and thanked everybody. As soon as we did that, my mom got up and said,

"Ok, it's getting late, I think it's time for everybody to get going. After all it is a Sunday night and I'm sure a lot of you have work or school in the morning. So, get your last conversations in with Rob and the guys, and then GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! Kidding of course!"

Everybody started laughing as they got up from where they were sitting. People started to come over to us and were asking for our autographs. This surprised me, because I knew all of these people for years and here they were asking me for my autograph. I could understand about the guys, but it came as a little shock to me. After about a half- hour, everybody was gone except for Jay, Melissa, and my brother.

"Ok, let's get this place cleaned up!" I said.

"Oh, don't worry about it baby!" My mom said.

"No, this is always how it works, we have a party and afterwards I help clean up."

"You don't have to, really! We got it all covered here!"

"Mom, we're going to help!"

"There's not even that much of a mess, I can clean it all up tomorrow."


"GO! All of you! I'll fix it all tomorrow. It's late!"


"Thank you!"

"Ok, you heard the lady! Move it out!"

"Yes sir!" Chris said as he stood at attention and saluted.

We all laughed and the guys went over to my mom and said their thank you's. They went around the room to my dad and brother and did the same thing.

"How are you getting home Jay?" Justin asked.

"Melissa's giving me a ride." Jay said.

"What about you Ricky?" Joey asked.

"I'm staying here tonight." Ricky said.

"Ok, we're gonna go walk Melissa and Jay out to the car." JC said speaking for Justin as well.

"Ok." I said.

Jay and Melissa went over and said good bye to my family and then walked out the door with JC and Justin.

"So, we're gonna go now." I said, "I'll call you tomorrow night and give you all the info about where we're departing and at what time so you can come and see us off."

"Ok, don't forget!" My mom said as she gave me a hug.

"I won't!"

I went around and said goodbye to my family. We all said goodbye and walked out to my car. After five minutes of sitting in the car while it was warming up, waiting for JC and Justin, they finally got in.

"Damn, what'd y'all do, have an orgy?" I said as I pulled off.

As we passed my house we all waved and then were off.

"So, where're we headed? The hotel right?" I asked.

"Yeah." Joey said.

"Ok, cause I'm too tired to drive home too."

"But what about tomorrow?" Lance whispered in my ear.

"On second though, I'll drop you guys off at the hotel and Lance and I will go back to my place."

"I thought you were tired?" Chris asked, as JC and Justin looked at each other, "OH! I get it!"

We all started laughing while I turned on the radio.

I dropped the guys off around 11 and then Lance and I headed back to my apartment. We got there around 11:30 and as soon as we got upstairs we went into the bedroom. We kissed a little and Lance said,

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

"Ok, don't take too long though." I said as I stripped down to my boxers.

He went to the bathroom and took a piss. When he came back, he found me lying under the covers asleep.

"Aw, look how cute he looks!" He said to himself, "He really tired, he's had a long day. I'm not gonna wake him. We'll just have some fun tomorrow."

He climbed in the bed next to me, kissed me on the cheek and I rolled over and put my arm around his chest. I remember feeling a sense of warmth and completeness. That night was the most peaceful night of sleep I had gotten in a long time.


I know, I know, you were expecting them to have sex. But hey, I gotta leave something out to keep you coming back for more (pun intended). Besides, it'll only make the next installment better. So, as usual, questions, comments, suggestions all welcome!

Next: Chapter 20

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