Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on May 31, 1999


Well, here it is! The much awaited highly anticipated party scene. Sorry it took me so long, but hey, like I sad before, so much work, not enough time! But, this'll be a long one, so it'll satisfy you till the next chapter. If not then, what do you want? I'm only human!!

Oh yeah, before I forget! To all of you who were at the forum this past weekend, I want to apologize for not being a good host. I was doing ten thousand different things at once and couldn't pay attention to all of it. I also got knocked off and couldn't get back on, so that is why I left so abruptly without saying anything. I don't want any of you to get the wrong impression of me. Anybody who knows me or has talked to me, knows that I enjoy talking to my readers and enjoy listening (reading rather) to what they have to say. Once I again, I am sorry for all the difficulties that caused me to be a bad host. Thank you!!

So, here we go, ON WITH THE SHOW!! ?heeee you know I love saying that!!


I was walking down Broadway, enjoying my last few moments of being a normal person. I thought to myself,

"After this, I might not get this opportunity too often. I hope this all goes the way I want it to."

After about 10 minutes, I got to the garage where Melissa's car was parked. I gave the guy the ticket and paid for the bill. I drove back to my house and was there within 2 minutes. After parking, I went back upstairs and Meissa was just getting out of the shower.

"Hey, that was fast!" she said in a towel about to walk into my room.

"I guess, I mean it's only a few blocks from here." I said throwing the keys on the table.

"Ok, I'm gonna get dressed now."

"Oooh! Sexy! Grrrr!"

"Shut up!"

"I'm gonna call Lance."

"Ok, tell him I said hi!"


I took the phone and sat on the couch. I dialed his cell and he picked it up.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey there sexy!" I said with a smile on my face.


"You were expecting someone else?"

"Oh well, you know, the other lovers and all!"

"Oh, of course!"

"Of course!"

"Wassup?" I said laughing.

"Nothin, you should've seen it!"


"JC flipped on Justin."


"Yup! When they got here a little while ago, JC was pissed!"

"That boy needs to calm down!"

"Yeah well, that's just the way he is!"

"I know, how's Justin?"

"Eh, he's a little mad but he'll get over it."

"Did he say anything to Jay?"



"Nah, he just flipped on Justin."

"You people have to make him see that Justin isn't a kid anymore."

"We've tried! But, he won't listen!"

"I know!"


"Well, Melly said that if he gave them any trouble to let her talk to him. That's what I'll do. Maybe she can convince him."

"So, you're ok with them?"

"Yeah! I was gonna hook them up anyway."

"Oh, well, what are you guys up to today?"

"Uh. we're gonna hit the Village. I gotta get something for Justin and Joey's birthdays. I don't know if I'm gonna find something down there but hey, you never know."

"Well, good luck!"

"Thanks! Oh, Mel says hi!"

"Tell her I said hi!"

"Ok, what about you? What are you gonna do today?"

"I don't know. I'll find something to do till 5."

"Remember, you and me, tomorrow!"

"How could I forget?"

"Just reminding you!"

"I already have some stuff in mind!" he said in a seductive voice.

"Oh, me too!"


"Well, I gotta go. I gotta clean up and then get ready to leave."

"Alright! I'll see you tonight!"

"Bye, I love you!"

"Love you too!"

I hung up the phone, cleared the table and then washed the dishes. After that, Melissa came out and asked if I needed any help. I told her no and said that I was going to go take a shower. She sat in the living room and was watching TV. I got undressed and got into the hot shower. I stood there for awhile letting the hot water work out the kinks that sleeping on the floor had given me. After washing, I got out and shaved. Once finished, I went into my room and got dressed. By this time it was a quarter to 1. As soon as I was dressed, I went into the kitchen. Meissa was watching MTV in the living room.


"What? What?"

"You're on MTV!"



I sat on the couch shocked, they had a picture of me with the guys and John Norris was saying,

"Super Pop group, N SYNC has a knew friend. Robert Rodriguez, simply known as Rob was just signed to their record company, BMG/RCA. According to their management team, Rob has already recorded as well as co-produced a couple of songs with the boys. HE is said to be going on tour with them this summer. Also on the tour are former New Kid, Jordan Knight and Brit Pop group Five. Rob is said to start recording this month and his first single along with N SYNC will be due out in late April/ early May. That's the news for now, stay tuned to MTV for news 10 to the hour every hour. I'm John Norris thank you for watching MTV."

"OH..." I said

"MY.." Lance said standing up and yelling.

"GOD!" Ricky said running to the phone.

My cell phone and my cordless phone rang at the same time.

"Get the cordless! I'll get the cell!" I said running to the dinning room table.

"Hello?" I said picking it up.

"Hello?" Melly said picking up the cordless.

"Did you see MTV??" Lance said ecstatic.


"Where's Rob?" Ricky said as equally ecstatic as Lance.

"It's Ricky!" she said.

"Tell him to hold on!" I said.

"He said to hold on!"

"Who's this?" he asked.

"This is Melissa."

"Sup! Did you see MTV??"

"Yeah! OH MY GOD!"

"I know!"

"OH MY GOD!" I said to Lance.

"I know, I know! Hold on, someone's at the door!"

"Ok!" I said as he went to get the door, "Gimme the phone!"

"Here!" she said handing me the phone.

"Hey!" I said taking the phone from her while still listening to the other phone.

"DID YOU SEE IT!??" Ricky said.


"I know! I gotta tell mom!"

"YEAH! TELL HER! I'm on the phone with Lance!"

"Rob?" Lance said on the other line.

"Hold on bro!"

"OK!" Ricky said.

"Hey, baby, hold on for a sec!"

"Ok!" Lance said.

"Ok, call mom and tell her! I'll see you tonight!"

"Yeah, ok! Want me to tell her to call you?"

"Nah, I'm about to go out. Besides, a thousand people will probably be trying to call me! So anyway, I gotta go! I'll see you tonight! Love you bro!"

"Love you too! Bye!"

"Laters!" I said as I hung up the cordless, "Ok, I'm back!"

"I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Lance said.

"You're happy? I'm going out of my mind right now!"

The cordless started to ring again, and Melissa went to pick it up.

"No, leave it! Let the machine get it! It's gonna be doing that for a while!" I said stopping her.

"Ok." She said.

"So much for not being recognized today!" I said.

"It had to begin sometime!" Lance said laughing.

"I know!"

"Here, Jay's bugging me to speak to you!"


"DID YOU SEE THAT??" Jay said grabbing the phone.

"YEAH! OH MY GOD!" I said.

"I KNOW!!"

"Yo, we'll talk about this later! Put Lance back on!"

"Ok, I'll see you!"


"The rest of the guys wanna talk to you!" Lance said taking the phone back.

"Tell them we'll talk later, we gotta go!"

"Ok, well I'll see you later then!"

"Ok, bye! I love you!!"

"I love you too!"

"Thank you soo much!"

"For what?"

"Without you, this never would've happened!"

"Yes it would've."

"Whatever! Anyway, thanks!"

"You don't have to thank me but, you're welcome anyway!"

"Love you!"

"Love you too!"



We both hung up the phone and I just stood by the table for a second.

"It was Pam, she saw it." Meissa said.

"Huh? What?"

"I said it was Pam."

"Oh, ok. I'm sorry!"

"Don't be! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks! I can't believe it!"

"Me either! I wonder how many times that was broadcasted today!"

"Me too!"

"I guess will find out."


"We'll see how many people recognize you today."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!"

"Well, you still wanna go out?"

"Yeah! Let's go!" I said as the phone started ringing again.

"Let the machine get it?" she asked, as we were about to step out the door.

"Yeah, come on, let's go!"

We left and got into my car. We got into the Village at around 2. I parked the car around 11th and University, in front of Dean and Deluca. We went in and got some coffee before we started our shopping adventure. So began my last few moments as Rob the regular guy. While we were sitting, talking and drinking our coffee, two girls came up to our table and one of them said,

"Y.. you're that guy Rob right? You're the one who's touring with N SYNC, I saw you on MTV today!"

"Um.. yeah." I said nervously.

"Can we get your autograph?" they both shouted rather annoyingly.

"Yeah, sure! Just calm down!" I said taking the pen and paper they were holding.

I signed the papers and they started to scream. Soon after that people started to look at us. A couple of other teens came up to me and asked for my autograph. We got out of there as soon as we could, not finishing our coffee. We started to walk towards 5th Ave, and I said,

"I don't think that that was the first time they announced it."

"Gee, what makes you think that? The whole bunch of people following us??" she said yelling over the screaming crowd.

"I don't think we're gonna be able to get some shopping done today!"

"Yah think!"

"Let's head back to the car!"


On our way back to the car, I stopped and signed some more autographs, normally a less than five minute walk took us over 15 minutes. We finally made it to the car with some girls still following us. I sped off and we were out of there.

"Great, now what are we gonna do?" Mel asked.

"I have no clue! I had no idea it would get this bad so soon!"

"Well, put whoever's name with the guys from N SYNC and say that they're going on tour with them and you're bound to get mobbed."

"I know!"

"What do you wanna do now?"

"What can we do?"

"How bout we just go back to your apartment?"

"Let's drive around for awhile then we'll head back."

"Ok, what time is it now?"

"It just about 3."

"Well, I gotta get going around 4."

"What? Why?"

"I got a lotta shit to do!"

"Yeah, I guess, I mean I gotta meet the guys. We're going out to diner with my family."

"I know, you told me."



"You still haven't told me what happened on your date with JC last night!"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Spill it!"

She told me everything that happened and I was started to smile.

"So, is he a good kisser?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! Damn! I haven't had a kiss like that since...since.. damn! It's been that long!"


"You're telling me!"

"No I mean, whoa! Look at all this traffic!"


"Yeah, and it's a Sunday! I'll try and steer us around it, it's 3:30 now and by the time we get back to my place it should be 4."

"Ok, put on the radio!"

"Go head!"

She put on the radio and I managed to get us out of the traffic. We got to my house a little after 4. Once we went upstairs she started to get some of her stuff.

"Damn! Look at all these messages!" I said looking at my machine.

"How many?"

"The tape ran out! There's about 20 messages!"

"Oh shit! I guess a lot of people caught that newscast!"

"Yah think?"

"Well, I gotta get going beb!"

"I know, I'll walk you down!"

"No, it's ok. I don't want you to get mobbed!" she said laughing.

"Shut up!"

"It's ok, you parked my car right in front!"

"Well, I guess this is it huh?"

"NO! You know I'm gonna be at the airport when you leave!"

"Oh for real?"

"Of course! I'll be there with the rest of your fan club!"

"Yeah, my parents and my bro, and Pam and Sisco, and Jay."

"You know it!"

"I love you girl!"

"Love you too!"

We hugged each other and gave each other a kiss on the cheek. She left and I check my machine. Everybody who's ever knew called. I'm talking people who I haven't spoken to in years. Not to mention the people who I still keep in contact with. These are all the people who called:

My mom Pam Sisco My uncle D Dre Jose Sean Joe Mariah Ricky (again) Lisa (Jay's sister)

And the list went on. The most surprising call I got (mostly cause I couldn't believe she'd have the guts to actually do it) was from Nitasha. I was shocked but pissed at the same time when I heard her voice. As I finished listening to all my messages, I went online to check my mail. All of the people on my buddy list had emailed me. Some of the people who had called me even emailed me. I was flattered and shocked at all of this. I thought,

"If I got this much attention due to one little announcement on MTV, imagine what it's gonna be like once I release a single, or a video, or my album."

I thought about that while I turned off the computer and headed for the bathroom. I decided to take a long hot bath. I turned on the water and went into my room. I picked out the clothes I was going to wear that night and laid them on my bed. I then got undressed and took my cordless of the hook. I took my cell into the bathroom with me just in case Lance was to call. I stepped in the hot water and relaxed there for about a half-hour.

I started to fall asleep when my cell phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I said a little groggily.

"Hey!" Lance said cheerfully.

"Oh, hi!" I said sitting up.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing, I just fell asleep in the tub."

"Oh, so... you're naked huh?"


"Oooh! Tomorrow right?"

"Yeah." I said laughing.

"Hey, when are you gonna make your way over here?"

"What time is it?"

"It's almost 5."

"OH SHIT!" I said standing up now.

"Don't worry about it, take your time. You know that most of the guys aren't even ready yet."

"I know, but still."

"Well get dressed and get over here."

"I will, I will! Damn! I thought you just said to take my time!"

"I know, but I wanna see you!"


"Anyway, get your butt over here!"

"Yes sir!"

"Ok, see you in a bit."

"Yeah, later."

"Love you."

"Love you too!"

I hung up the phone and got out of the tub. Once dried off, I went into my room and got dressed. I was always a fast dresser so I was done in a matter of 10 minutes. By 5 o'clock I was out the door and in the way to the hotel.

At the hotel.

"So, was Melissa there when you dropped Jay off?" JC asked Justin while he was getting dressed.

"No, not yet. Stop asking me about her!" he said laughing.

"Ok... sorry."

"Josh, you know I'm just playing!"

"Oh.. yeah, I know."

"Damn, you really like her don't you?"

"Yeah, it's just that, since I haven't had time to be in an actual relationship, I.. I . I don't know. It's just that, she's... she makes me feel.. Happy!"

"Yeah, I know the feeling."

"Now, that I might actually have a chance with her, we're leaving in two days!"

"Well, didn't you say she was transferring to a school in Florida?"

"Yeah, but even though we live there, we're still always out on the road!"

"But whenever we do go back, she'll be there. And I'm sure whenever she has time off and isn't too busy, she would love to come out on the road. with. us. OH MY GOD!! That's it!"


"Well, Jay's graduating this year, I'll ask him if during the summer if he would like to come out on tour with us! I mean, hey, I'll be there and so will Rob!"

"Good idea, maybe I can ask Mel if she wants to come too!"


"That would be so cool!"

"I know!"

"I'll ask her tonight!"

"Yeah, me too! Oh and Josh?"


"Um.. I gotta finish getting ready, so could you like. leave? I mean if you're here and we're talking, I'll never get ready in time."

"Oh, sure! No problem!"


"Alright, I'll either be in Lance's room or in mine."

"Aight, later!"

JC walked into Lance's room just as he hung up the phone.

"Hey Scoop? You busy?" he asked.

"Huh? Oh, Josh! Nah man, come in!"


"Nothin, Rob should be on his way pretty soon. Is Justin back from dropping off Jay?"

"Yeah, he got back a little while ago, where have you been?"

"In here, duh! You did remember to give Jay the sword before you left, right?"

"OH MY GOD!!! Yeah, come on, look who you're talking to here!"


"Shut up!"

"So, looking forward to seeing Melissa tonight?"

"Oh yeah!"

"How was that date? You never said anything."

"It was.. It was great!"


"I had a blast! We ate dinner, walked in the park, took a carriage ride, and walked up 5th Ave. Then, once we got back here we talked. I really had fun! More fun than I've had in awhile!"

"Gee, thanks!"

"No, you know what I mean!"

"I know, I'm just messin with yah!"

"Oh yeah, and she's one HELL of a kisser!"

"Oh shit! Josh got some!"

"Nah, it didn't go father than that."

"How could it? I mean Rob did bust in on y'all!"

"Yeah, but even if he didn't, I wouldn't have let it go that far."

"I know man! I'm just kidding! Lighten up!"

"I am, it's just that, I don't know! She makes me feel so happy!"

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Like you're complete now."


"Well, I'm happy for you! I only wish you two had met sooner so you could spend some more time together."

"I know, me too! But, Justin gave me an idea."


"Well she's transferring to a school in Florida, so whenever I'm there and not busy, I'll go see her. But, this summer, if she can, I'm gonna invite her to go on tour with us!"


"I know, and Justin's gonna invite Jay, considering he graduates this year."

"That'll be cool! I mean, Rob's gonna be there, so he can see his extended family!"

"I know!"

"I have an even better idea!"


"Let's not tell him that you're gonna invite them, this way, it'll be a surprise!"

"YEAH!! Good idea!"

"Tell Justin, are you gonna ask them tonight?"

"Yeah, probably. I'll tell Justin later."

"Before Rob gets here though!"

"Oh, yeah, no doubt!"

Back at my parents' house.

"Ok, some people are on there way now, all we gotta do is finish moving the furniture and we're done!" my mom said hanging up the phone.

"Ok, where do you want the couch?" Jay asked.

"Hmmm, how bout you put it over there!" she said pointing the wall.

"Yeah, that's where we had it for Tio's party!" Ricky said.

"I know, that's why I want it there, it'll give us more room in the center. This way, if people want to stay up here, they can, but they can also stay in the basement."

"Good idea!" Melissa said.

"Where's dad?" Ricky asked.

"He went to get some ice and some soda. He'll be back in.. UH! There he is now!" My mom said as she saw my dad pull up in the driveway.

"I'll go help him." Jay said.

"Let's move the couch first!" Ricky said.

"I'll help you!" Melissa said walking over to the couch.

Back in my car.

I started to dial my mom's number while at a red light. She picked up and was a little surprised to here from me.

"Oh, hi ROB!" she said motioning everybody to be quiet.

"Hey, mom. What's going on?"

"Nothing, why?"

"No, it sounds like something's going on in the background."

"Nope, nothing, what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm on my way to pick up the guys now, once they're all ready we'll head out there."

"Ok, well call us before you leave so we can be ready."

"Ok, I'll see you in a few!"

"Bye, love you!"

"Love you too, bye!"

I hung up the phone and continued to drive to the hotel. By the time I got there, it was already 5:30. I parked the car and went upstairs. I checked JC's room first and he wasn't in there. I then went into Lance's room and saw him and JC sitting there.

"Hey sexy!" Lance said as I walked in the door.

"Hey! Sup guys?"

"Nothin." JC said.

"Where's the rest of the guys?"

"Still getting ready." Lance said.

"Could you go check on them Josh?"

"Sure, I'll be right back!" he said getting up and walking towards the door.

I walked over to Lance and gave him a kiss. I then sat on the bed and moaned.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked sitting next to me.

"Nothing, just a little sad I'm leaving."

"Oh, yeah. I remember what that felt like."

"I mean, I'm happy and all, but my life is going to change."

"Yup! You have no idea!"

"Wanna bet?"

"What do you mean?"

"Today, when Mel and I went to go shopping, we were at Dean & Deluca, and these girls, who obviously saw the MTV broadcast, asked me for my autograph."


"That's not all. I gave it to them, then when Melissa and I got up and left, we were walking and then some people started to chase us because they wanted my autograph."

"Aaaawwww! Your first mob!"

"Shut up!" I said laughing.

"Well, you gotta get used to it. It'll only get worse!"

"I know, I got a sample of it whenever I went out with you guys and you got mobbed."


"I just need to relieve some tension."


"Oh yeah!"

"I can't wait!"

"Me either!"

Back in Justin's room.

"So, you almost ready?" JC asked.

"Yeah, all I gotta do is my hair and I'm done."

"Then you're not almost ready!"

"Shut up!"

"Anyway, Lance had a good idea!"


"About this summer."


"He said not to tell Rob about it, this way it could be a surprise!"

"Good idea!"

"We just gotta tell them not to tell him."

"Ok, well, like before, the longer me and you talk, the longer it's gonna take for me to get ready."

"Ok, I'm going anyway, I gotta check on the others."

"Ok, where're we meeting?"

"In either my room or Lance's."


JC walked out the door and down the hall to Joey's room, he knocked and went in.

"Hey, you ready yet?" he asked as he walked in.

"Yeah, just about. Just finished doing the hair."

"Ok so how much longer?"

"Not much, just gotta put on some cologne and then I'm done!"

"Ok, well we'll meet you in either my room or Lance's."


He walked over to Chris' room and knocked.

"Hey, you ready?" he asked as he walked in.

"Almost, is Rob here yet?"

"Yeah, he's in Lance's room."

"Oh, ok. Well I'm almost done."

"You sure?"


"Have you done your hair yet?"

"Yes, all I gotta do is put some cologne on and find my glasses."

"Need help?"

"I think I can put cologne on by myself."

"No stupid, you know what I mean."

"Yeah, check under the bed and in the couch."

"In the couch?"

"Yeah, the cushions."

"Oh, ok."

"Never mind! I found them!"


"In the bathroom."

"Oh, ok. You ready now?"

"Yup! Let's go!"

"Ok, come on!"

They walked out and back to Lance's room. JC knocked before he went in, Lance told him to come in and they both entered.

"Hey Rob!" Chris said.

"Sup!" I said still lying on the bed.

"Where's the others?" Lance asked.

"Still beautifying themselves." JC said.

"I swear, they're worse than any girl I've ever met!" I said.

"No we're not!" Justin said as he and Joey entered the room.

"Yeah you are!"

"Don't blame us cause we gotta look pretty for our public!" Joey said fluttering his eyelashes.

"Whatever! So, you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's do this!" Justin said.

"Aight, let's go!" I said getting up from the bed.

We all walked out of the room and squeezed into the elevator.

"I swear! Next hotel you guys get has to have a bigger elevator!" I said as Chris' dreds hit me in my face.

We managed to get outside and to my car without any more problems. Once we got in the car, I called my house, I mean, my parent's house.

"Hello?" My mom said picking up the phone.

"Hey mom!" I said.

"Oh, hi Rob! Hold on! RICKY TURN THAT DOWN!!"

"I see Rick's getting on your nerves!"

"Like always!"

"Anyway, we're on the way now. We just pulled out of the hotel."

"Ok, so when should you be here?"

"I'd say in about a half-hour to 45 min. Depending on traffic."

"Ok, well see you then!"

"HI!!" Chris yelled from the backseat.

"Ok, tell him I said hi."

"She says hi." I said.

"OK, so I'll see you in a little while."

"Yeah, bye!"


We both hung up the phone.

"Ok, Rob should be here in a half-hour to 45 minutes! So everybody calm down and be ready!" My mom said to all of the guests.

"Is everybody here?" Melissa asked my mom.

"Yeah, I think so. Jay, go get me that list that I made of people who were coming. It's on the top of the fridge!"

"Ok." Jay said going into the kitchen.

"Ok, everybody! We're going to take attendance!" Melissa said.

They all laughed as Jay came back with the list.

"She called out everybody and there was only 2 people missing, Pam and Cisco.

"Where the hell are they? I thought they would be the first one's here!" Jay said.

As soon as he said that, the doorbell rang. My mom went to get it and there they were Pam and Cisco.

"We were just talking about you!" My mom said as she opened the screen door and let them in.

"I'm sorry! I didn't do it!" Cisco said.

"Shut up, sorry, there was a little traffic." Pam said as she came in and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, Rob should be here within 30-45 minutes." My mom said.

"Ok, no problem, here we got this for you, and we got this for Rob."

"Oh, you didn't have to get Rob anything!" she said laughing, "No seriously, you didn't have to get me anything!"

"We wanted to, I mean hey, if one person could pull this whole party off in like 2 days, then they deserve something!" Cisco said.

"Well I didn't do it all by myself."

"Yeah, where's our gift!" Jay said.

"Oh.. well.." Cisco started to say.

"It's ok, we're just playin."

"I know!"

"Well, come in, sit down, have a drink!" My mom said.

"Hey!" My dad said from the kitchen, when he noticed who came in.

"Hi!" They both said, meeting him half way.

They exchanged greetings and made small talk. They then walked around and talked to people who they knew.

Back in my car.

"Did you guys see that MTV thing?" I asked.

"YEAH!!" They all replied in unison.

"Congratulations!" Joey said.

"Yeah, well it's because of that, that I couldn't go out today! We were mobbed by some screaming teenagers today!"

"Welcome to the club! You are now officially a member!" Chris said.

"Thanks!" I said sarcastically.

"It'll only get worse!" Justin said.

"I know. Lance already told me."

"But hey, it can sometimes actually be fun." JC said.

"OH!!! Turn up the volume! I love this song!" Chris said.

"Relax, it's a CD, it's not like it'll end in 2 seconds!" I said turning up the volume.

"What song is that?" Joey asked.

"You don't recognize it?"


"What about now?" I said as I fast-forwarded it to the first verse.



"Huh? I don't get it, what song is it?" Justin said still confused.

"Hold on!" I said as JC, Chris, Joey, and I started to sing along.

"What the hell is this?" Justin asked Lance who was laughing.

"Michael Jackson, PYT." Lance said between laughs.


"I want to love you, PYT, Pretty Young Thang. You need some lovin', TLC, Tender Love and Care. And I'll take you there." the four of us sang.

"YOOO! You people are old!" Justin said.

"HEY!!! Watch it! You're in my car! And hey, I'm only a year older than you are so.." I said, then I went back to singing.

We sang all the way to my house, I mean my parent's house. Michael Jackson was all that was being played in the car. Justin joined in on some of the songs he knew, but a lot of the oldies he just stayed quiet for. Lance also joined in every now and then. We got to my parent's house around 6:30. I parked the car in front of the driveway and we all got out still singing, this time it was "Billie Jean".

Inside my parent's house.

"Ok, they're out front! Everybody hide!" My mom said.

"Turn off the kitchen light!" My dad said.

"Here they come!"

Back outside.

"Ok, so we gotta get them out and then we'll go. We're already running a little late." I said as we walked down the walkway.

"Ok." They all said.

We walked up the steps and I knocked on the door.

"Hey! Rob!" My mom said as she opened the door.

Just as I walked over the thresh hold, all I heard was,


"Huh? What? What the hell is going on!?" I said looking back and forth from the guys to my parents as all of these people started to pop out of nowhere.

"For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny! YEAH!!!!!"

"Congratulations Rob!" my mom said as she hugged and kissed me on the cheek.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"It was their idea!" Jay said pointing to the guys.


"We thought it would be nice to through you a party to congratulate you on everything, and so you could see all of your friends one last time before you left!" Lance said.

"I should kick your ass!" I said as I went and gave him a hug, "I would kiss you but.."

"I know!" he whispered in my ear.

"OH MY GOD!!! IT"S ROB! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Melissa yelled.

"Shut up and give me a hug! You knew about this didn't you? That's why you had to leave early?"

"Yup!" she said giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"And you! You knew too didn't you?" I said pointing to Jay.

"Of course!" he said as we hugged.

I went around the room and said hi to everybody. Once I finished that, my brother said,

"Attention everybody! In case you weren't home today and didn't get a chance to see it, Rob here, was on MTV."

"You didn't!" I said.

"I did! Well, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, here it is! The news report about my dearest little bro!"

He pushed play on the VCR and turned on the TV. Once the broadcast finished, everybody started clapping. I turned 40 shades of red and started smiling. Once everybody looked back at me they all started to yell,


I then walked a little ways up the steps so everybody could see me.

"Well, first of all, I'd like to thank all of you guys for coming out on such short notice. Next, I'd like to thank my mom, Jay, Ricky, my dad, and Melissa for setting up this whole place here. Guys" I said turning to N SYNC, "thank you most of all, if it weren't for my meeting you, I probably wouldn't be where I am right now! You've helped make my greatest dream come true and I can't wait to go out on tour with y'all! Thank you everybody!"

They all clapped and I went and gave each member a hug, then moved on to my family and then Jay and Melissa.

"Now let's PARTY!!!" I yelled.

Me, the guys, Jay, Melissa and Rick all went into the basement first. Everybody else was standing on line waiting to get some food.

"I'm gonna get you all for this! Watch!" I said as I sat on the couch.

"Aaaaahhh! Shut up!" Chris said.

"Rob! Come up here for a second!" My mom yelled from the top of the steps.

"Ok, coming! I'll be right back." I said.

As soon as I got upstairs, the guys started talking about the summer.

"Ok, so, Justin, JC and I had this great idea!" Lance said.

"What?" Jay asked.

"Well, considering this summer, you graduate, you are going to go to school in Florida, we figured that it would be cool if you could come out on tour with us!"

"Cool!" they both said.

"But, there's a catch! You can't tell Rob. We want it to be a surprise. And look at it this way, you'll get to see JC, and you'll get to see Justin as a bonus."

"Well, I'd love to, but I couldn't come out for the whole summer. I have to work!" Melissa said.

"I could, I mean, just as long as my parents said yes." Jay said.

"Hey, you wanna come out too Ricky?" JC asked.

"Ok, COOL!" Ricky said.

"Well, we'd have to get a time where all of you could come at the same time, or maybe two at one time and the other at another time. I mean, we don't have that much room on our bus." Lance said.

"Well, Jay and Melissa could go out at the same time and I could come later on." Ricky said.

"You sure you wouldn't mind?" Justin asked.

"Nah! Why would I?"

"Ok, well we'll just have to settle airfare, our schedule and all that shit. We'll get back to you on everything." JC said.

"OK, cool!" Melissa said.

"I'm gonna go get me something to eat!" Joey said.

"Yeah me too! Wait up!" Chris said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too." Ricky said.

The three of them walked upstairs leaving the two couples and Lance there by themselves.

"This summer will be really fun!" Lance said.

"Yeah, the best part is, that we'll all have our `friends' there with us!" Justin said.

Just as he said that, Pam and Cisco walked down each with a plate of food in their hands.

"Hey all!" Pam said.

"Hey!" they all said.

"Did you see the look on Rob's face when he walked in?" Cisco said, "It was priceless! Can't wait to see how the pictures came out!"

"OOH!! You gotta send me a copy!" Lance said.

"I will!"

"So, how's the food?" Lance asked.

"It's good! You should try it!" Pam said.

"I think I am. I'm getting hungry!"

He got up and went upstairs.

"So, are you two?" Pam said looking at Justin and Jay.

"Yeah." Justin said.

"And what about you two?" Cisco asked looking at JC and Melissa.

"I don't know, are we?" Melissa asked JC.

"I guess, that's if you want to be." JC said a little nervously.

"Well, then.. Yeah, we are!"

"Cool!" Pam said.

"YES!" JC said in his head.


Don't cha just hate cliffhangers? Well, that's it for now, I have no idea when the next installment will be out, it's whenever I get time to write. So, as usual, questions, comments, suggestions, all welcome! Email me at

Next: Chapter 19

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