Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Feb 28, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. This does not imply anything about the members of *N SYNC. If you do not like it then don't read it.


It was just after Christmas when my girlfriend and I broke up. It was very depressing my friends tried to do everything they could think of to try and cheer me up. My name is Rob I am 18 and bi. I'm 5'10, 200lbs (muscle), dark brwn hair, brwn eyes. Like I said my friends tried to do everything they could to cheer me up. It wasn't till one day in early Jan when I finally ditched my friends and had time to myself. I was at the movies (the big theatre on 42nd street, NY) seeing what I don't recall, I was just there to get away from everybody. The movie sucked so I decided to leave after the first hour. But first I had to go to the bathroom. I got up out of my seat and headed to the restroom, I was just about finished and was washing my hands when some guy kind of ran in and fell in at the same time. I jumped and said,

"What the fuck?"

I went over to this guy and helped him up off the ground. This guy was hot! Blonde hair, the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen on a man! I immediately recognized him as Lance from N SYNC. I didn't want to seem as a crazed fan, considering that's probably what he was running from.

I said, "Trying to get away from the screaming girls huh?"

He said, "How'd you know?"

I told him, "I know who you are and could tell by the way you stormed in here. Don't worry I'm not gonna attack you."

He laughed and said, "Thanks, but can you help me get out of here? I'm kinda trapped."

I said, "Sure, uuhh, here take my coat and hat, I was just leaving, I can make like I'm going back into one of the theatres and you can sneak out."

He said, "That's a great idea but how will you get out of here then? It's the middle of winter and it's freezing outside."

I told him that my car was parked right outside, in the front of the theatre and I could meet him some where later on and get my stuff back. He agreed and gave me the address to where he was staying. I took off my coat and hat and gave it to him while he put it on I washed my hands and we both walked out of the bathroom at the same time. The plan worked for about two seconds, we got passed the mob of girls but he was noticed so we started running. I yelled out to him above all the screaming to come with me and I would give him a ride home.

He yelled back, "Fine just get me out of here alive!"

We ran down the escalators and managed to get out of the side door. We ran a little ways down the block and got into my car. Right when I started it, a couple of girls started to bang on the windows. I pressed on the gas and we were out of there. While we were in the car, extremely out of breath I forgot that my radio had the N Sync CD in it, it was on the last track "Giddy up" As he was taking off my coat, my wallet fell out of the pocket and into his lap. I told him to throw the coat in the back seat, and he asked me,

"Who's the girl?"

I looked at him and he had my wallet open in his hand with the picture of my ex showing. I grabbed my wallet and said with a sort of ticked off voice,

"My ex!"

He said, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to, you can just let me out right here and I can call a limo."

I said, "No, it's ok, it's just that we just broke up a couple of weeks ago, and people have kept on hounding me about her."

"Can I ask why if you don't mind? You seem like a cool person." He asked. "It's just a big, long, confusing story and I'd rather not get into it, especially since, no offense, but, no matter how many times I've seen you on TV or heard your music, I don't know you, we've just met" I said.

He laughed and I said, "What's so funny?"

He continued laughing and managed to say, "Nothing, it's just that you're the first person that's one of our fans to say that they don't know you."

I asked him what he meant and he said, "Every time we meet one of our fans, they always say how they think they know us, just because we said some stuff about ourselves in some teeny bopper magazine, or because we say something in our music."

I laughed a little and calmed down.

"Where the hell are we going anyway?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, well I was supposed to go see a movie, but you know what happened, so now I've got my whole day free, and nothing to do. I don't want to go back to the hotel cause that would just be boring. So, if you wouldn't mind could I hang out with you?" he said.

I said "Sure but you sure you wanna hang out with me? I mean of all the people you know, I'm not the most exciting, I'm also a little depressed, so it's your call I can drop you off where ever you want."

"No, you saved my life back there, I owe you one, the least I can do is cheer you up. As for all of those people that I know? They're all fake, they just wanna chill with me cause I'm a star. You seem real, I mean you could've just left me back there not tried to help. I think I could use someone like you as a friend right now. Maybe we could just chill and find out if we have anything in common. Who knows we might be good for each other." He said as he smiled that killer smile and winked at me.

I thought to myself hey, how could I turn down a fly guy like this? I'd be kicking myself forever if I let him get away. I also thought he has no idea of how much we have in common. Well here was my chance, so I took it.


We drove to this secluded not too well known coffee shop that I know, it was there that we started to talk, about everything.

"So, you're a fan, I'm sure that there is some stuff that you must know about me already. So shoot." He said with that killer smile of his.

"Well, I have read some stuff about you guys, I've even wrote you e-mail but you never responded, I figured as much that you wouldn't. Well we do have stuff in common, it's scary really. We have the same birthday, except you're a year older than I am."

He interrupted "Oh shit! I've never met anyone who shared my birthday."

"Me either, I am also a singer, and a bass like you." I continued.

"You're right this is scary!" He said jokingly.

"I told you, as far as the rest of the group, you can say I've been a fan since MMC" I said right back.

We just finished drinking hot chocolate when he said that he would pick up the check. I said no, but he insisted so I agreed. He pulled out his wallet and paid the waitress. Then out of nowhere, I grabbed his wallet, and said,

"You got to look in mine now I get to look in yours!"

He yelled out "NO!"

Just as I opened it and saw a picture of him and this other guy, kissing! I was shocked! Partly cause I thought he was straight, but mostly cause I thought now that I had a chance.

I said, "Oh shit, I'm soooo sorry, I promise I won't tell anyone!"

He was pissed and he got up and started to leave when I got up and ran after him.

"Lance, wait!" I screamed.

But he just kept walking. I still had his wallet, but he didn't seem to care. He just kept walking and nothing could get in his way. I couldn't catch up with him on foot so I got in my car drove over to him. I rolled down the window and said,

"Look, I'm sorry! I had no idea! C'mon get in the car I'll drive you home if you want."

He just kept walking not saying a word.

"Don't you at least want your wallet back?" I asked.

Still he said nothing. He flagged down a cab and got in. So I decided to follow him. Not an easy task when you live in NY and there are always a sea of yellow taxi cabs, but I managed to trail him back to his hotel. He was staying at the Plaza. So I parked and got out, I tried to keep up with him and almost caught up but tripped over a suitcase. He was just about to get on the elevator when, he realized that he needed his wallet so he came back over to me and said,

"Give me my wallet now or I'll call security!"

"Look!" I said, "I won't tell anybody, I have the same secret!"

He said, "What do you mean?"

"I'm bi" I said in a whispery voice. He said,

"You are?"

"Yes, that's one of the reasons my girlfriend and I broke up." I said as I started to get teary eyed.

All of a sudden his face changed from a stubborn bull, to kind little puppy,

"Don't cry, c'mon, come upstairs with me and we can talk about it. Now that we both know some serious things about each other, we can trust each other, right?" he said extending his hand.

I said, "Fine I don't care."


We got in the elevator and went up to his room. Just as we got off at his floor, we ran into Justin, who was on his way out to play some ball.

He asked, "Hey Lance, wanna play some ball?"

Lance said, "Not now Jus, maybe later."

Justin said, "C'mon man! You said you were gonna! You can bring your friend if you want. We can play a game of 21"

"NOT NOW JUSTIN!" Lance said angrily.

"Oh, I get it. Come here for a second." He replied.

"What do you want?" Lance said getting annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing? You know you're not supposed to bring guys back up to your room!" said Justin.

"I know but it's not like that. Look I'll explain later, just don't tell any of the other guys. The last thing I need is JC flippin on me on how,

`I'm not supposed to bring guys back up to my room' .

So c'mon man, please? Don't say nothing? I did it for you. Remember?" Lance begged.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember. Just don't let it get out of hand like the last one." Justin said giving in.

"I promise I won't" Lance said happily. "Later"

"Yeah, bye. Be careful"

"I will"

With that we went into Lances room. This room was HUGE! It had a king size bed, a sofa, a big screen TV, a huge ass bathtub and shower, and a mini fridge. It was just big! Lance said to sit down on the couch and he would be right back because he had to check his messages. With that, I sat down on the couch and it was comfortable! He came back and said,

"So you tell your story and I'll tell you mine. Hold up, I can't believe it, I still don't know your name."

"It's Rob." I said.

"Just Rob? No last name or nothing, just Rob?" he said.

"Well my full name is Roberto Rodriguez, but everybody calls me Rob for short." I told him.

"Well Rob, it's great to meet you. I'm sure you already know my full name so let me hear your little story." He said.

So, I told him, everything. How about my girlfriend, how she needed to be alone to see where her life was headed, and how she was also doing it for me since she was all that I had known. How she wanted me to experience everything that I could, and basically all this bullshit. That took about an hour and then it was his turn.

"Well I've known that I was bi for a long time now, every since I was 15 at least. I did some stuff with this guy I knew from church, and it didn't work out. Before I got called to do this I was in a pretty serious relationship with this girl, but broke it off before I had to leave thinking that it was for the best." He said.

He went on and told me about some of his little "adventures" as he liked to call them, that he has had on the road. They were pretty erotic. He said that he even tried something once with Justin, cause Justin was questioning his sexuality. He said that, that went on for a few months. They had a lot of sex on the bus when everyone was asleep. They also did it after some shows, during some awards ceremonies, everywhere. The funny thing was that none of the other members knew about it. They knew about their sexuality but not that they were doing each other. They had stopped having all that sex for fear of falling in love and having to live with each other if anything ever happened between them, so they called it off and just talked to each other about other men. I told him that I was a singer and planned on being a producer in college. He thought it cool because he was also into producing. He asked me if I ever considered singing professionally. I said,

"Yeah all the time, but I'm too scared to do it because of the rejection. So I figured if I became a producer, I could do 2 things I love, produce music, and even make an album if I want"

"Can I hear you sing?" he asked.

"Nah, chill." I said.

"Come on, you've heard me sing!" he said in his defense.

"Barely. You're always singing in the background." I said.

"Oh, thanks a lot! If I sing with you will you sing with me?" he asked.

"Maybe." I said.

Then he started singing "(God must have spent) A little more time on you". Then hesitantly I joined in taking the lead vocals. I got so into it that he stopped singing and I didn't even notice. I turned around and looked at him and he wasn't singing so I stopped and we both started laughing. I went over to him and punched him jokingly on the arm and he hit me back, then I tried to hit him back but he grabbed my arm and pulled me in close. We were both silent and we were looking deep into each other's eyes. Then it happened we kissed. At first it was a light tap kiss but then it started getting heavy. Our tongues explored each other's mouths. I grabbed the back of his head and he grabbed me by my waist and we pulled each other closer until our straining cocks were wrestling.

We walked over to the bed not letting go of each other the whole time. We laid on the bed for a half-hour making out. Our hands' exploring each other's bodies never breaking the contact between our lips. I put my hand up his shirt and felt his tight abs and his muscular pecs. He explored my back with one hand and fondled my ass with the other. I unbuckled his pants and was about to put my hand down them when there was a knock on the door.

"Lance, it's me Justin! Open up!" he said.

Next: Chapter 2

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