Road Work

By dante umbero

Published on Sep 29, 2003


The Usual...Hot Gay Sex ahead. Go elsewhere if offended and/or a minor or it's illegal to read such things in your repressive society. The names and events are fictitious. If anyone knows someone like either of these two, please introduce me! Dante-

They sat quietly for awhile basking in the afterglow of their encounter. Then Kyle kissed Buck long and hard and asked if he could spend the night. Buck had wanted that so bad he ached but knew his Dad would be home soon. In fact should have already been home. He had said, "God, Kyle I wish you could, but Dad should have already been home and he's likely to be wasted by this time. You better go on home. We'll try and talk tomorrow at work."

Buck stood on the porch in the deepening night and watched the tail lights of Kyle's truck disappear down the lane. He went into the house and showered then went up to bed, leaving a light on for his dad.

Kyle was on top of him, his weight pressed him into the mattress and he could feel Kyle's breath on his dick. He shifted his weight and moaned as Kyle's tongue touched the pucker under the head. Suddenly a beeping started in time with Kyle's tongue it was breaking his concentration, he was so close...

Buck jerked awake and rolled over and hit the alarm. It fell to the floor but at least it had stopped. His cock was aching from the dream and piss that needed to be let out. He thought about jacking off but decided to save it for tonight. He dressed slowly thinking again about last night and went downstairs and used the bathroom. His dick was still hard but he managed to piss anyway. He shaved, brushed his teeth and went into the kitchen. The coffee pot was off and looking down the hall he could see that the light was still on. "Guess he slept in the truck last night." Buck thought. He poured water into the coffee maker and added grounds to the basket. Then dropped a couple slices of bread into the toaster and set the timer. He wandered to the front door and looked out of the screen toward the garage. He could see the garage door was still open and his Dad's truck wasn't in there. Buck started to get worried, but decided that maybe his Dad had been too drunk to drive home or worse been picked up by the law. His Dad had told him day before yesterday that there was talk of a lay off so he may have been laid off and was over celebrating.

Buck went back through to the kitchen and finished up his breakfast. He poured a travel mug of coffee and went to work.

He ran into Kyle first thing and felt warm all over when he saw him. Kyle waved from across the parking lot but went on into the office. "He's being smarter than I am," Buck thought, "I better learn to act like nothing has happened or we will get caught." Taking his cue from Kyle, Buck walked into the office and the rest of the crew nodded or said their good mornings some joked. Buck had to keep telling himself that to them this was just another day. Kyle was at the back of the group, but Buck could feel his eyes penetrating him.

Kyle said, "Morning, Buck, you fuck."

"Morning, shithead" Buck said and smiled at him. Buck could feel his dick stir at the sight of him.

Mike Connor said, "Did you boys see that State Trooper go shooting out of town, he was goin like a bat outta hell towards Tyner."

Buck said, "Yeah he was coming out my way, I passed him out at Jericho road. Must have been a wreck or something."

Boss-man came out of the office and told everyone what they were doing that day. Buck was needed to haul gravel so he went out of the office and started toward the trucks.

Kyle came out of the office after him and said, "Hey Buck, wait up. In a hurry?"

Buck slowed so Kyle could catch up with him, "Hey Kyle, just gonna drive a truck, what'd you get to do today?" Buck said.

Kyle smiled, "I get to roll that gravel you're gonna deliver. We could eat lunch together. That is if you want to."

Buck swerved toward Kyle to avoid a barrel and brushed Kyle's hand and said quietly, "I'd like to eat something with you, but not necessarily lunch, dude."

"You got that right, man. Last night was great." Kyle replied in a whisper. Kyle moved on toward the crew truck that was loading up with men.

Buck got up in his truck and started her up. He fell in line behind the other trucks that were leaving for the quarry and drove in a haze as he replayed Kyle's whisper in his head. He didn't know where this new relationship with Kyle was going but he knew they needed to be very careful. The last guy he knew, that everyone thought was queer, was found out at Miller's abandoned barn naked, beaten and tied up to the hay hoist. He nearly died as he had been out there for 3 days before he was found. He never said who did it and no one was every arrested. The kid never showed back up at school and he and his folks left town. Buck knew though that he wanted to be with Kyle every chance they got.

The quarry was busy this morning and Buck and the other State trucks lined up to wait their turns. Buck jumped down and was talking to some of the other guys about the baseball game he missed last night when they saw a State Trooper pull up. They all stopped talking to stare and see what was up. The cruiser pulled up to the next group down from Buck and stopped. The driver's window went down and one of the other truckers leaned into the window and talked with the Trooper, then pointed toward the group Buck was in and backed away from the car. The cruiser slowly idled forward until the driver's window was level with Buck.

The trooper was a big black guy with a shaved head and he looked way too big for the four door car. He looked at Buck and said, "You Raymond Carter?" The guys around Buck laughed nervously and Buck said, "Yeah, call me Buck. What can I do for you Officer?" Buck was beginning to get nervous he was trying to think what the trooper could want him for. Then all of a sudden he said, "It's my Dad isn't it? Is he ok?" The trooper was getting out of the cruiser; he was bigger out of the car than he had appeared in it. He closed the cruiser door and said, "Son, I got bad news. You're gonna need to come with me."

Buck felt his knees tremble, one of the other guys, Dale, stepped up beside him and put his hand on his shoulder. He looked at the trooper and said, "Buck, we'll take care of your truck. You go on now."

The trooper opened the back door for Buck and closed the door after him. He turned to Carl and said something too low for Buck to hear, then got back inside. As he turned the cruiser around Buck could see Carl talking to the others. He cleared his throat and said, "Officer is my Dad OK?"

The trooper looked at Buck in the rearview mirror and Buck knew what he was gonna say before he had a chance to. Buck dropped his head into his hands and felt time stand still. The trooper said, "Boy, he was so drunk he never felt it. I'm taking you over to the Hospital so you can pick up his belongings and tell them which funeral home you want to use. Then I'll run you home or back to your work whatever you want."

Buck didn't say anything he just wanted to cry, but he couldn't and that made it hurt so badly. When he got to the hospital the trooper let him out and followed him into the ER. A short feisty blonde came up to Buck and said, "Are you Mr. Carter?" Buck nodded they asked him questions, he told them what he knew. He had last seen his Dad a couple of nights ago, no that wasn't unusual. Yeah his Dad had been drinking a lot since his Mom died last year. Yes, he guessed he had expected something like this. All Buck really wanted to know was did his Dad hurt anyone else. The Nurse explained that it appeared his father had suffered a stroke and ran off the road into the woods on Jericho road. He died almost instantly. Then they asked him if Hall's Funeral Home was alright and he nodded. "They took care of Mom."

The next thing Buck knew he was standing in a small room with his Father's body, and the nurse was telling him what they found on him and handed him an envelope with his wallet, keys, change and watch. He didn't look dead only asleep, and the tears still wouldn't come. Then the funeral home arrived to get the body and he had to talk to Delmar, the Funeral Director and Coroner. Yes he could come by latter this afternoon and make the arrangements, no, he didn't need them to come get him he could drive. Yes he would bring the clothes. Then he was alone with his Dad. He touched his Father's cold hand and then the tears came. He remembered going with his Dad to the Cattle sale when he was 6 years old and getting lost. How alone he had felt, that's how he felt at that moment, he had cried then too. His Dad had chucked him under the chin and told him to be a big boy. "Big boys don't cry, Buck." He had said. Then Buck remembered his Dad sobbing after his Mom's funeral. Buck straightened up, wiped his hand across his face and went to find the trooper to take him to his pickup.

Back at the yard office the secretary, Janice, met him at the door and hugged him and blew her nose into a pink Kleenex. "Boss-man told me to tell you to take however long you need Buck. You get three days with pay, if you want to use your vacation time that'll be alright. We'll call Hall's tomorrow to find out his arrangements. We'll be praying for you, honey."

Buck drove home and shut the engine down. He just sat there and looked at the house he had lived in all his life. He didn't know quite what to do.

Kyle heard the news with the rest of the crew when the first loads of gravel started to arrive. Boss-man sent Kyle back with one of the trucks so he could fill in for Buck. He worked all day in a frenzy of worry for his friend. At lunch he called his Mom and she told him that Buck's family was gathering in and that they were helping Buck with things. She said, "You might want to stop by on your way home, Kyle and check on him. I took food over already."

On his way home, Kyle turned into Buck's lane; the drive was empty except for Buck's pickup. He turned off his truck and went up onto the porch. The house was getting dark in the evening twilight he could just make out Buck sprawled out on the couch, clearly asleep. Kyle quietly opened the door and went in. Buck's regular breathing told him his buddy was sound asleep so he went on through into the kitchen and sorted through all the food that was on the counters. He fixed a couple of ham sandwiches and loaded them on plates with potato salad and some chips. He grabbed a couple of cokes as he went back through into the living room. He sat across from Buck, sat one plate down beside Buck and quietly ate and watched his friend sleep. "God, how did I get so lucky to find you?" He thought. His chest hurt it was so full.

Buck started awake, he saw Kyle sitting across from him eating. He sat up and saw the plate of food. He reached for the coke and said, "Hey Dude, how long you been here?"

Kyle said, "A little while, just thought I would stop by and see if I could do anything. I figured your family would be here."

"They left a while ago, we got all the arrangements done, funeral is day after tomorrow. God, Kyle what am I going to do. I'm all alone!" Buck said quietly.

Kyle got up and sat down beside Buck and then put his arm around him, "Don't ever tell me you are alone, man. As long as I'm around, you will not be alone. Count on it." Kyle leaned forward and they kissed. Buck let his head rest against Kyle.

"Sorry, Kyle. This is all so new and different and now Dad's gone and life will never be the same." Buck sighed.

Kyle straightened up and said, "You gonna eat that sandwich I fixed for you? Or am I gonna have to eat it?" And laughed.

Buck smirked at Kyle and gave him the finger. Then he picked up the plate and found he was starved. While he ate Kyle went back into the kitchen and came back with two pieces of his Mom's chocolate cake. He sat one down beside Buck and resumed his seat by him. "This cake is Mom's birthday cake she always fixes for you." Kyle said.

Buck looked at Kyle and said, "I want you and your Dad to be pallbearers, Kyle. I told your Mom. You are more like family to me than some of my real family."

Kyle smiled at Buck and said, "Dude you are one of my family, this just gives me a chance to let you see how much I care."

Buck got quiet suddenly and then said, "Kyle, will you stay with me tonight?"

Kyle smiled and said, "Dude I don't think you're gonna be able to run me off." He stood up, their plates were empty and night had truly fallen. The room was very dark. He took Buck by the hand and pulled him to his feet. He touched his face with two fingers and let them slide down his neck and then he put his hand behind Buck's neck and pulled his face toward him.

Their lips met gently at first then Buck's cheeks hollowed as he sucked Kyle's lips into his mouth and his hands went up his back. They kissed long and slow, their passion building. Buck's hands were moving up and down Kyle's strong back, and then he hooked his fingers into the waist of his jeans and let them feel the waistband of his jockeys.

Kyle broke their kiss and said, "Let's go upstairs, Buck. I want this to be slow and I want it to be something we remember. "

Buck led the way through the house locking the door, turning off the lights. Kyle used the bathroom while Buck put away food and straightened up the kitchen somewhat. He heard the shower turn off then he felt Kyle's hands on his shoulders and they were kissing again gently at first then more passionately, Kyle was kneading Buck's ass through his jeans and Buck could feel Kyle's hard-on press against his own through the towel he had on. He broke their embrace and said, "Go on upstairs, Kyle. I'll be up in a minute." He watched as Kyle went up the stairs and then went into the bathroom himself. He took a long hot shower and felt the hot water dissolve the remainder of the tension of the day. He wrapped himself in a towel and went up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs Kyle had the small bedside lamp on, and was lying on his back with the sheet just covering him. The air was moving through the open window and he was looking up at the ceiling. Buck stood for a minute and watched him. He could see the tented sheet and knew Kyle was waiting for him. His own dick responded to the sight of this man who was so gentle and so caring. He fidgeted nervously and then went into his room. Kyle looked at him then reached over and turned back the sheet. Buck dropped his towel and noticed how Kyle's eyes followed the towel and his eyes became hungry. He reached for Buck as he climbed into bed and pulled him down on top of him. Buck met his hot lips with his own open ones. They started to explore each others mouths as their hands explored each others bodies. Kyle pushed Buck's head up and was licking his throat and then pushed him up farther and was licking his chest and then he started licking his nipples. Buck hissed softly. Kyle pulled Buck up higher until Buck's knees were on each side of Kyle's shoulders and Kyle could reach his dick. Kyle slowly took Buck into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the big cut head. Buck moaned and pushed his dick deeper into Kyle's mouth. Kyle's nose touched the damp brown pubic hair. He could smell his buddy's soap his own dick was throbbing. He put his hands on Buck's butt cheeks and pulled his buddy even further into his mouth. Then his fingers slipped into his crack and he felt the hair there. Buck suddenly moaned louder as Kyle's fingers brushed his pucker.

Buck moaned, "That feels so good, Kyle."

Kyle let his finger touch the pucker again and nuzzled Buck's dick with his tongue touching just under the head. Kyle could feel Buck's hand touch his own dick as he leaned back slightly. Buck was slowly jacking him off. Kyle licked the underside of Buck's dick and could see the clear fluid gathering at the slit.

"I'm gonna cum, Kyle." Buck moaned.

Kyle took Buck into his mouth again and then gently pushed his finger into Buck's pucker. Buck arched his back and moaned louder. Kyle felt Buck's ass tighten against his finger than felt the warm gush into his mouth. Buck started thrusting slowly into his mouth forcing all his seed into Kyle's eager mouth. Then he pulled out and bent over and kissed Kyle.

Buck slowly lay back down beside Kyle. Kyle put his arm over Buck and pulled him p tight and kissed him slowly. Buck could taste his own salty cream on his lips. Kyle thrust his hips forward and Buck felt his throbbing cock against his belly. Buck broke their kiss and said, "Kyle I want you in me, man. I don't know how, but I want you in me man. I want to feel you drill me with your hot dick." He slowly rolled over and felt Kyle shift and then Kyle was kneeling across his hips. He felt Kyle's strong hands kneading his butt cheeks. Kyle leaned down and kissed the back of Buck's neck. His dick was throbbing. He had never been this hard and hungry. He pushed his dick head into Buck's crack and felt the strong muscled hips clinch around his rod. Buck murmured and Kyle reached over into the bedside table a got Buck's jackin lube and slowly poured it on himself and stroked his meat. Then he poured it onto bucks crack and with a finger slowly started to push it into his hole. Buck moaned again, and pushed backwards with his hips. Impaling himself on Kyle's finger. Kyle was really hot now. He was afraid he was going to cum before he got in his buddy. He slowly pushed a second finger in and Buck moaned louder. Kyle stopped.

"Oh God dude, don't stop now." Buck moaned.

Kyle started working his fingers in and out of Buck then his finger hit something soft and round. Buck moaned even louder. He didn't know it but he had found his fuck nut. Kyle slowly withdrew his fingers and pealed the skin back off his cock head and positioned it at Buck's hole. "Tell me if I hurt you man." Kyle said, as he slowly pushed against Buck's ring.

Slowly he felt Buck give way and his head slowly slid in. Buck moaned and pushed back. Slowly Kyle pushed all the way in. He stopped and whispered into Buck's ear, "Are you ok dude?"

Buck's voice was thick with desire, "Oh yeah, give it to me man. Fuck me, dude." Kyle started slowly moving in and out never quite coming completely out of Buck. Just until he felt the tight ring behind his dick head then he pushed in. Buck started to pump back and Kyle felt his nuts pull up tight. "Oh god, Buck your so fucking hot and tight. I'm gonna shoot."

He sped up his pace. Feeling the warm rush as his orgasm started. Then he thrust all the way into Buck and moaned.

Buck pushed back, he felt Kyle stiffen and then felt his buddies cock throb and the hot jism fill his ass. His hard dick throbbed and he dumped his second load into the sheets. They cuddled spoon fashion with Kyle holding Buck close. He whispered into his ear, "That was awesome, man. Did I hurt you?"

Buck murmured, "No, Kyle I thought it was great too." And went to sleep.

Kyle spent most of the night holding Buck thinking. He wanted them together all the time. He knew that an occasional hurried tumble wouldn't cut it. Around dawn he had come up with a few ideas.

The next couple days were disjointed and busy. Buck had to deal with his family and the funeral, Kyle had to work and not appear too attentive. The funeral went smoothly, Buck's Dad's family were there and his Mom's family also. Kyle and his Dad helped carry the coffin to the grave and solemnly shook hands with Buck. Kyle's Dad hugged him and Kyle stared hard at Buck but controlled himself. That night after the funeral, Kyle's Mom had told him to drive over and check on Buck. Kyle was anxious to see him again alone.

Buck met him on the porch and embraced him and then slowly kissed him. Kyle said, "You ok, Buck?"

Buck nodded and led Kyle to a chair. He got them a couple Cokes and they sat on the porch and watched the sun sinking over the hills. They talked of many things, Buck told Kyle about his family and their concern. He also told Kyle that he had found out that his Dad had quit a lot of life insurance. He hadn't thought of that but realized that since this placed was paid off and with the insurance settlement, he could go back to college.

Kyle sat quietly and listened he didn't want to hear what was coming. "Why would he want me now, he has money and he can go back to college, get out of this town and start over somewhere else." He thought. He felt like he had been stupid, it had all been too good to be true. When Buck paused, Kyle summoned all his courage and said, "I'm glad for you Buck. I'm sure you'll do well. If I had the opportunity to leave outta here I sure would. I'll be cheering for you dude." Kyle's voice cracked with his emotion.

Buck reached out to him and said, "Kyle, I'm talking about you coming too, man. I can't leave you now, not after the other night. I want to be with you always, but we can't have that here. I want us to go together. We can move to the city. You can get a job while I finish school if you don't want to go back to school. I'm talking about us being together Kyle." Then Buck paused and said, "If you want to, man."

Kyle pulled him close and kissed him long and slow...

Six years have passed. Buck is working in a Law office while he studies for the bar exam. Kyle works for an airline as a ground operations supervisor. They have a dog named Woodie and live in a nice condo in the city. They still go back to Buck's farm a couple weekends a month. Kyle's folks weren't happy at first, they are just simple people, but the love they have for Kyle and Buck has allowed them to at least be accepting. Buck and Kyle aren't immune from troubles, like every one of us they have their share. They each haven't always been understanding with each other, nor have they avoided monotony in their bedroom. They have however been intelligent enough to realize that what they have is rare and very special.

Fortunately they recognize that and it helps them through the troubles.

I hoped you enjoyed this series. Next time you are driving past road construction in progress, I hope you think about this fantasy of mine and have another reason to drool over the hunky construction workers.

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