Road Work

By dante umbero

Published on Sep 18, 2003


"The Dream"

The Usual stuff here. If you don't want to read about hot gay sex, then go somewhere else. The names have been changed to protect the wanton. This is a work of Gay Fiction any similarity to real life is purely coincidental (unfortunately). If you like my stories let me know. Dante-

Kyle pulled up to the small farm house and waited in the drive. The engine of his pickup wasn't idling too smoothly and the whole rig vibrated. "Where the hell is Buck?" he thought to himself. They had talked on the phone last night, the first time since the pond incident. Buck's truck was busted again and he needed a lift to the job site. Kyle was glad to pick him up; he was confused about Buck's behavior since that day three weeks ago. He had avoided Kyle and was distant when Kyle tried to joke with him as they always had. Secretly he was still hoping that their encounter at the pond would happen again. Buck had never said anything about it afterward, but his change toward Kyle could be traced back to it. Kyle had suggested another swim once but Buck had just shrugged and said he didn't think he wanted to. Kyle had let it go, and tried not to think about it but whenever he would look at Buck's butt clad in tight worn jeans his dick would spring to life. He wasn't an analytical person by nature. To Kyle if it felt good he wasn't gonna question it too close. He wouldn't admit to himself that what they had shared was in the least "queer", just two buds needing some relief. He could feel his dick getting hard just thinking about Buck.

"Well hell!" Kyle said to himself as he swung the door open and got out of the truck. He could see the empty garage and Buck's pickup alongside it with engine parts pilled on the fender under the open hood.

Buck's dad must be gone to work. Buck's mother had pasted away last year. Kyle walked up on the porch, the front door was open and only the screen door was closed. Kyle tested the screen and found it unlocked.

He knocked on the screen and waited, the sounds echoing in the dark house.

Kyle and Buck had been friends for nearly their whole lives. Their fathers worked at the same mill and farmed in their spare time. They had grown up together working in each others tobacco and hay fields as the families were close. Kyle and Buck's friendship had cooled after graduation as they went their different ways. Buck had went to college initially after high school, but had dropped out after his mom died. Since then they had worked together with the road construction company in the summer and lived on their unemployment in the winter.

Kyle opened the screen door and hollered into the house, "Hey Buck, rides here!" He waited holding the screen door open. He wondered if Buck had changed his mind and rode into town with his dad. He decided he'd better check so he walked on in letting the screen door bang against the door frame as it closed. His boots clicked on the linoleum as he went down the hall toward the back of the house and up the stairs from the kitchen. He turned the corner of the stairs and could look into Buck's room. Buck was laying on his back spread eagle snoring faintly with only a thin sheet covering his hips. Kyle walked on up the stairs staring at Buck. He quickly noticed that Buck had a hard on and started to get hard himself. His mouth was dry as he looked at his friends beautiful body, the deeply tanned chest that got harder and more defined as the summer went on, and the trail of brown hair that started at his navel and disappeared beneath the sheet. Buck had his right hand tucked beneath the pillow and his armpit was completely exposed. Kyle drank in the sight of the dark brown thatch of hair that curled in there. He could smell Buck's personal odor in the room, he squeezed his throbbing dick. He knew he needed to wake Buck up or they would be late for work, but he couldn't take his eyes off the tented sheet. He shook himself mentally and then put his foot on the corner of Buck's bed and shook it. "Buck, wake the fuck up, or we're gonna be late!"

Buck was lying on his back in a warm dark place, then the dream shifted and he was floating on his back in cool water. A hand was slowly traveling up his thigh from his knee. He could feel warm breath on his hardening dick. Slowly he looked down and recognized the top of Kyle's head and he felt lips touch the underside of his aching dick and sighed with the sensation. Then the dream changed again and Kyle was yelling at him and the water was rippling around them.

"What the fuck?" Buck said groggily. He instinctively reached a hand down to cover his dick.

"Get up we are gonna be late!" Kyle said again

Buck slowly looked around and then realized what was going on, "Shit!" he said. Throwing off the sheet and sitting up.

Kyle stared at the 8 inches of hard cock that was standing at attention but then turned his back as Buck stood up.

"Let me get my pants on Kyle, and we're out of here. Kyle went down the stairs and through the kitchen, Buck's dad had left the coffee on so Kyle poured Buck some in a cup he found after rummaging around in the cabinet. He heard Buck continuing to swear as he fumbled around upstairs then he heard Buck banging down the stairs at a run. He met Buck at the foot of the stairs and handed him the cup of coffee, then went on through and out the front door with Buck at his heels. They quickly got into the pickup and Kyle floored the accelerator and threw gravel all the way out the lane. They made it to work with a minute to spare. Bossman was waiting for them.

"Where you two been? I about decided you all had figured on laying out today. We got to get going. Buck you drive the lowboy over to town and get that outside tire fixed then go on to Joppa and pick up that front end loader we got over at the shop there. Kyle I guess you get to go with him as Emil has called in sick again and Buck'll need help loading that bear dog. When you get it loaded up bring it on over to the site. I don't have to tell you boys not to be killin no time today, we got three out sick and that jobs gotta be done by Friday."

Buck nodded at Bossman and Kyle said "Sure Bossman."

Bossman watched them as he followed them out of the office door. He liked Buck and thought he was a real worker but that Kyle was kindly shiftless as they say.

Buck and Kyle went around to the back, the crew was already gone to the site and Bossman was pulling out in the pickup. Kyle swung up into the cab of the Mac and slammed the door closed. Buck was walking around the trailer looking at the tires and checking out the connection to the truck. Kyle watched him in the mirror as Buck checked the brake lines and slowly unzipped his jeans. Kyle watched in fascination as Buck fished his dick out, the piss starting almost immediately. He hadn't used the restroom before they left he was in such a hurry. The piss stream lasted for a long time and Buck let the stream make patterns on the tires of the truck. Kyle could feel his dick get hard watching Buck slide his fingers up and down his dick. Kyle's hand strayed to the tight bulge in his jeans and shifted it to make room. He watched as Buck shook the last drops off the head and zipped up.

Buck turned, looked up and caught Kyle turning his head quickly away. Buck felt that warm breath from the dream again. He climbed up into the cab and started the big diesel up. Kyle furtively watched the bulge in Buck's jeans as he shifted gears on the truck and maneuvered it onto the highway. They talked about the usual stuff as they made their way through town and out to the tire center. Buck and Kyle got out of the cab and went into the office and talked with the guys there, they made themselves at home around a beat up television in the waiting room while the truck tire was getting fixed. The waiting room was deserted this early in the morning, Kyle asked Buck if he wanted coffee as he poured himself a cup and dumped sugar in it. Buck nodded and Kyle handed him the cup. They watched the news in silence while they sipped from their cups.

Kyle said, "Buck what's up with you, man, you act like I got kewddies or something."

Buck looked at his friend and laughed as he hadn't heard Kyle use that expression since they were kids, but he could see the worry there. He didn't know how to explain his feelings to Kyle as they were directly concerned with him. Buck couldn't get the encounter at the pond out of his mind. Initially he had just kinda ignored it but by that evening he was worried. He couldn't get the feel of Kyle's hand on his dick out of his mind yet everytime he thought of it his upbringing told him it was wrong. He relived over and over the feel of Kyle's muscular butt and the tight foreskin that had wrapped his cock head. He would jack off thinking about it then be disgusted with himself. He didn't think of himself as "gay" or "queer" but he didn't know what else to call what they had done. Most of all he couldn't get past wanting to do it again. Kyle had asked him to go swimming once after that day and he had cut him off. Afraid that Kyle would think he was queer for him, even though he was starting to suspect he was. The worst part was Buck couldn't talk to anyone about it. He sure couldn't talk to his dad and he didn't know how to talk to Kyle about it, so he had kept his distance from him but he didn't realize it was hurting Kyle until now.

Buck looked at Kyle and said, "Sorry dude I just got a lot on my mind right now. I'm not mad at you or anything."

Kyle saw the fear and something else in Buck's face and said "It's ok man, I understand. I just thought maybe I'd done something to upset you. You're my best friend we been through a lot together. Just didn't want to mess that up. You know you can talk to me about anything, don't you?"

Buck smiled at Kyle and said, "Why would I want to talk to a dick head like you, Kyle?" and laughed.

Kyle gave Buck the finger and said, "Fuck you Buck, you fuck!" Buck could see the fear and worry leave Kyle's face and felt a weight lift off himself.

They waited for about an hour and then, with the tire fixed they got back in the truck and Buck headed it down the road to the next town to pick up the equipment. Kyle said, "So what's eating you Buck, something wrong with you and your dad?" Kyle knew that Buck's dad was a drinker and had really hit the stuff since Buck's mom had died. Buck had come over to Kyle's once last winter, late at night and threw pebbles up to Kyle's window until he had woke up and opened the window so Buck could climb up, Buck had never said anything other than he needed a place to crash. Kyle's folks hadn't said anything about Buck showing up at breakfast or about the cut lip and puffed up eye but later Kyle's dad had given Buck a door key and told him to use it anytime. Kyle remembered how Buck had dropped his head and mumbled his thanks. He also remembered how he had overheard his Dad tell his Mom that Buck's dad had shown up to work that day with a shiner of his own and thought it served him right. "Buck's a good kid and Frank ought to know that Jen dying hurt him too. But all he can do is go get drunk and try and take it out on Buck." Kyle's Dad had said.

Kyle was choked up at the thought that Frank Carter could be beating up on Buck again although it didn't look like it. "You still got that key ?" Kyle asked quietly.

Buck stared out the front windshield and said, "Ah it isn't like that, Kyle. Dad's been staying pretty sober lately, he misses Mom so bad it's the only way he knows to get by. I'll never forget your Dad for giving me that door key. Made it seem like I wasn't trapped anymore. You're lucky to have a Dad like that. No I just got to work through some stuff of my own, Kyle." The silence between them continued for awhile both lost in their own thoughts but the atmosphere was more relaxed. Kyle watched the scenery go by and soon they were pulling into the equipment yard. They went into the office and were told where the loader was. Buck signed the receipt and they went and loaded the equipment up.

They were back in the cab and driving back the way they had come. Kyle spent the rest of the day with Buck and by the evening when they climbed into Kyle's truck, he felt like they were almost back to normal. Kyle asked Buck what was left to do on his truck, and Buck told him he needed to put a new head gasket on. Kyle offered to help and they stopped and got burgers on the way home. They spent the evening under the hood of his truck and by 10:00 they were wore out and greasy, but the truck was running again.

They were sitting on Buck's front porch watching the lightening bugs when Buck said, "You want to clean up before you head home Kyle?"

Kyle said, "Too bad that pond ain't here cause I could sure use it." Looking over at Buck he saw him stiffened up and turned away. Not wanting to ruin the renewed feeling between them Kyle said quickly, "Dude I'm sorry, don't go getting all upset. I'm sorry about what happened at the pond, Buck. I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything. It just happened..." his voiced trailed off, not knowing how to express his feelings.

Buck didn't say anything for a while he glanced over and met Kyle's eyes. He didn't know how he was going to explain himself but he knew for Kyle's sake he was going to try. "I don't know if I'm sorry it happened or not, Kyle. That's kind of my problem. I have thought and thought about it and can't forget about it. You know my Dad, he would as soon kill me as know what happened out there, but I ..think I liked it, Kyle. It is eating me up, I don't know about things anymore. About me, Kyle, me."

Kyle felt a warm rush through his body as he realized that that was why Buck had been acting so strange. Then he realized what Buck was trying to say. "Buck...I...liked it too. I been thinking about it also, maybe...I don't know... hoping we could do it again. But you were acting so cold to me like I'd made you mad or something. I don't want to mess up our friendship is all. You know me bud, I don't think to far past my own nose. That's what gets me in trouble. It's just something that happened."

Buck sighed then said, "Kyle I'm afraid I'm queer or something. It was just so different from the times I had been with a girl. More intense...better I guess. I feel like my worlds been turned upside down. What am I going to do?"

Kyle was quiet for a moment then he reached over and covered Buck's hand with his own and said, "You think too much Buck. If you want to be queer, you can be, I'll still be your friend. I don't know, maybe I am too. It felt good, so why sweat it. It's not like you are going to start sucking every guy on the job or nothing. We've known each other all our fucking lives. You remember Billy Joe Turner telling us about jacking off with Kevin in 9th grade? Same shit, man."

Buck felt tears sting his eyes then the warm touch spread and he felt his dick harden. He slowly turned his hand over and let his fingertips find Kyle's. "Can we try it again, Kyle? You don't hate me?" Buck whispered.

For an answer Kyle moved his hand to Buck's thigh, he slowly let his hand glide up the denim that was stretched tight over Buck's muscular thigh until he reached a bulge that jerked as his hand touched it. Buck took Kyle's hand and squeezed it around his aching crotch and sighed. Slowly Kyle leaned into Buck and pressed his chest along Buck's arm, he put his head close in by Buck's neck and with his lips partly open tasted Buck's neck and slowly started moving up to his jaw. "You are so fucking hot, dude." Kyle whispered against Buck's neck. All the hair on Buck's body stood on end and he moaned, let his head lean back and squeezed Kyle's hand even tighter around his now dripping dick. Kyle, emboldened by Buck's moan of pleasure, removed his lips and looked into Buck's blue eyes their lips were just a fraction of an inch apart. Both paused spooked by what they were feeling. Then Buck slowly met Kyle's lips with his own, his cheeks hollowing as he sucked Kyle's lower lip into his mouth. Buck's hand moved into Kyle's crotch and found it hard and throbbing. Buck's dick jerked and he knew he was close.

"I'm gonna cum if we don't slow down, man." Buck said.

Kyle in answer moved his head down and started sucking on Buck's nipples as he unbuttoned his pants. Buck leaned back letting him do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't stop. Buck was warm all over and he moaned as Kyle freed his hard dick from the denim.

Kyle stroked Buck's throbbing 8 inch dick and touched the piss slit that had a pearl of precum with his tongue. Buck moaned even louder and then Kyle took it into his mouth. Buck's hip pressed upwards forcing his shaft deep into Kyle's mouth.

"Oh man, Oh yeah!" Buck said

Kyle felt his own dick jerking like he was going to shoot anytime. He wanted to taste Buck's cream. He looked up at Buck and took his mouth off his friends dick long enough to say, "I want to taste your cum, man."

Then he started slowly bobbing his head up and down Buck's shaft. Buck stiffened and moaned then said, "Here it comes, Kyle, Oh yeah!"

Kyle felt Buck's dick thicken and then he felt the hot stream squirt into his throat. He moaned with passion as Buck's hot salty goo filled his mouth. When Buck had quit, Kyle moved his mouth off his dick and looked into Buck's eyes again and again Buck kissed Kyle tasting his own jism on his friends lips.

"Did I do it ok Buck?" Kyle said sheepishly.

Buck nodded and started unbuttoning Kyle's jeans and felt his dick spring up into the night air. The precum made the pucker of foreskin glisten in the moonlight. He slowly pulled the foreskin back releasing Kyle's head, then slowly bent over and took it into his mouth. Kyle hissed and said "Oh God, Buck I'm close."

Buck could taste the musky flavor of Kyle's cock and slowly worked down the shaft until his nose was buried in the black pubes. Kyle gently placed his hand on the back of Buck's head and felt the prickle of the buzzed hair. He rocked his hips slowly feeling Buck's mouth work on his head. He felt the pressure shooting up from his nuts, "Buck I'm cumming!"

Buck took as much of his lover's dick into his mouth as he could, Kyle's hand tensed on the back of his neck and then the ropes of cum spilled into his mouth.

The salty slick taste was awesome and he tried swallowing it but there was just too much. Some of it leaked onto his checks. When Kyle was finished he pulled Buck up to him, and licked his own cum off his lover's face.

They rested for a while with Buck's head on Kyle's shoulder. Then Kyle said, "You still my friend, Buck?"

Buck looked at Kyle and said, "I guess we're more than friends now, Kyle." And laid his head back down on his shoulder.

Kyle softly petted Buck's check with his hand. "This sounds pretty queer Buck, but I think I love you."

"I guess I'm queer too, cause I love you too Kyle." Buck whispered and rubbed his check against Kyle's hand. "It felt good, Kyle. I'm not going to sweat it anymore, dude."

To be Continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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