Road Work

By dante umbero

Published on Aug 6, 2003


This is a work of gay fiction, if you are offended by graphic descriptions of gay sex, then read no further.

I commute a long way to work and one year the interstate was being re-surfaced. This fantasy made the miles go by faster and I looked forward to spotting my favorite hottie every trip. Enjoy! Dante

The sun was hot, really hot. The new black asphalt was reflecting it into Buck's blue eyes, as he scrapped down the seam between lanes, the aviator glasses that framed them only focused it's power even more. Right now at 0800 it was about 85 by noon it would be over 100 and here in the Southern Appalachians there would be 100% humidity to go along with it. They had been working on this stretch of road for a week and were scheduled to finish it up today. The foreman, the crew called him "boss-man", had sent most of the other guys on to the next job across the county. The country along here was beautiful in it's own way, fairly rugged, with sharp drop offs on the side of the road bed that fell into quiet hollows that were dotted with cattle. At lunch Buck and the others had usually scooted down the embankment and ate lunch under the shade of the trees, he already wished it was lunch.

Buck straightened up from his scrapping and pulled his now wet t-shirt off and tucked it in the back of his worn jeans. He was naturally well built, with a modestly broad hairless chest and narrow waist that swelled into a rounded butt that filled his jeans completely. The roadwork had kept him toned up and the sun had made him very brown. Nearly as brown as the dark hair that he kept in a high and tight buzz cut covered with an old worn out baseball cap that advertised a farm supply store. A whiff of cool air floated down the hill and as it passed across Buck's chest his nipples hardened.

Buck had another reason for wishing it was lunch.

The day before while he and the rest of the road crew were eating lunch, his buddy Kyle had slipped up beside him and asked quietly if he wanted to cool off. As it was 110 that day he just looked at Kyle and gave him the finger. Kyle had punched Buck in the shoulder and nodded for him to come with him. They walked down into the hollow and went into a small grove of trees where the crew usually took a piss after lunch. They crossed the creek and Kyle led them through a thicket of brambles and up a bank. What greeted Buck was the prettiest pond he had ever seen. It was tucked in a fold of the hill that screened it from the creek and road and it was shaded by big sycamores. At the head of the pond was a trickle of water falling over a ledge of rock that must herald a spring. It was probably only 30 feet across and by the looks of the bank it was only about 12 feet deep. Still it looked inviting. As Buck climbed up the bank after Kyle the temperature dropped noticeably.

"Whew", said Kyle, "man it's at least 20 degrees cooler here." Kyle was already taking his work boots off.

"What're you doing Kyle?" said Buck startled. Kyle had his boots and socks off and was unfastening his jeans.

"What does it look like Buck, I'm gonna take a dip." Kyle replied as he pushed his jeans and white jockey shorts down in a pile and stepped out of them.

Buck got a glimpse of Kyle's fish belly white butt and then Kyle dived into the pond. He felt his dick stir with the sight.

"Come on in Buck, it's great." Kyle yelled as he surfaced and floated on his back

"Not so loud, Kyle, you want boss-man to come see what you're yelling about?" Buck hissed. Kyle's crotch was now available for a furtive inspection, it was at least 6 inches long and the foreskin completely covered the head, the outline of which you could see. His crotch was covered in inky black hair that hid his balls completely.

"Ah come on in and quit looking at my dick You're going to make me get a woody." Said Kyle laughing, as he grabbed his dick and shook it at Buck.

Buck kicked off his boots and socks and started to unfasten his jeans, Kyle rolled over and starting swimming away from Buck. The cool air made Buck's semi hard dick spring to full erection as he slipped his jeans down and dived into the pond. The chill water was startling but wonderful. Buck surfaced not far from Kyle and carefully treaded water so as not to expose his hard on, which was going down in the water.

Kyle once again floated onto his back and stared up at the trees.

"Man, I wish I could stay here the rest of the afternoon. I know old man Mooney, who owns this pond wouldn't care. Especially seeing how he's in a nursing home and his sons only check on the cattle a couple times a week. None of them has been out here in years I'd say."

Buck, after making sure his dick had softened up floated up on his back also. "How'd you find this place Kyle?"

"I needed to piss and some of the other guys were at the creek back there. I came across and heard the spring and wandered on up here. I decided this morning that seeing as its at least 200 degrees on that road I'd take me a swim." Kyle said

Buck floated toward the bank, Boss-man would want to start back up in a few minutes. "I just thought of something, how are we going to dry off?" Buck asked Kyle, he looked over and Kyle was floating on his back looking up at the trees and slowly stroking his dick, making the foreskin slide back and forth over the head. "You planning on jackin off too?" Buck laughed at Kyle.

"Fuck you, Buck, you fuck! Use your t-shirt, you weren't wearing it anyway." Kyle said using the funny phrase every guy in school had thrown at Buck. Buck got out of the pond on the rock ledge to keep his feet from the muddy bottom. This caused him to have to walk all the way around one side of the pond, giving Kyle an uninterrupted view of his buddy's body. Kyle followed Buck with his eyes. Buck was tanned and walked with confidence. His semi-hard 8-inch cut dick was swinging from side-to-side surrounded by dark brown pubic hair and his big balls hung low. Kyle had to stop stroking his rapidly hardening dick or he really would need to jack off, Buck was certainly hung. Kyle wondered, kind of subconsciously, what Buck's dick would feel like. He watched Buck dry his crotch and legs with his t-shirt and slowly pull on his jeans; Kyle realized that Buck wasn't wearing any underwear.

Buck sat down on the bank and started putting his socks and boots back on. Kyle floated over to the rock ledge and climbed out. Buck was glad he had his pants on cause Kyle's stroking had really got him hot.

He openly watched Kyle walk toward him, he realized Kyle's foreskin didn't cover the head of his dick when he was hard and he stared with fascination as it bounced up and down slapping against his stomach. He wondered what it would be like to play with that little pocket of skin.

Kyle looked at Buck and said, "What're you looking at, Buck, never seen a woody this big before?"

Buck once again gave him the finger and smiled.

"No thanks, I'm good." Said Kyle and laughed, once again shaking his hard dick at Buck.

Kyle dried off and pulled his pants on, Buck had stood up and was looking back down into the hollow, the image of that little pocket of skin still in his minds eye, he wondered how it would feel to stick his dick into that little pocket and let it close over his cock head. As Buck crossed the creek he could hear the crew up near the road. Time to get back at it.

He still could see that little pocket of skin, as he slowly jacked off that night.

So as the sun inched up toward noon and made the hot asphalt even hotter he was still scrapping asphalt and sweeping the road when Kyle drove up in one of the company trucks.

"How they hanging Buck?" Said Kyle from the cab of the pickup. "Thought I'd see if you wanted to eat lunch. Boss-man needed the specs for the bridge over at the new site and I got to drive them over."

Boss-man walked over to them and said, "Buck we're finished here, I'm gonna take the rest of the crew over to the new site now; you finish up here, brush down the road and move the barrels. You help him finish up Kyle and we'll see you two over at the new site after lunch."

"Cool, Boss-man." "Sure Boss-man." Said the two men.

Kyle and Buck got the job finished up and lined all the equipment along the roadside so it could be picked up by the trucks. They then collected the barrels in the pickup to go to the new site. Kyle grabbed his lunch cooler out of the truck and stood by the guardrail and waited while Buck fished his cooler out from under the last barrel along the road. They slid down the embankment and instead of eating under the trees, Kyle led them once again to the pond.

Buck followed Kyle up the bank and dropped his cooler. Looking around he stepped over to some brush and unzipped his jeans and hauled out his dick, he stood there a moment relaxing waiting for the piss to start. He heard steps in the grass behind him and Kyle stepped up beside him and unzipped also. Kyle was talking about the new job site, but Buck was sneaking a look at Kyle's dick while he pissed. He had it out and the piss was coming out from under his foreskin. Every once in a while he would pull it back just a little until Buck could just barely see the tip of the head then let it go back in place. Buck's dick was starting to get hard watching Kyle piss and Buck started stroking himself just slightly. When his stream quit he pushed his now hard dick back into his pants and zipped up. He turned and went back to the bank and sat down. Kyle finished up and joined him. They talked about the usual things while they ate; girls, baseball, country music, more girls.

When Buck finished up he asked Kyle, "I was thinking about taking another dip, how about you?"

"Yeah, I was too," said Kyle.

Buck stood up and wiped his hands on the seat of his jeans. He turned his back to Kyle and kicked off his boots and started slowly pushing down his jeans. >From behind him Kyle got a clear view of his high firm butt checks as the faded denim slid down over them. He saw that Buck still wasn't wearing underwear. Buck bent over to step out of his jeans and Kyle got a glimpse of his big balls hanging down and the dark hair that filled the crack of his butt and surrounded his hole. Kyle could feel the denim of his jeans tightening as his dick went rigid.

Buck looked at Kyle from his bent over position and joked, "Perfect position to send one your way, too bad I don't need to fart."

Kyle replied, "Perfect position for me to fuck your ass, you shit!"

"You wish, Kyle. That's about the only kind of piece you'll ever get, with your luck." Laughed Buck, as he dived into the pond.

He swam across the pond and turned to swim back toward Kyle. He looked up and Kyle was pulling down his jeans, his rigid dick sprang up out of the crumpled denim. Buck pointed at Kyle's dick and laughed, "Is that what my bare ass did for you? Too bad I'm not a queer boy, looks like you're ready to fuck me alright."

Kyle dived in the pond and surfaced colliding with Buck. Buck felt Kyle's erection touch his thigh and then slide up and touch his own erect dick. It was like an electric current passed through his body and he shuddered, Kyle tried to stop but his forward momentum in the water carried him into Buck, and he felt Buck's erect dick against his own. The water stuck them together for a moment and then Buck kicked in the water and backed away from Kyle.

Kyle got a sheepish grin on his face and said, "That what the thought of me fucking your ass did for you?" Kyle sang," Buck's got a woody."

Buck Laughed and floated up on his back, his cock was glued to his stomach with the force of his erection. He pried it up with his hand and said, "Yeah it's hard all right, why don't you come over here and suck it for me." Then in a falsetto voice he whined, "I won't cum in your mouth," as he stroked it and pointed it at Kyle.

Kyle laughed also and floated up on his back, he started stroking his own hard dick while watching Buck do the same. It felt kind of weird to have Buck watch him jack, but it also was kind of a turn on to watch the head of Buck's dick slide in and out of his fist.

Buck turned red with sudden embarrassment, and rolled over in the water and started swimming slowly toward the ledge, Kyle said "Where you going Buck, we still got some time."

Buck pulled himself onto the ledge and sat there with his legs in the water and bent over his still hard dick. Kyle had started treading water, which let his lower body disappear into the dark pond. "This is too weird for me, man. I've never done it with an audience." Buck said in a half whisper, as if someone would over hear them.

Kyle swam slowly toward Buck until his head was nearly at his knees, "It's cool man. We aren't doing anything queer. Just a couple buds needing some relief, that's all." Kyle said, and then chuckled "It felt good having someone watch. Just something new, man. Don't sweat it." Kyle once again floated up his dick was still rock hard and he slowly started to stroke it again. "Just needing some relief, Buck, that's all."

Buck watched mesmerized as Kyle's foreskin slid up and down over his cock head. Kyle was looking up at the trees and every once in a while looked over at Buck. As his hand movement started to speed up, he groaned "Oh yeah, Buck this isn't going to take long, I'm going to shoot." Buck heard a small sigh escape Kyle's lips then he watched as his rapidly appearing and disappearing cock head suddenly expanded and a long rope of cream shot out and across Kyle's chest. The second spurt went wild, with Kyle's rapid hand movements and some of it landed on Buck's knee and thigh.

Kyle continued to float on his back slowly relaxing again, he splashed water across his chest and the puddles of cum were gone. His dick was returning to normal, he looked over at Buck who was very red in the face, and realized Buck was staring at the puddle of cum that he had shot on his leg. Kyle floated over to him and splashed water onto Buck's thigh and then wiped it off with his hand. Buck jerked at the touch of Kyle's hand on his leg. "Sorry, dude, I didn't mean to get it on you." Kyle said

Buck stood up to let Kyle out of the pond, Buck's dick was still rock hard and pre-cum had dribbled down the shaft, he quickly covered it with his hands as Kyle got out of the water and stood up. Buck couldn't take his eyes off Kyle's foreskin; it had slipped back over the head and was puckered tightly closed.

"See you still got that woody, Buck, why don't you jerk it off man and get rid of it?" Kyle said then realized Buck was looking at his dick intently. "You've never seen an uncut one have you?" Buck slowly shook his head. Kyle picked up his dick and slowly slid the skin back. Buck nearly came as he watched the foreskin slowly expand to let Kyle's head out. "You want to see how it feels to have some skin?" Buck looked at Kyle and then slowly nodded. Kyle walked over to buck until they were almost touching; Kyle stuck his forefingers of both hands under his foreskin and spread the skin out. "Stick your cock head in here, man." Buck slowly moved his hands and forced his rock hard cock head away from his stomach until it was pointing straight at Kyle's dick, with a quick movement Kyle pushed his foreskin over Buck's cock head and let his foreskin go, which snapped snuggly over Buck's much bigger head. "Houston, docking complete. Man you're slick with all that juice coming out of there." Kyle said chuckling.

Buck groaned to keep from loosing his load. "Go ahead and pump if you want to Buck, see how it feels to have a foreskin sliding over your head." Kyle reached behind Buck and gently laid his hand on Buck's butt while with the other hand kept the foreskin in place over their dicks. He gently pulled Buck toward him and felt Buck's dick push his flaccid dick into his belly while his foreskin slid up Buck's shaft.

"Go ahead and shoot, if you want. I came on you, it's your turn." Kyle whispered. Buck felt his balls pull up against him as the feeling gathered. Buck slowly pulled back and then pushed forward.

"Oh man, Oh man...I'm going to..Ah!" Buck groaned as the space between their dick heads under Kyle's foreskin was suddenly filled with his big hot load. The skin ballooned and then the hot cream started to explode out onto them.

Kyle felt the hot load surround his dick and then it was slick under the hand that he was using to hold the foreskin connecting them. "Man you really did need to blow." He said in aw.

When Buck started to cum he had inadvertently put his hands on Kyle's butt cheeks, and as the orgasm rocked him he had pulled Kyle in close to push his cock as deep as it would go into Kyle's hand and foreskin. As the jerking subsided, Buck looked at Kyle who was staring intently at Buck while he held their cocks in his hand. Buck sighed as the last spasm passed and then he suddenly jerked away from Kyle and turned away from him. They both had Buck's cum on them, Kyle felt the cum sliding out from under his now sore foreskin and drip onto his leg and slowly run down. Buck had never been so embarrassed, he had just fucked his buddy and shot an enormous load, he could feel his cum running down the shaft of his soft dick and it had slicked down his pubic hair.

As Buck stood there he felt Kyle's hand on his shoulder, "It's ok, man. Just two buds needing some relief, that's all." The hand was gone and Buck heard the splash as Kyle dived back into the pond. He thought for a minute and then turned and dived back into the pond to wash the sweat and sex off him. They silently floated for a few minutes and then Kyle got out of the pond. Buck watched him walk around to his clothes. His now flaccid prick was tightly wrapped in the foreskin again. Buck felt his dick stir with the memory. He forced himself to think about something else as he too floated over to the edge and climbed out.

They started back to the road, on the way Kyle said something about the ball game that was going to be on TV that night and by the time they got back to the truck they were joking and laughing again.

Next: Chapter 2

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