Road Trip to Thunder Bay Gay--College

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on May 16, 2021



Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

My best friend Cal and I decided we needed a road trip. Guys only.

It was our senior year of college in the 1990s, and by and large things were going great. Cal and I were both doing well in school, looking ahead to limitless opportunities, and rock solid as best friends. In the past we had been nearly inseparable; but as the year started, we both found ourselves in deep relationships with our girlfriends, to the point that we had been drifting apart from each other. Worse, as we settled in with our girls, I think we were beginning to feel... well, domesticated, which is a terrible thing for young guys in the prime of life. We actually liked our rough edges.

We decided we needed a weekend away, just the two of us, for one last hedonistic fling. Greasy food, too much booze... maybe a strip club on the sly. We were calling it "The Ultimate Male Bonding Experience." Our girls rolled their eyes, and left us to plan our fun.

Fall break was approaching, which gave us the perfect opportunity to get out of Dodge. Unlike the fabled Spring Break, Fall Break was nothing but a glorified long weekend, but it still gave us Thursday through Sunday to play around with. I had a car, so transportation was all set as well.

The problem was, where to go?

To really escape, we wanted to get as far away from our college in Minneapolis as possible. Looking at the map, Cal suggested driving to Chicago, but I had family there and went there all the time. Cal was from Kansas City and had family there, which similarly nixed that.

Then we looked north. What about Thunder Bay, Canada?

Thunder Bay was just north of the border along Lake Superior, which gave it the allure of an international destination. It was in the middle of the Northwoods, which was also a huge plus for us. And I mean, c'mon... the name alone sounds like a perfect place for some chest-thumping, male-bonding fun. We tracked down a lodge at the edge of town and made a reservation. Fortunately, mid-October is well past peak tourist season in the Northwoods, so we got a great rate.

All told, we were super excited, to the point that we were driving our girlfriends crazy with our talk of the Ultimate Male Bonding Experience. By the time our departure date came around, I think they were more than happy to be rid of us.

I couldn't have asked for a better road trip buddy. Cal was, to my mind, a great guy that any woman would be lucky to have. For one, he was smoking hot... and I say that as a guy who's never checked out guys before. He had led an active life growing up, and kept busy with several intramural sports in college. As a result, he had a perfect male form--strength and masculine grace, amply filled out with well-shaped muscles. It didn't hurt that he had a rounded butt that filled out his jeans, which was constantly turning women's heads. From our various adventures, I also knew he had a nicely hairy chest with a distinct happy trail running down from his navel, which added to his manly look. His face was as ruggedly masculine as his body, with eyes that were particularly striking.

Given his amazing looks, Cal could easily have been an arrogant asshole. And sure, he had a bit of young-guy cockiness to him, but in a way that made all of us all love him. He was a stand-up guy, the kind you could always depend on and intensely loyal. He was literally an Eagle Scout. More than anything, he just had this zest for life, a "grab life by the horns" mentality that made him just plain fun to be around.

We made a nice pair. My name is Rob. Like Cal I was six feet tall, 180 lbs. or so, and a ruggedly good-looking guy. My build was on par with Cal's, and like him I had a dusting of dark hair all over my body. Despite pressure from my girl, I refused to do any manscaping, and had a healthy bush around cock and balls. In terms of personality, I was much quieter than Cal. I think that's part of the reason I liked the guy so much--he did a great job of pulling me out of my shell. Even so, between us I'm also known as being "the funny one;" not exactly an obnoxious, class clown kind of guy, but one with a rapid-fire sense of humor and the ability to tell a great story on demand. We balanced each other out, and I was looking forward to some uninterrupted time with him.

The drive was relatively uneventful--the northland is not exactly at its most picturesque in mid-October. Cal and I couldn't care less. We were having the time of our lives, and really enjoyed reconnecting. Conversation flowed easily between us, colored in bravado, ball-busting, and snark.

But an 8-hour drive gave us time to reflect, too. we talked eagerly about our last year, and all the plans we had for the future. We talked about our girlfriends, as both of us had started wondering if she was "the one," or even what "the one" looked like to a young guy on the brink of independence. We argued nonstop about each other's music, and more often than not I had to bark at him that he was* not* going to put on this or that bullshit band on while I was driving. Cal also vented about his family, his dad particularly, who was convinced that his major was a waste of time and gave him endless grief about that. Cal's bravado couldn't hide the fact that that really stung. I stood by him, and while Cal would never say anything out loud, I know my support as he fought with his family meant the world to him.

All in all, the drive was great, and I was reminded about how much I liked him. How much we liked each other.

As we got closer to Thunder Bay, our excitement continued to mount. The last part of the drive was along Lake Superior--a massive body of water that really has to be seen to be believed. And the forest became darker and wilder, with massive pines jutting into the gray October skies. It felt for all the world like we were a pair of lumberjacks at the end of the world. Just what we were after.

Our room at the lodge was... odd. Its layout was asymmetrical, with one queen bed and a twin bed off to the side. Truthfully, I think the manager gave us a shit room because he didn't want a couple of college guys staying there at all. The TV was positioned for the main bed. We did paper-scissors-rock to see who got the better bed, and Cal ended up winning. The fucker. Because it was getting late, we ate at the lodge's restaurant, and tossed back more than a few rounds. After a long day on the road, we were both pretty beat, more than a little buzzed, and crashed relatively early.

The next morning, we were rested and ready for fun. I had showered and dressed, and was sitting around spinning my wheels while Cal got ready. He came out of the shower with a towel around his waist and started digging through his clothes. I was struck by the fact that he was one sexy bastard. His body sparked a note of envy--how did he look so good? I mean, I was probably more active than he was, and... well, wowza. And oddly, I caught myself just... staring at him. I mean, not staring, but... well, staring at him. With an interest I couldn't quite put a finger on....

Wait... what the hell was going on? I've never been attracted to guys, and over the course of my life I've seen guys all the time in various stages of undress. Hell, I'd seen Cal in various stages of undress. Was this just the regular closeness I felt to Cal? Was it the fact that in the lead up to our trip I hadn't had much time romantic time with my girlfriend? It was just... surreal. As Cal toweled off, he was casually talking about this or that, but I was suddenly riveted by fact that in drying off his hair he was briefly flashing his hairy arm pits at me. Jesus... even the guy's nasty, hairy pits looked good.

He then turned away from me and dropped the towel from his waist. Goddammit, I think my mouth went dry. His ass was... Jesus Christ, a porn star couldn't have an ass that perfectly shaped. It was rounded, but unlike a woman's ass, this was as made of pure muscle. A man's ass. Strong. Lightly covered with hair, that got denser at the bottom. Fucking masculine. I had to violently wrench my head away to break the spell.

Jesus, Rob. Get it together.

Cal finished dressing, and when I turned back to him I was back in control. But still, I couldn't quite shake the odd feelings he had sparked.

Well, best bury them. I was sure I'd forget about everything once we got out and started having fun.

And indeed, our day of fun was fantastic. We loaded up on a huge, man sized breakfast and set out exploring. Again, it was well past peak tourist season, which meant we had most places to ourselves. We got our bearings, saw a bunch of sights and by and large had a blast. Cal was the perfect travel buddy, leading the charge to see everything. I found myself in the bizarre position as being the voice of reason as he turned everything into some sort of cockamamie adventure. We were in our full glory, talking loud, going wherever the road took us. We found a British-style pub for dinner, and had a great night of fish and chips, darts, and futile attempts to gamble at a weird gizmo that looked like a slot-machine. Finally, we dragged ourselves back to our hotel.

It was weird. I didn't drift off to sleep right away that night, thinking about the day. And reflecting on how weird it had been that morning seeing Cal step out of the shower. I think Cal was having a rough time sleeping too... I could hear him rustling for a few minutes, apparently trying to get comfortable. I finally heard sounds as if he had thrown back the blankets, leading me to think he was going to get up and walk around. I guess he didn't, and the sounds quieted. I eventually drifted back to sleep.

The next morning, we had planned to hit one of the provincial parks outside of town. To avoid a replay of the previous morning, I loudly offered for Cal to shower first. I held it together while he showered... but the second he came padding out of the bathroom I rushed past him and into the shower. Part of it was, yes, I was feeling more than a little horny. My girlfriend liked sex and all, but no woman can ever match the needs of a 20-something guy. Back home, I jerked off all the time to relieve the pressure, but with Cal around that would be a bit awkward. I was tempted to stroke my semi-hard cock while in the shower, but I got cold feet as we had both had a habit of wandering in and out of the bathroom while the other guy was using it... best friends have no secrets. I just ran the water colder than necessary until my balls shrank down to nothing, and the urge passed.

While getting dressed, I tried to make small talk to keep my mind off my red-hot buddy. "Didja sleep well last night? I thought I heard you tossing and turning."

Cal froze. He wildly looked away, but not before I saw his face become flushed. His voice was... generally calm, but I knew him well enough to realize something was up. He stammered out, "Oh. Last night? I mean?

No, I slept. Good in fact. You?"

This was bizarre... not at all the reaction I was expecting. "What's up, dude? I mean, I just heard you thrashing around and wondered...." And then it hit me. Thrashing around. Likely as horny as I had been, and in need of a cold shower himself. Clumsily, I blurted out, "Oh fuck, were you jerking off?"

He whipped around and stared at me. However red Cal's face had been before, it was now blazing with ruby fire. "Shut up, man! Jesus! I thought you were asleep! Fuck!"

It was now my turn to be embarrassed. Sure, guys endless mock each other about the very idea of jerking off, but it was something very different to openly call friends out on it when you've caught them doing the deed. I wasn't sure what to do, how to play this. "Aw shit, man," I hurriedly answered him. "Look, I'm sorry to put you on the spot like that. I mean... shit. Look, no guy should ever be embarrassed for doing it. I've needed to let fly since we got here, but I was afraid that you'd think...." Pause. "Well... I mean, I thought I was the only...." Pause. I let out a deep breath. "Cal, I'm sorry. We all do it. Nothing to be ashamed about. Shit, I totally invaded your privacy."

If I had stopped there, everything would have probably been fine.


I don't where the next words I said came from, but I continued to babble on. "Man. It feels like I should jerk of in front of you to even the score with potential blackmail against each other. Or maybe we do it at the same time so we're even... you know, the male bonding extravaganza and all...." And at that moment a cold chill ran down my spine. What the fuck was I saying? Where did that come from? Jesus Christ, there was no way Cal wasn't anything but freaking out inside. Shit. I looked over at him in mortified terror, but he was looking at me... curiously. Thoughtfully. I drove on as breezily as I could, desperate to change the topic. "But that's for another time. I'm fucking starving. Are you about ready so we can grab breakfast?"

That seems to have worked... at least Cal was cool and collected as we got in the car and rode off in search of some chow.

There was a quietness between us. It wasn't exactly awkward, but my mind was spinning so rapidly, trying to come up with something to say, that I couldn't actually think of anything. Finally, Cal broke the tension. Directly.

"So Rob...," he began, "have you ever, well, actually jerked off in front of anyone?"

I wanted to swerve the car into a telephone pole. "Dude, I am so sorry about earlier. I don't know where that came from. No, of course I've never jerked off in front of anyone. Never done anything like that!"

"Even in your room, if your roommate was asleep?"

"Fine. Yes. Of course... I've been known to jerk one out if I can hear him snoring. But fortunately, our schedules are different enough that I usually have time to let loose when he's not in the room. But not... you know, in front of anyone while they were watching. What about you?"

Cal nodded. "Yeah, I've jerked in front of a couple of girls, especially when one wasn't in the mood and I was in serious danger of blue balls. But never in front of guy. Funny."

We were both actively quiet. I half-wondered where the conversation would have gone to next, but at that point we pulled into the restaurant we were looking for, and dove into breakfast.

The subject didn't come up again, and we headed out for fun in the great outdoors. We had packed our hiking boots, and hit the trails in a park outside of town. It was crisply cold, but the physical activity kept us warm. It was like we reverted to 14-year-old boys. We ran around like a couple of wild men, with the whole forest to ourselves. At some point we had a sword fight from a couple of dead branches and played "King of the Log." Unfortunately, the weather turned and got the better of us; there was a few seconds of dazzling snowfall, but when the snow went to sleet, and then into a driving rain, we surrendered and went back to the lodge.

Once back in the room, we got out of our wet clothes, and crashed down on the bed in nothing but our underwear. It was mid-afternoon, giving us time to kill until dinner, but our options were somewhat limited. Cal turned on the TV and started flipping through channels, trying to find something we could watch, but the Canadian stations didn't give us many options--even the usual American sports were not on the air.

Finally, Cal looked at me. There was something... impish in his eyes. "You know, we have some time to kill. We could probably find a porno. And...."

"Huh. You thinking how neither one of us has jerked off in front of another guy before...?"

Cal smirked. "You said it yourself: we are looking for the ultimate male bonding experience." To my surprise, he dramatically cupped his crotch with his hand, jostling his junk through the thin cotton fabric of his boxers.

I laughed... kind of nervously, but not entirely. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit," I exhaled. "This is crazy." After a moment of reflection, I turned back to him. "No one can know about this."

"You think I'm gonna tell anyone?" Cal shot back with a shit-eating grin. In a flash, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and pulled them off, leaving him in his naked glory.

And "glory" was just the word for it. Sure, I've seen guys naked around the showers, or in the gym and all. But this was decidedly different. Cal had essentially invited me to look--to really look--at him. And not casually... sexually. So I did. And I couldn't take my eyes off him. Again, his muscled form was the picture of manhood. Hairy across the chest and down, spreading out to a hairy flat stomach.

But what had my undivided attention was his crotch--a hairy man-bush that framed a semi-gorged prick and a pair of magnificent balls. This was the first time I had really had a chance to study the masculine form in detail. Fuck. His dick was full, if not exactly hard, but I suspected it was a good seven inches when at full attention... or more. Fuck. Below were two hairy, egg-sized balls, freely lolling about his crotch. Fuck. He was a fucking sexual god.

My reverie was snapped as Cal tossed his boxers at me, hitting me full in the face. "You joining me or what?" He asked with a devilish smirk.

"Fuck you!" I snarked back. I theatrically grabbed the discarded underwear and brought it to my face, inhaling deeply. "Nice perfume you're wearing!"

Cal laughed out loud. "You fucking pervert!"

"Find us something raunchy on the TV!" I fired back. But the thing is, there was something else going on in my mind. I meant to do that in fun, and was fully expecting his shorts to have a nasty scent to them. But it wasn't nasty, it was... fucking hot. The reality is, while Cal fiddled with the remote, I took another whiff of his boxers to be sure. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I had been right the first time. His scent was indeed all over them, and it was... masculine. Deeply masculine. I didn't quite know what to do with that... the scent was unlike anything I'd ever smelled before, and my dick responded. I quickly discarded his underwear and slipped out of mine.

Cal had found something good and turned back to me as, and the expression on his face was... unreadable. It was like he was going to make some hooting, bravado-laden comment about the big-titted lady on the screen, but in seeing me, that comment died on his lips. Instead, his eyes drank me in, openly leering. I'm hairy too, but maybe not quite as much as he was. He could clearly see my cock standing pretty tall, slightly shorter than his, but a lot thicker. My hairy balls rolled free.

I think it hit us that we were both stark naked, and... aroused. And the fact that we were seeing each other aroused was... arousing us further. This was not something that was part of the standard edition of The Guy Manual. But here it was. I instinctively reached down and slowly massaged my balls. Was I straining for release? Performing for my best friend, who was most definitely taking in the performance? Both?

"Wait one second," I said abruptly, then slid off the bed. Cal slowly jerked himself, now rock hard, and looked at me quizzically. I went into the bathroom and found the complimentary bottle of hand lotion among the freebee toiletries. I stepped back into the main room, again mesmerized by Cal's naked form sprawled out across the bed. Man.

I tossed him the bottle of lotion, which he caught and inspected. "Good man," he responded, then shook out a blob into his hand. Slowly, languidly, he started rubbing it all over his hard cock, groaning in satisfaction at the sensation. Fuck. It was completely normal, something I had done countless times before, but watching this sexy guy do it was incredibly hot. He wasn't performing sex, like the models in the porno. He was actually pleasuring himself, knowing exactly what he liked, and determined to enjoy himself. It was... real.

I got next to him on the bed, and squirted some lotion onto my own dick, which was proudly standing up ram-rod straight. I thought I saw him watching me out of the corner of my eye. I, too, moaned my pleasure as I rubbed the lotion in, excited that I was feeling his gaze.

Together, we started working our cocks, nominally watching the action on the screen in front of us. It was wild. And felt liberating, showing off for my best bud. We were both making small sounds as we jerked ourselves, wrapped up in the moment. "Check out the ass on that one," Cal said, looking ahead. I grunted something indistinct. Normally, a woman's big round ass would get my blood flowing, but somehow my attention kept being pulled back to my buddy beside me. Again, he was... real. Cal started playing with one of his hairy nipples with his free hand, hissing between his teeth. I tried to watch him without being too obvious. I raised my eyes slightly... and holy shit, I think Cal was staring at my dick. He quickly looked away, re-locking his eyes on the TV in front of us. I too looked ahead, but the sexual tension between us drew my gaze toward him again.

I looked on in wonder, seeing Cal's technique as he worked his cock. Rotating and twisting, in deep long strokes. Then he shifted, and concentrated on his cockhead, giving rapid jerks focusing on the rim. As he did so, he shifted his weight, rolling his head back and giving some deep-breathing groans. I started mimicking the motion, and loved the pressure on my own dick head. I looked back over at him, and again noted that he was staring at my dick as I worked it. Again, he looked away, afraid to be caught. I watched him move his free hand to massage his balls, but also it was clear he was putting pressure on his taint, and slowly bucking against the feel of his hands. I groaned... loudly.

My eyes moved up to his face, and noted that he was now just staring at me. Not looking away. And there was... hunger in his eyes. A masculine glare, driven by sexual excitement. I was looking at him with the same hunger. I never thought it would happen, but having this stud pleasure himself literally right next to me was awakening something deep in me. It was unlike any experience I had had with a woman... it was far more intense.

And Cal's eyes showed that he was feeling the same thing.

My mind was racing. I mean, Cal wasn't gay. I wasn't gay. No one we knew was gay. Being gay was the kiss of social death. But I wasn't feeling "gay," I was feeling... horny. And excited.

Fuck it.

I reached over and started rubbing my hand across Cal's hairy pecs, while we both kept stroking our cocks. "Mmmmmmmm," was all he said. It was enough. I shifted slightly towards him. He took over stroking with his left hand, and his right started circling my stomach. We both went back and forth from watching the other's crotch, to looking each other in the eye... making sure we were cool with what was happening.

We were both cool with what was happening.

More or less at the same time, our hands circled down to the other's guy's dick, and in a flash, we were stroking each other.

Holy fuck.

There was a specific energy, a specific feeling that came from having another guy work my cock. There was an inherent knowledge of what I needed... what would work. The pressure of his hand was... fucking perfect. The way he moved his fingers in his grip. Oh my fucking God. No handjob from any woman came close. And at the same time, I absolutely marveled at the feel of his dick. It was harder than I expected, but also softer. The feel was familiar, yet totally different, being that he was longer than me with less girth. I started working him the way I liked to work myself, and the effect was instantaneous.

"Oh... Gawwwwwwwd," Cal growled, as he started thrusting into my hand.

"Fuck yeeeeeeeah, man," I groaned in return. Fuck. He was working me in ways I barely understood, and my body began involuntarily moving in rhythm with his hand. He started gripping me harder, juuuuust this side of pain, and started pounding me. Reflexively, I returned the favor, and we both threw our heads back swearing like sailors. Fuck, my mind was burning. It didn't help that I had been horny as hell going into this... there was no way I was going to last long. Sure enough, his fist started a chain reaction, and I could feel a familiar pressure building in my balls. "Oh fuck man," I warned him, "I'm gonna cum."

"Fucking shoot for me stud! You've got me so fucking close...!"

Together we began bucking and shaking, as we furiously pounded each other. Our rhythmic grunts got louder, more forceful, and then we both blew, nearly at the same time. I screamed out and shot ropes of cum everywhere, splattering my chest. Cal did the same nearly jumping off the bed in the force of his eruption, and his entire torso--along with my hand--were bathed in his white-hot spunk.

We continued working each other, convulsing and yelling, until we were too sensitive for more. We fell back onto the bed as our breathing finally slowed.

"That was... wild," Cal finally said after a very long pause.

"Yeah. Way more intense than jerking myself. You... know what you're doing."

Cal chuckled. "You've got the magic touch yourself. I'm guessing practice makes perfect."

"I've never done anything like that... I mean, like, with another guy," I blurted out, somewhat defensively.

"Me neither," Cal responded. "But that's what a male bonding weekend is for, right?" I swear he almost... winked at me. After a second, I relaxed, let out a big breath and started a low chuckle.

"Male bonding weekend," I agreed. "But... no one can know about this, ok?"

"My lips are sealed," Cal said. "Now go get a towel. There is no way I'm sleeping in your wet spot."

We bantered for a few minutes, and cleaned ourselves off before heading off to dinner. We found a sports bar that looked appealing, and it seemed that they were showing some American college football. It was a good crowd, and we settled in for a night of boisterous energy and heaping plates of bar food.

Overall things were light and easy between us, but there was a new... tension. I admit my mind continued to whirl. This was a brand-new world for me... and I wasn't sure how I felt about things. Well, that's not entirely true--I absolutely loved how our session felt. Cal had stirred some incredible feelings, and my cock was still tingling at the thought of his touch. But... what the hell? Guys didn't do that with other guys. I didn't do that with other guys. That broke all kinds of rules.

But the rule-breaking added to the spice.

And if I was being honest, the experience with Cal was making me hungry for more. I kept thinking about his cock. Hard. Ferocious. A man's cock, ready for battle. I kept thinking about him, in that most elemental of masculine frames of mind... to breed, or to die trying. And suddenly I was thinking of my own rock-hard cock, meeting his. Rubbing together. The friction. Feeling the sexual hunger. Both our dicks on fire, demanding release....

Shit. I was getting way too far ahead of myself. Part of the problem was I was trying desperately to get a read on Cal--what was he thinking? His signals were... agonizingly vague. On the one hand, he hadn't said a word about what we had done, not even a joke. On the other hand, he freely... touched me. I don't mean groping me, but just... an extra degree of back slapping, friendly punches to the arm, that kind of thing. Or was I just noticing it more because I was noticing him more? Man, watching him, right there, roaring his support for the game in a rich baritone voice... even surrounded by all that masculine excitement and energy, Cal stood out. You had to love the guy.

We finally made it back to our room. I pulled out a bottle of whiskey we had bought earlier, and we decided to see what kind of dent we could put into it. We poured ourselves a glass, and toasted to our last night of freedom before heading back home. In short order, we were feeling the burn and living loud. Loving each other's company.

Finally, fortified with a great deal of liquid courage, I came around to the topic that had been in my mind all evening.

"Cal, they'll probably take away my Man Card for saying it, but I had a great time this afternoon. I didn't know playing with a guy's dick could feel so good."

Cal smiled and took a big drink, clenching his teeth as he swallowed. "Rob, I'm not going to lie. It was fucking hot." He burst out laughing, and looked at me with a sparkle in his eye. "It was fucking hot."

"The women are like 500 miles away. Do you think we could... you know?"

"Oh yeah."

Oh yeah.

Even in my semi-sloshed state, I was able to strip down naked in under 5 seconds, and Cal was right behind me. We got on the bed, facing each other. Hard as railroad spikes, and not even pretending we needed a porno to turn us on.

Suddenly, Cal's hands were all over me, running his hands across my hairy pecs. I did the same, amazed by the feeling of his chest hair. Scraggly. Manly. There was nothing about his body that was soft. Unlike the women I had known, he wasn't... pliable. His muscles were taut and strong. He trembled slightly at my touch as I started massaging him. He let out a low growl, reminding me of a purr.

His hands were having a similar effect on me. My skin broke out in goosebumps, and my breathing was coming out in short gasps. I could feel my dick throbbing, aching at the excitement. My hands circled down Cal's hairy torso, and soon I was massaging his balls. Firm and strong in my hands. His breathing was coming in pants now. We both starting jacking each other... slowly, forcefully. God he felt GOOD.

I brought our dicks together, and as we both groaned, I started jacking us together. Fuck, it was Heaven. I don't know how long we fondled ourselves, but I soon realized I needed more. Jerking off was for high school kids. I needed something stronger.

Driven by instinct, freed by liquor, I bent down and took Cal's cock into my mouth.

"HOLY SHIT!" he yelled.

Holy fucking shit.

It was an experience unlike anything I had had before. It was incredibly intimate--here was a guy trusting his dick to me. Letting me take him in. And the feel of it was unlike anything else. I knew from years of indifferent blowjobs that the key was suction and friction. Too many girls give weak, flaccid blowjobs and there was no way I was going to do that to my best friend. He deserved something better... something only another guy could provide. Keeping the suction going, I ran my tongue around the cockhead in my mouth, paying extra attention to the underside as I went.

"Jesus CHRIST!" He shouted. "Oh yeah dude, fucking SUCK ME!"

Then I really got him going. Next, I drove down the length of his cock, sucking him in as deep as I could go. "FUUUUUUCK!" he called out, raising his hips off the bed and trying to spear me even deeper. I tried this several more times, and each time got a rousing response. He couldn't tell, but I had a big grin on my face, thrilled at how fucking hot this was.

I pulled off his dick, and dropped lower... I wanted to explore his balls. I got my face down there... and fuck. I was immediately struck by his scent. A musk, a masculine funk unlike anything else. It smelled like sex. Raw. Primitive. Male. I started sweeping my face through his hairy crotch, breathing him in, mouthing his balls as I went. Cal growled his approval, sounding like some kind of jungle cat. I started tonguing his balls one at a time, rapidly tickling them with my tongue, which got him squirming against me. I started aggressively sucking his balls, taking them into my mouth and working them with my tongue. "Oh fuck YEAH dude, work my fucking balls. Take em! TAKE EM!" His hands had gone to my head, trying to grind my face into his bush as he swore out a string of obscenities. Fuck, this man was fucking losing his mind.

I went back to his cock, which was throbbing from his raw need. I sucked his cock down hard, using my fingers to work his shaft as I went. I could tell the effect I was having, his body was starting to go ridged and his balls were pulling up tight... "Hold-on-hold-on-hold-on," Cal said desperately, and I slowed my assault. "I'm getting close," he panted. "Not yet. Here... lie back."

As I slumped to my side, Cal crawled between my legs and went hard for my rock-hard dick. Hard. "FUUUUCK!" I yelled, throwing my head back. Jesus fucking Christ. He attacked me with his mouth, giving me a take-no-prisoners blowjob unlike anything I had ever experienced. The friction that he had! The fucking suction as he went down on me... beyond any wussy blowjob from a woman. The power that he had left me gasping for breath. A man's touch. A man's strength. I swung my hands around him, roughly massaging his head and shoulders... not driving him onto my cock, but just overwhelmed with the feel of him. One of his hands shot up my torso and began raking against my hairy chest, grabbing down hard on my nipple. His fingers as insistent, as demanding as his mouth. I had to fight back hard against him just to hang onto my equilibrium.

And something occurred to me. It wasn't just his raw masculine energy that made this so good... it was the fact that my guy was into blowing me as much as I was into getting blown. No pouty female reluctance here--Cal was fucking living for this experience. He mouth-fucked my cock as if his fucking life depended on it.

But I needed his cock as much as he needed mine. Still lying on my back, I roughly pulled him up, then forced him to flip around. He quickly realized what I had in mind, and got into position on top of me... still sucking down my cock, but waving his man monster in my face. And I fucking inhaled him.

With our cocks lodged down each other's throats, our guttural sounds became more muted, and nearly drowned out by some obscene slurping. My spit was running down his shaft and smearing across my face. It was good, but the angle was slightly off, and I leaned by head back and started working on his hairy balls, which were rolling seductively across my face. Sucking them down, and breathing in his scent. I closed my eyes lapped his balls again and again with my tongue, and from Cal's reaction I knew he was in heaven.

Then my tongue started working down the back side of his balls... and that's when things started to get really interesting. As I licked his taint, Cal's whole body convulsed. I tried again, and got a similar response... followed by Cal more insistently griding against my face. As he did so, a new scent opened up for me... dark, earthy, and musky. Fuck... this was the most masculine of all... raw, and I mean raw animal scent. I opened my eyes and realized my nose was now nestled inside the man's hairy ass crack, so fucking close to his puckered hole.


His scent, and the sight of his hole was unleashing something primal in me. This was unlike anything, anything I had ever done sexually. And I fucking loved it... a man's most secret part, exposed and open before me. I don't know what came over me, but the animal within me was screaming for release. I drove my mouth forward, and fucking ate his hole for all it was worth.

Cal erupted in sexual hunger. He fucking drove his ass into my face, as hard as he possibly could, while his whole body started bucking like an enraged bull at a rodeo. "OH GOD YEAH! Eat my FUCKING HOLE! FUCKING EAT IT!" He slammed against me, screaming for all he was worth. In a frenzy, he fucking choked down my cock. He sucked me so hard I thought he was going to rip my cock off, and his hands dug so hard into me that I'm sure he left bruises.

But that was nothing compared to what this unleashed in me. This was the hottest thing I had ever done. Totally taboo, totally raunchy, totally unbridled.

I heard Cal yell "EAT ME EATMEEATME FUUUUUUUUCK!" And my mind went into sexual overdrive.

Using my mouth, I fucking raped that hole in front of me with white-hot passion. My mouth was everywhere, sucking hard against his pucker and driving my tongue in to the root. His ass hair was drenched with my spit. I shook my head wildly in his crack, scouring his inner butt with my stubble. I gave these long, wet slurps of my tongue that ran the length of his ass, then dove back hard against his hole. Cal had never experienced anything like it, and all but lost bodily control. He tried to keep sucking my cock but the sensations overwhelmed him and he could barely keep me in his mouth. He alternated hard slurps with howls born from a pleasure he had never knew existed.

I pulled my face away, licked my finger and rammed it inside his spit-slick hole.


I finger fucked him. Again and again, and his sounds devolved into shouted growls as he started leaning into my finger, fucking himself.

I lost all control. I needed more. I needed everything. Through grit teeth, I snarled out, "I gotta fuck you. Now. I'll do anything you want. But I gotta fuck you."

In reply, he roared out "Fucking FUCK ME!"

I violently rolled out from under him and got behind him. I positioned my wet, dripping cockhead against his hairy hole and leaned into him. Nothing. I leaned again. Nothing but our shared panting, and growing blood rage in my head. My brain screamed in frustration. I spat into my hand to add more lube, and pushed again, hard... and my cockhead sank into him.

"STOP!" he yelled, and I held back. "Give me a second. You're fucking huge man! You're... so fucking... huge."

I reached down and started stroking his cock and said quietly, "Breathe. I got you. I'll go slow. Just breathe...." I don't know if it was the soft words, our roaring sexual need, or that fact that I was stroking his cock, but Cal slowly started to relax. I was as gentle as I could be, but I have to tell you that it took everything in me to restrain myself. Cal's ass was burning hot, wet from spit, and was tighter than any cunt I had ever fucked. The pressure was fucking driving me crazy. God... this was sex from another universe.

When Cal finally nodded that he was ok, I started slow, gently rocking back and forth, unable to believe how good it felt. I started making little circles, and fuck... the pressure! And even more, as I started my movement, Cal started bearing down hard, squeezing me with his ass muscles. It was so tight that I was almost screaming myself.

"FuuuUUUUck man! FuuuUHHH-uuuUHHH!" Cal's groans started up in earnest--undulating in a throaty, deep-voiced sound from the very core of his being. I started thrusting in deeper, still slowly but pushing in deep. "Oh FUCK yeah! Oh God, THERE!" I started thrusting more deliberately, more forcefully, and Cal lost it.


I didn't know if he was yelling in pain, in pleasure, or a combination of both. And truthfully, at that moment I didn't care. But whatever Cal was feeling, it slowly became clear that Cal was completely into it. He started grinding against me, slowly fucking himself. Needing more. And I was fucking going to give it to him. "Get ready, Cal, FEEL IT!" With that, I drove my cock inside him to the hilt, grinding my bush against his hairy hole. We both roared.

And I gave it to him for all I was worth. We slammed together again and again. I leaned down so my hairy chest scraped across his back, and our sweat ran together. I hooked my arms underneath him for leverage, and I started thrusting deep. No technique, nothing but desperation. My balls grinding against him as I drove into him. His ass has unleashed feelings inside me that I had never experienced. Sexual need. We convulsed together, our bodies desperate to feel each other. Our sounds were inhuman, and loud enough to shatter the windows. Messy, sloppy, primal. Friendship was thrown away; we were a pair of aggressive males completely focused on sexual release.

I could feel the release coming. The wet friction of his ass was making my balls boil, and at the same time I could feel Cal's muscles ripple and his cries escalated. Cal started bucking even more wildly, making sounds I never heard another man make. And suddenly, his cock exploded, sending a geyser of cum everywhere. His ass bore down hard on me, crushing my dick nearly to the point of pain--exquisite pain. That was all it took to set me off, and with a howl I shot off a tidal wave of spunk into his guts.

It was unlike anything else I had ever experienced... a primal, purely masculine moment of rage, fire, and sweat, plus a feeling of closeness I didn't think possible. Right there, I felt supernaturally connected to Cal, a bond beyond anything possible. We continued slowly fucking for I don't know how many more minutes, just reveling in the feeling of it all.


Well, as you can imagine, we didn't really sleep that night. We knew we'd have to leave for home in the morning, and so we made the most of every second we had left. We fucked like a pair of rabid dogs. And it wasn't just me fucking Cal--that fucker about tore me a new asshole. We were rough, greedy and ferocious as we went after each other. As I was fucking him the last time, missionary style, I leaned in and we started kissing... making out as hard as we fucked. We finally fell into exhausted sleep a few hours before dawn.

On the drive home, we both agreed that we wouldn't say a word to our girlfriends, saying "What happens in Thunder Bay, stays in Thunder Bay." But despite our loud protestations of being straight, and our vows that this had been a one-time thing, I wondered what the future might hold for us.

But one thing for sure--true to our plans, this weekend had indeed been the Ultimate Male Bonding Experience.

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