Road Trip

By Mike

Published on Mar 3, 2011


Well here's chapter 4. I trust that you'll find it arousing. Thanks again to all the readers that have taken time to send a note or pic my way. I hope you get as erect reading it as I do writing it.


Road Trip Chapter 4 Copyright 2011 Savant

...With Russ' dick in my hand I told more of the story.

"I played with Ron's rod with one hand, fondled his balls with the other and he just wiggled with his eyes closed as I touched him. I couldn't believe how nasty doing this made me feel and my cock strained to be free of my jeans images raced though my head and for the first time in my life I wanted to know what another persons body felt like against mine in a sexual way. So I released my grip and made Ron stand up. Once he was up I backed him to the edge of the bed and almost shaking I begged him to strip me.

Ron looked at me with more lust than I'd ever seen and he reached down and helped me pull my shoes and socks off, tossing them aside. His eyes went to my tee and it joined my socks and shoes. His eyes popped at my semi nude state and reached to my jeans unhooking my belt. His hands wandered my stomach and chest touching my nipples and slowly returning to my jeans where he worked the button and zipper. I don't think he blinked not wanting to miss the instant when my cock would make an appearance and with obvious excitement he loosened my jeans. My jeans were now spread open wide and then the craziest feeling of my life happened when his hand slipped into my shorts grabbing my cock. His hand felt like fire on as I looked down to see the tip of my dick an inch or two above the elastic of white shorts. I watched Ron's face just so I could drink in him looking down at my dick. I don't know how it was possible but his reaction made my dick harder and he then began pulling my pants down and off. I stood there shaking in my tidy whities desperate to be naked and Ron actually leaned forward and kiss my tummy as he pulled my underwear down. My hard cock popped free and i thrust forward. For the first time I wickedly displayed it to another. My being was rocked by the experience and I shook as Ron eyes looked over my penis.... I loved it.

He was transfixed. His eyes shifted to mine and then back to my shaft and with a tentative movement he reached out his hand, stopping for just a second... almost like he couldn't believe he had permission to touch it. I was on fire and when his hand closed around my dong my knees buckled. This was beyond anything I'd ever felt and in an instant of recovery my stance firmed, I drove my cock through his fingers and then covered his hand with mine. Together we slid our meshed hands over my shaft. It was fucking insane! "

As I was telling the story I had moved my hand down to Russ's balls and gently teased the underside of his sack. Lifting them and relishing in their heft. I watched as he began to show the first few drops of arousal at the small cleft on the crown of his cock. I knew where my story was going and was nuts will lust. That thought had my dick taut and it stood hard and proud parallel to my body, the sack around my balls pulled tight. My cock could grow no further. Almost dizzy from my level of arousal I returned to the story planning to act out the narrative very soon with Russ.

"I watched our hands on my cock and looked him over while we pumped and I had to know what it was like to lean into another person's body. I released my grip on Ron's hand and placed both my hands on his shoulders and pushed him back till he was lying on the bed. I was between his spread dangling legs and as he laid back his dick stood up inches from mine. I wanted to feel his dick against mine. I wanted to run my hands along his body and explore the sensual pleasures of touching naked flesh. I wanted to feel his hands on my sides, on my back pulling me down on top of him. I wanted to feel his chest against mine, to feel his cheek brush the sensitive spots along the sides of my ear. I wanted to feel him grind his cock against mine in desire and I wanted to feel his lips kiss mine."

I stopped talking, gave Russ's manhood a caress as I reached for and took a drink of water from the bottle resting near my sleeping bag. I needed a quick break if only to keep from exploding. Even in the moonlight I could see the flush on Russ's face and setting the bottle down I moved to his side of the tramp and positioned myself beside him. We were on our sides, face to face with our stiff cocks inches apart as in the story, with purpose and lust I slid my hips closer and Russ opened his legs and we intertwined them bringing our cocks into contact. It was as consuming as it had been so many years ago, erotic and rapacious my whole body seen concentrated into the few square centimeters of our contact and then I gasped when he reached between us and took my tool into his hands. Wonderful electric shocks of sexual delight flooded over me. I reached behind Russ and pushed him against me tighter and closer while looking him in the face.

With body pressure I rolled Russ back as I pressed myself on top of him chest to chest, cock against cock as he withdrew his hand from my organ I thrilled as he folded his arms around me. Together with an innate naturalness we moved against one another swirling our bodies letting the tips of our dicks brush their sensitive tips against the other. It's difficult to describe the intense level of arousal created by feeling another man's cock pressing into yours. Knowing that the stiff prick touching yours is every bit as aroused as you are. Knowing his lust for you is shouted, screamed by the warm smooth texture of his hard flesh. I looked into Russ's eyes seeing his desire reflecting mine like a charcoal's cherry ember and kissed him. Our tongues probed each others mouths, our arms embraced, hands explored and we nestled our cocks gently against each other in a slow, unhurried grind. I kissed him again feeling his hand worming between us and then enveloping both or our shafts in one grip. Cock to cock he held us trapped together and as he stroked he whispered.

"I want to hear more of your story." Our bodies rested against each other. Pleasure coursed through my body with each movement of Russ's hand and I closed my eyes letting Russ's grip sync our passion with the story.

"Well, Ron and I learned about a guy's body that afternoon. We looked down as our torsos came together watching our dicks meet. Ron had the sparsest patch of hair above his tool while I had just a bit more and the sensation as our rods and balls met was magic. Together we worked our hips keeping the tips of our dicks touching and Ron began to push his way into a standing position. He stood maybe two inches shorter than I and I remember looking at him as he stood we re-embraced arms around one another. Our cocks mashed between our bodies falling off to the sides and I let my hands wander over the cheeks of his ass caressing and then enveloping them using them for leverage to pull him closer and slightly upwards. He was now on his tip toes and I became aware of his smooth, hairless balls swinging into mine. I was getting ready to come and found myself torn by two opposing thoughts. The first was how messy that would be and what Ron would do if all that stuff hit him and the second was me cuming all over him in the dirtiest way possible. Then it happened Ron started spasming and he splashed himself all over our stomachs. I stopped moving and pulled back to watch him cum. Dang it was hot and with his dick still hard I reached down and took his cum covered rod in my hands and milked every last drop out of him.

I hadn't orgasmed and desperately needed to get off. Ron must have known what I wanted because he pushed me back onto the other bed his cum sliding down our bodies. He looked over the mess and ran a hand into it smearing it up and over his right nipple and then took my cock in his cum covered hand and began to jack me off. There was something monstrously obscene about that and within seconds I was shooting jets of my own white goo into his hand and over myself. The two of us were fricken covered in cum but damn it was unbelievable. Wondering how much time we had left until my mom came back the two of us walked naked to the bath room and took turns cleaning each other up. Hell, seeing Ron get hard again while I ran a warm wash cloth over his body renewed my own erection and there we stood two naked boys, with stiff dicks and taking turns running a warm, wet cloth over the other. I turned him so he faced the mirror coming up behind him and pressing my upright cock into the crack of his ass where I ran it up and down. The sensation intense and as I did that I reached around him and took hold of his tool wrapping the warm towel around it as I ground. I watched the two of us doing this nasty thing in the mirror of the bathroom and drank in every eye full as my jacking of Ron made him cum again. I caught his cum in that already saturated wash cloth. He drove his hips making his cock pump in my fist and as he came I kissed at the back of his neck. The last convulsions ended and he turned around wrapping his arms around my head and leaned in giving me a kiss. I loved it.

It was great and right about then we heard the garage door open. We jumped a mile ran back to my room and dressed as quickly as we could. The thought of being caught scared the wits out of us so we threw a couple books on the floor and lying side by side on our stomachs is how my mom found us when she opened the door to my room to check up on us.

As mom left she closed the door for us and Ron turned to me with the biggest grin his face would allow, wrapped one arm over my shoulder, leaned in tonguing my ear and whispering, "that was fucking awesome." Something to which I nodded my head to enthusiastically. Then I heard him whisper in my ear. "Why don't we take turns going to the bath room to take our underpants off, then we can lay here and touch one another it will be fun.

I thicken at the thought and bobbed my head in agreement. Ron jumped up, opened the door and disappeared down the hall only to return in seconds. As he re-entered the room I noticed all the buttons of his jeans were undone and his upright cock was clearly visible and I sizzled trapped between lust and fear that he could be caught. As I watched he wiggled his jeans under his balls bringing both his shaft and balls into plain sight. He began to sway and roll to some unheard rhythm thrusting his hips to make Jake and the twins bounce and dance. I reached up and ran my fingers down his balls.

Now it was my turn. I strained to hear if mom was coming, gave Ron's prick a passing caress and started to head to the bath room. I was in the hallway just a step or two beyond the door to my room. Ron was in the process of pushing it closed when I pushed it back open all the way and I decided to up the ante of our little game. I called down to mom shouting... "Hey mom what's for dinner?" And, as I hoped she answered form the kitchen so standing right there in the hall I stripped off my jeans removed my underwear, I stood naked from the waist down and began to stroke my hard rod. Ron stood transfixed by the wicked theater and glancing towards the stair way he came into the hall with his erection still on display and shocked the shit out of me as he bent over and planted a kiss on the tip of my dick. My cock twitched and wobbled of its own accord. The feel of his lips on my sex certainly sped up my breathing. So far all the afternoons play had been astounding but somewhere between feeling his kiss on the crown of my penis and seeing him do it rocketed me into the stratosphere!

Then with a wicked leer Ron turned, reached back took hold of my dong and like leading a dog on a leash pulled me back into my room by my stiff prick. I followed lost is arousal, pants and shorts in hand. As we passed the threshold of my room Ron pushed the door closed and dropped to his knees in front of me. He knelt there kissing me all around. He lifted my shirt, kissed my stomach, pelvis and gloriously he kissed my dick and balls it was amazing. He planted kiss after kiss all around my groin and I loved every second of it. I wanted something more but just didn't know what it was. I reached down and pulled him up so our cocks would once more meet and I kissed his lips as we pushed our cocks into each other. Pulling away slowly I threw my shorts into my closet and stepped into my jeans. The rest of the time we spent together consisted of attempting to study while we tried to slip our hands inside of the other jeans, caressing butts, trying to find cocks and sliding exploring fingers into the cracks of each others ass. We stayed hard forever."

Coming back from the narrative I looked at Russ and found him lost to the listening. After a few seconds he realized I had stopped and spinning towards me kneeling asked.

"What else happened? I mean did he ever suck your cock? Did you kiss or suck his?"

And with obvious interest he stumbled.

"Did you guys do anything else? You did play some more didn't you?"

He added hopefully his voice kept reach higher and higher notes as the questions flowed and I smiled. Looking directly at him naked with a raging hard on I answered,

"We might have done something else and we did get together a few more times but I think I'll save that for another time"

Open mouth curiosity showed on Russ's face laced along with a tinge of disappointment that was until I reached out palm up caressed his balls and then took hold of his shaft pulling him to me. We shifted position winding up kneeling together where we pressed our bodies into one another wrapping arms about each other sandwiching our cocks between us upright and ready. Russ leaned his weight into me pushing me backwards onto my sleeping bag with him coming to rest on top of me. The weight of his strong tanned body pressing against mine, his strong hands caressing my side, my neck, running through my hair and with him on top of me I relished the thickness of his cock pressed into me. I closed my eyes and felt his hot breath on my eyes, my ears and cheek moaning as he kissed the lines of my neck and across my collar bone. My breathing deep and rapid I enjoyed every tingle as I desperately waited to feel the warmth of his mouth surround my dick's crown. With each of his movements my hips tried to squirm upwards overwhelmed with lust. every time he left my shaft without physical contact. I existed somewhere between insane pleasure and sensory deprivation... it was maddeningly, erotically lascivious.

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