Road Trip

By Mike

Published on Feb 24, 2011


Hi all... here is the start of my 3rd or 4th story. The names are changed to protect a friend. Much about what you're about to read is autobiographical and I find sharing this story a real turn on for me. I hope it is for you too!!!!

As a writer/poster here at Nifty the only payment we receive are the comments of the readers. Thanks in advance to all who take the time to write and a special thanks to those of you who answer with a naked picture or bit of eroticism of your own.


Road Trip Copyright Savant

Whoo hoo we were on our way! College was over for the summer, it was a holiday weekend and we had five days before we had to be back to work. Russ and I, I'm Mike by the way, couldn't wait to hit the warm friendly waters of Lake Mead. It offered not only luxuriously warm water but the winds too came in strong which created terrific sailing.

Russ had bought a 16' Hobie Cat a short time ago and our learning to sail had been done in the rolling swells, waves and surf of the ocean so this trip was always a pleasure. We were the typical broke, carefree kids that made up so much of the population around Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach. We were lean, tan, muscled in a swimmers kind of way. Russ being the very definition of a surf kid, he was blond and blue eyed while I was the brunette, dark, olive skinned and a bit shorter than he. As products of where we grew up we were completely comfortable in, around and under the water, surfing, swimming, scuba diving and just laying in the sun on the beach. We spent so much of our time around the water that we often laughed thinking of how similar we were to Sea Lions, basking on the shore absorbing the sun's rays only to rush back into the water to cool off and play. Life was rich, warm and full of pleasure. When we weren't on the beach we would be in the mountains or deserts that surrounded the L.A. basin.

Russ and I had become acquainted through work and our shared hobbies. We worked at a camera shop, were serious photographers who traveled from beach to desert to put images on film and besides all the things we did around the ocean we also skied and camped. So between our hobbies and job we spent most of the day together one way or another. We were so busy that the one thing we didn't have much time for was dating. Oh, I'd often start a relationship but it inevitably failed since I'd be torn between the sweet charms of willing gal and the pull of my friends and hobbies. Russ too found too little time to date as for me I try but couldn't find the intimacy and raw intensity of sexual fulfillment with any of the gals I ever dated. I knew what it was but this was a time where I still hid my true desires. So because I kept dating gals sex became a subject we just didn't discuss. Sadly, alone in my apartment late at night was the only place I had to courage to admit my attraction to men. It was here that I would close my eyes and stroke myself off to fantasies of Russ' tan body hard, naked and next to me. Little did I know that a few miles away Russ was living what I was too afraid to admit. He was gay something only a select few of his friends knew and which he hid from me to preserve our friendship. He hid it from me for the same reason I hid from him. Thinking back I can't believe how stupid I was and how much time I had missed.

This trip changed everything! Being broke college kids we had planned to camp along the edge of lake, sailing during the day, cleaning up and heading into Vegas for dinner in the evening a short half hour trip from the lake. We talked and planned during the four hour trip from the beach to Vegas. We had left Redondo around 1 AM so we could traverse the desert in the cool of the night and we were now backing the Hobie Cat into the water at Lake Mead Marina in the early morning's silence. It was the minutes before the sun rose and we figured that we could get in a few hours of sailing before we had to worry about finding a camp site. We caught a slight breeze and since the wind was light we couldn't really do any seriously fun sailing so we set off to explore the two "Boulder Islands" that we within a mile of the marina. In actuality these were just two tips of the local mountains that were high enough to sit above the water line once the Hoover Damn was built and Lake Mead filled in around them. We beached the boat on one of them and began to explore, climbing and skirting around the small tip the peak. It turned out to be a lucky thing we did because standing at the top of one of the islands we noticed a secluded cove facing away from the marina and also realized that with the way it was cut into the side of the hill it would be shaded by the tip of the mountain in the late afternoon. It took seconds for us to decide to make our camp here.

We sailed back to the launch ramp, ran to the car and piled our camping stuff onto the trampoline of the Hobie and sailed them to the cove. Being just two guys out for five days we didn't have much to cart out. Just a couple coolers, a two man tent, a couple of sleeping bags and miscellaneous groceries. We decided to leave our changes of clothes in the car. That way when we decided to head to Vegas we could shower and change at the marina's camp site.

Well we dumped our gear at the chosen spot and spent the day sailing up and down as much of the lake as we could cover and around 4 PM we decided to head back to the island to get something to eat and relax. Rounding the first island we were greeted with an incredible sight, right on the edge of the water sat a beached speed boat it's bow clinging to a small bit of rock strewn shore and naked as jay birds stood a guy with his dick standing straight up, his gal in the process of wrapping her hand around his shaft and pulling it towards her lips. We fell totally silent being intruders on their interlude. The sail boat continued onward quiet by its nature our eyes feasting themselves on this steamy scene. I don't know if that couple ever knew we sailed right by them but I do know that my trucks were beginning to tent. I ran my eyes over their bodies but in my private thoughts I dreamt that it was I kneeling in front of that rigid dick holding it, kissing in and sliding my lips over it. I was so hard that hiding it was impossible and I glanced over to see Russ' reaction to this wickedly hot scene.

Not only was he transfixed by the theater in front of him but his cock was every bit as hard as mine and deliciously prominent as it too tent his swim trunks. I tried not to stare but I could not keep from looking at his groin. My blood burned and more than any thing I wanted to reach out to take his organ in my hand. I remember vividly his pointed nipples his tan body and the seductive gap his hard on had made in the waste band of his swim suit. That gap tantalized my eyes with the merest hint of his shaft. It was beautiful! Struggling with my desires I fought off the desire to reach into that opening to touch Russ' member. Shaking with need I did everything I could to control myself. I was dizzy with bent up arousal and desperately tried to make eye contact with him to gauge his openness to what I hope would be a new erotic adventure for the two of us but his gaze was locked onto the diminishing spectacle we had encountered. What an amazing start to our holiday time and I often wondered if we hadn't stumbled across this steamy scene would the trip have worked out the way it did? That couples outdoor display did set the sexual tension meter on high, very high indeed.

With his head turned watching the couple behind us I took every advantage I could to look at Russ in ways I never could. His wet trunks hid nothing and stretched out as they were by his hard on the tip of his penis was not only clearly defined but completely visible against the thin material of his suit. Almost in a fog I heard him say...

"Did you ever think we'd stumble on something like that?"

"Never", I answered. His words barely registering as I looked up realizing I'd been caught starring at his outlined dick. I know I'd been caught as pursed my brow trying to understand the sly smile that passed over Russ' face as he continued...

"Could you believe his cock, damn was he ready!"

What the hell was happening my world had suddenly become some strange surreal place as we rounded the peak and covered the last fifty yards to our camp site as we talked about a cock. Our conversation did have one side effect, it kept us both rock hard. We beached the boat at our camp site and together we pulled it higher onto the shore and tied it off using an old tree stump. Each step we took, each beat of our hearts were reflected by movements with in our trunks.

Russ and I had been together on trips all over the South West many times showering, shaving and dressing in the same way all guys do. We had seen each other nude many times but now I found myself drawn to Russ in a heighten sexual kind of way. I kept trying to maintain my control but still I was conflicted by the depth of my response to the scene on the beach and Russ's obvious tumescence. The one thing I did not want to do was end a friendship on a sexual note. Still mages of seeing and touching Russ intimately had my thoughts in turmoil and in that instant I also realized that with as horny as I was right then that if the opportunity offered itself I was too aroused to ignore it. Getting a hold of myself I forced my gaze away and pushed those thoughts out of my head.... My erection began to subside and while I cooled a touch of sanity returned and I wondered what was I thinking. Damn, somebody needed to slap me because I never been this hot for anyone before in my life!

Confused, hardly describes my emotional state. I kept telling myself this couldn't be happening as I'd try to get a second or two to clear my head and make a rational decision but Russ kept distracting me. Every time I'd start to cool he mutter something about the thickness of the guys cock, adjust his insistent hard on, just let out a sultry hummmm. It was like he knew how randy I was and was purposely keeping my mind on sex. The need to police our camp site finally drew my mind away from my raging arousal and together we swept rocks from the spot where our tent and sleeping pads would lay. It seemed to be my imagination but as we went about our choirs we bumped and came into contact way too often. Each little accidental collision further charged my building desire and I found that both of us seemed to find more and more reasons to touch. Hands seemed to find exposed flesh brushing a leg, reaching out for an arm or steadying each other on the uneven ground. Oh shit were we flirting on a subconscious level or was I so sex crazed that I saw each innocent brush as sexual intrigue? Each time we met I pleaded internally for a moments peace from my randy thoughts but there was Russ oh so close and inviting. What if I was wrong? How in the hell was I going to make it through the next days without jeopardizing our long friendship? We set up the camp stove, spread out the rest of our gear and uncorked a bottle of wine.

The afternoon had become as hot as promised and even now at the water's edge we sweltered finally deciding to beat the heat by sitting chest deep in the cool lake water as we talked and drank our wine. The drive, the sailing, hell the whole day had us so drained that we decided to just say here tonight and head into Vegas tomorrow. The sun finally slipped behind the peak of the island and sitting there we welcomed the shade only then abandoning the comfort of the lake. We started a portable charcoal grill, seasoned a couple steaks and drank some more. The smell of searing steaks on an outdoor grill swirled around us and we added a couple ears of corn to the grill letting them roast.

Nothing tastes better than a meal in the open and we ate with pleasure, talking and drinking some more. We passed the hours affably and in a moments silence we watched the sky turn a rosy pink in the quiet understated beauty of a desert sunset. If we had followed our plan we would now be surrounded by other campers listening to all their talking, arguing and play. This was a thousands time better but still the privacy gave fuel to my hidden wants. Silly me, I thought I had managed to compartmentalize my longing but here in the early dusk they were insanely magnified! Feeling hot and uncomfortable I decided to wash up to hide my run away craving. Trying to get control I grabbed my soap, shampoo and towel and walked chest deep into the lake. Standing beside the stern of the boat I draped the towel over its backside pulled my swim trunks off and began to wash. I rinsed, shampooed and rinsed my hair again looking up into the sky and seeing a gibbous moon beginning to rise. Out here away from city lights I was amazed to see so many stars and realized that with a near full moon the night was unusually bright. Hell it was bright enough to read the print on my shampoo bottle. I put the shampoo bottle down and picked up the soap beginning to wash sliding my cock through a soapy fist. Partially hidden by the boat and the dark of night I let my mind wander down a forbidden lane. I let the warm lust of the afternoon and evening take my day dreams wherever they wanted to go.

I stroked my shaft slowly and smoothly as I let my thoughts drift in the wine haze and absently I registered a splash.

Next: Chapter 2

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