Road Trip

By Mike

Published on Feb 28, 2011


Again thanks to all of you who have taken the time to write and this with this chapter comes a warm thanks to John and Tom who also sent pic of themselves. You guys really make writing these rewarding.


Road Trip Chapter 3

Copyright 2011 Savant

I parted my lips and let is tool enter slowly forcing my mouth open. Intense doesn't give it true description. Russ' need was wonderfully displayed by the steel like rigidity of his penis. So soft, so fleshy and yet hard as it could be. What a marvelous thing a cock is! Best of all I was finally tasting one. How wicked is that? My whole body seemed alive as I let the taboo nature of what I was doing wash over me. I had Russ' dick in my mouth! I worked it letting my new found lust power my blow job. I sucked and licked and took as much in as I could. I never would have guessed that doing this could be so exciting. My hands came up to add touch to the overload of sensations coursing through me. One hand around his shaft so I could better control its movement and the other to his soft balls. His deep guttural moan when I held his nuts for the first time could have come from me as I was rocketed to a high level. Now with my face drawn back about a foot I took the time to really study his cock. It seemed perfect, hard, slightly curved and thick enough to fill my fist.

Russ' cock gave off a subtle scrubbed scent of soap combined with arousal as it glistened in the subdued lunar light. Holding his erection in my hand I needed to feel everywhere so I rubbed his maleness over my face marveling how soft it felt on my cheek yet so wickedly rigid in my fist. I worked it back to my lips and then centered it and let it re-enter my mouth. My tongue darting to it's crown as my lips locked under the mushroom crown. I loved the unique taste of it and as I thought about what I was doing I felt my cock bouncing in syncopate rhythm to the way I bobbed on Russ' shaft. I had yet to cum but was so ready and so wildly excited that I wondered if just the feel of Russ's cock and the sensation of it in my mouth could make me cum. I would not have surprised to feel that sweet release with my still hard up pointed prick shooting spurt after spurt messing the boat my chest and in my dream vision splattering over the shaft I was sucking. My head spun with such delicious thoughts as I continued to tease Russ' crown with my tongue, licking under it and swinging my tongue back and forth over that volcanically sensitive spot near its tip. My level of lust multiplied a hundred fold as Russ let out additional deep bass moans as his dick simultaneously twitched and jumped in my mouth. I loved feeling him wiggle and moan, loved the feeling of control I had over his pleasure and was blown away as he started thrusting himself in and out of my mouth.

His hands slipped into my hair taking hold of my head and holding it stationary as he vigorously pumped his erection through my moist mouth. Fuck it felt spectacular, I had become his sex object and I felt like his only care was to use me, use my mouth to reach his moment of ejaculation. I loved it and tried to provide his penis all the friction and suction I could. I was so turned on by this I had closed my fist around my own rod and was stroking myself in unison with the thrust of Russ's pelvis. More than once he drove himself deep into my throat causing me to gag making my eyes tear but rather than causing my lust to abate it amplified it to my very core. I took his shaft into my hand and pumped his tool, teased his balls as he fucked my face and I knew he would soon explode. In my desire to know everything about sex with a man I decided that I would swallow every drop of his release.

Russ writhed under me and I let his intense reaction to my oral torture burn deep inside of me my fists tightly closed around his cock and my own. Then with a huge moan his body tensed and arched. I felt his cock begin to spasm and he flooded my mouth with his cum. I found it slightly salty but not unpleasant and I finished off all most all of it with the excess oozing over my lips. Completely lost to the moment I stood with my fist wrapped around my dick climbed onto the boat. I needed to cum and thoughts of do it all over my buddies face spun in my head. Russ turned to meet me and laid back onto the trampoline as I crawled towards him. My stiff member swaying below me. He had stretched out so I threw one leg over him and continued up letting my dangling cock slip over his knee and thigh. We came together face to face, body to body and when he reached up and pulled my head to his in a kiss our dicks and balls touched. I had been on the edge for so long that the soft connection was all it took and the sweet release happened in that instant. With a lurid fascination I looked down to watch the cum shoot out of my cock. I came as hard as I ever had and relished the sight of watching it spurt and cover the two of us in thick white streams. It was fantastic and felt so nasty,

There we were a sticky mess, me with a dribble of his cum still on my chin and my jizz sprayed over the two of us. I was happy and carnally satiated. I knew that my sex life had changed forever. Sex with a guy had some unbelievable thrills attached to it. Perhaps the second biggest change to my sex life was that I could never go back to the tame way I had previously had sex, from now on I'd play this glorious game with a wanton abandon.

Looking down at Russ I warmed seeing his closed eyed wan smile and knew we drifted in the same sensual warm afterglow. His tanned chest rising and falling with his comfortable breathing, one of his hands laying on his chest with an outstretched finger idly running through a puddle of my cum, his cock still thick and not yet fully flaccid,. His eyes opened making contact with mine and he smiled. I'll knew the last few seconds would live in my memory forever with the image of his finger swirling my cum around his chest the catalyst for future solo releases.

I returned his full grin with one of my own and almost in unison we noisily tumbled over the side of the boat running into Lake Mead where we wound up in each others arms again. We splashed and played letting the warm waters of Lake Mead clean away the residue of our orgasms and sooth our overused bodies. We were both spent and hand in hand walked back onto shore. I looked at Russ and how the moon light made the water running off his body look like liquid silver. He took his towel and started to dry off. Reaching out I stopped him and said.

"Let me I want to do that for you."

And, for the second time in just a few minutes I explored his body again. Gently pressing into him as I toweled his hair relishing how my softened cock felt against his leg. The drying gradually turned into kisses as I'd dry a spot then kiss it until I was kissing more than drying. I was almost in a trance as Russ reached over and took my towel off the tent pole where I had draped it. It was my turn and I gave myself over to the sensual nature of Russ' caressing my body with a fluffy towel. I didn't care what time it was as this night was the most perfect of my life.

The night air comfortably warm as was the water and as Russ finished drying he headed for the wine as I pulled our sleeping bags from the tent. With it being such a night Russ returned as I tossed our bags onto the trampoline of the Hobie saying.

"Let's sleep outside tonight."

He handed me a glass as we climbed aboard spreaing out our bags on either side of the tramp. The night was so warm that we left them unzipped and wide open cuddling into the soft down. Balancing on our elbows we sipped the wine and looked to the heavens into the most amazing night sky I'd ever seen. Even with the electric glow from Las Vegas we could see a vast dark dome above us littered with stars. Neither of us broke the silence for the longest time until Russ asked.

"Are you okay with all of this?'

My smile back said more that words could have but I added.

"More than okay. Deep inside I think I've wanted this for a very long time but I just never had the courage to explore this side of my desires."

Russ' free hand reached out and ran his hand over my arm as he asked.

"Have you ever done any thing like this before?"

"No" and if I wondered if he could see the blush that warmed my face.

"Not even as a kid? I mean you never played a I'll show you mine if you show me yours kind of game."

The reason for by blush was zooming through my memory as I confessed "Well, yeah there was this time once way back when, a time when I was somewhere around fourteen."

Really? Was it with a guy?

I took a sip of wine, looked to Russ' eyes and just said. "Yeah"

Hurrying to explain I added.

"He was a kid who lived down the street named Ron. He wasn't one of my regular play mates just someone in the same grade and I had invited him over to study for a test. When he showed up I introduced him to my mom and we headed up to my room."

Russ sipped his wine and just listened as I told him a story I had never told another living soul.

"My room was what you'd expect a pair of twin beds, a desk, an end table between the beds with a lamp on it. Funny but it was that lamp that started it all. The lamp was built out an old cast iron toy safe with a door and combination lock that really worked. As you can guess that was where my few treasures were stashed. One of these treasures was an old silver Kennedy half dollar. Ron looked around and asked about the safe and I told him I'd show it to him later.

We spread our stuff over my desk and begin to go over the school work. We'd been at it for an hour when my mom time came up stairs with some milk and a couple slices of cake saying that she was heading off to do the shopping and asked if I wanted to go. I told her no that we still had more studying to do and she nodded her head and told us to play nice while she was gone."

I looked up to see if Russ wanted to hear more and he sat quiet so I filled the silence with more of the tale. Even though I was sexually spent knowing where this story was headed I felt warmth return to my dick. I ran my eyes over Russ' body as I continued.

"As she left and Ron and I took a break to enjoy our snack. We downed it in no time and after taking a sip of the milk Ron eyed the safe and asked if it worked. Nodding my head I dialed the combination and opened the door to show him. Ron looked in saw the half dollar and pulled it out. Laughing I told him to be careful cause I had my eye on him and he wasn't going to leave town with my fortune in his pocket.

With an "oh yeah well then come and get it"

"We began to tussle and as kids do we wrestled over that half dollar, back and forth over one bed, then the other and onto the floor. I grabbed at his hands trying to pry the coin from his grasp, unsuccessfully, and then Ron broke away and shoved my fifty cent piece into his pants with a look of triumph on his face. I didn't know what to do. Even back then the guy code said you don't go fishing inside your friend's underwear or around his privates but nothing I could do or say would convince him to give up that half dollar. So, as a last resort I told him if he didn't give it back by the count of ten I was gonna go in there and get it myself."

"Ron just kept giggling as I counted to ten. When I hit ten I asked him again for the half dollar and he just shook his head so I jumped him. We started wrestling but something was different. He twisted and wiggled but wasn't really fighting too hard so with only moderate difficulty I got to his pants and unbuckled his belt. He rolled over trying half heartedly to get away but I pulled him back and with each attempt at escape I'd get closer to getting my half dollar back. I pulled his belt through the loops of his jeans and folded it in half spanking him on the back side with it. I think maybe a little to hard. I didn't want to hurt him but since his belt was in my hands it seemed like the thing to do. Ron jumped and squirmed clinching the cheeks of his ass together causing him to grind his crotch into the carpet. I remember that the grinding motion was overt but at this point I was still clueless. With another swing of the belt he let out a muted moan and thinking I may have hurt him I tossed the belt aside and instead grabbed his tee shirt which was tucked into his jeans pulling it over his head and tossing it next to the belt. Then I rolled him over and sat on his chest with my butt towards his face and my knees pinning his arms. He was trapped and I began to work the buttons of his 501 jeans."

"One after the other the buttons opened and once they were undone I fought to pull his jeans off along with his shoes and socks. Still he struggled, it was so weird cause he I was chasing my lost half-dollar fully dressed while this guy was down to his shorts. Again I demanded my coin and again he refused to give it up so I told him I wasn't afraid to go in there and get it pointing to his crotch and again he just giggled. I grabbed him and we wrestled yet again but I found he was easy to control and as I reached for the hem of his shorts he stopped fighting. Screaming my success I pulled his underwear towards his knees and instantly knew why his struggle was only half heartedly. There right in front of my eyes was his cock and he had a hard on. His cock was pale white with a ruby head, and fully erect was about half the size of mine when I was hard. We were both still adolescents but I had matured early and I had almost reached my full size so in comparison I felt huge.

I remember thinking how weird it was that our play had given him a hard on but without a second thought I reached in took hold of his cock with one hand while I pulled his shorts completely off with the other. Still my money wasn't visible so I reached in yet again and lifted his balls moving them out of the way and found him holding it there nestled under his sack and between his legs. He had relocked his ankles so most of the coin was hidden again and it was surrounded by his youthful flesh. I pulled his cock gently, move his balls aside as I tried to free the coin from his clutches. Ron just squirmed and let out breathy "ohs" as I tried to free it. I wasn't having much success so while still holding his balls in my palm it began to tickle him with my other hand. Strange wonderful warmth surged through my body as I saw him struggle under me. His sex in my hand and his naked body wiggling as I tickled him made me hot as eventually his writhing and struggling broke the strangle hold he had on my half-dollar.

Holding my hard fought for half-dollar I looked down at Ron and realized how surreal the scene was. There was Ron bare flesh from head to toe his arms pinned under my legs, his prick hard and erect with the first look of sexual lust I had ever seen. I guess we guys are hard wired for sex because even though I'd never seen that look before instinctively I knew it. In that brief pause I felt myself heat up and then felt my dick thicken.

This was my first sexual encounter. I didn't know what had happened, I didn't know what to do but I did recognize that his hard cock meant he was excited and setting my coin aside I reached up and took hold of his cock again and began to play with it. This I knew how to do. I had a bit of practice."

I looked up to see a know grin or Russ' face and thrilled to see his cock well on its way to full mast. He had set the wine glass down and as he noticed me looking at him, he stretched out on his side supporting his head with one hand and fondled his balls with the other. He was surprisingly breathy as he asked.

"What happen then?"

This wanton night didn't seem to have an end so I took another swallow of wine to moisten my throat and added.

"Ron closed his eyes, moaned and lifted his hips propelling his cock deeper into my grasp and that really turned me on! The feel of his rutting prick really did something to me. You know deed inside and while I didn't know exactly what I wanted I did know I want more. Well he was totally naked and I was completely dressed and something about that added fuel to the fire so like I said I had reached out and took his dick in my hands and began to stroke it kind of like this."

As I spoke the words I reached out and took hold of Russ's cock as he moaned at my touch rolled his hips moving his prick in my hand. It was a lazy pace so with Russ's dick in my hand I told more of the story...

Next: Chapter 4

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