Road to World Cup

By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on Aug 15, 2001


Obligatory Warning: Do not read if you are likely to be offended by description of gay sex, or if it is illegal for you to do so.

This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexual orientation of the English football (soccer) players depicted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Road to World Cup by Opengoal (

Chapter 1 1/2

Epilogue - Finland, 2000

Moving Away from the Pulsebeat

"You shouldn't have got injured and leave me alone here." Macca handed Robbie his bag.

He didn't want Robbie to fly back to England. He needed Robbie there to keep his spirits high. Joe hadn't spoken to him since Friday. Since Graeme was out with an injury, Robbie was the only one in front of whom he didn't need to hide his anguish. Robbie was also the one who would always cheer him up. England, with Wilko and a depleted squad gave him little to cheer about.

Robbie picked up the bag. He'd thought he'd be happy if Macca and Joe broke up. But now he wished they'd get back together right away, if it meant Macca would be happy again. He was tempted to tell Macca exactly that, but the staff who would took him to the airport had just arrived.

Michael had gone to their room too, apparently to say goodbye to Robbie. This shouldn't have been anything out of ordinary, except that they had never really socialised together or shown any interest in doing so until two days ago.

It was obvious Michael only wanted to get close to Macca. Macca could guess more or less what games Michael was playing. For a couple of times, he'd caught Michael's glimpses at Joe, smiling at the jealousy he provoked in Joe.

Macca didn't think he really knew Michael any more. It's funny that Macca discovered only these two days that Michael could be a charming friend if he really wanted to. But of course he wouldn't have known that because even when they were shagging each other, they didn't socialise in the same circle.

Michael locked the door swiftly the second Robbie went out of sight. Macca wondered what he was up to.

With his most devastating boyish smile, Michael drew Macca close. He then produced a blindfold from his pocket.

"Do you want it on me or on you?" Michael asked, with the disguise of innocence that had now become his second skin.

Macca needed no better reminder of the great time they'd had together.

Their lips met, irrepressible desire spreading through their veins like wildfire. Clean and sweet, Michael smelt like he was fresh out of the shower. Their hungry bodies pressed together, legs entwined, their hands roaming on the curves they'd long known by heart.

Michael moaned when Macca sucked on his earlobe. He whispered huskily into Macca's ear, "Blindfold me. Gag me. Tie me up."

"Love to, but I don't think there's any ropes around."

"I've got bandage and scissors over there." Michael gestured to Macca's bed.

"When did you..." Macca couldn't believe it. He'd always been the one who came up with new games and stuff, but now Michael was proposing this and had got everything ready too.

"When you were so busy saying goodbye." Michael stroked Macca's groin through the flimsy fabric of his shorts. "Now tie me up. I want to feel like you're raping me."

Macca loved the idea. He smiled and kissed Michael some more, trying to catch some moments of tenderness before getting into the game.

"Just remember..." Michael suddenly said.

"No marks." They said in unison.

Macca smiled. He hadn't forgotten their pact. Anything goes, so long as they don't leave any marks on the other's body. How could he forget that and all the games they'd played.

Macca pushed Michael onto the bed a little too dramatically and stripped him bare, throwing his clothes to a far corner of the room. Michael struggled a bit but didn't really mean it. Sitting on Michael's back, Macca folded Michael's arms up behind his back and tied them up. Macca then took a pair of clean socks from the drawers and stuffed them into Michael's mouth.

Pausing to admire his own work, Macca was mesmerised again by this beautiful young body he had once fallen in love with. Michael had grown but he only became more and more the gorgeous young man he always promised to be, with well-defined muscles and firm sturdy thighs. His vulnerability at this moment made him even tastier.

Macca slapped Michael's face loudly but not really heavily, to bring his own concentration back.

Michael stared at him in shock.

Good, they were all getting into their roles now, thought Macca.

Eyes blazing with evil intent, Macca marched Michael towards the full- length mirror, "Like what you see?"

The sock in his mouth prevented Michael from speaking but the response in his cock seemed positive enough.

In the mirror was him, naked, bound and gagged, being held captive by a fully clothed, 6' tall man.

Staring at the mirror, Macca ran his hands over Michael's chest, circling both of his nipples, before squeezing them hard. Smiling at the evident pain on Michael's face, Macca resumed his gentle caresses on Michael's body, soothing away the hurt. At the same time, he rubbed himself against Michael's backside. Through the flimsy fabric, Michael could feel Macca's excitement clearly.

"You really like looking at yourself, don't you? You self-obsessed little wanker." Fondling Michael's cock slowly, Macca pressed his mouth onto Michael's ear. "How would you like if I march you outside like this?"

The hot air blowing into Michael's ear had already made his knees weak. The fear of humiliation made him shiver.

"I know you'll love it." Macca tugged him by the knot on his wrists, pretending he was going to drag him outside.

Michael struggled instinctively, prompting a cold laugh from Macca whose large hands prevented his movement. As soon as Macca put the blindfold on him, Michael tensed up. Macca kicked the back of his knees so that he was now kneeling down.

"Stay here. Don't move." Macca said with a unfeeling coldness Michael never thought he had.

'What was Macca going to do?' Michael wondered. Michael was scared. But he still trusted Macca. Or should he?

He felt Macca walk away but he couldn't hear much because Macca was walking barefoot on the lush carpet.

Minutes ticked by but there was nothing but stillness. His arms began to ache. The socks in his mouth were soaked with saliva. He felt like his jaws were going to fall off.

Then he heard the doorknob turn.

Instinct told him to get up and hide. But Macca immediately said, in a low but commanding voice, "I told you to stay still."

Michael reluctantly obliged.

The door closed. He heard the sound of flip-flops moving across the room, then he heard somebody looking for things in a drawer. What was he looking for?

The sound of flip-flops again. This time it's approaching him.

Michael felt himself tense up even more, if that were physically possible.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Then another hand. The first was now holding him firmly in place, while the other glided down his chest and tweaked his nipple. Despite his fear, his cock hardened under this guy's touch.

He couldn't recognise the cologne of this man. He wanted to shout but could make no noise. He told himself it was just Macca. It had got to be Macca.

He felt something cold and steely gliding on the back of his head. His erection was almost instantly gone. The short cold laugh from the mysterious guy made him shiver from his heart. Who the fuck was this guy? Yet, whoever it was, he wouldn't dare fight back.

The hands were exploring his body again. He felt as though he were a blinded guinea pig played around by a ruthless kid in the lab. The guy slapped him on his tight, round buttocks almost playfully, just to scare him.

When he was not intimidating him, this guy's touches on his skin were most tantalising, feeling his whole body through the thin film of cold sweat he hadn't realised he was soaked in. Now that he couldn't see a thing, every touch on his skin seemed to trigger a much more electric sensation within him.

From the lines that guy's hands traced on his body, he tried to construct the picture of how they must look like now. He never really succeeded. For his mind was blurred time and again by the overwhelming sensation of the caresses on his cock. His breath was quickening. The socks in his mouth felt more and more oppressive. But for this and the discomfort on his wrists, he'd almost forgotten the predicament he'd got himself into.

All of a sudden, the stroking stopped. Pulling him up with brute force, the guy turned him to the left, made him walk a few steps and then shoved him forward. Panicked for his loss of balance, he was indescribably relieved when he found that he was only falling onto the bed.

He was now bending over, with his stomach on the bed and his feet on the ground. His legs were kicked apart. And then he heard the rustling of clothes. He had no doubt what the guy was going to do.

Two large, powerful hands pulled his hips up and pried his arse-cheeks apart. A couple of loud slaps on his cheeks, and then he felt some cold slimy splats of liquid landed on his crack. A long finger probed inside his delicate hole, rubbing the lube in. His heart was now racing with excitement, as memories of young Stevie's ravaging of his hole came flooding back to him.

He wasn't sure whether he just heard a packet of condom being ripped open but a long, hard cock was rammed into him right away.

The guy grabbed his waist and simply started pumping in thunderous drives. Every thrust seemed to stab deeper inside him, so deep he didn't think he was able to take. Waves of pain and excitement washed over him. He wanted to scream but no sound came out. He could only hear his own laboured breathing ringing inside his head. His hips were rocking involuntarily to the rhythm of the thrusting.

Passion mounted in both of them, pushing them to the climax of their lives. The mysterious guy, who had been completely silent so far, now couldn't stop the heavy breathing and groans emerging from his own mouth.

Breathing was getting harder by the minute for Michael. That guy's hands now drifted from time to time down to his cock, tugging it, squeezing it or just playing with it. Dizzy and out of breath, Michael didn't think he could feel his own movement anymore.

Climax hit Michael so ferociously that he didn't think he'd had a better one before. He felt himself shoot loads and loads as that guy continued to milk him. He could feel that guy had also come. When that guy eased off him, he collapsed onto the floor to catch his breath.

That should be the end of it, he thought. But the guy was still there, beside him. He could recognise that smell.

A gentle caress on his face. The film 'Fatal Attraction' suddenly flashed through his mind.

That guy scooped him up and lay him onto bed. His hands were freed. Then his mouth too. But the blindfold was not removed.

He waited for a little longer and then asked with a slightly shaky voice, "Who are you?"

"Guess," came the amused reply.

"You scared me." Recognising Macca's voice, Michael laughed out of surprise and relief.

"That was the idea." Macca finally took off the blindfold. "Like it?"

"Could do with a bit more sex, a bit more violence." Michael smiled at the hearty laugh he got from Macca, and then added before Macca replied with his customary wisecrack. "Bet your little Joey loves your games."

"No, we don't do that." Macca smiled his half-smile. His eyes were filled with wistful longing.

"What do you do then?" Michael snuggled into Macca's arms and closed his eyes.

"You sleeping here tonight?"

"Can't I?"

Macca shrugged and dozed off with him.

The instant he stepped out of Stuart Pearce's room, Joe threw away his pretence of being focused and ready for the match. Wilko had asked Pearce to sort out what problem he had. He was thankful for them, so much so he pretended that he was all psyched up for the match. Yet, the thorn in his heart was not to be plucked out so easily.

Although he hadn't believed he meant much to Macca, he hadn't thought he would be so quickly replaced. Maybe he could move on, too. Actually, what else could he do anyway? He'd have a better chance of winning the world cup than beating Michael.

Joe didn't notice James was in the hallway until James greeted him. Quickly burying his dejection, Joe greeted him back. With little to talk about, they just walked on by.

It didn't have to be Macca, Joe thought. James would be a nice shag, wouldn't he?

The thought was tempting but it was just a thought.

When Joe reached his room, he glanced back at the room James had just entered. The door was being closed surreptitiously quietly. Joe suddenly remembered that wasn't James' own room.

James locked the door again swiftly with the key Barry gave him. Both Barry and Southgate looked flustered. Their shorts seemed to have been put on hastily. Their shirts lay in disarray on the same bed.

"Looks like you've started without me." James said.

Barry was trying to calm Southgate down, telling him that James was cool, and well, in fact all three of them were going to have some fun together tonight.

A model professional, Southgate had always had his mind on the game only, and had never 'put a foot wrong'. He cursed himself for succumbing to Barry's seduction in the first place. Barry's innocent, relaxed manner had given him the impression that they'd have a quick one and then everything would go on as it had always been. But a threesome with James was a totally different proposition. Never confronted with a situation like this, Southgate didn't know what he could do. Acquiescence seemed the easiest option to take.

James didn't wait. He pulled off his T-shirt right away, revealing his photogenic body. Muscular without being bulky, he looked like he came straight out of some fashion magazine. Having seen him in the dressing room almost every day should've made them immune to his charm, but the way he did it this time made him look irresistibly sexy. His gaze, his smile and every bit of him was oozing sensuality.

Holding his two teammates in a trance, James took off the rest of his clothes and gave his semi-hard cock a tug, as if this were the most natural thing in the world. He then flashed Barry a look.

Embarrassed at the stunned dork he'd been, Barry stripped off in a flash. His naked body was greeted by the horny gaze of his two older teammates, drinking in his youthful beauty.

James couldn't have liked Barry more. Young, tasty and impressionable. It only took James a few minutes to convince him of this plan. Without him, the night would've been much less fun. James' cock was already drooling with precum at the thought of having them both tonight.

Much as he adored Barry's sensuous youthful body, James moved towards Southgate instead, who clearly needed a bit more 'warm-up'. James' intense gaze held Southgate captive. His thick cock jutting out from his crotch made his 6'5" figure look even more imposing.

Slowly rubbing Southgate's magnificent chest, James ran his tongue round Southgate's nipples before gently sucking on them. His hard-on brushed Southgate's legs as he moved.

Barry came over by their side, James pushed him to his knees. With Southgate's obvious tent staring at him in the face, Barry pulled Southgate's shorts off. Southgate's giant cock sprung into his view. With two big fat cocks in his hands, Barry found it hard to decide to which he should give his attention. He stroked both of them slowly, licking and sucking each one in turn.

The hands and tongues on his body had broken down the barriers in Southgate's mind. Passion pounded in his blood. His breath was quickening. His hands began exploring James' chest, reluctantly realising just how much he was aroused by touching this perfectly sculpted male body.

James very tenderly caressed Southgate's arm. He then guided Southgate's other hand to his crotch and wrapped it around his glistening cock. Southgate closed his eyes and continued stroking James even after James moved his hand away.

Exalted at the lust beaming from Southgate, James kissed behind Southgate's ear and sucked his earlobe. Kissing down along Southgate's front, James squatted down beside Barry, and took turns with Barry in sucking Southgate's cock. His hands kept playing with Southgate's balls and massaging his butt.

Southgate was getting more excited than he'd ever been. He couldn't believe he was being sucked by two men.

Getting Barry's attention by licking behind his ear, James whispered to him, and then the two of them carried Southgate onto the nearest bed. James sat Southgate against the pillows piled up by the headboard. Fondling the inside of Southgate's thighs, James spread Southgate's legs wide and told Barry to go on with what he'd been doing with Southgate.

On all fours, Barry took Southgate's monstrous cock into his hot moist mouth again, while James got behind him. His round globes bounced in front of James's face as he tried to adjust himself to a more comfortable position. James grabbed the two white globes with his large hands. With the delicate pink puckered hole beckoning him, he couldn't help but bury his face into the soft and sensitive crack and started licking away. Barry's moans was stifled by the cock in his mouth while James was giving his arse a good tongue-bath.

James put on a rubber and slipped into Barry's hole. Fucking Barry with slow, deep stroke, he kept on playing with Barry's cock.

Southgate had never imagined Barry could be this horny. There he was, going down on him, worshipping his cock. Such a pretty face. Such soft, immaculate skin. He stroked Barry's hair and smooth shoulders, and touched himself with his other hand. When he closed his eyes, it was also Barry's naked body he saw. He wanted to fuck this pretty boy's arse. He wanted to make him groan. But he was doing a really good job on his cock right now.

James was pumping faster and faster now. Gareth could hear James' body slapping against Barry's bum. Sensation was rippling through Barry's body. It was all too much for Barry. Gasping and moaning, he had to let go of Southgate's cock.

Noting how close Barry was getting, James kept his hand away from Barry's cock and pushed Barry down flat on the bed. James himself was actually getting close to climax too.

Barry's sexy moaning made Southgate itching for some pussy even more badly. He moved behind James and shoved his cock in James' tight chute. They were soon thrusting at the same rhythm. Rapture and lust clouding their senses, they couldn't tell which of the groaning they heard were their own.

It didn't take long before Barry came into the sheets. Southgate rolled James onto his back and went on fucking right beside Barry who now lay in an exhausted heap.

Watching his teammates fucking at such close quarters made Barry real horny again. Almost forgetting his own tiredness, Barry grabbed James' cock and milked it for all its worth.

Southgate came and James soon followed, spurting his load all over Southgate's hairy torso.

Lying there, piled up with them on the cramped bed, James rested for a while and then hit the shower. After reflecting on a good evening's work-out, he tuned his mind back to his plan of winning over Rio's heart.


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Next: Chapter 9

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