Road to World Cup

By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on Jun 25, 2001


Road to World Cup

Chapter 1f

Warning: This story is fictional and does not imply anything about the football players depicted.

Thieves Like Us


It was the first time Michael had had a decent sleep since he'd been in the England training camp. A good fuck is the best stress reliever. Did he learn it off Macca? Michael didn't remember. But last night's was a hell of a fuck and he sure did slump to the soundest slumber he'd ever had.

Michael didn't know for how long Steve had been shaking his shoulder, trying to wake him up. But he was determined not to get up. He just kept lying there on his side, pretending he was asleep. Steve gave up at last and lay back behind him, throwing his arm across Michael's chest.

Michael wondered whether Steve had fallen back into sleep. Steve must be as tired as he was, if not more. But Michael was not complaining. In fact, he loved it. Ironically it helped him to concentrate on his game, because now he would only have two things on his mind: the match and the tiredness. Everything else paled in comparison.

Michael didn't know he missed getting fucked until the last time Macca came around his house.

Macca was the first man in his life. Before that, his own idea of sex had never included getting fucked in the arse. Even with Macca, they didn't go that far in their first few times together. But Macca convinced him that he should try everything at least once. Besides, if you couldn't be wild in your most private life, when were you ever gonna get wild?

Their first time was after the farewell do sending Macca off to Real Madrid. That wasn't a very good experience and they thought they were finished with this idea. But when they met again later, they gave it another try. And then another...

The sex was getting better and better each time. Probably because they were seeing each other less. They tried to make the most of the time they could actually spend together - stolen time from the demands of the hectic football schedule and their respective girlfriends.

But the strain of finding time together finally got to them. Last time really did felt like it was their last time together, although neither of them said so.

Every time Michael thought back to it, he was gripped by the feeling of loss again. Especially because they actually didn't get to finish that last time. They were right in the middle of it when they heard his girlfriend's car coming.

Maybe his girlfriend knew. Maybe she didn't. Anyway, they didn't talk about it. And there was nothing to be talked about now.

He thought it would be easy to get over Macca. He didn't love Macca, at least not that way. And he'd got a lovely girlfriend. But the more he fucked her, the more he felt an emptiness aching to be filled.

He could have any girl he liked, but he didn't know where to find guys he could trust.

And he had his perfectly wholesome image to protect.

Then came this England training camp. It couldn't have been clearer that it was over between Macca and him. Macca didn't even want to see him in private. And his pride wouldn't allow him to confront Macca. He refused to think why he wasn't worth the fuss anymore. He just knew he gotta move on too. But to where?

Then yesterday. He saw Macca playing with Graeme. No, Steve, of all people, pointed them out to him.

And Steve, the self-proclaimed teenage sex machine, jumped him.

He wouldn't deny he had dreamt about hot, wild sex with Steve at times. Steve did't look half bad, what with his package and all.

But it gotta be his pent-up frustration talking when he told Steve to fuck him.

True, the fuck was great, wild, really the best fucking stress reliever in the whole wide world. Except...

Except when he thought about the consequences now.

He was bottom. Twice. And begging.

Wouldn't look good at all if anyone got to know this.

He needed to think. Fast. Had he got anything over Steve? Could he trust Steve not to tell anyone? Why could he ever trust Steve again after what he did last night?

Michael slid back into his mental armour. The one thing he did best was to keep his cool, even at the most difficult of times. Yesterday was just an aberration which he was determined not to repeat itself.

Although Steve knew they'd better get up now, deep down he wanted to stay in bed too. Not because he was tired, which he was, but because he didn't want to move away from Michael's skin.

Amidst Michael's hypnotising steady breathing, Steve finally surrendered to his emotions and kissed Michael on his nape.

Michael was stunned but he didn't let it show. He needed to think and he needed to keep tabs on what Steve was doing. But he also got to relax if he didn't want Steve to know what he was doing.

He could feel clearly that Steve had climbed carefully out of bed. Maybe it was time for Michael to lower his guard a bit. Michael waited for a couple of seconds for the coast to clear. Judged from Steve's habits, Michael gathered that Steve must be some distance away now.

He was about to open his eyes when he heard Steve say: "What's happening to me now?"

Michael could tell Steve was by the bed (probably all the time) right in front of his face. He was glad he hadn't opened his eyes but he was almost too surprised to keep pretending he was asleep. He thanked God that he actually managed it.

Finally, he felt Steve moved away.

But still, he waited until he heard the sound of the shower before opening his eyes.


Macca was standing outside when Rio opened the door. Rio raised an eyebrow and got out of the way.

Macca wondered how much Rio knew, but now was not the time to think about that. He had got to see Joe.

He could smell the scent of shampoo on Joe's half dried hair. Fresh and sweet, Joe looked even cuter than usual. All his doubts, questions and fears, and Graeme's advice were soon forgotten. He almost forgot why he was there too. But the steel coldness that suddenly appeared in Joe's eyes reminded him just in time.

"I was looking for you the whole night."

"Did you?" Joe said in a most casual tone. Not as much as a sneer, but definitely sounded like he didn't care.

Macca moved closer. "I kept calling you, left messages on your mobile, but you never answered."

"What, You expect me to be there whenever you need me?" Another cold reply. It was obvious Joe was hurting but he tried to calm himself. "Sorry, Macca, but..."

"Are you still mad at me?" Now right in front of Joe, Macca reached out his arms.

Joe didn't know why he allowed Macca's arms to wrap around him. In his arms he felt like home. It was the warmth he longed for, the scent he dreamt about, and the tenderness that he couldn't resist. Macca began gently caressing his back. Joe knew that if Macca kept on doing that, he simply wouldn't be able to say this:

"Look, Macca, I've been thinking for the whole night..."

He pushed Macca away a little, his eyes avoiding Macca's, "I've got to stop seeing you for a while."

Macca was speechless for a second or so. Joe didn't speak or move, either, his hands still on Macca's chest.

"Joey," Macca ran his hand down the back of Joe's head, so that Joe slightly lifted his head and their eyes met.

The world suddenly didn't seem to exist anymore.

They moved closer without being aware of their movements themselves. Their lips touched tentatively, tenderly, before their kiss turned into a passionate 'war of tongues'. Macca's hands lingered around Joe's round buttocks, squeezing and rubbing at them. It was obvious Joe was getting hard.

Pausing to catch their breath, Macca asked, "Would you come to breakfast with me?"

"You know why I can't go downstairs now."

Macca grinned and sank to his knees, pulling both Joe's jogging bottom and brief down. Joe's cock sprang up into the air. Macca couldn't help but give it a kiss.

Joe was overjoyed Macca seemed to like him so much. He ran his fingers in Macca's light brown hair, wishing Macca knew how much he had fallen in love with him.

Cupping Joe's balls with one hand, Macca gently licked along the underside of Joe's hard cock. Macca just loved to hear Joe moan. Macca was feeling playful now but he knew they didn't have time.

He flicked his moistened tongued over the tip of Joe's cock, then closed his lips around the head and slid it into his warm, hungry mouth. Joe's panting was music to his ear.

He kept on licking and tapping around the engorged rim of the head. It didn't take long to bring Joe to climax.

Retaining the come in his mouth, Macca kissed Joe tenderly, feeding some back to Joe. Joe's smile of contentment was reflected on Macca's face. They looked at each other with that warm glow in their eyes, and kissed some more.

Joe didn't want much. He just wanted what everybody else had. He just wanted to love and date like everybody else.


Staring at the ceiling, Michael had been thinking, built several worst case scenarios in his head, yet he couldn't quite guess what was going on in Steve's mind. Resorting to his tried and trusted way at dealing with uncertainty, he steeled up his mind, determined to put on his act just as normal.

Sound of the bathroom door opening. Steve came out of the shower much quicker than usual.

Michael threw a glance at that direction. He had wanted to observe Steve to find out where they stood, but he almost withdrew his glance immediately when it met Steve. The towel Steve was drying his hair with was the only bit of fabric on him.

Michael's throat went dry. Tearing his glance from Steve, he told himself this was not happening again.

He heard the shuffling of clothes and before he could think, Steve appeared right before him, smiling. Michael wasn't sure why Steve gave him such a warm and sweet smile but he returned it.

"Get up!" Steve sat on the edge of the bed and touched Michael's arm. "Time for breakfast."

Although they used to touch each other all the time, Michael almost blushed at this touch. Still he managed to sound normal. "Go without me. I want to sleep some more."

"Don't you need to eat?" Steve asked, still smiling. Steve did seem to be smiling an awful lot more today.

Michael just frowned and pulled a face.

"Come on. Come down to the restaurant with me. The lads are waiting." Steve pretended to pull him up, then almost pleaded with him.

Tired with Steve's insistence, Michael said, "I don't feel like sitting down today."

The look on Steve's face changed, like it suddenly dawned on him that this had got to be the reason. He immediately disappeared, however not towards the door but towards the phone.

Although Michael was no closer to understanding Steve, he was glad to regain some breathing space. His eyes almost popped out when he overheard what Steve was doing.

"Got it all sorted out. Breakfast in bed." Steve returned to the bed in no time.

Michael sat up. The sheet now only just covered his most delicate parts. "Er, Steve, I was only saying that. I didn't mean I REALLY can't get out of bed."

"Well, it's done. so it's done." Steve looked a bit¡K disappointed(?) but his face soon lit up. "Anyway, it's not a bad idea, is it?"

Michael smiled. He thought so himself, too.

Then he noticed Steve's gaze upon his bare skin, which was beginning to show goosebumps because of the cool air. He could feel the heat of the fire burning inside Steve. It looked like Steve would pounce on him anytime now. This didn't feel like a bad idea, either. But the rational side of him won over. He gotta ask that question he'd prepared for so long.

"About last night¡K"

"Yes, we've got to talk about it. And sooner rather later." Steve paused. Michael thought it was the cue for him to start but then Steve continued. "There's one thing I've got to know."

Michael was puzzled. "Just ask."

Steve swallowed. "Have you taken anything last night?"

"Taken what? You mean drugs?"

"Yeah. Have you?" Steve was serious.

Michael couldn't believe Steve thought he would be stupid enough to do that before such an important match. He laughed and asked Steve back, "Have you?"

"Hell, no!"

To say Steve was relieved was a massive understatement. He grabbed Michael's head and kissed him deep and full. His hands wandered down, slowly and lovingly, mapping out all the curves and plains of Michael's body in his mind. His right hand found Michael's cock with ease, gently feeling its soft, velvety skin as if appreciating some work of art.

Steve loved him?! - Michael still found it hard to digest. He'd never seen Steve so tender before. He didn't really know what to feel about it. Was it just because of last night? Why couldn't everybody take things easy like Macca? Shit, he didn't think he knew anything any more. He only knew Steve had made him hard again.

Steve paused the kiss to take a good look at his new love, his hand unconsciously keeping up his steady strokes on Michael's erection. Captivated by Michael's beauty, Steve was slow to notice the flicker of uncertainty in Michael's eyes. Somehow it only made him, exposed as he already was, look even more vulnerable. Steve couldn't help desiring him more.

"I'm a bit scared too." Steve said. "But when I look at you today, I just know this has got to be it."

Michael felt cold sweat in his mind.

Steve leaned in again, smothering him with kisses. Michael liked that. He also liked being loved. But to be boyfriends¡K

He returned the kiss when Steve's lips roamed back to his lips, as if his body was now thinking for him. Was that the answer?

Just then the breakfast arrived.

Steve took care of everything, making sure that the hotel staff didn't suspect anything and that this would be settled privately without the England officials knowing anything.

He took the food to bed. They felt somewhat awkward again, as though they were back to square one. And it seemed Michael wanted to finish his breakfast as fast as he could.

But Steve wouldn't let him. Too tempted by Michael to concentrate on his food, Steve couldn't help but kiss him.

"Steve!" Michael tried to look angry, but it just seemed to encourage him.

Steve now ran both of his hands on Michael's body.

"We're going to make a real mess - "

Steve stopped Michael's protest with a kiss. "You're right, Michael. We don't want to waste our food here."

Picking up the toast Michael was stopped from finishing, he began feeding him.


Joe started to believe this was the best day of his life. Macca actually held his hand under the breakfast table!

Sure it was just a brief moment¡K several brief moments¡K but they were pure bliss. And Macca was trying to involve him in everything he did with the other lads. Robbie seemed to have taken the hint and took him under his wings too.

Everybody noticed Joe's perpetual grin today. (Joe was never very good at hiding his emotions.) However, they just dismissed it as the stupid optimism of kids - They thought Joe believed he would start in the big match. Despite all the media hype and despite what they saw in training, they still wouldn't believe Keegan would gamble on someone so green. There was, of course, that niggling fear but they didn't want to acknowledge it.

Were Joe not so absorbed in his relationship with Macca, he would have noticed the tension in the camp. They had only two days left to prepare for the match against Germany. Everyone, except those lucky few, was anxious to impress in training. However, giving 100% was exactly what Joe did every day, so he wasn't really aware of the difference.

There was something Joe didn't miss, though. Steve seemed to have injured himself somehow during the warm-up. Joe didn't quite see what was wrong with him but Michael, who was right by Steve's side, looked seriously concerned, so it gotta be something major. That didn't really mattered to Joe, except that there seemed to be one less midfielder competing for places.

After training, Macca brought Joe to his room. Joe didn't like staying indoors but only indoors where the others wouldn't see could they be alone with each other.

As soon as they closed the door, their lips stuck to each other like two magnets that could not be separated. They couldn't even wait until they were further away from the door.

When Macca broke the kiss and moved inside the room, Joe thought Macca was 'getting ready'. So Joe followed and started taking off his shirt.

To his surprise, Macca was only setting up the Playstation. Joe put his shirt back on at once, but Macca was laughing at him already. Joe glared at him. Macca tried to control his laughter and asked him tenderly. "How about we just hang out for the rest of today?"

Joe couldn't believe his ears. "You mean¡K"

"Yeah, just you and me, doing things, getting to know each other like. How about that? Well, if you don't want¡K"

Joe covered Macca's mouth with his hand and stopped him in mid- sentence. "I love you, Macca."

Macca playfully licked Joe's palm and then their lips melted together in a slow, tender kiss. Joe wished every day would be like today.

Picking out a football game almost randomly, they settled down in front of the TV, with Joe sitting between Macca's legs. They fought and laughed and talked about meaningless stuffs. Joe nudged Macca when Macca slagged off his team. Macca squeezed Joe when Joe celebrated too excitedly at his victories. When they were not play-fighting, Joe kept asking Macca questions. He wanted to know everything about Macca, though Macca seriously doubted how much Joe would remember in the end.

"And what food you like?" Joe asked.


"No way. You're all bones."

"You're only saying this because you've got a fat arse."

"Thought you said my arse was cute the other night." Joe wriggled his butt against Macca's crotch and got exactly the response he desired. Macca's hard-on was unmistakable.

Macca dropped his joystick and pulled Joe close. Joe thought they would start making out but Macca actually started choking him.

When it looked like Joe was really hurting, Macca loosened his hold. Joe turned around and stared daggers at him, before pushing him to the floor.

"Fat arse, huh?" Joe sat on Macca's crotch, grinding.

"Thought you wanted to hold it for a while."

"What makes you think otherwise?" Joe slid his butt up Macca's stomach. His lips moved towards Macca's, coming agonisingly close but then moved away without touching them.

"Tease." Macca began tickling Joe as soon as Joe sat up straight,

Joe writhed and backed away from him but he sat up and came after Joe. It almost broke into a chase when the door suddenly flung open. It was Robbie.

Robbie made his displeasure clear as soon as he saw the state of his playstation now. Macca disentangled Joe from one of the cables. The pair of them just laughed like two naughty boys who knew they could get away with it even though they were caught. Shaking his head, Robbie could not but laugh too.

At dinner, Macca and Joe still acted like old chums. Until Macca's mobile rang.

Joe caught a glance at the caller ID. But that was hardly necessary for guessing the caller. Everybody knew almost immediately that it was Macca's girlfriend Victoria, because Macca was talking to her as though there were only the two of them there. Joe didn't hate her. He knew from day one that Macca had got a girlfriend. He just felt numb. There was no chance he and Macca could be like that. Victoria or no Victoria, they could never go public.

Macca squeezed Joe's hand immediately after hanging up the phone. Joe couldn't help but laugh again when Macca started cracking jokes, just for him.


Having stared at the words on the book for a whole minute, and not registering anything in his mind, Graeme put down his book. His mind kept drifting away to Joe and Macca's display of affection for each other.

He sighed and lay back down.

Looking at the family photo in his wallet, he toyed with the idea of calling home. He stopped just before pushing the dial button. Somehow this didn't feel right.

Maybe he had just stayed in the room for too long. Maybe he just needed to get out of there, he thought.

Never acted on impulse like this before, Graeme almost slammed open the door. What surprised him more than the itch in his heart was Gareth Barry, who was standing right there in front of the door.

It looked like Barry had come there for some reason but was going to leave without even knocking on the door. This had got to be something, otherwise Barry wouldn't have blushed.

"You looking for Wisey or me?"

"Er¡K are you going out?"

"No. Not really."

Barry looked at the sweatshirt and shorts Graeme had on. He surely didn't look like he was leaving the hotel.

They sat on Graeme's bed and talked. Barry was apparently asking for some advice for the Germany match, and Southgate was apparently already asleep. But that couldn't have been the sole or real reason Barry had come to him for.

Anyway, Graeme didn't really care. Barry was a joy to look at. Still just nineteen, Barry was six feet tall and 174 pounds of muscles carved in elegant curves - His pair of big round globes made you just want to grope them and mould them the minute you saw them. Apart from his lovely body, Barry was also blessed with a quietly handsome face (a rarity in football) and a kind of composure beyond his tender age.

If Graeme had not been horny before that, he was now. Caressing Barry's soft white skin in his mind, Graeme was happy to let the meaningless conversation go on like that.

But as it dragged on, it seemed the conversation was going nowhere, and Wisey could be back soon.

"You haven't really come here to seek my advice. Right?" Graeme asked.

Barry was stunned but somehow also relieved because Graeme seemed so okay with it. "You're right. I've, like, thought about it for so long now. It's just, I've wanted to ask you this¡K Are you gay?"

Graeme could see that teenager-seeking-relationship-advice look on Barry's face. Since when had he become agony aunt?!

But he would answer him, alright.

"No." Graeme paused, noting the unease on Barry's face. "Not 100% gay."

Barry's face lit up as soon as he heard the latter part of Graeme's answer.

Graeme didn't know what sort of advice he could give Barry. After all, he was married with children.

He was still thinking about that when he felt a hand on his lap. Surprised, he lifted his head. He saw Barry eyes beckoning him with desire.

They got into a liplock even before they could think about whether this was an appropriate time or place. It was the first time Barry had ever kissed a guy. He had thought about this would feel but he could not believe this was coming true. It just felt so good to taste another guy's lips, to hold another guy and to be wrapped in his strong arms too. And what's more, he could feel they were driven by the same intense need.

When Barry sucked lightly on Graeme's invading tongue, Graeme felt a surge in his groin, and a desperate need to be touched. His silent call was immediately answered as Barry laid a hand on his bulge. With Barry gently rubbing him through his shorts, Graeme was finding his brief more and more oppressive.

Still looking gentle as always, Barry pushed Graeme onto the bed. He grabbed the waistbands of Graeme's shorts and pants, and pulled both off at one go. His own heart's pounding was almost the only thing Barry could hear. Graeme's cock sprang straight up right before his eyes. If he hadn't been sure he wanted to do this before, he knew now there was no way back.

Graeme spread his legs when Barry's hand travelled slowly up his inner thigh. Barry knelt by the bed between Graeme's legs. Graeme really smelt quite fine. Encasing Graeme's cock ever so lightly in his hand, almost like he was afraid he could break it, Barry flicked his tongue over the head, tasting the drop of precum formed at the tip.

Barry's mind was still racing but he felt bolder now. Slowly stroking Graeme's cock, he said, "I've never done this before. You'll teach me how?"

Before Graeme could answer, Barry had already closed his lips around the head and slid it into his hot, moist cavity.

"Yeah." Graeme's word came out blurred in the midst of the husky sound escaping from his mouth.

Barry seemed to do just fine, always careful to shield his teeth. Wrapping his lips firmly around Graeme's cock, he moved eagerly up and down, twirling his tongue around the head when he went up. All the while, he kept stroking Graeme's shaft with one hand while fondling Graeme's thigh, abs and side with his other hand.

Graeme ran his hands over Barry's arms in appreciative caresses. With Graeme's heavy breathing, Barry's own need grew. Barry wanted to touch himself so badly, but he wanted even more to please. He wanted to be good at it. Graeme let out a moan when he played with Graeme's balls. Graeme's responses turned him on so much that he almost felt like it him who was being stimulated.

Picking up their speed, Barry's lips were now brushing the rim of Graeme's cockhead in short, fast strokes. Graeme was getting close and he was rocking his hips in rhythm with Barry's strokes,

Barry could see it coming. He could feel that pulsing in Graeme's cock, the little spasm in his body and then he shot. Graeme's come was inside his mouth now. It didn't taste much but he just felt great. He was so excited to see Graeme come that he didn't know when he had slipped a hand down to fondle himself through his shorts.

"How was it?"

"Brilliant." Graeme sat up and pulled Barry up towards the bed. His eyes were saying 'your turn now'.

Graeme rolled Barry onto his back and pushed his sweatshirt up, his own legs spreading Barry's legs apart. It was not just Barry's cock that was erect, his cherry-like nipples were already standing up even before Graeme ran his tongue over them.

Graeme sucked on the delicious cherries one after the other. Barry moaned at the suction. He seemed to be really sensitive there. Graeme's tongue ran a wet trail down from Barry's heart to just above his waistband. He then moved a step back and yanked down Barry's pants.

Graeme didn't know whether it was Barry's smooth, strong thighs or his straining cock he wanted to touch first. Grabbing the long shaft with one hand, Graeme ran his other hand over Barry's thigh. Graeme then started licking Barry from one of his balls up to the very tip of his cock. He did it again and then licked it up the other ball, just like licking a lollipop.

Barry begged Graeme to suck him. But Graeme just said, "Not so soon."

Spreading Barry's legs further apart, Graeme slid his tongue down to the bit of skin just under Barry's balls, pressed it a bit, and then ventured down to the opening of his hole. Barry was moaning at the touch. Graeme then carefully slid a moistened finger into Barry's hole. It seemed clean inside.

"Roll over." Graeme said.

Barry's usual composure was suddenly gone. "I don't - "

"Easy. I'm not going to fuck you."


Trusting Graeme, Barry rolled onto his stomach. His two large, shapely buttocks bounced into view.

Graeme couldn't help giving them a good squeeze before gently caressing and licking away the marks. Graeme had never seen a cuter butt than Barry's.

Running his tongue down the trough between Barry's globes, Graeme heard him let out a moan. Prying Barry's cheeks apart, Graeme stuck his moistened tongue into the pink puckered hole and pushed it deep inside. The warm, wet touch made Barry groan and lift his ass a bit. Graeme pushed Barry down and twirled his tongue around the puckered wall. Barry had never felt anything like this before. Although Graeme was holding him steady, he still wriggled his ass a little, his cock rubbing against the sheet.

Graeme slid his tongue out and moved down to Barry's ballsack. He then went back up, pausing to give the area just between the sack and the hole a good licking. Barry was breathing more and more heavily now. Graeme began thrusting his tongue in and out of the delicate hole, each time driving deep inside and digging around, lashing out sideways and up and down. Suddenly, he felt Barry's balls tightened. Much as they didn't want to, Barry had shot into the bed.

Graeme fetched a towel to wipe up the mess, which honestly didn't help much. He let out an amused laugh and kissed Barry, who looked a bit embarrassed gently. "Thanks." he said, and he looked like he meant it.

"It's me who should say thank." Barry said. His eyes seemed to ask Graeme whether he was up for second round.

"We're pushing our luck today. Wisey could be back any time and we'd be dead."

"How about a chat? I just need someone to talk to."

Steve left the training camp that night. Thigh strain. Few, apart from Michael and Keegan, cared much about that.

Macca called Joe on his mobile after they returned to their respective rooms. Carefully avoiding addressing each other with their names, they talked freely despite the presence of their teammates. They even kissed each other goodnight.

to be continued....

Opengoal or

Next: Chapter 7

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