Road to World Cup

By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on Jun 1, 2001


Road to World Cup

Chapter 1e

Obligatory Warning: Do not read if you are likely to be offended by description of gay sex, or if it is illegal for you to do so.

This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexual orientation of the English football (soccer) players depicted. I do not have any insider information about the English national team, so it's highly possible that there are some hilarious departures from reality.

One more thing: English is not my mother tongue, so, erm, sorry for the mistakes I may have made.


Road to World Cup

The Morning After


As soon as Joe left, Macca looked for his mobile and called the one person he wanted to thank most.


"Yeah, speaking." Apart from Graeme, there seemed to be another sleepy voice in the background.

"Did I just wake somebody up?"

"Guess." Graeme sounded none too pleased.

Macca thought about hanging up, but if he did, it would sound even more like a prank.

A short spell of silence.

Afraid Graeme was going back to sleep, Macca blurted out, "We did it!"

"Good... We'll talk about it later, alright?" Graeme replied, as void of feelings as a recorded message, before he realised what Macca meant.


Joe was glowing when he returned to his room. Macca had given him such a mind-blowing goodbye kiss that he almost forgot to put on his clothes before he left.

He was still buzzed when he walked past Rio's bed. He had an incredible urge to wake Rio up and tell him everything. Luckily he had the sense to stop himself when his hand touched Rio's shoulder. Relieved that Rio didn't wake up, he went to bed.

Rio had kept his eyes shut all the time. He didn't want Joe to know he was awake. He didn't want any scene. He didn't want to know that Joe might have slept with Macca that night. But that was the most probable conclusion he could draw from Joe's fresh smell of soap and from what he saw last night.

He couldn't understand how they could get together - he couldn't understand how any two blokes could get together and didn't want to think about it.

But somehow the image of Macca fucking Joe crept into his sleep.

Joe joined the Liverpool lads at breakfast. He just wanted to spend more time with Macca. But Macca was public property. He simply kept chatting with everybody.

Joe couldn't help being jealous at how Macca and Robbie (Fowler) seemed to finish each other's sentences. He wished he knew Macca as well as Robbie did. Then it dawned on him that he probably knew less about Macca than any of the Liverpool lads. But for the odd glances from Macca to reassure him, he would have gone mad.

During training, there was no chance for them to be alone, either. Joe understood, of course. How could he not? But he didn't like it. The only time they could talk alone was when Macca told him he wouldn't be free until dinner. Macca still had a couple of interviews to do, and then he had to meet his financial advisor or some money bastard, and well, every stupid little thing that he somehow just had to do.

His mind obsessed with Macca, Joe didn't notice how strangely Rio looked at him. Rio needed no further evidence to confirm his suspicion about Joe and Macca.

But how could that happen? He had been at the same club with Joe for such a long time. There had been no sign that Joe might be... Rio just couldn't understand how it was possible to fancy blokes. 'I mean, blokes!' he thought to himself.

Rio lazily scanned the dressing room. Some of the sculpted bodies around were surely pleasant to watch. He'd love to have the build of some of them. But getting aroused by them is a completely different matter. He certainly couldn't imagine fucking them.

Just then the vision of Macca fucking Joe cropped up in his mind, as if there just to take the piss. Alright, he could understand why Macca liked Joe. Joe's so adorable. But wasn't Macca a bit on the skinny side?

If he were to go for anyone... He glanced over at Barry, who was bending down to put on his shorts...

Perfect squeezable round butt, Rio subconsciously made a mental note.

His eyes flicked to the other side - James was looking at him curiously. He had never felt so embarrassed.

"You mean you really did it with..." Graeme rapidly lowered his voice when the anxiety on Macca's face told him he was speaking too loudly. "What's he like?"

"I don't think we should discuss this in the corridor." Macca said as they reached the door of Graeme's room.

Graeme didn't open it, but stood with his back at the door, playing with the key in his hand. "Who couldn't wait to tell me 'til we're inside?"

"You want to play?" Macca leaned close and trapped Graeme there with his large frame.

"I'm so... scared."

Graeme flashed him a seductive smile and slipped his hand down to open the door in an almost imperceptible move.

At the staircase, Steve Gerrard stopped Michael Owen, and gestured him to hide and peep at the corridor. Michael was shocked at what he saw. He'd never thought Macca and Graeme would be so careless.

When those two disappeared into Graeme's room, Steve said, "Didn't know Macca's queer."

"We can't say he is, just because of that." Michael defended feebly.

"Yeah, like it's the most normal thing to do."

"He's got a girlfriend." Michael couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Doesn't mean he can't swing both ways, does it?" Steve paused, noting Michael's all too obvious discomfort at this topic. "But of course, if he likes guys, you'd know. You shared a room with him, didn't you?"

Just when Macca was interrogating Graeme on who he slept with last night, Macca's mobile rang. As soon as he saw the caller ID, he answered at a speed Graeme had never seen before.


Graeme raised an eyebrow.

Macca turned his back on him and spoke very softly on the phone.

"Do you need to?" Graeme said rather loudly on purpose.

"Who's that?" asked Joe.

"Just Graeme." Macca glared at Graeme.

"You said you're working." Joe's suppressed unhappiness was way too obvious.

"I've just got a few minutes between appointments." Macca gestured Graeme to go away, which he finally agreed to. He waited by the window but he didn't have to wait long. Joe soon hanged up.

Seeing the troubled look on Macca's face, Graeme knew what had gone wrong. "Shit, he thinks you're his boyfriend."

Joe was deep in thought when Rio entered the room. They looked silently at each other. Rio seemed to have something to say but could not get it out. He noticed Joe didn't seem right. His mood seemed to have gone down dramatically during the day, and he had tried to avoid Macca at dinner.

But Rio didn't want to get involved. He just went about his own business, picking out clothes he wanted to wear that night. Just as he was about to change into them as usual, he remembered Joe was there. He wouldn't want to change in front of Joe but doing it in the bathroom would be rather obvious.

After an internal struggle, he opted for the latter. For appearance's sake, he took a quick shower. When the water hit him, he felt rather bad about what he just did. He comforted himself that, Joey wouldn't have blamed him if he'd known.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, Joe seemed to be leaving the room too.

"Going out tonight?" Rio asked casually.

"Yeah." Joe replied. It seemed like he didn't have anything specific in mind, though.

"I suppose you're staying out late like last night?"

Joe shrugged. He just wanted to stay away from people for a while.

Gerrard crashed onto his bed after returning from a physiotherapy session. He actually felt great after the massage but the doctor said he should do nothing but rest. With the big match coming up, he could only oblige, though he knew some of the lads were out there pulling birds.

The night was too young for him to sleep. The sound of Michael taking a shower surely wasn't helping, either.

Michael must've only just got in the shower. It sounded like he was lathering himself up now.

Steve didn't know for how long he hadn't scored. Must've been ages. Or else he wouldn't be so turned on by the mental picture of Michael taking a shower.

His hand involuntarily slipped down to his groin, while he envisioned Michael rubbing his own taut chest and stomach. The white lather just accentuated his innocence and beauty.

Steve had always thought Michael was pretty. But who wouldn't? And he got that disarming, boy-next-door charm that made everyone naturally want to get close to him.

They had been playing together since 11. Though Steve probably didn't catch Michael's eyes back then, Steve couldn't fail to notice Michael.

There were rumours that Michael was gay but didn't every pretty boy get called a poofter? Yet Michael's reaction to the thing between Macca and Graeme seemed to suggest that Michael was a bit of a battyboy. Though he considered himself straight, Steve wouldn't mind getting some service from Michael.

The sound of water again. Steve could picture the cascading water washing over Michael's fit body, his hand scrubbing off the lather on his soft skin. Steve felt so hot as though the steam was surrounding himself.

Steve noticed that he was stroking himself through his shorts. He wanted more. & he wanted it from Michael. He could almost see it now, him fucking Michael's pretty face. Michael would probably have like it too. He just had to make the move.

But he had to make a move.

Shit, did he really want to do that? He pictured how Michael was going to love it when he rammed his cock into his mouth. Or actually how he himself would love to do that. He was getting hotter by the second. Since he was stuck here with a boner that wouldn't go away, wasn't it worth a try? What else could he do?

Time was running out. Familiar with Michael's habits, Steve knew Michael would finish rinsing off now. There wasn't much time to think about what the best option was, so he thought he would just start talking and see what it would lead to.

"Are you going out tonight?"

Steve cursed himself after asking. The water was still on. Michael probably didn't hear what he said.

Michael turned off the water. "Sorry. You talking to me, Steve?"

"Yeah... You going out?" Steve talked to him just like he usually did, but his mind was working turbo, creating the most vivid image of Michael standing there, all wet, skin hot from the shower, and his hand holding the showerhead. He looked good enough to eat.

"No. Why are you asking? We're not supposed to do that. We're playing Germany soon."

Steve was now standing by the door. It was the sound of water again. It seemed Michael had just paused to hear his question. Standing so close to the door, he could hear almost every sound inside. Michael quickly finished the shower and was now drying himself off.

"But don't you want some action?" Steve asked. His throat ran dry.

"Best not talk about it when we're not gonna get any. It'll only make it worse."

From his sound, Michael could feel Steve right at the door. But this didn't make any sense at all. What was he doing there? What did he want? Michael thought about the possibility of sex but dismissed it right out of hand. But for what Steve had said this afternoon, he might've thought there'd be a chance of that.

Whatever was awaiting him, Michael was going to take it like a man. He pulled on his pants and shorts with his usual swiftness and grace, and opened the door.

Although Michael had guessed Steve was standing right at the door, he was still a bit startled when he was greeted by the broad chest of his hairy friend, who was also dressed just in a pair of shorts. He thought he saw a big tent in Steve's shorts but he'd got to figure out what was going on first. He lifted his head and his eyes met Steve's. What he saw in Steve's eyes was even more surprising.

"If you keep staring, I'd think you fancy me." Michael tried not to give himself away. He'd done enough of that today. He could not but sigh at all that effort he'd made in keeping his image.

"What if I do?" The way Steve moved his hand Michael was sure he was grabbing his own tool but Michael didn't dare to watch.

Michael tried to scan the room to see if his teammates were hiding there for the wind-up. But he couldn't see much because Steve's big frame was in the way.

He tried to weigh his options but Steve didn't give him time to think. Steve just cupped his head and kissed him.

Instincts told Michael to back off but his head was held firmly there. Of course, he could fight him off if he really tried. But he actually didn't mind shagging Steve. Steve's roughness had a certain kind of appeal and he had a real big tackle down there. Michael just didn't like being assaulted like that.

Steve moved a hand down his spine and pulled him close. Michael felt like he was not only physically engulfed by Steve's embrace, but his senses were also invaded by Steve on all fronts: The pressure of Steve's lips, the friction of Steve's soft fur on his torso, and the scent of his body that came through the residue smell of massage oiliK

And he could feel Steve was rock hard right from the start. He laughed in his head and slipped his hand down Steve's crotch to check.

When he squeezed Steve's boner, Steve broke the kiss to catch his breath. He found that Steve was not wearing any underwear. This was really turning him on. But now was not the time to indulge Steve's aggression.

Grinning at the fire and longing in Steve's eyes, Michael squeezed Steve again, but this time hard enough to make him scream. He spoke into Steve's ear, with a menace masked by calmness, "You know what, if you weren't my mate, I would've kicked your balls and told everyone about this."

Steve was taken by surprise. Just now Michael had seemed to enjoy it so much. Steve wanted to move but Michael had a hand on his balls and a hand on his nape. He didn't know what Michael wanted but it seemed certainly not a fight.

"You should've asked." Michael paused for effect.

Feeling Steve's hardness wilting in his hand, Michael mounted a counter-attack on Steve. He flicked his tongue over Steve's right nipple and licked its way up, while his hand on Steve's crotch started massaging it back to its hardness.

Steve's body reacted before his head. His lips met Michael's in a passionate kiss, his hands wandering all over Michael's back.

Michael's free hand roamed down along Steve's broad shoulder and strong arm, to move Steve's hand to the front of his shorts. He was aching for Steve's touch. His other hand now dived inside Steve's shorts to stroke him, making Steve break their liplock.

Steve fumbled with Michael's shorts with both hands, pulling Michael's shorts and brief down just enough to scoop his cock out. He had a brief moment of hesitance as he touched Michael's tool - He was shocked that he wanted to caress it so much. The velvety skin of his straining hard cock just felt so good to the touch.

Michael was rubbing the lush body hair on Steve's thigh while his other hand was stroking Steve in his shorts. He didn't know what it was about Steve's hair, but it was doing something to him.

Michael looked at Steve with nothing but lust in his eyes. The air was pregnant with the urgent need for hot, wild sex. He thought about rubbing the brown hair on Steve's legs, while he took Steve's big tool into his mouth, licked round that large deep pink head, tugged back its foreskin and played with its sensitive piss-hole. But not now, maybe later. Now he wanted something rough.

"What are you waiting for?" Michael flashed him a wild, seductive smile. "Take my clothes off and fuck me."

Michael withdrew his hand from Steve. For there was a real danger that he could get Steve off just with his hand.

"Didn't know you had it in you." Steve said. The sudden coldness Michael left him and the aching in his cock made him virtually rip Michael's clothes off.

"You think I'd be such a fool to show it when I'm not sure where you stand?" Michael laughed. He climbed onto Steve's bed and pushed the bundle of blanket and covers to one side.

When he turned around, Steve had already taken his shorts off and put a condom on. Michael sighed in his head, 'Yeah, footballers can't be too careful about their bodies', and went over to his bag to get the lube.

Steve stood and waited. It was so hot watching Michael running around with a hard-on. He couldn't help stroking himself slowly.

On his return, Michael grabbed Steve's cock and told him to keep standing there. He gave Steve a couple of slow, firm strokes before taking it into his mouth.

Steve gasped and closed his eyes as his cock was enveloped by the warmth of Michael's mouth. Michael twirled his tongue around the head and moved his lips up and down the shaft. Steve hadn't expected Michael to go down on him, and it was such a long time since he'd had a blowjob. Moaning at the pleasure Michael was giving him, Steve almost regretted putting on the condom. He could not but wonder how it'd feel to have Michael's tongue touching his bare skin.

Michael pulled off when he was enjoying it most. He opened his eyes to find Michael bending over at the side of the bed, feet on the ground, stomach on the bed. Michael was raising his arse, spreading his cheeks and lubing his hole up, waiting for Steve. Steve had not seen a clearer "come on" than this, but the shock kept him rooted to the ground.

"Now are you doing it or what?"

"Have you taken something?"

"No, but if you aren't going to get wild, we might as welliK"

Steve moved into position, putting his hands on Michael's little round butt, feeling the smooth, immaculate baby skin, and then pointed his cock at the entrance.

On Michael's insistence, he rammed it all in, his heavy balls smashing against him. He had never had any hole so tight. It felt great but he dared not move once he was in, because Michael was moaning so loudly at the intrusion.

He was still thinking when Michael urged him to go on. "Don't stop. I want you to fuck me rough and hard."

Steve slowly rocked his hips. Michael's tight hole was cramping him hard. But Michael was telling him to fuck him harder. Steve tried to really bang him hard. He shoved in so hard that he was afraid the condom would break. But it didn't. Michael was moving his hips eagerly and they soon got into a rhythm. Steve had thought fucking Michael would be good but this was better than he'd imagined.

He noticed Michael was wanking himself to the rhythm of his thrusting. The touch of Michael's cock came back to his mind and he wished he were stroking Michael himself. But Michael was wearing him out with his arse. No girl had ever got him off this quick, but he felt he was getting close.

Michael could feel the little spasm of Steve's body before he shot his load. Michael didn't want it to end so soon. It had been a long time since anyone filled him that full and rammed him that hard.

Steve kissed him gently and jerked him off after that. But he knew he needed one more fuck from Steve or else he couldn't sleep satisfied.

He woke Steve in the middle of the night, teasing Steve with his tongue on his bare cock. Steve had thought the fuck they'd just had was great but this time it was even better.

Michael reluctantly agreed to let Steve do all the work. Michael lay on his back as Steve fucked his arse and jerked him off real slow. Despite Michael's pleas, Steve was determined to take his time. He pushed his cock in as deep as he could, before pulling it almost all the way out. He kept fucking Michael with these slow, long strokes while moving his hand up and down on Michael's cock at the same pace. He couldn't believe how beautiful Michael looked when he was hot and frisky and begging him.

Whatever Steve's plans had been, he couldn't keep the slow tempo for very long. Although Michael kept his promise not to use his hands, his arse muscles tried to squeeze Steve into submission. Despite himself, Steve started pumping Michael harder and harder.

Steve couldn't describe how good it felt to force his way in and out of Michael's tight canal. His excitement growing together with Michael's, his momentum carried him faster and faster. His furry balls were slapping against Michael's firm cheeks.

He stopped his thrusting when he felt he was getting dangerously close. He kept on pumping Michael's cock with his hand while he tried to get back his cool.

When he started banging him again, he knew there was no way he could stop. He was glad Michael seemed to be getting close too. He slammed Michael with all his strength. He was sure it gotta hurt, but Michael simply urged him to carry on.

They came almost at the same time and Michael was shooting all over the place. Steve collapsed by the side of Michael, who wiped the sweat on his face and kissed him.

His bed was a mess now and it was too small for them to sleep together comfortably. But he just wanted to wrap his arms around Michael for the night. He had no idea what their friendship would become now, but there had got to be much fun ahead.

In a backroom of a club, Rio was thrusting his cock in and out of this bird whose name he couldn't remember, while Kieron Dyer was banging another bird at close quarters.

Despite repeated effort to concentrate, Rio kept imaging he was fucking his friend over there instead of this bird. He blamed Joe for getting this kind of thoughts into his mind, but this didn't do him any good.

He decided to let his imagination run loose. After all, no one would know if he didn't tell.

And wasn't it often that they looked at each other while shagging, just to show off and share?

to be continued....


Next: Chapter 6

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