Road to World Cup

By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on Jun 1, 2001


Road to World Cup

Chapter 1d

Obligatory Warning: Do not read if you are likely to be offended by description of gay sex, or if it is illegal for you to do so.

This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexual orientation of the English football (soccer) players depicted. I do not have any insider information about the English national team, so it's highly possible that there are some hilarious departures from reality.

One more thing: English is not my mother tongue, so, erm, sorry for the mistakes I may have made.


Road to World Cup

The Morning After


It was still dark outside when Macca woke up. He switched off the alarm of his watch, which had yet to go off. They'd have plenty of time to sneak back into their rooms.

He turned around to look at Joe. Joe was still sound asleep. His face was relaxed and contented like a baby just fed, his soft lips enticingly slightly apart. Just above the covers which laid over Joe from waist on, Macca could see Joe's smooth milky chest rising and falling steadily. Macca wanted to touch him so badly but he looked so cute and vulnerable that Macca couldn't bear to disturb him.

Macca thought back to the night before. Who'd have thought he could actually sleep with the subject of his forbidden fantasy? He didn't want to think what Joe might expect from him. He just wanted to indulge in this blissful moment before reality ruined it all.

He would have stayed like this for hours if his bladder wasn't desperately calling for relief.

He slipped out of bed carefully. But the little bit of cool air he let into the blanket still woke Joe.

When Joe opened his eyes, his heart sank. An empty bed was all he saw. Nothing could've been more sobering than this.

"Just what do I expect anyway?" he thought to himself.

He buried his face in the pillow. He wasn't crying. It was just that his sleepy head still wasn't clear enough to process anything but this, and this emptiness was not something he wanted to face just now.

When he heard a stream of water hitting the toilet bowl, his face lit up. He called out immediately, "Macca?"

Joe only realised how pathetic he was when he heard the quivering in his voice. He hoped Macca didn't notice that.

"You awake, Joey?"

Joe let out a sigh of relief. Despite the splashing noise, he could hear it was Macca's voice.

But what was Macca doing there? Was he preparing to leave?

With the single-mindedness only people not fully awake are capable of, Joe hurried towards the bathroom, nearly colliding with Macca at the door.

"I overslept, didn't I?" Joe asked nervously.

Joe felt his own face turning bright red, as though he suddenly realised they were both stark naked and were barely an inch apart. He hated to look like a silly schoolgirl, but still he blushed. The sexy smile on Macca's face blew out any silly doubts he just had, making him concentrating just on Macca's tender skin. It almost felt like he walked straight back into his dreams.

"You just can't wait, can you?" Macca glanced at Joe's cock, which was getting hard again.

"Don't!" Joe stopped Macca's approaching hand. "I gotta take a leak first."

Joe brushed past Macca into the bathroom. Everything felt so new today. He couldn't quite adjust to these new feelings.

His head was still swimming when he stood before the toilet bowl. It felt weird not to have any pants to pull down. He always had something on at home, because he still lived with his parents. The cool air touching his bare skin made him feel exposed and vulnerable.

The sight of Joe's delicate teen body made Macca horny again. He crept up behind Joe. He slipped his hands to Joe's chest and pressed his body against Joe's back in a swift movement, his hard-on poking Joe's crack.

Joe had felt the warmth of Macca's body approaching, but Macca's sudden embrace still made Joe abruptly halt his stream.

"Go on!" urged Macca, as he rested his cheek against Joe's hair.

"Pervert!" Joe protested. He cursed himself in his mind for overreacting but Macca's touch did trigger off a memory which he wished were dead and buried.

"Don't start! Or I'll do something really perverted..." Macca said.

Joe flinched and resumed pissing immediately. Macca had a niggling feeling that there must be something behind it, something Joe was not telling him. "What's wrong, Joey?"

"Nothing." Joe slipped out of Macca's arms, flushed and then washed his hands.

"Don't you trust me? Come on, tell me."

Joe put on a sly grin and shook the water on his hands onto Macca's face. Macca laughed and wiped it off. He grabbed the escaping naughty boy by the waist and pushed him against the wall. Joe didn't put up much resistance but just laughed. Joe's laughter made Macca laugh too. They forgot why they were laughing but it just felt great to be happy.

Joe wrapped his arms around Macca and gave him a warm, loving kiss. As Macca's tongue slid into Joe's mouth, and his hand glided down to Joe's bum, Joe gently pushed him away. "I need a shower."

"I want to wash you." Macca followed Joe towards the bathtub.

"You think I'm a baby?"

"Aren't you dying to be my baby?" Macca grabbed the showerhead.

Macca saw a flicker of hesitance in Joe's eyes, but he thought he was just imagining things. Joe tried not to shiver when Macca turned him around to soap his back. But he could not forget those big hands of a certain Alan Shearer that had pawed all over his body.

Joe was fully aware of Alan's intentions when Alan asked him to come to his room. He couldn't remember how Alan talked him into it, but it didn't matter. Alan's status alone would've made Joe submit to him. The manager could be easily sacked, but Alan was not to be moved.

Joe could only remembered bits and pieces of the whole thing. Magnified bits and pieces, and amplified awkwardness and fear.

Joe remembered the sound of running water as he coyly stripped off in front of a fully clothed Shearer. He remembered how intensely Alan gazed at him, something he'd never experienced before. Alan was running the bath but he almost didn't give it a look. His eyes only focussed on Joe.

Joe was flattered but scared, real scared. He remembered Alan's lips moving, but couldn't remember what Alan said. He only remembered being told one thing:

To keep quiet.

Alan didn't use force or threat, but he didn't need to anyway.

The room was filling up with steam. After Joe threw away his last piece of clothing, he didn't know where to put his hands. He had a tremendous urge to cover himself, but it'd look daft.

Joe thought Alan would be coming towards him soon, but Alan seemed to enjoy Joe's discomfort in being naked. Alan waited to make sure the water was right before moving towards him.

When Alan ran his hands on Joe's smooth torso, Joe thought about bolting away. But he knew that was impossible. And if he wanted out so badly, he really shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Alan's firm grip on Joe's member brought Joe back from his thoughts and fears. Joe'd never been touched there by anybody. Alan's grip felt good, real good. His strokes were nothing fancy, but they were firm, strong and effective. Joe felt his own small cock lengthening in Alan's hand. Alan seemed pleasantly surprised to see it growing to good six inches long.

Just when Joe tried to take off Alan's clothes, Alan stopped. He led Joe into the bath and began washing Joe like a baby. Joe's erection almost wilted immediately the moment he realised Alan was going to do that. The one thing Joe hated most was to be treated like a child, but he dared not protest.

Joe closed his eyes, trying to forget his baggage and give himself in to Alan's sensual massage. Alan scrubbed Joe with a gentleness that belied his strength. Joe soon found himself enjoying it even with his eyes open. & he was hoping that Alan's large hands would rub his cock soon. But Alan seemed hell-bent on avoiding his most sensitive parts.

When Alan's hand finally reached Joe's prick, it didn't linger there long enough. In fact, it didn't stay there longer than necessary for washing, before moving on to his bum.

Joe himself was surprised at how easily he acquiesced to Alan's silent command for him to turn around. It might just have been blind faith but in hindsight he wouldn't know what else he could've done. Or maybe he had just submerged into the role of whoring himself to Alan.

Alan's large palms lovingly rubbed circles on Joe's perfect round butt. Picturing the scene in his mind, Joe felt a stir in his groin. He had never felt so sexy before. Alan gently lathered his crack, occasionally venturing along the valley to the base of his cock. Joe couldn't stand the tease. If Alan hadn't stopped him, he would've wanked himself off. Joe didn't know whether he had said it aloud but he was begging in his mind that Alan would touch him there.

Slippery with soap, one of Alan's fingers slid into Joe's hole. Joe inhaled sharply. But Alan just washed it gingerly. & all of a sudden, he pulled the plug of the tub.

Bewildered, Joe turned and saw Alan almost ripping his clothes off. Joe didn't know what to do but stood and watched him step into the tub. Joe had seen Alan's body many times before, but never this close, this clear. He had to admit Alan's got an attractive body. Firm muscles everywhere and a light, thin layer of fur all over them. His thighs were the epitome of strength. But what caught Joe's eyes now was his big, fat cock. It wasn't a lot longer than Joe's full length, but it was really thick. If there was a moment Joe wanted to back off most, that was it. There was no way his virgin hole could accommodate that thick rod.

He was about to ask Alan not to fuck him when Alan pinned him to the wall, covering his mouth with a hungry kiss, and grinding his hardness against his thigh.

Attack is the best form of defence, or so Joe was taught. He fought back his initial panic and kissed back, running his hands all over Alan's back. Though he would still have much preferred a hairless body, the sheer manliness Alan reeked of was also turning him on.

Joe's eager response made Alan ease up his hold of him. Alan's free hands swept down Joe's smooth back. He spread Joe's legs a bit and reached for Joe's straining cock.

Joe moaned uncontrollably at the long awaited grip. He also grabbed Alan's fat boner, which was now glistening with precum, and pumped it hard. The excitement and approval in Alan's eyes made him stroke it with even more enthusiasm and speed. He didn't know it would feel so good to see Alan groan. The fire in Alan's eyes made Joe feel like he had awaken the beast in him.

Joe felt a dab of coldness at the entrance of his canal. He didn't know how Alan did it but he felt a finger probing into his tight hole without warning, smearing cold lube onto its puckered wall. He could feel it become all wet and slippery, because Alan's finger was now moving with ease.

Wasting no time, Alan turned Joe over and lubed his own hard tool at the same instant. He completed this smooth elegant move by ramming all the way into Joe.

At the intrusion of the finger, Joe had already started willing himself to relax. But nothing could've prepared him for the searing pain of Alan's thick cock tearing into his virgin hole. It was all he could do not to scream down the roof.

Alan held it there for a brief moment and urged Joe to relax. His hand slipped down Joe's torso and began to stroke Joe's cock again. Joe still felt like his bum was ripped wide open when Alan started rocking his hips. & Alan had moved his hand away from his cock then. So Joe took hold of his own cock and started stroking.

The pain in his hole never really subsided, and Alan's each thrust seemed to extend the limit Joe thought his ring could endure. Somehow Joe got used to it. It's like he learnt to live with it, like it wasn't there. But it was there. & it was there even after Alan pulled out. The stretching and burning. It was like the empty space Alan left behind was really Alan's cock still stuffing him.

"Earth calling Joey...." Macca waved his hand before Joe's eyes, trying to catch his attention. Macca wondered whether he'd given Joey too relaxing a massage. Joey's body was responding but his mind seemed miles away.

Joe cursed himself how he could let that memory get in the way between Macca and him. Seeing that Macca seemed rather pissed off at him, Joe wrapped his arms around Macca's waist and pulled him close, quashing the soft mass of lather Macca had rubbed onto him between their bodies. Macca melted.

Joe gave Macca a peck on the lips, and then started to soap Macca's back while continuing their embrace. He ran his hands over the smooth plain of Macca's back and the dimpled cheeks of his bum. He was glad Macca seemed to be loving it. But the irrational fears, though now repressed, still felt like they were lurking round the corner. Joe couldn't live with that anymore.

"Macca?" Joe whispered into his ear.

"What can I do for you, Sir?"

"I want you to fuck me."

"Naughty boy." Macca smacked Joe's bum playfully. "Haven't we been through this before? Now that you want it so much, you have to wait."

"Macca!" Joe protested.

"I'm putting a sanction on you until this evening."

Alright, he would wait, Joe thought. That was the only way he could exorcise his ghost.

to be continued....

Opengoal ----------------------------------------

A Massive SORRY! I never thought this chapter would take this long but somehow it just dragged on & on & on... I've rewritten this part many, many times, but it still doens't seem right. Anyway, here it is. I've got to move on to the next chapter or I'll be stuck here forever. I've promised to write other players in. But it's gonna take some time. God, I know I'm really slow! Sorry about that.

Next: Chapter 5

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