Road to World Cup

By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on Apr 16, 2001


Road to World Cup

Chapter 1c

Obligatory Warning: Do not read if you are likely to be offended by description of gay sex, or if it is illegal for you to do so.

This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexual orientation of the English football (soccer) players depicted. I do not have any insider information about the English national team, so if there're some hilarious departures from reality somewhere, just remember this is fiction & get on with it, ok? (Laugh afterwards)

One more thing: English is not my mother tongue, so, erm, sorry for the mistakes I may have made.


Road to World Cup

A Boy in a Men's World


The next day when Joe woke up, Rio was moaning. Rio obviously did not appreciate Joe's alarm clock. After reminding Rio what a state he looked, Joe got away with it. As Rio set about grooming himself, Joe went downstairs for breakfast.

The training went pretty much as usual, although he found the way Graeme le Saux looked at him a bit odd.

After dinner he joined the cardschool, but only as a practically non-playing member. Keegan had asked whether he would be coming, so he thought he'd better come. As he had expected, gambling didn't interest him at all. Nor did what they talk about. Macca was sitting so far away, so the one last reason for him to stay there was gone. Soon, he was contemplating a polite way to leave.

Not long after Joe left, Macca also tried to leave without rousing any suspicion. On his way to Joe's room, he bumped into Graeme, who slipped something into his pocket. He took a look, and then blushed and laughed. Before he could say anything, Graeme was gone.

'But what am I supposed to do now?' Macca asked himself silently.

To be Joe's friend first, was the strategy he wanted to take. But it would bring with its difficulties too. Like, how on earth could he suddenly become Joe's best friend?

No matter what way he wanted to deal with it, first he had to see him.

He took a deep breath & knocked on the door.

No one answered. Maybe he didn't hear it, thought Macca. So he knocked again.

It took somewhat longer than usual for Joe to answer the door. Macca wondered what was he doing/thinking.

"Oh, Macca?! Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. I was listening to my discman," said Joe, taking off his earphones.

Sure, what else could it have been, thought Macca. Aloud he said, "What you listening?"

"Richard Ashcroft. Just pop." Joe blushed, if only because Macca was coming up to see him.

"I like him too." Macca said. His eyes were fixed on this cute kid in front of him, who had just changed into his usual oversized T-shirt and football shorts.

"Actually it isn't mine. A friend gave it to me." Joe didn't know why he tried to dodge Macca's gaze a few times, when he actually wanted to look at him so badly. Maybe he was afraid Macca would find out about him.

"Oh, is it?" Macca didn't realise how stupid it sounded until he said it.

But it seemed Joe didn't really care what he said. Joe only replied, "Yeah."

Joe was just as much lost in Macca's blue eyes.

An easy spell of silence crept in. Macca felt like an actor who had forgotten his lines, and it was totally out of character for him not to know what to say.

Joe suddenly realised that they'd been standing by the door the whole time. "Oh, sorry. Come in."

Joe was a bit embarrassed with the stuffs piled up on the chair. Instead of tidying it up, which could take a long time, he went to sit on his bed, & he thought Macca would follow.

He was a bit surprised when Macca hesitated. He wished it were because Macca was excited by his presence.

"I'd much rather you sat down, so I don't have to strain my neck." Joe said casually.

Macca obliged, & sat down at the other end of his bed.

Joe kicked off his slippers, & sat cross-legged on the bed. He was not exactly bewildered at Macca's dreaminess, but rather thinking about it. What he didn't know was what his polyester shorts was doing to Macca.

Joe's T-shirt covered much of his football shorts, but what could be seen of his thin shorts and hairless thighs made Macca fantasise about what could not be seen under the soft and slick material. Macca couldn't help wondering whether Joe was wearing anything under those short.

Joe noticed that Macca didn't seem very comfortable with the warmth in his room. So he asked, "Should I turn down the heating?"

"No, I'll just take my jacket off. Do you always have it this warm?"

"If the roommate doesn't complain." Joe's eyes couldn't help following Macca's hand which was undoing the jacket zipper. "I like it warm and cosy... Take off your shoes too, if it makes you more comfortable."

Joe was captivated by Macca's casual but sexy movement. He knew he was staring but he couldn't help it. & somehow Macca was taking it slow.

Macca knew Joe was staring, but probably because of that, he himself didn't dare to linger his gaze on Joe. It would feel too unnatural if they just looked at each other and did not speak. Despite the apparent awkwardness, he actually felt great to be with Joe that way, just sitting there on the bed. The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was the seeming inappropriateness of the occasion.

& taking off the shoes did feel great. "How I wish I could just lie down here!" Macca said.

"I can't see why not." Joe said suggestively.

Macca hesitated and then said, "I'd better not. I'd get too comfortable and fall asleep. Then you'd have to carry me back to my room."

"Suits you, sir. Just make yourself comfortable."

Macca lay on his side, his head supported on his elbow. "& does it make your neck more comfortable now?"

"Why, yeah." Joe said.

Macca had never looked up at Joe from below. He was somehow thrilled to do so. & this position had an additional advantage now. It kept his eyes away from dwelling on Joe's crotch.

Joe would be happy to just watch this tall blond god lying there and drool over him, but he was also curious why he was there at all. So, he flashed him a look which asked 'what brings you here'.

Macca searched his head for the questions he rehearsed. In the end, he only struggled to come out with, "It was a bore in the lounge, wasn't it?"

"Well..." Joe was embarrassed. He knew he shouldn't have walked out of there. At least he shouldn't have shown his boredom so obviously. Now if Macca was actually coming here for that, he must be rather unhappy about it (although he didn't looked it).

Macca noticed he seemed to have asked the wrong question, because Joe was looking a bit guilty. He got to admit he liked seeing Joe blush, though. "You were rather quiet there," he said.

"I'm at a loss with horses."

"Us old men only talk about birds and horses, eh?" He joked, trying to alleviate the tension there.

Joe laughed. "You ain't old."

He looked into Macca's eyes again. There was so much more he wanted to say, but that was too big a risk to take. Although he knew Macca was not a person who would broadcast this to the whole world, he was afraid of damaging this budding friendship.

"But we do talk only about birds and horses?" Macca asked.

"I have nothing against that really." Joe said noncomittally.

"What do you usually talk with your mates?"

"I don't know." Joe changed his pose every now and then, just like a child who can't sit still. Now he hitched his knees up and sat with his legs slightly apart. "Just the usual stuffs..."

Macca was surprised how hairless Joe was and how much firm muscle Joe got on his thighs. He was practically drooling over Joe. He was glad that Joe kept going on, so he didn't need to reply.

"... Just how everyone's doing. What happened in the neighbourhood, and so on... And Girls. And A Levels, which I don't suppose I'm going to take," Joe laughed, before letting out a sigh. "You know, sometimes I can feel so far away from my mates. But they're all very good friends of mine, really."

By this time, Joe had hugged himself into a ball.

"These things happen." Macca sat up and ruffled Joe's shortly-cropped hair. He wanted so much to kiss away his blues.

Joe sighed and said, "I'm such a baby, ain't I?"

"Well, you're a babe." Macca said playfully.

Joe, now sitting on his ankles, smiled and said, "No. YOU are a babe."

Joe wasn't sure how Macca would take it. Part of him wished Macca would think it was just playful flirting, but deep down he wanted Macca to know he meant it.

Their eyes locked. It wasn't like they hadn't looked into each other's eyes before that. But it seemed now, they began to understand each other's language. Macca felt Joe really liked him, but he was still unsure whether he should make the move. But if there were ever a chance, this would be it. Someone just had got to make the move.

Joe leaned in to kiss him. It was just a featherly kiss. Or maybe not really much of a kiss. But Joe felt so great doing it.

Joe looked at Macca for his reaction. Macca was stunned for a second. Sure he was willing Joe to kiss him, but he'd never thought this could happen. Now he wasn't going to let his chance slip away. He pulled Joe to him, and kissed him. Joe reciprocated with equal strength and ran his hands through Macca's blond locks.

Macca had never thought just a kiss would feel so good, but he could understand why. It was because his fantasy was coming true. His fantasy about shagging this innocent boy also made him feel a bit guilty, but the guilt actually made him lust for this boy more.

Joe was just as thrilled as him, if not more. They had now readjusted their positions. Joe was now sitting on Macca's left thigh. Tension was building up rapidly in Joe's brief. Macca was not oblivious to Joe's rising excitement. He wished he had worn shorts like Joe's, instead of long trousers. He wanted to be just a little bit closer.

Joe tentatively stuck his tongue into Macca's mouth. He'd often wondered how it would feel to touch somebody like that. As his tongue touched Macca's, it sent overwhelming sensations down his spine.

Macca sucked slightly on Joe's tongue, and then counter-attacked his mouth. Joe squirmed with excitement. At the same time Macca's right hand slipped under Joe's T-shirt and wandered the smooth plain of his back. He took care not to venture too low down. He remembered well how afraid Michael had been of doing anything anal.

But every time Macca's hand was moving downwards, Joe was hoping he would slip into his shorts. Joe didn't know why Macca didn't. But it felt good as it was. Joe had always fantasised about Macca's big hands roaming all over him. Now his own hands were inside Macca's T-shirt, & he couldn't help grinding Macca's thigh. He wanted to feel every inch of Macca's skin & he was glad that Macca seemed to like his touch, especially when his hands was rubbing Macca's chest.

Macca's hand moved slowly down the small of Joe's back. As he reached the waistband, he lingered there for a short while, before slipping outside his clothes. Joe was a bit surprised, but Macca's eager kisses diverted his attention.

Suddenly, Macca squeezed Joe's right globe. Although Macca only squeezed it from the outside, it already made Joe moan loudly.

Macca's hand then slided slowly to Joe's other globe. Joe gasped when it lingered on the slit inbetween. Macca squeezed Joe's butt again. He could feel Joe's humping had a new urgency.

His hand quickly glided to the valley between Joe's globes. Joe's butt met Macca's movement involuntarily. Joe's sexy moans made Macca more and more excited.

But Joe suddenly broke their kiss. Macca wondered if he had done anything wrong.

"You almost made me come without touching me there." Joe purred.

"You're so cute." Macca gave Joe a short kiss. His hand was going to dive into Joe's pants when Joe stopped him.

"I want to make you feel good too." Joe said, reaching his hand into Macca's trousers. His hand stopped outside Macca's brief. He rubbed Macca's length a few times before diving inside the brief.

Joe looked at Macca with a goofy grin of contentment. To hold Macca's cock in his hand was priceless for him, even though he knew he was probably just a shag to Macca.

"Did you know I've had a crush on you for a long time?" Joe asked, all the while stroking Macca's cock slowly in his brief.

"I wished." Macca said, his hands ready to take his trousers and brief off. "But please don't tell me I was your hero when you learnt to kick a ball. It'll really make me feel ancient."

Joe took his hand out of Macca's pants and said, "Well, no, you weren't. My hero was David Beckham."

"Thank you very much." Macca pouted and lay down on the bed.

Joe laughed and reached out to turn Macca's head back to facing him. "But that's the truth. I even begged him to smuggle me his shirt after we played at Old Trafford."

"Shouldn't you go to his room instead?" Macca faked jealousy. Well, he was indeed a bit jealous.

Joe climbed onto him, resting his little ass on Macca's crotch. "But it's you I fancy. I want to make love to you ever since the first time I saw you in training." Joe wriggled his ass as he said so.

"You're such a tease." Macca lifted his head to meet Joe's advancing lips, supporting himself with his elbows. They were just light, butterfly kisses, but highly sensual. The idiotic grin seemed carved on Joe's face now. Nothing could swipe it away. Well, almost nothing.

The doorknob was suddenly turned.

As soon as they heard the sound, they separated from each other & took whatever closest to hand to conceal their excitement. Joe reached for the pillow, while Macca picked up his jacket and got up to leave. Joe'd never hated Rio, but now he wished Rio would just disappear.

Anyway, at least their worst fear was not realised. Rio came in but seemed too pissed to notice anything. He showed no desire to mind their business, either. Aftering greeting them, he went straight to the bathroom.

Any other day, Joe would try to be a good friend and talk with Rio. But his mind was too preoccupied with the blond hunk by his side.

Now that Rio had gone into the bathroom, Joe grabbed Macca's hand and stared at him with his longing eyes. Macca searched in his head for somewhere to go and suddenly remembered the key Graeme gave him.

"Never thought you'd ask." Macca whispered to Joe, melting Joe with his killer smile.

"Where do we go now?" Joe asked.

Macca took the key out of his pocket and looked at the room number. It was at the top floor, at least two floors above their teammates. Graeme was always so thoughtful, Macca thanked him in silence.

When they found the room, both were pleasantly surprised with it. It's got a king-sized bed and a splendid view. There were even fresh flowers on the bedside table.

"Did you plan all this?" Joe asked.

"I'm as surprised as you are." Macca could see Joe was bemused, but he wasn't ready to explain that it was arranged by Graeme. So he quickly added, "But what's really important is: Do you like it?"

"I LOVE it! You know, I'm tempted to think that you like me as much as I - "

Macca didn't allow Joe to finish his sentence. He sealed Joe's lips with his strong kiss. Then he lifted Joe up before he protested, & carried him slowly to the bed, just like how a bridegroom would carry his bride in the old movies.

"I'm heavier than you think," said Joe. He put his arms around Macca's neck. While he was really afraid he would be too heavy for Macca, he enjoyed being carried like that by Macca. He loved to be cherished by him.

Macca couldn't quite explain why he did that. Maybe the hotel room and the flowers just made him feel like it were their honeymoon. He looked at little Joe in his arms, and just felt a kind of bliss he'd never expected. This was getting better than he'd thought it could be.

He gave Joe a little kiss before throwing him onto the bed.

"Oi!" complained Joe.

Macca lay upon him & silenced him with a deep kiss. The passion they had in Joe's room returned with a vengeance. Macca could feel Joe harden under him, and this made his own entrapment in his brief even more unbearable. His cockhead is peeking out of his brief, as Joe's hip started to hump him involuntarily. He had to get out of his pants, now.

Much as they didn't want to break their kiss, they pulled back at almost the same time.

Joe beat him to speak first. "We've got to take off our clothes. We haven't got anything to change into if we, you know..."

"I was thinking about the same thing." Macca grinned. He pulled and kicked his own pants off. Although he would love to slowly peel off Joe's clothes first, his cock just needed to be released urgently.

Taking the cue from Macca, Joe also took off his pants. But his eyes were trapped by Macca's ten-inch cock springing up at right angle to his body. Joe knew from earlier touching that it was long, but it only dawned on him now how long it was. Now he was a bit worried about how he was going to please him. When Joe paused to stare, Macca had already taken everything off.

Macca stopped Joe's hands, which were finally going to take his shirt off. Macca had always thought Joe was cute, but Joe in only a T-shirt was even cuter than usual. He was dying to touch Joe's smooth six-incher, but he didn't want to end this so soon. He straddled across Joe's thighs, and pulled Joe's shirt up to his armpits to reveal his still developing pecs.

"You're cute." said Macca, stroking Joe's hairless chest,

"But you're beautiful," Joe looked into Macca's clear blue eyes and said.

Macca couldn't resist Joe's inviting lips & they were locked in another frantic kiss. Joe pulled Macca's body close to him. Macca couldn't help grinding his hardness against Joe's. As their cocks and balls slided upon each other, their pre-cum were mixing together.

Joe's breath was quickening at a rapid rate, but Macca didn't really believe Joe would come so easily.

"Macca! I'm c..." Joe didn't have time to finish his sentence, which had turned into a long Aaaaaaahhhhh!

Joe's cum was spread on both their bodies, mixing with their sweat and pre-cums.

When Joe went limp, Macca rolled off him and lay by his side. He stroke his own aching member with one hand, while caressing Joe's stomach with the other hand, as though he were trying to spread the juice evenly on Joe's body. "You're so cute, Joey."

Joe blushed.

"You're even cuter when you blush." Macca moved his hand upwards, across Joe's chest, along his neck to caress his face. Joe lay on his side and their lips met in a firm, loving kiss.

Joe grabbed Macca's hand which was stroking his own erection. For a while, they just looked into each other's eyes and the two hands stroked Macca's cock together with increasing speed. Macca then withdrew his hand and let Joe take complete control of it.

"Your cock feels good." Joe said tenderly, his other hand started to play with Macca's balls.

"Yeah?" Macca said huskily.

"Yeah. And it's sooo long. You could've become a porn star, if you weren't such a good footballer." Joe picked up his speed again, as he saw Macca wanted him to, although he actually wanted to rub him slowly to really feel the velvety skin.

"Oh yes, Joey! Rub me harder!" said Macca.

Joe moved down, flicked his tongue over Macca's cockhead, and began licking Macca's balls. Joe loved playing with them almost as much as playing football.

Inbetween his moans, Macca stretched to grab his jacket, which luckily wasn't too far away. He searched frantically in his pockets and then handed a pack of condoms to Joe.

"Please don't tease me anymore. Suck me! Suck me hard!"

"I'll suck you, Macca. But I want to taste you when I do you." Joe wrapped his lips round the Macca's cockhead in a surprise attack.

Macca wanted to argue, but the Joe's warm, moist mouth and tongue on his cock made him shout YEESSS instead.

For Joe, it was more than pleasurable. It was simpy amazing to feel Macca's hot, throbbing cock inside his mouth, and to touch the smooth, velvety skin. He felt so great that he was growing hard again.

He knew there was no way he could take in the full ten inch. He sucked on the tip of Macca's hardness, while his hands worked on the length of the shaft.

"Yes, Joey. Suck me harder."

As he saw Macca get more and more excited with his every touch, Joe's own pleasure mounted, but his hands were too busy to deal with his own problem.

He moved faster and faster on Macca, whose hip was moving in harmony with him. From Macca's heaving breathing, he knew Macca was close. Soon he could feel Macca's balls tighten.


Macca came so powerfully that Joe choked. His mouth had to let go of Macca's cock, although his hands kept stroking.

"Sorry, Joey!"

"'S alright."

When Macca could spurt out his last drop of juice, Joe reluctantly took his hands off him.

"How was it?"

"It was great, Joey!" Macca sank into the bed.

"Really?" Joe lay down by his side, & caressed his chest.

"It was the best, Joey. & to think that you always looked like a little saintly angel. Well, Is there something I should know about you?"

"What, you mean my renting history?"

"You must've been pretty expensive."

"Nothing you couldn't afford. Your charm alone could've paid for it." Joe snuggled closer to him, his hard-on was poking Macca's side.

"You're not hard again, are you?" Macca reached down to Joe's crotch. His suspicion was confirmed. "Oh you!"

"It's only because you're so gorgeous."

"You're a little elf."

"Not a slag?"

"You're too cute." Macca took Joe's shirt off to drink in the full beauty of Joe's youthful grace.

He then stroke Joe's length so slowly and so tenderly that they looked like two long-time lovers. It was a moment Joe wished would last forever.

As Macca went down on him, Joe was so excited that he was soon practically face-fucking Macca.

Macca was a little startled at how wild Joe was & how much he himself was turned on by that. If it went on like this, they wouldn't be able to report to training tomorrow.

"Macca, turn this way so I can see your cock."

They moved into a 69 position lying on their sides. Joe could feel Macca's dick lengthen under his touch, while he continued fucking Macca's mouth.

Macca stroked the valley between Joe's globes. Joe was even more sensitive that Macca thought he would be. He massaged it a bit more before inserting his finger into Joe's hole.

Joe moaned loudly at the instrusion. His hole was so tight and so unused to touching that Macca was sure it was virgin territory. He doubted whether he should pull his finger out.

Joe willed himself to relax, "Deeper, Macca. Deeper."

With Joe's encouragement, Macca's finger stayed there a bit before moving around to searching for the prostate.

Joe was getting used to and starting to enjoy it. As Macca rubbed on Joe's prostate, Joe arched his back and came immediately. "Aaaaahhh!"

Macca swallowed all of his come. Not a drop was wasted.


As Macca turned his face towards Joe, Joe gave him a big kiss. "You were great, Macca. You're the best."

Macca returned him a kiss.

"Macca." Joe said while stroking him.


"I want you to fuck me."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"I want you inside me." Joe stroked him faster.

"I can't. I'll tear you apart." Macca stood his ground but the image of fucking Joe, together with Joe's jerking, was making him very excited.

"I don't care." Joe started licking Macca's nipples.

"We've still got training tomorrow. Let's do it another day."

"We'll get together again?"

"Only if you want."

Joe dropped everything and gave him a big kiss to thank him.

"Are you going to leave me hanging?"

"Maybe I do want to." Joe grinned.

But before Macca reached for his own cock, Joe's hand grabbed it first, & picked up where he left off.

In a swift movement, he turned and sat on Macca's stomach, with his back facing Macca. He continued jerking Macca with one hand, supporting himself with the other, while his round butt slided along Macca's body slowly, from his Abdomen upwards, across his chest towards his face.

Macca felt great to have Joe's firm butt and balls massaging his body. As they reached Macca's collarbone, they rubbed Macca a bit before revealing the delicate, pink puckered hole right before Macca's face. Macca remembered how sensitive Joe's hole was when he stuck his finger in it. He couldn't help imagining how it would feel to fuck Joe's hot, tight hole. Inside his head, he was saying to himself, 'Sod it! Just fuck him there and then.' But he knew he shouldn't take the risk of hurting Joe, especially not before the Germany game. But the thought alone was bringing him closer to the edge.

When he squeezed Joe's globes, he could hear Joe moan and feel Joe's warm, moist breath on his ginger pubes.

"That's it, Joe. Suck me!"

From the urgency of Macca's voice, Joe knew he had no time to waste. He plunged down to take as much of Macca's cock in his mouth as he could, and sped up his hand's motion.

After moving up and down a couple of times, Joe gathered up his courage and tried to deepthroat Macca. He thought, if he were to try anything, he'd better try it with Macca, not just because it's the one he fancied, but also because Macca seemed to care about him a lot too. As it turned out, it was uncomfortable, but not more than he had expected, probably because he was willing himself to relax the whole time.

Macca was taken by surprise when Joe did it, because Joe seemed so young and inexperienced. It felt so great to be enveloped by Joe's throat muscles. Macca thought Joe was going to choke but he didn't. Macca involuntarily lay his hands on the back of Joe's head. It took all of his will power to restrain himself from forcing Joe's head down on him. And the second time he thrust into Joe's throat, he came.

As Joe felt Macca tense up, he prepared himself for the onslaught of Macca's cum. It felt funny to have Macca's juice running directly from his throat down.

Joe reluctantly let Macca's limp cock slip out of his mouth. Only then did he realise how tired and sore his mouth felt. He went to lie side by side with Macca, who ran his fingers through his hair.

"It was great, Joey! You're really talented."

Joe cuddled up to him and replied with a soft, loving kiss.

There was nothing Macca could do but surrender when Joe looked at him with those puppy eyes. They just looked blissfully at each other, and looked, and looked, until they realised it'd gone on far too long.

Joe noticed the sudden quivering and sobering up in Macca's eyes. Time was up, Joe thought. "I'll go wash myself," Joe said. The smile was gone from his face.

"I love how you smell now." Macca said, caressing Joe's naked back.

Joe snuggled closer in Macca's arms and leaned his head against Macca's chest. He never felt so happy.

It was so clear to Macca that Joe really had a crush on him. Maybe it had been clear to him all along, only he chose to ignore it. He could not really understand why but he seemed to feel something for Joe. He did not just want to shag him. He felt a warm glow just being with him. Maybe it was just for this night. But at least he was sure he wanted to spend this whole night with him.

"I wish I could wake up with you." Joe sighed. As if Joe had taken the words right out of his mouth.

"We could sneak back into our rooms before they wake up. They'd only think we'd gone out. No one has to know." Macca said.

Joe grinned and gave him a big kiss.

Macca felt so wrong to raise Joe's hopes but he was really thrilled and overjoyed to be with Joe.

to be continued....


Next: Chapter 4

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