Road to World Cup

By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on Mar 26, 2001


Road to World Cup

(Formerly titled "England Squad, A New Hope")

Chapter 1b

Obligatory Warning: Do not read if you are likely to be offended by description of gay sex, or if it is illegal for you to do so.

This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexual orientation of the English football (soccer) players depicted. I do not have any insider information about the English national team, so if there're some hilarious departures from reality somewhere, just remember this is fiction & get on with it, ok? (Laugh afterwards)

One more thing: English is not my mother tongue, so, erm, sorry for the mistakes I may have made.


Road to World Cup

(Formerly titled "England Squad, A New Hope")

Chapter 1b

A Boy in a Men's World


Joe's mind was miles away when manager Keegan called for him. Keegan began heaping praises on him, but he was only half listening. He was still thinking about Macca's invitation when he heard Keegan say:

"... and I need you in the press conference."

"The press conference?" asked Joe, only realising what he was saying when he was actually saying it.

The press conference was a piece of cake. All the questions were either what he had expected or what he had already answered many times before.

Dinner was nothing out of ordinary. Maybe it was the ordinariness which actually felt weird for Joe. The more he thought about it, the more he doubted whether there was anything in Macca's invitation. But if it was just to be a team bonding exercise, then he had no choice but to attend. If he had to be there one way or the other, then why was he still thinking about whether or not to go?

Joe was among the first ones to leave the dinner table. He excused himself politely and returned to his room. All this thinking was wearing him out.

He didn't know when he fell asleep. But when he woke up, it was just 10pm. The short sleep just made his head heavy. He almost couldn't think. All he knew was that he needed a hot bath.

Joe's roommate Rio wasn't there and probably wouldn't be back soon. He must be at the bar with Dyer, trying to chat up the waitresses. That would be fine for Joe. He could take his time in the bath.

Maybe it was the hot water hugging his body. Maybe it was the steam clouding his head. He just felt more relaxed than he ever did.

The grogginess paradoxically made him felt like he was more awake, and more aware in a strange way.

And, he could forget.

He could focus on the match ahead: the crunch match against England's worst enemy, Germany.

... Then, his cellphone rang.

Not his mum & dad again, he pleaded in his head.

He grabbed a towel and rushed outside to search for his cellphone. Rio wouldn't be happy with the water on the carpet.

The more urgently you need something, the more elusive it becomes. It took ages for him to find his phone. When Joe finally found it, he thought the caller was going to hang up. He himself wouldn't have waited that long. That further confirmed that must have been his parents... ... if he hadn't seen the phone number displayed.

He couldn't recognise the number. Was it a journalist?

He answered it cautiously.

"Thought you were not going to answer," the caller said jokingly. The voice... it was Macca! Joe didn't remember giving him his phone number, though.

"Did I just wake you up?" Macca asked.

"No, I was just," Joe blushed, "... having a bath."

Joe could hear the noises behind Macca. The cardschool, no doubt.

"Oh?" Macca said. It was too noisy for Joe to tell what his tone meant.

"Actually I'm still having a bath. I've just got in when you called."

"Can't hear the water around you." Macca said jokingly, but in a notably softer voice.

"That's because I had to get the phone."

"Are you on your bed?" Macca asked, in an even softer and slightly husky voice.

Joe was a bit startled, but answered, "Yeah."

A short, uneasy spell of silence.

Joe heard somebody in the background ask, "Is the kid coming?"

So Macca resumed his normal voice and asked, "Are you going to join us?"

"Hmm... I don't know. I'm a bit tired."

"He's not coming. Says he's tired." Macca shouted to Keegan who asked.

Macca couldn't push the picture of Joe out of his mind. The small, teenage boy, stark naked on his bed, and still dripping wet. Wet would be just lovely. & The coolness must have made Joe shiver a little, which would make him even more adorable. Macca would love Joe's smooth, wet body wriggle under him...

No, he'd got to stop thinking that way. Not just because getting a hard-on in the lounge would have been too inconvenient. Something just didn't feel right. Fantasising about Joe just didn't feel right. Although Joe was already eighteen, he looked too much like a child. & that, Macca hated to admit, was probably what attracted him so much.

Macca had always found it difficult, to acknowledge even to himself his lust for young teenage boys.

Because it is sick, said a voice in his head.

What's wrong with that? He just liked looking at them and fantasising about them. It's not like he'd go out and shag them.

What about Michael Owen?

Michael was a grown-up. He was mature in every way, body and mind -

That's why you like Joe now?

Joe is -

Macca needed to sort it all out. He needed advice. Yes, he could go ask Graeme.

Graeme le Saux was surprised to see Macca, when he opened the door. He could see the lust in Macca's eyes begging for relief. He could never refuse Macca, especially when they were in the confines of hotels and training camps.

"A quick one?" Graeme asked, after locking the door.

That was hardly a question, as Graeme pulled Macca towards him, covering his mouth with a strong, passionate kiss.

Whatever Macca came here for was put aside, as he had more urgent need to be satisfied.

Pressed against the bulge in Macca's crotch, Graeme's cock hardened immediately. Macca was surprised how easily he could still turn Graeme on, but he was more than glad that the tension in his pants could be released now.

With one hand, Graeme pulled up Macca's T-shirt so that he could lick Macca's firm chest. Graeme's other hand dived into Macca's pants and squeezed his ten-incher. Macca let off a groan. Macca loved Graeme's firm grip and strong arms, which must have been the product of throw-in training.

Graeme began jerking Macca as forcefully as he knew Macca liked. His teeth nibbled slightly Macca's sweet cherry nipples.


"Like it?"


Macca stroke Graeme's short, dirty blond hair while Graeme's tongue moved down Macca' body. As he reached the base of Macca's cock, he paused and pushed Macca to the door, before plunging down to take the full ten-inch cock into his mouth.

"Oh yes!" It'd been quite a while since someone deepthroated him. & no one had yet sucked him better than Graeme did. He groaned but he dared not groan too loud, or else any passer-by would know what was going on in here. He was already excited before he came here. Now the risk of getting caught pushed him even closer to the edge.

A fountain of cream shot into Graeme's mouth. Graeme pulled back and more cum splashed onto his face and shirt.

"Graeme, that was great! You are the best!" Macca whispered to Graeme, after giving him a thank-you kiss. Macca pushed him down onto the floor & began licking his own cum off him.

He reached down to Graeme's crotch. He would repay Graeme.

After Macca hung up, Joe felt a bit foolish. He didn't understand why he wanted to be with Macca so much, but was so afraid to see him. The coolness of the air brought some sense to him, & he retreated to the bath-tub.

The water was still warm and he tried to focus on taking a bath. But his head had other ideas. As he scrubbed himself with the soap, he saw visions of tall blond Macca touching him, fondling him. He quickly went hard.

He rinsed himself a bit. He'd never thought the hot, forceful water from the showerhead could be so arousing. It wouldn't do to leave himself poking out like that.

He finally grabbed his aching member and stroke it to its full hardness. He heard himself sigh out loud as the pleasure consumed him.

He closed his eyes and image of today's encounter in the shower came back to him. Macca, without a stitch on, standing in front of him in the hot steam, leaning forward to talk to him, in whispers.

He thought about what Macca would want to do to him. He felt Macca's tongue travelling from the base to the top of his six-inch shaft. His hot wet mouth engulfed it, his fingertips teasing his balls.

The thoughts made him go wild. His breath quickened and he wanked himself faster and faster. It didn't take long for his young body to spasm and shoot his load. The thought of cumming all over Macca's delicate face almost made him instantly hard again.

Macca pulled down Graeme's pants, and softly kissed the tent in his brief. Still not removing his brief, Macca traced Graeme's hardness slowly with his tongue over the soft fabric. It gave him a weird sensuous feeling.

"I love you, Macca. Suck me! Suck me hard!"

"I love it when you say that."

Macca tore off Graeme's brief, but Graeme suddenly stopped him, "Hold on a second. We've forgotten something."

'Oh yeah, how could he!' thought Macca, and fetched a condom from the dresser Graeme pointed at.

He deftly pulled it on Graeme's anxious shaft and plunged down on him. Enveloped by Macca's warm mouth, he groaned. Macca bobbed diligently up and down on him, twirling his tongue round the cockhead from time to time.

In another occasion they might try to play it slow, but both of them knew how little time they now had. Graeme guided Macca's head to work faster and faster. His groans and panting was enough encouragement for Macca to suck him dry. Soon Macca could feel Graeme's body stiffen up.

"Macca! I'm gonna come!"

Macca only pulled off until Graeme went limp in this mouth. Macca loved his partner to come inside his mouth, even if there was a thin layer of rubber between them. He just loved to feel the throbbing.

"What was it that you came here for?" Graeme joked.

"Actually, I did come here for something." Macca said. His sudden seriousness was not what Graeme had expected. "I need your advice."

The door to Joe's room was opened suddenly. 'Is it Macca?' was the first thought which came to Joe's mind. His cock hardened as his fantasies came flooding back to him.

When he saw it was actually a heavily drunken Rio, he rushed to help him to his bed. But helping someone six inches taller than you is not easy at all, especially if he is in an uncooperative mood.

After struggling to put him into his bed and roughly cleaning him up a bit, Joe was too tired to think about much before falling into a sound slumber.

to be continued....


Next: Chapter 3

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