Road to World Cup

By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on May 13, 2002


Disclaimer: 1. Do not read if you are likely to be offended by description of

gay sex, or if it is illegal for you to do so. 2. This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about

the sexual orientation of the English football (soccer) players


Note: This a spin-off of my series "Road to World Cup".


By Opengoal (

Macca walked down the arrivals hall, looking for Robbie among the sea of faces waiting for their loved ones.

He didn't know whether this trip to England would solve his problem. But he knew he needed a friend to help him through this mess. Someone who knew where he came from. Someone who had been through everything with him. Someone who would be there for him all the time. He needed Robbie.


Macca blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out. Jesus, the lonely flight had made him sentimental.

He turned towards where the voice came from. Robbie was waving at him like mad and grinning like he'd just won the lottery.

So was the little girl on his shoulder.

Macca hadn't taken into account Robbie's daughter, Maddison. Of course, Robbie had his own family to look after. How could he expect Robbie to throw away everything and give all his time to him?

Maddison jumped over to Macca's arms as soon as he went near.

He kissed her button nose, "You're getting prettier every time I see you."

The girl kissed him back, on the lips.

Robbie helped Macca with his travel bag. "You flirt with anything that walks."

"You're just jealous."

Robbie walked to his car without looking back. Maddison yelled behind him, "Daddy's jealous! Daddy's jealous!"

At Maddison's insistence, Robbie reluctantly let Macca sit with her in the backseat. "We're taking her to the babysitter first. You don't mind? I meant to take her there before picking you up. But this kid-"

"I don't want babysitter!" The girl protested furiously. "I want Uncle Steve! I wanna stay with Uncle Steve!"

"- I told her to hurry up but she took it even longer -"

"I couldn't find a nice dress!"

"Even worse than her mother."

She stuck her tongue out at Robbie and then pleaded with Macca. "I don't want babysitter. I wanna play with you. Can I stay with you, Uncle Steve? Please?"

Robbie cut her out, "No, you're going."

She pouted, "Uncle Steve..."

"Your dad says you can't."

Her eyes had gone red. "Uncle Steve..."

Macca showed her there was nothing he could do.

She sniffled. "I go find mommy."

"Go." The expression on Robbie's face turned dramatically cold.

Macca wondered what had happened between Robbie and Kerry.

Tears poured out of Maddison's eyes like fountains. Macca held her in his arms and tried to cheer her up but she just kept crying. She was even more single-minded than her dad.

"Robbie?" Macca pleaded for her.

"You can't give in to her like that."

"I'm not really in the mood for pub crawling. Let's just stay home and play with her."

"I promised you it'll be just you and me, going out. I won't let her ruin our day."

"I haven't played with her for a long time. It'll be fun."

"That's not the point!"

"Even uncle Steve says he wants to play with me!"

"See, She won't listen to her dad anymore."

"She takes after you."

Robbie chuckled.

Sensing she had won, Maddison laughed too.

Macca wiped the tears off her face. "You look much prettier when you smile."

"Sad old bastard." Robbie quipped. "The older you get, the younger you prey on."

"Mind your tongue!" It seemed to have touched a nerve.

To diffuse suspicion, Macca added hastily, "There're kids here."

Maddison watched their exchange, totally engrossed.

"Like you'd care. Now, lay your hands off my daughter."

"Well, she can't get enough of me."


"Daddy's jealous!" Maddison clung onto Macca even tighter.

Maddison finally crashed into a sound sleep after an afternoon's football in the garden.

"She didn't even like football." Robbie switched off the telly.

"She only said you don't play with her."

Robbie looked at his daughter sleeping contently in Macca's arms. They looked like the model of a perfect family.

They carried her to bed and tucked her in.

"She sleeps like dead." Macca shook his head. "Just like you."

A grin spread across Robbie's face. "It's still early. Let's go out as planned."

"What if she wakes up and finds everybody's gone?"

"She won't." Robbie noted the disapproval on Macca's face. "We can come back before midnight. There's no way she would wake up before that."

In the dim light of the car, Macca's eyes traced the outline of Robbie's face through a chemical haze. Robbie sure looked sexy tonight. But Macca willed himself not to think about this. He had come here to solve his problem, not to get himself into a bigger mess.

He had wanted to talk to Robbie about Joey, but the amount of beer Robbie had knocked back clearly meant Robbie was the one who needed counselling.

"Let's go home." Macca said.

"Why? It's still early."

"It's well past midnight and we've gone to more clubs than we should have." Macca lay his hand on Robbie's. "There is something wrong. Am I right?"


"You fought with Kerry?"

"No. We fight from time to time but every couple does."

"It's not because of me?"

"No. Don't flatter yourself."

"From what Maddison said, Kerry doesn't seem to like me here."

"Look, it's not because of that, okay?"

Robbie looked out of the side window at Liverpool, the city he had spent his whole life in.

Macca followed his gaze. The sight of his home town made him sentimental again.

Robbie suddenly spoke, "After all these years..."

Macca waited for Robbie to go on.

"... do you think I should leave?"

Macca hesitated.

Robbie looked at him intently.

Macca wasn't really prepared to answer that. "Have you thought about it carefully?"

Robbie laughed. "Aren't you always telling people they should take up new challenges?"

"I meant it in football, not in love."

"I meant Liverpool."

Macca blushed.

They looked back at the city in silence.

The city gradually went out of sight. Macca suddenly felt Robbie's hand on his.

"That was stupid really. It should've been me who do the listening, not you. Did you fight with your, er, girlfriend?"

Macca laughed. "She doesn't fight."

"Oh yes, lawyers." Although Robbie's mind seemed to have turned into jelly, something in Macca's answer caught his eyes. "She knows about you and ...?" He couldn't bring himself to saying Joe's name.

"She knew about it all the time. She's alright with that. We're in a, what she likes to call, an open relationship, so to speak." Macca forced a smile.

"So, what's the problem then? You and Joe aren't even with each other now." Robbie pulled into his garage. "Don't tell me you still m..."

Robbie switched off the engine, but they didn't leave the car.

Macca closed his eyes and slumped in his seat. "It's doing my head in. And I guess you don't talk to strangers about this sort of things."



Robbie touched Macca's face and planted his lips over Macca's.

Macca flinched out of surprise. But Robbie held Macca's face to his and Macca was soon responding to his kiss. An electricity shot through their bodies as their tongues slithered over each other. It felt weird, but also exhilarating. They wondered if they were actually just having an exceptionally good trip.

Robbie pulled Macca close by the waist. In his mind, there was but one urgent need, the need to touch Macca, every part of him.

Macca unbuttoned Robbie's shirt with practised ease. Robbie's strong muscles rippled as they tried to tear the clothes off each other. But getting their clothes off was problematic in the confined space of the car, even if they had been sober.

Robbie got out of their liplock just long enough to open the car door. They stumbled into the living room, their clothes scattering somewhere along the way.

Their cocks were already standing in full attention as Robbie pushed Macca onto the couch.

However, Robbie suddenly stopped.

Macca sobered up at the surprise. "Are you having second thoughts?"

Robbie shook his head. He just looked at Macca and ran his fingers through Macca's fine sandy blond hair. The confusion in his eyes puzzled Macca, but Robbie didn't understand it better. There were so many different things in his head that he didn't know what he actually felt.

Except for one thing. The lust that's burning inside him and the feverish desire to make Macca happy..

He knelt down between Macca's legs and pressed his lips against the soft fur on Macca's chest. He licked towards Macca's left nipple, sucked on it and then moved to the other one.

Macca's hard-on was poking at him. Out of its own volition, his hand wrapped around Macca's hardened shaft. It felt strange yet it also felt as if he'd done it many times before.

Ever since he'd known Macca's relationship with Joe, he'd been wondering what this might feel like. He moved his hand up and down on Macca's long velvety shaft, doing to Macca what he'd imagine Macca would do to him.

He'd never thought one could feel horny and contented at the same time. Yet watching the pleasure on Macca's face made him feel exactly like that.

Macca pulled Robbie's head up to kiss him some more. They adjusted their bodies so that they were now grinding against each other, with only sweat and precum slicking their motion.

Drowned in the blissful pleasure, Robbie wanted to do more. He gripped Macca's hard-on and wrapped his lips around it. He tried to replicate how girls gave head to him but it was harder than he'd thought. He wanted to take in as much as possible but he gagged immediately, and while he wanted to concentrate on sucking him, his own cock was also aching for relief. But Macca's moans made him carry on.

A huge load spurt into his mouth as Macca came. He almost choked on it but he didn't really mind.

Macca grabbed Robbie's cock, which was already dripping like it had not seen action for quite some time. He was about to take it into his mouth when he noticed that Robbie struggling to say something. Macca thought for a second and then asked, "Do you want to fuck me?"

The eagerness in Robbie's eyes answered Macca's question, although Robbie couldn't bring himself to say it aloud.

Macca turned over and guided Robbie inside him. The tight, warm grip of Macca's chute almost made him come at once.

"Am I hurting you?"

"No. Now don't stand still. Starting fucking me."

Still not quite believing men could enjoy being fucked, Robbie moved only very cautiously.

"No, Robbie, fuck me harder. Fuck me like how you fuck Kerry."

"But I don't feel about her like I feel about you." Robbie kissed Macca. He was still worried, but he started thrusting a bit harder.

"Yes, Robbie, harder."

Macca's moans of pleasure finally made Robbie throw away his worries. He fucked him like he would in the fantasies he was having those weeks.

He felt his balls tightened and his cum sprayed out like never before.

It was then he noticed a pair of big brown eyes staring at them.

"Daddy, Mommy won't come back, will she?" Maddison said.

"Why do you say that?" Robbie desperately wanted to find something to cover themselves up.

"It happens on the telly all the time. And David said his mom went away because his dad slept with another person."

"Listen, Maddison, this..." Robbie was about to say this wasn't what it looked like but he knew it was dumb.

"So, am I going to live with you, Uncle Steve?" Maddison was actually excited about this. "Can I really do that? I want you to be my dad."

The little girl ran over to them. Robbie tried to stop her but he couldn't. She climbed onto Macca's lap. Macca's face was beet red.

Kids these days.

  • THE END -

Opengoal --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to receive an email message telling you when a new story will be posted, you can join my mailing list at

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