Road Rules South Pacific

By Bobby Reardon

Published on Jul 26, 2003


Road Rules: South Pacific copyrights belong to MTV and Bunim/Murray Productions. This is a fantasy and nothing more. This is NOT, I repeat NOT any suggestion or implication on the real sex lives of Chris or Dave (or Abe for that matter). Please don't confuse fact and fiction, and just enjoy the ride.

My gratitude to the positive responses to chapter 1. I really hope for even more with this chapter. If you want to see a part 3, then write me.

The night air was filled with sounds of nature. Crickets chirping, leaves rustling, horny, sweating young bucks writhing in their own juices in intoxicated abandon.

Dave could barely see straight (no pun intended), but he could feel the surprisingly skilled mouth diving deep onto his hefty base. A mix of dried cum and fresh cream had pooled at the front of Chris's boxers. An acrid smell which he'd sniffed in his own laundry dozens of times. Here, getting a whiff of the lifegiving seed of another man, he was curious. Entranced even. He stuck his tongue out to swirl around the mushroom head. Chris took his lush lips off the throbbing boner to kiss a thank you into Dave's taut thighs. The peculiar mix of cotton and semen pooled on Dave's tongue and he sucked the head and the first few inches into his mouth. His eagerness was not entirely pleasurable for Chris, but Chris tried to be patient.

"Put your lips over your teeth."

Chris turned his attention to Dave's baggy balls while Dave pulled back the sweaty, stained boxers in front of his face. The fat crown and base smacked against his cheek. Without a second thought he licked the residue away, sticking the tip of his tongue inside the small urine slit. Chris could only moan his approval in-between slobbering over the egg-sized nut in his mouth. One testicle, then the other, finally he managed to squeeze both into his warm oral cavity. He grunted as Dave moved away from his weeping prick and tugged at his shaved ballsac with teasing teeth.

Sculpted, hard bodies and cocks glued together from perspiration and exertion. As much as Chris loved the feel of Dave's tongue lapping at his babymakers, he wanted more. Much more. He ignored Dave's garbled cries of protest in favor of the cries of pleasure when Dave's legs were pushed back to his chest and his tight anal ring was invaded by a long, convulsing, eager tongue. A mini-penis, searching out every dark nook and cranny, tickling every small hair.

"Dondothat...please I'm not ggaaaOOOHHHGOODDD...."

Chris smiled around the smooth, bubbly ass cheeks. He'd found his way through the center. A few fingers, remarkably skilled fingers, were next, nudging and prodding until the money spot was reached.


Chris pulled all digits out, leaving a few seconds for the hole to begin to close. For Dave to notice.

"C'mon dude, what the fuck are you doin'?"

Dave shivered at the soft, cool, wet palm running up and down his smooth chest.

"I thought you said you weren't gay. Do you want me to go on?"

Chris craned over Dave's flushed, lewdly gasping and cum-stained lips and face. Still gorgeous. He bent down to kiss and tug at those puffy lips. When he retreated, Dave was trying not to laugh. Quite a change from their RV smooch.

"Yeah. Justoneniiite, right? Doesn't mean shit, right?"

Tenderly, knowingly, Chris nodded. He'd had the same thoughts the first time he'd had sex with a man, back in his senior year of high school. The wrestling team was a good place to lose any inhibitions you ever had, and a few you never knew you did have. He'd been lost in more pussies than pricks in the past few years, but something about Dave, his easy charm, his soft, innocent, yet somber expressions, his doe eyes, made Chris weak in the crotch.

As he hoisted Dave's slender legs onto his shoulders, he lined up his monster width to Dave's exposed pink pucker. Just like riding a never forget. Chris clamped his large hand over Dave's pretty mouth before the screams started. Whispering, shushing, kissing and biting Dave's neck, he was as gentle as possible while breaking the new sodomy convert in. Slowly but surely, Dave began rocking back, his body adjusting to the fiery poker jabbing deep into his loins. Chris had the most incredible girth, Dave could tell from the way he had bulged out of his Speedos, and now he could feel every chubby inch in his most private, forbidden areas. Conquering him. Chris held Dave's hands back behind his head, refusing to let him touch his slowly reviving shaft. Instead Chris' tight six-pack acted as friction against the bobbing member, painstakingly teasing Dave's erection as much as that warm mouth teased his neck and nipples.

"So you did this with Abe?"

Dave shook his head. He didn't want to talk about it, didn't want to remember. Abe was gone, and...


A sharp, painful/pleasurable lunge into Dave.

"Tell me, Dave. Be a good boy."

Dave, blinking back a few tears, began to ramble, letting words slip out in time with the movement of the being inside him.

"Abe was alone all the time, people treated him bad. Real bad. Felt bad for him. I mean I did. I knew what it was like. Donnell kept saying shit about him. I talked to Abe one day in the men's room one day. Said not to pay attention. Abe started crying, started banging his fists into the wall. I stopped 'im. He...he..."

As he slowly thrust while plucking and sucking Dave's nipples, Chris was genuinely curious, and aching to cum, by now. Wanting to hear the rest of the story, he pulled out to the very tip of his flanged head, leaving Dave very empty and in need of that meat. Dave whimpered and with each word, Chris placed a half an inch at a time back in his hole.

"OK OK. Abe said Don said he was a fag. Said Don knew it. I said not to worry, don't listen, don't care. Abe glared at me, like he was gonna hit me. So mad. So beautiful too, Abe was both, always was. I took him in my arms to block him. But then...the skin on our arms touched. He was so soft, why was he so fucking soft? Like a scared boy. We both were. He sobbed on my shoulder, in my neck. I let him. I stroked his back. I massaged down his spine. Then he put my hands on his ass. I shouldn't have, but I squeezed. I let him do those things to me. I let him kiss me. I wanted him to. He only stopped crying when he fell to his knees, when he sucked me off. His mouth, his lips around my cock. I'd never had such good head, dude. Never. Somebody coulda walked in at any second. It was so hot. I came like I hadn't ever been touched before. His mouth was flooded, totally full. He kissed me, made me taste my own jizz. I felt like a slut."

Chris started faster thrusting now. Dave's primed body jerked back and forth, his words rasped with each harsh surge against his swelling prostate. Chris slid a hand between their conjoined abdominals, pumping Dave's engorged shaft into a state of no return. As Dave gushed out words in time with his pre-cum, Chris squeezed the base, blocking him from ejaculation.

"I want us to come at the same time, baby." Chris whispered, licking Dave's sweaty armpits. "Finish your story."

Dave slammed his head back against the grass and tried to continue.

"After that we said we wouldn't talk about it. It never happened. But it did, and kept on. We'd touch each other when nobody was around. Stroke each other. Kiss. He wanted me to take him in my mouth, but I never could. I started to panic, wonder if people knew. I cut off the contact between us. Then he went off on Don and I shoulda defended him, should've said something. I just let him leave. My fucking fault."

Chris moved his head beside the softly crying man.

"Not your fault," he said, flatly, sternly. "Say it."

As Chris licked away Dave's tears, Dave repeated the words over and over. Chris let Dave's hands free. They explored Chris' broad back and his tight butt, most of all they jerked at the white-hot shaft already being stroked by Chris. 2 sets of hands massaged Dave's shaft in unison with Chris massaging Dave's sphincter.

"Not my fault. Not...oooooooHHHHHHHHHHHH....!!!!!"

Chris wanted to scream out from the clamping down on his exploding cannon, but he remembered the RV not too far away. He slammed his mouth over Dave's, and their orgasm was shared, tongues and teeth clashing and mating as Dave's love canal overflowed with sperm and Chris' chest and groin were sprayed with rope after rope of Dave's pent-up juices.

The sounds of ecstasy quieted down. Everything seemed utterly silent. Their bodies were motionless, afraid to go in any direction. To break the mood. Chris and Dave tenderly kissed, their tentative lips and tongues sealing the bond between them. Dave began to slumber, completely exhausted by the frenzy of their lovemaking. Chris laid his head on Dave's chest, listening to his heartbeat and to the sounds of the night. He knew he had to pull out of his new lover soon. He knew tomorrow would be completely different, that it would be like this night had never happened. Most of all, he knew that he wished this night, this moment, never, ever had to end.

Next: Chapter 3

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