Road Back to School

By adibballboy

Published on Mar 14, 2008


Caution: This story contains graphic depictions of sex between males. Any similarity to actual people or events is coincidental. This is copyrighted material that may not be copied.

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... Exhausted, I lay back and closed my eyes, though apparently Andrew needed more. He positioned himself over me, licking my balls, then dick, moving up to my abs and pecs, finally cleaning the cum off my chin before coming to rest firmly on my lips, our tongues swapping cum in our mouths, his hands holding himself up on my chest.


"Dude," Andrew said, somehow managing to convey a world of emotion in one short word. "Dude, that was awesome."

"Fuck. Yeah," I said, opening my eyes and looking deeply at Andrew. He leaned down one more time and we locked lips. I parted my lips slightly and Andrew focused in on my top lip, then the bottom one, then he gently introduced his tongue, allowing our mouths to work together for a few minutes, not distracted by anything else.

Finally he drew his tongue back through my lips and jumped to his feet, pushing off the bench, so he stood with his beautiful, sweaty body over me. The little hairs on his chest and pubes were matted down as he panted softly. I tried to imagine my reflection in his eyes, my flat stomach, strong legs and now soft cock draped over my balls and dripping a little onto the workout bench.

Breaking the stare, Andrew stepped back and stepped into his sweatpants. He tossed his Speedos onto my chest.

"Have some fun with these -- but I want them back," Andrew said. "Next time." I was thrilled at the prospect of repeating the night's events. Feeling my cock start to grow, I jumped up too. As Andrew tied his shoes I realized how ridiculous I looked. I had my black work-issue Under Armour polo shirt still on, the front held up by my dick and the back wrinkled from getting stuck between my back and the bench I was just fucked on.

I still had my Adidas basketball shoes on, but I did have to take an awkward minute to pull the Under Armour boxer briefs Zach had given me on over my shoes, and then re- snap my black Nike tear-aways around my legs. Lastly, I used Andrew's Speedos to wipe up the mess on the bench press and shoved them into my pocket.

"Hey Kyle, you call me any time you wanna `work out' again," Andrew said.

"Yeah, man, definitely. Thanks a lot," I replied.

"My pleasure," Andrew said laughing. We walked out of the Rec Center and I locked up. Andrew smiled at me, saying, "Hope you call soon, dude," as he turned and jogged off. I walked back to my dorm, hoping my roommate Ben wouldn't be home. I wanted to jerk off with the memory of Andrew and my fuck still fresh.

As I approached the door to my room and listened I was let down. I could hear the TV on, playing something like America's Next Top Model or some shit like that. Sometimes I loved having a gay roommate -- coming home after a night out to find him in bed with a dude still making out. But sometimes I hated it -- like when Bravo was on TV and I needed to jerk off.

Since Spring Break, when Zach and I first hooked up, I'd been trying to act normal around Ben. We had been great friends for a long time, but it had only been a few weeks since I considered actually hooking up with dudes. Of all people, I wanted to hide it from my roommate, because if he knew everyone would know.

Ben wasn't like Zach and Andrew -- sneaking around sucking dick for a thrill while hammering pussy on a regular Saturday night. Ben was in the Gay / Straight Alliance and everything, and so even if he was a cool guy, I knew he couldn't keep a secret like mine for long.

When I walked into my room I saw Ben, sitting up in bed, focused on the TV. He wore faded blue jeans and brown Hollister t-shirt tight enough to be Under Armour.

"What's up, dude?" I asked.

"Hi Kyle, what'ch you been up to?" Ben replied.

"Just working out. Slow night."

"Oh, Kyle, speaking of working out, I found out your little secret." Ben said. I stopped moving and stared, petrified.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"I was cleaning up, and I picked up one of your workout shorts from by your desk to put in your hamper, and it was still half-wet and reeked of cum! You sick fuck!" Ben said, turning to face me for the first time and cracking up laughing at his own joke. "Straight guys. You guys are all a little off."

"Shit, sorry man," I said laughing in relief. "Don't you know that was a present for you? It was either there or your pillow."

"Yeah, bitch, you use my pillow as a cum rag and I'll use yours as toilet paper," Ben joked. While we finished laughing I settled in behind my computer. In a minute, my phone rang. It was Zach.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey stud, walking back from the mailboxes I passed Andrew with a big smile on his face," Zach said as I scrambled to turn the headset volume down. I glanced at Ben, thankful that he hadn't seemed to hear.

"Yeah, I, uh, ran into him at the Rec."

"If I had to guess, I'd say he ran into you! You lucky bastard."

"That sounds about right."

"Fuck, I mean, Andrew's really the lucky one. I was hoping I might get to try out your sweet ass first, but now that you've had his Olympic size up there it's hardly worth it."

"Well, thanks for calling, but I gotta go now, I'm home for the night."

"Oh, Queer McGee is there?" Zach asked. He and Ben hadn't gotten along since one of Ben's friends hit on Zach at a party -- and Zach hit him. Zach was still on probation for the fight.

"Yes, well, I'll see you tomorrow man."

"Hey man, you're not turning queer now too, are you?"

With that I hung up. For a guy that liked sex with guys so much, Zach was awkwardly homophobic. For the next few hours Ben and I did our own things before watching the Daily Show together and going to bed.

As usual, I woke up about two hours before Ben to go to work. And as usual, I got a newly appreciated peak at his rigid cock, tenting his flannel pajamas several inches high. In the shower I thought about jerking to that image, but decided I didn't have enough time. After I showered I pulled on a fresh pair of Under Armour boxers, a clean polo shirt for work and jeans. I stayed with the same white and red Adidas basketball shoes I'd worn the night before.

By 6:00 in the morning I was in my position behind the front desk of the Rec Center, checking ID for the die-hards who always came in early. By 9:00 a few other student workers were backing me up, and our "supervisor," really just a kid who had worked there a year more than we had, came over to chat.

With me at the desk was girl named Jessica who never said much, a guy named Mario who followed University athletics like we didn't totally suck, and Lee, our supervisor, a senior who captained the club soccer team. Mario was Hispanic, and had dark, dark skin that I loved. He wore khaki cargo shorts, a white Rec Center staff t-shirt and Air Jordan shoes.

Lee wore white Adidas shoes with black stripes down the side. He showed a slight rim of black socks inside the ankle of his shoes that I loved. Otherwise, he had on his club soccer uniform, which he explained was because he had a game later that afternoon.

When we had exhausted everything there was to say about the prior weekend's home basketball game, Lee caught me off guard with a question.

"So, Kyle, did I see you around here late last night?"

"Maybe, I think I passed by on my way home. Why?" I said cautiously.

"I just though I saw some people over here, I though it was you but I didn't want to shout out and be wrong."

"Yeah, probably me on my way home, that's all."

"Oh well, anyway, before it gets too late can you go over to court three and put away the shit from the intramural game yesterday?" Lee asked.

"Yeah no problem," I said, before heading down the hall. I couldn't figure out why Lee was so weird this morning, but I got nervous while I put basketballs back on the rack. Maybe he had seen something? Maybe he was going to tell the Director that I was sneaking in at night so I could get fucked by swim team members? By the time I was rearranging the stuff in the supply room my nerves were on end. So, when I heard the storage door slam shut, I nearly jumped in fear.

"Hey Kyle," Lee said. I turned to look at him, scared. "So, I think we need to talk."

"Hey Lee, what's up?" I choked out.

"You know you're not supposed to use your keys unless you're opening or closing up, right?"

"Yeah man, I wouldn't..." Lee interrupted me.

"Oh? You wouldn't open up the building for you and that swimmer to have a little time in private?"

"What the fuck does that mean?" I exclaimed, trying to sound like I was in the right.

"It means it's not going to look real good when I tell the Director what you use the bench press for after hours."

"Fuck, man. What the fuck?" I said, getting angry.

"Unless, of course, you want to do a little extra work on my shift," Lee said, a hand moving to his crotch. Suddenly I saw Lee in a whole new light. I'd never looked at him so closely, and now I noticed the enticing brown eyes, almost hidden under his below-ear length dark brown hair. He was the quintessential soccer player -- cute more than anything, just muscular enough to allow you to see his boyish face in a grown-up way, with beautifully full lips, all over narrow shoulders and what I was sure would turn out to be a sculpted chest.

"What do you want, Lee?"

"Oh, it's not about what I want Kyle, it's about how much you want to keep this job and not be known all over campus for sucking cock. So, I'm just going sit here and you can leave and be a laughing stock, or you can suck my cock like we both know you want to."

When he put it that way, I did want to. Lee pushed himself up onto a row of short storage cabinets and I approached him slowly. When I got close I tried to stand between his spread legs, lean my face in and reach out a hand to touch his soccer jersey. Lee rested a hand firmly on my sternum and pushed me back.

"None of that gay shit, just drop my shorts for me," Lee said. Obeying, I reached forward and lowered his short black soccer shorts down his legs, pulling them off over his right leg so they hung on his left shoe. At the same time, Lee pulled his jersey over his head, revealing a tight six-pack under his firm pecs with their small but very erect nipples pointing out.

"God, you're amazing," I said, maybe a little surprised.

"I know. That's why you're going to like my dick so much," Lee said almost disdainfully. He was left sitting on the cabinet in his short, tight, black Under Armour compression shorts. I could make out the outline of his growing cock under them, extending almost all the way down the leg.

Using both my hands, I felt up Lee's boner through his underwear, searching out his balls from time to time and finding nuts big enough to be distinctly felt through the tight fabric. A wet spot began to form where the outline of the big member ended, as I brushed my hand up and down the length of it.

I got my face up close and personal with Lee's package, smelling an attractive mix of sweat, Adidas cologne that Lee wore and cum. At first I though it was just Lee's precum, but the smell was strong, and soon I found dried, crusty patches with my tongue and fingers.

"You jerk off on these, man?" I asked Lee.

"Mmmm, what?" Lee asked, sounding annoyed that I was interrupting his ecstasy.

"Looks like you jerk off on these shorts, dude?" I repeated.

"I lost at spunk shorts."

"What?" I asked, keeping up my stroking to keep Lee happy.

"My team, before games we jerk it together to relieve stress. We put these in the middle and last one to cum gets to wear them. But why don't you shut up and put my cock in your mouth?"

I didn't answer, I just went for the waistband of Lee's spunk shorts and pulled them off like I had his soccer shorts. As the waistband slowly lowered over his cock head, it sprung up, slapping me in the chin. I gladly took the big purplish head into my mouth while I took care of the underwear.

"Oh God, yes," Lee said. "You like that big dick in your mouth?"

"Humm," I said around Lee's thick cock. All 7.5 inches were standing at attention, and I could only fit a little of it into my mouth. I moved, momentarily to his balls, which had a modest amount of brown hair on them. I took the right one into my mouth first, rolling it with my tongue, then the same for the left. While I did that, I used my left hand to spread Lee's precum around his cock head, making slow, steady jerks of the top couple inches of his big pecker.

Next, taking my tongue I traced veins up and down the length of Lee's shaft, moving over a little each time. The moans and groans coming out of Lee's throat urged me, my own erection straining against the fabric of my underwear. I played with Lee's big nuts and felt all of the strong muscles of his pelvis, going down into his thighs and up into his solid abs.

Finally, I made another attempt at taking Lee's monster into my mouth. As the head slowly parted my lips, I started breathing through my nose, feeling the base of his dick run slowly down my tongue, then brushing the base of my tongue, then pushing farter, and farther. I had no idea what I was doing but it felt amazing to be so filled with his soccer jock cock.

After a while Lee started to get impatient, rocking his hips forward and back on the edge of the cabinets. With his movement came sweat and renewed musky smells that made me want to taste more and more of Lee's stud body. Pretty soon Lee was giving me a gentle face fuck, and I cast my eyes up at his face. His eyes were closed momentarily, his head almost falling to one side while a steady "uhhh" reverberated through his body. Suddenly, Lee opened his eyes and stared at me.

"Oh shit, dude," Lee said panting. "Fuck that's hot," he paused, "to watch you eat that dick." He breathed. "You're a fucking natural... I'm sorry... to take it away... from you... you slut."

That made me a little pissed off, and I responded by closing my jaw just a little and giving Lee the feel of some teeth. It didn't work like I'd wanted.

"Oh yeah," Lee yelled. "Oh shit dude, I'm gonna blow."

When Lee said that I remembered what every blow job ended with. I tried to back up, getting back to just Lee's big tip, working my tongue in circles around the edge of it while I jerked the base of his cock. Quickly, I changed strategies and ran the end of my tongue over the slit at the end of Lee's dick, pumping my right hand at the base of his shaft and my left hand just outside my mouth at the top.

"Fuck, Kyle... Fuck, Kyle... I want this now. I want to unload. Please Kyle, please give it to me."

With his beg for release I gave it all I had, making wide laps of my tongue against the bottom of his dick and fervent jerking at the base. Within seconds Lee's entire body froze as the first wave of hot white spunk hit the room of my mouth. This muscled soccer stud was suddenly week with his jock juice pouring out of his cock head into my mouth.

I pulled back and kept jerking, enjoying a bath of cum on my face, licking my lips and Lee's cock head for every drop. Literally 30 seconds into his orgasm, Lee started to finally relax and the sprays transitioned to a slow ooze, before cutting off all together. I had his sweet and salty college cum in my hair, on my forehead, dripping off my nose, soaking into my shirt and pretty much everywhere except on Lee.

Lee smiled, then laughed loudly, grabbing his quickly softening cock by the base and slapping me on both sides of my face with it.

"Happy now?" I asked.

"Very. Every time I see you I'm going to be happy, my little cocksucker. Feel free to bring your booty calls to the Rec any time, just keep your sweet little mouth on my prick when I tell you too and things will be just fine."

I didn't know how to respond, so I just watched while he pulled his underwear and shorts back on, pulled his jersey back on and walked out of the storage room like nothing had happened. Realizing I was covered in semen I started looking around for ways to escape...


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