Road Back to School

By adibballboy

Published on Feb 2, 2008


Caution: This story contains graphic depictions of sex between males. Any similarity to actual people or events is coincidental. This is copyrighted material that may not be copied.

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... When Zach and I stopped filling him with cum Chris lay down on his stomach on the bench, getting cum all over himself. Zach massaged his back and I rubbed my cock on his hair, getting extra cum off.


Zach, showing a new tenderness now that he'd cum twice within just a couple of hours, tugged on Chris' shoulder to get him to turn over. Sitting on the locker room bench facing one another, Zach reached down and tugged Chris' jockstrap down from where it was pinning his softening dick to his attractive abs.

"You okay, man?" Zach asked him.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't know what to say," Chris said.

"You can say you loved every second of it," Zach said laughing. While I leaned back exhausted on a locker, Zach picked up our identical pairs of black Under Armour boxer briefs from where we had abandoned them on the floor, and Chris' underwear, also Under Armour but white, loose fitting boxers that wouldn't show under the white basketball shorts in his locker.

Zach took each one, one by one, and wiped up cum from the bench and Chris' chest and face. Then he knelt down in front of Chris and slipped my underwear around Chris' feet and started pulling them up.

"Stand up," he told Chris, and Chris followed the direction. Zach situated my boxer briefs around Chris' hips and, standing up close enough to Chris that their pecs were touching, slipped his left hand inside the waistband and adjusted Chris' package for him. Withdrawing his hand, he cupped Chris' cock and balls through my Under Armour.

"Here's a little souvenir for you Chris. And this better not be the last time Kyle sees those boxers on you. You understand?"

"Yeah, that's cool," Chris said quietly.

"Good boy," Zach said, and leaned in to kiss Chris passionately but quickly. Backing up, he tossed his own pair of Under Armour to me.

"And Kyle, I think we both know I'll see those again soon," he said.

"I think that can be arranged," I said pulling Zach's boxer briefs on over my still mostly hard dick, the fabric wet with cum from all three of us.

"And Chris, I'm going to be wearing these boxers of yours a lot, but only in private because I know I'm gonna get hard every time I put them on," Zach said, making Chris smile for the first time since I had put my dick in his mouth.

"Okay everybody, get your shit back on, it's time to get moving," Zach said, and all three of us sprung into action, cleaning up enough so that it didn't look like an incredible orgy had just taken place. As we walked out of the school we talked to Chris.

"What grade are you in, anyway?" I asked him.

"I'm a senior," he answered.

"So you're deciding where to go to college next year?"

"No, man, I applied early decision to Jefferson University and that's where I want to go," Chris said. I nearly tripped as I stared at Zach.

"Really?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, I'm excited about it, I'm ready to get out of here," Chris said.

"Well, Chris, I would be excited if I were you too. You're going to have a great time at college, and Kyle and I are going to make sure of it," he said with a grin.

"Shit, man, really? You guys go to Jefferson too?"

"That's right, freshman," I said. "I hope you'll be ready for a little `orientation' when school starts."

"Okay man, but you guys are cool about this, right? You're not going to tell anybody?"

"Well that depends, Chris. If you want us to do something for you, you'll have to do a few things for us," Zach said.

"Okay man, that's cool, just give me a chance." By this point we had reached Chris' car and we all exchanged cell phone numbers.

"Okay, freshman. Run along now and let us know if want to come visit campus soon," Zach said.

"I will. Thanks, Zach. Thanks, Kyle. I'll see ya."

"See ya later," I said, and Chris shut his door and started to drive off.

"Now see Kyle, all guys have to have a few `recreational activities,'" Zach said.

"I believe you now, man. Thanks for showing me."

"We'll do it again some time?"

"Soon, probably, since I've got to give your underwear back some time," I said and we both laughed while we got in the car and got back on the road to school.

In the weeks after Zach and I fooled around, I started to find myself more and more observant of other guys. I sized them up in class, I stared at the gym and I thought about Zach and Chris whenever I jerked off. I didn't know what my problem was, but I knew I needed relief.

The worst episode was on a Monday in the cafeteria when my friends and I sat one table over from where the swim team was eating. The swimmers were, for lack of a better word, hot. I wanted to see them in their Speedos, I wanted to see their cocks hard, and I was worried about why.

I stopped worrying, though, when one of the hottest swimmers, Andrew, stood up and walked in my direction. When I focused, though, I saw he was looking just beyond and above me, and approaching my table he asked:

"Mind if I change the channel?" while he jerked his thumb at the TV.

"No problem," said my friend Katie, before she launched back into her diatribe on something or other. I was increasingly nervous as I realized the TV was right over my head, hanging from the ceiling.

Before I knew it, Andrew reached up and started pushing the TV channel buttons. When he did, his yellow polo shirt rode up on his flat abs, and his belt-less Levi's sort-of slipped, giving me a view of a thin trail of black hair running down between his six-pack, and just the top of his pubes. He wasn't wearing any underwear at all.

I tried like hell to look natural. To appear to my friends and Andrew that I wasn't staring, but this guy was so fucking hot all I could do was fantasize about him dropping his pants right there. He was a little over six feet tall, with his outie belly button right in my face. I was entranced. But as quickly as he had come, he went back to his table, yelling with his teammates as a player in the TV basketball game missed a three-pointer.

That night I went over to Zach's room to talk about it, and see to if Zach was in one of his horny moods.

"Andrew, like swim team Andrew?" Zach asked after I told the story.

"Yeah, man, the tall one, really fit, dark hair, dark eyes, sometimes some scruffy facial hair?" I said. Zach laughed loudly.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. You're not missing anything."

"What? What the hell does that mean?"

"I don't know, I'm just saying, you gotta go with the biggest dick you can get, and between me and him, you gotta go with me."

"You're fucking with me," I said. "You guys hooked up?"

"Yeah, man. I mean, he's a swimmer, what do you expect? My freshman roommate was a swimmer and he introduced me a few teammates and I think it's a well known fact that they love the cock!"

"So you and the hottest dude on the swim team have hooked up?"

"Yeah, of course. Why? You want to try it with him?"

"Fuck man, I'd love to see what he's like in a Speedo."

"Well, let me make a call for you."

"Fuck you, no way," I said, but I already heard the ringing on Zach's speaker phone.

"Yeah?" Andrew's voice came through the speaker.

"What's up bro, it's Zach."

"Hey dude, what's up?"

"Not much, I just think there's a guy you should meet. Do you know Kyle Hunter?"

"Yeah," Andrew said laughing. "He's that cute kid that works at the Rec Center? Checking ID cards?"

"Yeah, that's him. He'd love to meet you."

"Awesome, yeah, I though he might. 50/50 chance, you know. I gave him a little show in the caf today."

"Yeah, I heard, I guess you pegged him right."

"Well, so, what's the chance he has keys to the Rec?" Andrew asked Zach. Zach looked at me and I nodded nervously.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he does."

"Well, if you see him, tell him I'll finish my run through the fitness trail tonight around 10, a little after the Rec closes, he should meet me at the front door."

"Okay, cool man, I think he'll be excited to hear it."

"Cool, see you later Zach."

"Later Andrew," Zach said. "Well, Kyle, you owe me big. But you'll have to hit me back later `cause you've got like an hour before show time."

"Shit, Zach, is he cool? You just doubled the number of people who know I like guys!"

"Yeah man, totally. Just get over there! Dress up like in your work uniform, I think he sees you that way most often."

"Alright, thanks man."

"No problem," Zach said and laughed. "But now what am I going to do?" I grabbed Zach's wrist.

"Zach, meet your right hand. Right hand, meet Zach. You kids have fun," I said and walked out.

An hour later I was sitting on the steps in front of the University's Rec Center. I had been there about five minutes when Andrew jogged up. In the slight Spring chill that remained he wore navy blue sweatpants with the swim team insignia on them, grey New Balance shoes and a t-shirt over what looked like a tight Under Armour shirt in the same school navy blue color as his sweatpants.

I was wearing a black Under Armour polo shirt with the school logo, and the black Nike tear-away snap pants I wore to work fairly often. Underneath I had on Zach's Under Armour boxer briefs.

"Kyle? What's up?" Andrew asked.

"Not much man. I guess we're both friends of Zach's?"

"Yeah," Andrew said and laughed sheepishly. "He's a cool guy. So, you wanna go into the Rec for a little while? Maybe work out?"

"Yeah, cool, man," I said, unsure of what he meant by work out. After I let us in, he led me to the weight room.

"So you like working at the Rec?" Andrew asked me.

"Yeah, it's a great job for campus," I said.

"But you must get tired of always cleaning up in here and spotting for people and shit?"

"It's cool, I get to use the stuff too pretty often."

"Well good. Just lie down on the bench press here and we'll see if we can get some weights going," Andrew said. When I laid down on my back he stood at the end of the bench near my feet and pulled off his t-shirt, revealing his torso's rock hard swimmer's build rippling under his tight Under Armour.

Without making much pretense of actually working out he walked forward and straddled me and the bench, sitting down on my thighs and staring me in the eyes. His weight pinned my legs in place, with my feet hanging down over each side of the bench and not moving.

"So Kyle, you like hot swimmer boys?" Andrew asked.

"I don't know, man, I guess."

"Well do you like girls?"

"Yeah man, definitely."

"Well I like bitches, Kyle, and tonight that's you baby. Are you ready?"

"Yeah man, I want whatever you've got."

"Good," he said and stood up, leaving his hands on the waistband of my pants. When he was standing above me, he pulled up and back fast and unsnapped my pants in one move. He cupped my cock and balls through Zach's Under Armour boxer briefs.

"Nice Kyle, we're going to have plenty of fun together," he said. He backed up and kicked off his shoes. He wasn't wearing any socks, and when he pulled down his sweat pants, Andrew revealed his team-issue Speedo.

"Oh yeah," I said involuntarily, staring at Andrew's sizable bulge, while simultaneously watching mine grow in front of me. Andrew came forward again, dressed in tight navy blue spandex from his balls to his shoulders. He stopped just over my shoulders and I raised myself up on my elbows, putting my mouth in perfect line with Andrew's huge package.

Andrew reached his hands around the back of my head and pulled me in towards him. I tried to get as much of his tightly packed balls and dick into my mouth as I could, but ended up mostly just licking and kissing his spandex bulge. I inhaled deep to get Andrew's odor of chlorine and ball sweat, savoring it like I never thought I would.

I freed up one hand to feel around Andrew's tight ass. It was amazingly firm and smooth under the Speedo. The Jefferson University logo was pasted across his ass and I traced it with my finger. Andrew moaned loudly and ran his fingers through my hair.

I pushed my hand up under Andrew's tight shirt, feeling his washboard abs and tracing the line of hair leading from below his nipples – as high as I could reach – and the top of his Speedos.

In response, Andrew freed his hands for a moment, causing my head to fall back off his cock, and he hooked his thumbs in the back center of the neck hole of his shirt where the Under Armour logo was and pulled. The shirt glided over his chest and popped over his head. As he pulled his arms out of the shirt in front of him the sweat on his solid pecs and muscular arms glinted in the few lights I had turned on in the weight room.

When Andrew dropped his shirt and scooped my head back into his crotch, I noticed his small tattoo over his Speedo line. I reached for it, and bringing my hand down from there I tugged on his Speedos in the center. I stopped momentarily, working my lips in a gumming motion along the line his growing cock was making down the center-left of the Speedos.

I reached up again and traced his trail of hair down to the Speedos and pulled enough to free his cock and balls over the top of the swimsuit. Of course, Zach hadn't given the full stoyr, as Andrew's eight inches definitely beat Zach. More remarkable were his balls, fairly hairy and large.

"I thought swimmers shaved their balls," I said between licks up and down Andrew's solid shaft.

"We will in a few weeks before the meet. If you're lucky I might let you help me," Andrew replied, distracted, between moans. My own cock was tenting Zach's boxer briefs as much as they would allow, and moving my hands from Andrew's balls to my own made him notice.

Andrew backed up over the bench press and wordlessly pulled on the waistband of my Under Armour. I swung my legs up to allow Andrew to pull them off. Rather than take time to take my shoes off, Andrew pulled the boxer briefs right over them, catching my ankles as I let them fall back down. He palmed the heels of my white and red Adidas basketball shoes and pushed my legs up as he came closer.

Resting my feet on his broad shoulders, Andrew pulled off his Speedos, delicately pulling one leg through at a time. He knelt down, bringing my legs with him, until he was sitting on the bench in front of me. While his left hand slowly jerked my cock, his right hand searched out the pocked of his sweatpants on the floor. He withdrew a condom and took the hand off my cock to open it and roll it onto his huge tool.

Standing up, Andrew pulled me roughly towards the end of the bench, my shirt riding up on the dry leather. I didn't mind too much, though, because when I was in position Andrew slowly started feeding his prick to my waiting ass. I was thrilled too much to even make a noise of pleasure. Zach had never fucked me, and I was glad Andrew's monster would be the first dick to enter my tight hole.

"Ahh, shit that's tight. What the fuck, bitch, you gotta relax," Andrew shouted.

"I'm trying. You're so big, I've never..." I sputtered nervously.

"You've never been fucked, bitch?"

"No, no, but Andrew, I want it, I want you to fuck me hard."

"Oh don't worry – you want it, you got it, bitch," he said, laughing, before he grabbed the bars behind me that hold weights up and pulled.

"Ohh, fuck. Fuck me!" I gasped. I felt like all the air had been pushed out of me. I felt like I was in a stupor, watching Andrew's Adonis swimmer chest heave and his perfect body start to pulse forward and backward. The sensations I felt were indescribable. I felt complete, then full, then ready to burst. When Andrew pulled back the emptiness was terrible but exciting, waiting for his manhood to fill me again. It was beautiful to watch his face, his eyes staring alternatively at my face and then our dicks, one under the other but with my body between them.

My dick started to involuntarily pulse with his, collapsing against my chest when Andrew pulled out and lifting up, dribbling precum when he pushed slowly in. While the routine got slightly faster for the first few minutes, Andrew slowed down after a while, pushing and pulling in seemingly slow motion, sweat pouring down the valleys between his pecs and abs.

I spread my legs, pushing my feet off of Andrew's shoulders and dropping them below his arms, catching them on what little of his pelvis protruded from his sides. Slowly, I wrapped my calves around the small of Andrew's back, shortening his thrust with each cycle until his meat was lodged as far up my ass as it would go and he was barely fidgeting. We stared at each other, the feelings of ecstasy persisting even without the motion.

Andrew leaned forward and down, reaching his long torso and neck down to allow our mouths to meet without our chests touching. In a brief, but passionate kiss he scooped his Speedos up from off the floor. Standing straight again, he put his hand inside the swimsuit front and reached down, slowly jerking me off. The Speedo material rubbing against my dick was something I'd never felt before, and knowing his junk regularly pressed outward on the same material made me almost lose it.

I did lose it, however, when I looked up from Andrew's jerking hand to his smiling face, showing my waves of pleasure were moving through my ass to his dick, giving him every sensation without even moving. As I stared at him my cock started to twitch uncontrollably.

Quickly, Andrew freed his torso from my legs with his other hand and rapidly pulled out, giving me a sudden wave of an empty feeling and postponing my orgasm – until Andrew had ripped off the condom and was jerking both of us simultaneously with his Speedos, the bottoms of our cocks rubbing together, vein to vein. Watching his muscles move and his eyes slowly close, a deep moan erupting from his throat, I started shooting my seed like never before.

My first shot flew over my own head, landing behind me somewhere. By the time my second shot was dripping down my chin, Andrew's first shot was landing on top of it and mixing together. As we continued to convulse, our dicks writhing under Andrew's unceasing motion, we soaked my black work shirt together, leaving cum dripping from my pecs, my abs, Andrew's Speedo and both our cocks and balls.

Exhausted, I lay back and closed my eyes, though apparently Andrew needed more. He positioned himself over me, licking my balls, then dick, moving up to my abs and pecs, finally cleaning the cum off my chin before coming to rest firmly on my lips, our tongues swapping cum in our mouths, his hands holding himself up on my chest.


Next: Chapter 3

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