Road Back to School

By adibballboy

Published on Jan 22, 2008


Caution: This story contains graphic depictions of sex between males. Any similarity to actual people or events is coincidental. This is copyrighted material that may not be copied.

Feel free to let me know what you think:

Zach and I were driving back to school from his place in Boston after I spent the last few days of spring break with him. We were probably two hours down the road before we started talking sex -- a record for Zach.

We were dressed for the roadtrip in comfortable clothes, Zach in his usually black Nike warm-up pants -- half sweats, half nylon -- and a white loose-fit Under Armour long-sleeve shirt. I had on black Under Armour boxer-briefs, light Carolina blue Nike basketball shorts and a college t-shirt.

"Hey Kyle, did you see that girl in the black skirt last night?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, fuckin' hot," I replied, with no idea who the hell he was talking about.

"Yeah, fuckin' bitch," he said. "She gave me a fake fuckin' number."

"She did?" I laughed.

"She fuckin' did," he said. "Left me horny as hell. You find anybody special last night?"

"No man, no luck," I said. "Hell of a depressing way to end spring break."

"Tell me about it," he said. "But it didn't like you were trying too hard man. Why don't you ever talk to the bitches?"

"I don't know, I don't like clubs."

"Or you don't like girls?" he asked. "Come on man, I don't care."

"Fuck you," I said. "That's bullshit."

"Oh yeah? Come one, why don't you suck my dick right now?" he teased, planting his right hand firmly on his crotch.

"Yeah, if I could find it," I mocked back. He laughed.

"You think it's that small, eh?" he asked, before he suddenly took off his seatbelt, arched his back to lift his ass off the seat and pushed his pants' waste-band to just above his knees before he sat back down.

Trying to keep my eyes on the road while stealing glances at his package, I first noticed he was wearing the same boxer-briefs I was! Black Under Armour. But I quickly changed my focus to the snake bulging out from his right leg. He was running his hand up and down the bulge which extended at least seven inches from his crotch down the right leg of his boxer-briefs.

"Man, put your fucking pants back on, before the police pull us over," I said.

"Oh, Kyle's too distracted by my cock to drive, eh? Why don't you pull over and give me what I want," he said. I was starting to get concerned he wasn't kidding anymore.

"You and I both know that's not going to happen. First thing back on campus you'll get drunk and tell everybody all about it."

"Fuck no, man, I never told anybody about anybody else."

"Anybody else?"

"Yeah, come one, be cool Kyle, everybody does each other favors now and then," he said. I was really worried now, but really horny too. I didn't want to tell Zach that this was exactly what I had wanted since the first time I met him.

"Fuck you, don't give me that shit," I said.

"I shit you not, that's just the way things work," he said. At that moment I made the mistake of reaching for the dashboard to change the song. He grabbed my hand and jerked it over to the snake in his pants. He didn't let go, he just dragged my hand up and down his cock, getting harder under the tight fabric of the Under Armour. I kept my left hand on the wheel and turned on the cruise control.

"What the fuck man, this isn't funny anymore," I said.

"Mmmm, no, it's fucking hot," he said. With that I decided to run with it. His hands still on mine, I guided him to his fly and undertook the difficult operation of pulling his hard cock out of his underwear. "Now you got it, man, that's right."

When his dick was fully exposed he took his hands off mine. He pushed his pants the rest of the way down to his ankles and reclined his seat a little. I started working on jerking him off, his cock getting steadily harder with every stroke.

"Mmmm, yeah. See, this is what guys do," he said. I suddenly put my hand back on the wheel. "What the fuck man, I thought we were cool," he gasped.

"I don't do this with your underwear on," I said. "Take it off, take it off," I chanted like at a strip club. He did so enthusiastically, pulling his boxer briefs down to join his pants around his ankles. After his cock drew back through his fly it snapped back up, bouncing off his six-pack abs. I returned my hand, this time to his balls.

Zach was only two years younger than me, but I surprised that he was completely hairless. I bounced his big hairless balls up and down, then started back at the base of his shaft. He was now as hard as he was going to get, and his cut cock reached up about seven and a half inches. He was definitely bigger than me, but he was a foot taller too.

I worked my thumb and forefinger around the bottom couple inches of his dick, taking his skin up and down with me. Then I moved up, putting my whole fist around the upper half with my thumb tracing circles around his head.

"Oh yeah," he gasped. "Fuck yeah Kyle." He had moved his left hand in under my arm to play with his balls, while his right hand moved up and down his chest, rubbing the soft Under Armour shirt over his abs and chest. He paused particularly to trace circles around his nipples. I continued to catch quick glances of the action every couple seconds while I focused on the road.

"I'm getting close, man," he moaned after a few minutes of hard work. My arm was starting to get tired. I hadn't thought, though, what was going to happen when this was over. I started getting worried about the cum all over my car. He started to arch his back up a little.

"Come on, Kyle, make me cum," he shouted. I forgot about the car and stroked him faster and faster. "Fuck yes!" he yelled as he landed his ass back on the seat, whipping his cock out of my hands as he was rocked by spasms of orgasm. My hand was hit by a flying wad of cum before I got it back around his dick and resumed furiously stroking.

"Oh god, slow down!" he said, but I ignored him. He kept shooting, hitting the dashboard, the windshield, his window, his shirt and generally soaking his crotch. It took him most of a minute to finish cumming and cool down.

Finally I took my hand off his dick and wiped it on his shirt, spending a little too long rubbing my hand over his abs and nipples. I put my fairly dry hand back on the wheel and pretended nothing had happened.

"Hell yeah Kyle. Look at this shit. Pull over so I can clean up," he said. He pulled his shirt over his head and started to dab and the windshield. He used his finger to wipe a big glob up from the dashboard and tasted it. "Fucking good, try some," he invited.

"Fuck no. I'll help you out, man, but there are lines." But right as I finished speaking he jabbed a finger full of cum into my mouth. I couldn't resist and licked it off. It tasted sweet and hot, I couldn't compare it to anything but I felt my dick leaking precum with the new sensations in my mouth.

"You like that, huh? You like some Zach cum in your mouth? Well remember that taste, and maybe one day you can get some more." I didn't say anything.

There was an exit in a half mile, and I pulled off. The first thing I saw was a rural New York high school, so I pulled into the parking lot a safe distance away from anything. Zach pulled his underwear and track pants back up over his waste.

"Fuck man, this shirt is too soaked in cum to wear! You made me shoot so fucking much."

"Well, I've had a lot of practice I guess," I said. We both laughed. We got out of the car to stretch our legs. Zach came around to my side of the car, an old-school Jeep Cherokee.

"Hey man, can you reach over the back seat and grab a new shirt out of my bag," he asked.

"Sure," I said, and opened the back door. While I was leaning in looking for Zach's bag I felt two hands grab my ass and push me into the back seat. I kind-of fell into the car as Zach climbed in on top of me and pulled the door closed behind him. I turned my head around to look at him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted.

"Come on Kyle, calm down, I've got to return the favor. He grabbed my hips and flipped me onto my back. I was pretty defenseless there, sprawled across the back seat with my back leaning on Zach's bag and my head on the window. Zach reached for the waste-band of my basketball shorts and pulled them to my ankles.

I was already rock hard as he pulled my six and a half inches of cut cock out of my fly. Before I knew it, he had crunched himself into an impossibly compact position behind the diver's seat and had his mouth positioned over my dripping cock. He looked up at me and smiled before diving down on my dick.

Zach was an expert, his tongue lapping at the bottom side of my shaft, both his hands exploring my balls. I moaned because I didn't have any words for the pleasure I was feeling.

He switched it up, concentrating his lips and tongue on my head and rubbing his right hand up and down the base of my shaft. He brought his left arm up under my t-shirt, feeling up my toned chest. I knew this wasn't going to last long.

I put my right hand on his muscular arm as it moved around under my shirt. I put my left hand on his head, pushing back his hair so I could see his face on my dick. He rolled his eyes up to look at me, staring as he bobbed up and down. I stared back, liking my lips.

"Get ready Zach, I'm gonna blow," I gasped. I counted down to myself the seconds until I sprayed.

"Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm," Zach replied. I was secretly thrilled he didn't stop to jerk me off the rest of the way. I was panting like a dog. With the car off, the temperature had risen to the high nineties in the cooped up SUV and both Zach and I were soaked in sweat. My t-shirt was sticking to me, and his bare chest and back were glistening. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, the focus and longing on his face and the desire in our moans. I was in ecstasy.

As my glance panned up I saw something that scared the hell out of me. Somebody was watching us through the rear driver's side window.

"Fuck!" I yelled, but at the same time I started shooting ropes of cum down Zach's throat. He focused on taking it all, burying his nose in my trimmed pubes. I could feel the top of his throat gulping my cum and I kept shooting and shooting into his eager mouth. My fear of being spotted turned to pure pleasure.

"Fuck, yes, Zach! Take it, take my load you hot son of a bitch! I want you to take it all!"

As soon as I calmed down, though I looked up and made eye contact with the spectator outside. He turned and ran.

"Zach, quick, there's some kid out there watching," I said. Without saying anything he came up off my cock with one last lick and nearly tumbled out the door, running after the kid. I pulled my shorts up, got out and ran to.

"Come here you mother fucker," Zach was yelling. The kid had reached a car and was trying to put his keys in the lock. Zach caught up and slammed him against the side of the car.

"Oww, fuck you!" the kid shouted. As I caught up I got a better look. He couldn't have been older than sixteen or seventeen, and was wearing a basketball uniform -- red basketball shorts and a red muscle shirt made out of basketball short material. His jersey said "Wildcats" on it, I guess this school's mascot. As Zach backed up I started laughing. He was still shirtless and hard as hell under his pants. His cock had been right in the kid's crack

"I'm sorry, man, I didn't mean to," he stuttered.

"So you like to watch mother fucker?" Zach yelled. I looked around to make sure no one else was watching. "Come on, fucker, we're going to have a talk."

Zach grabbed him by his bare muscular arm and led him back to my car. The kid was helping bring my hard-on back, with his short blonde hair, hairless legs and red and white Reebok basketball shoes. When we got to the car, Zach motioned to me to get in the back seat while we pushed the kid in on the other side and got in himself. The kid was in the middle and we were on either side of him.

"What the fuck man, you're fucking in the parking lot so I looked in the window. What the hell?" the kid said.

"What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Kyle, this is Zach."

"I'm Chris," he said.

"So, Chris, you like to watch when dudes hook up?" Zach asked.

"What the hell, man, you guys were hooking up in a high school parking lot."

"So what, you jealous?" Zach sneered. He put his left hand into the kid's crotch, rubbing his cock through the shiny basketball shorts. "Fuck, feels like you're pretty jealous. You need some help with this?"

"Fuck you," the kid said, but he didn't move.

"Oh, so you like this? You want me to fuck you, you said?" Chris just moaned in response. He had closed his eyes while Zach stroked his cock. Zach looked up at me and smiled. I leaned in and planted my lips on Chris'. He started passionately making out with me while he moved one of each of his hands to Zach and my dicks. Zach caught my eye and motioned with head at Chris' hand on my dick. At the same time I pulled my face from his, Zach and I grabbed his wrists and held his hands in place.

"So what are you doing at school Chris? It's Sunday," Zach said, beginning the interrogation.

"I missed the shot that would have won last night's game, so coach made me come in for extra practice and then left me to clean the locker room and lock up," Chris replied, his voice still shaky and nervous.

"So the whole school's empty?"


"And you've got your coach's key?"


"Okay Chris, guess what? You're going to show us around your school, starting with the locker room, I could use a shower to get this cum off me," Zach said. He released Chris' hand to reach across his lap and grab his bag from the floor between my legs. "Let's go."

Chris led the way in. Zach and I walked together, Zach with his eyes fixed on Chris' back-side in his Wildcats basketball uniform. I tapped Zach on his bare shoulder and gave him a "what the fuck" look. In reply he gave me his trademark grin and a thumbs-up. We entered through the fire-door of a big gym. We crossed the playing floor to a door that said "BOYS" on it in large letters. Inside was just what I remembered from high school -- rows of lockers with benches running down their centers to the left, group showers on the right, coaches' offices with their lights out lining the far wall.

"Show us your locker, eh Chris?" Zach said.

"Okay... Why?" he asked.

"I just want to see what a basketball star like you keeps in their gym locker. Cool, little buddy?"

"Kay, whatever," Chris said as he led the way down the center aisle and opened a locker. Zach quickly pushed him in my direction and stood in front of the locker.

"Have a seat on the bench, Chris," Zach said. Chris obeyed, looking more and more nervous. Zach took a brief survey of the locker and turned to me. "Kyle, take off Chris' nice b-ball shoes and set them aside." I did, slowly undoing the double-knotting, loosening the laces a little and pulling off Chris' red and white Nike basketball shoes to reveal short, black Nike ankle socks.

"What do we have in here, then," Zach said to himself, mostly. "One can, Axe body spray." Zach sprayed some on his own chest. "Nice. I approve. Kyle?" I leaned into to Zach's chest and nodded my approval.

"One pair, red mesh Nike basketball shorts. One blue towel. One bottle, Axe body wash. Bought into the Axe commercials, I see?" Zach didn't wait for an answer. "One box, Trojan condoms, half already gone. Well, someone's popular with the cheerleaders, eh Chris? And last, but not least, one black Under Armour protective cup. That's right, one jock strap. Kyle, pull Chris' shorts off."

I stripped Chris from the waist down, revealing a five inch soft cock. Zach knelt down and slipped the jock over Chris' legs and pulled it up.

"Stand up," Zach said, and Chris did. "Nice cock. Too bad I'm not going to let you use it." Then Zach pulled Chris' underwear out of his shorts and pulled his shorts back up. "Now, Chris, you saw what I was doing to Kyle in the car?"

Chris nodded.

"Good, well Kyle's going to sit here straddling this bench and you're going to get in front of him and do the same thing." I gladly dropped my shorts. I managed to get one still shoed leg out of them and that was good enough for me. I threw my leg over the bench and Chris seemed to eagerly assume his position. He unbuttoned my fly and pulled out my hardening cock. I didn't this was his first time sucking cock, but he wasn't as good as Zach had been. Chris traced my veins with his tongue, his right hand pulling my nuts out through my fly.

While I started moaning I saw Zach gesture at me to back up while he rubbed his cock through his pants. I started inching back on the bench and Chris followed me like a dog with a toy in its mouth. When I pulled my cock away he went down on it farther to keep it in place. Finally, there was room for Zach to sit down behind a nearly horizontal Chris on the bench. Zach leaned forward, bringing his chest down on Chris' back, startling him, but not enough to take his prize out of his mouth. Suddenly Zach grabbed his shoulders and jerked him backwards.

"You like that Chris? You like my friend's cock?" Zach asked in a seductive voice.

"Mmm, yeah," Chris muttered, staring at my hard dick plastered against my shirt in front of him. I pulled my shirt over my head and forwards, making my dick snap back against my six-pack.

"You liking this Kyle? Does the boy suck alright?"

"Yeah, man, I've had better," I said, smiling, "but he's pretty good." Zach was rubbing Chris shoulders, saying something like "Good boy," repeatedly. I could see the Under Armour logo on Chris' cup bulging under the pressure his dick was putting on it. Zach pushed Chris' torso back down and he resumed work on my cock, going up and down slowly, applying a little vacuum pressure and running his tongue over the slit at the top of my cock head. Zach, meanwhile, grabbed one of the condoms and put it on. He was pleased to find it was lubed already. With Chris leaned in towards me, Zach had a nearly perfect angle on his smooth asshole.

"FUCK!" Chris and Zach shouted simultaneously, although Chris' was muffled by my dick. From my vantage point I could see Zach had pushed just a little into Chris, and had both his hands on Chris' shoulders. Chris seemed to be gagging on my cock so I used my right hand to push his forehead up. He wasn't doing anything now but slowly moving his tongue over my shaft.

"Oh my god!" Zach yelled, pulling on Chris' shoulders to lodge his cock deeper and deeper. Every few seconds he would back it up a little and then make an even harder thrust. On the third try he was all the way in and rocking in and out a little gently.

"Nice ass Chris. Nice tight ass. You like my big college man cock in your little high school boy hole?" Zach shouted in ecstasy.

"Mmm, harder..." Chris mumbled, slowly beginning to work with renewed passion on my dick. Zach slapped the side of Chris' ass and then snapped one of the bands of his jock strap before withdrawing almost all the way and thrusting with new power and intent. Chris choked for a second on my cock before going back to work even more furiously than before. He and Zach developed a rhythm that correlated Zach's thrusts with Chris' down-strokes on my dick. I started rubbing his hair and joining in Zach's game of "good boy."

The three of us were sweating a lot as Zach pounded harder and hard and I started lifting myself up and down to fuck Chris' face. Chris was in trouble since we had just both cummed. Zach was tall enough to bring his chest down completely over Chris' back and keep up his thrusts while I leaned in and made out with him over Chris' head bobbing on my dick. While my tongue worked on Zach's soft lips and strong tongue Chris' was doing double-time on my cock-head.

When Zach's nipples weren't rubbing against Chris' shoulder blades he was, or I was. Zach started reaching around and massaging Chris' pecs and abs, running fingers from his chin to his jock strap while the three of us bounced up and down, in and out on the locker room bench. Zach felt cautiously on Chris' cup, which was being lifted practically an inch off Chris' pelvis thanks to his cock. Zach pulled it far enough away from Chris that his dick jumped up and thudded against his abs. Zach snapped the cup back trapping Chris' cock upright.

In a few seconds, but not too unexpectedly, Chris was shooting white hot cum all over his chest, my legs and the bench. He was making the most ecstatic noises I had ever heard someone make, this throat and tongue ticking my dick while they made noise. His ass has apparently clamped onto Zach's cock since he stopped thrusting and just made tiny up and down movements on top of Chris' back. Zach was licking one of Chris' ears when I pushed down on the back of Chris' head hard.

"Fuck me! Take it boy, take my big load," I was yelling.

"Take it from both ends, bitch! How do you like two big cocks filling you up? Do you like it?" Zach yelled before pulling my head into his. We kissed deeply while I started shooting gobs of cum into Chris' hungry mouth. He worked as hard as he could to swallow it all, but some trickled down his chin and mingled with his own cum on the locker room bench. At the same time Zach was moaning in pure joy, emptying his reserve into the condom firmly lodged up Chris' tight ass.

When Zach and I stopped filling him with cum Chris lay down on his stomach on the bench, getting cum all over himself. Zach massaged his back and I rubbed my cock on his hair, getting extra cum off.


Feel free to let me know what you think:

Next: Chapter 2

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