RL Corey and Jason

By Ryan Jones

Published on Jan 12, 1995



NOTICE This story contains teenage boys engaging in sexual activities. If this doesn't interest you,it's time to go ahead and exit now. If this story does interest you,I'd appreciate any comments you have. This is the fourth one in my "Real Life" series,using teen stars of today and yesterday in fantasy situations.

AUTHOR'S NOTE This story is set in 1987 during the filming of The Lost Boys. The stars are Corey Haim and Jason Patric. The combination of drugs used to provide the story effect on Corey Haim are real and can be provided on request. This story is a FANTASY. Although the characters are modelled after real people,the situations described came from my own mind. I don't personally know Jason Patrick but this is what could have happened,given the proper opportunity.

This story was originally posted in 1995 under the name Eddy Van through anon.penet.fi before I felt comfortable enough to post directly to the newsgroups.

Corey and Jason

by Corey Haim

The boy moaned on the bed which squeaked as his hand and body moved. One of his hands gripped his 7" cock and stroked it while the other hand moved down and played with his balls.

"Corey. I want you Corey," the boy said over and over again, like a chant. His hands moved in time with his voice,getting faster and harder as his voice grew louder.

His cock felt as hard as rock now and he visualized it going in and out of Corey's ass,his tight ass. And he saw Corey bending over to take it in his mouth,looking at him with the same lust that he always felt as he masturbated.

He took one hand off his balls and grabbed the remote control for the VCR/TV,starting it up to a loop of Corey in the movie Lucas,the shower scene.

Imagine that,he thought. What I would have given to have been in that scene with him. He's so cute,it's just incredible. And as he watched the scene,again and again he felt the pressure building up in his balls and he knew it was time,time to shoot deep into Corey.

"Corey,take it. Take it baby. I'm going to cum up your ass," Jason was moaning louder,gripping his cock so tightly it felt like he was going to rip the head of it off.

He felt the orgasm build,then race through his body. His cock started to jerk in his hand as the spurts of sperm shot out with what he felt was the most pressure he had ever generated. Almost shouting out the boy's name as the first spurt went over his head and hit the wall behind him,the second landing on his chin and then tapering off down his chest.

The next day Jason woke up and decided that he had to try,had to get Corey in bed,somehow. There's no way that boy's a virgin but he only seems interested in hanging with Feldman. I'll have to come up with something better.

Now,what? Slowly the wheels turned in Jason's mind. Drugs,yeah. He's into drugs a lot. There must be a drug I could get that would make him want to have sex and not really care about with who. Jason went to the phone and dialed a friend of his in LA that had supplied him for years.

The phone rang and was answered,"Yeah,what do you want?"

"Diamond,my man."

"Jason? Is that you?"

"Yeah,it's me. Look,I need something from you. There's this kid that I want but he's not interested in me. I want him to be interested,at least for the night. And if not interested,at least compliant. I don't want a love affair,I just want sex."

"I've got just what you need. I'll bring it down to you today. Just make sure you don't use too much,the results could be unpredictable."

"Just bring it. I want his body."

The package was delievered later that afternoon.

Jason went over to the set,smiling. This would have to be the night for it. All I have to do is get him to come to my house. He saw the two Coreys over by the boardwalk.

"Hey,Haim! Hey,Feldman! How's it hanging?"

"Cool man,like usual," they both answered.

"Feldman,could I talk to Corey alone,for a minute?"

"Sure. See you in a few!"

"So what's up,dude?" Corey asked.

"I'm having a small party tonight at my house and you're invited."

"A party?" Corey sounded skeptical.

"I'll have some new stuff to try. Supposed to be the best ever."

"Hey man,I'll be there. How about Feldman?"

"Naw,he's kind of a drag. Just you,okay?"

"I'll be there. What time?"

"Come on by at 8pm."

"See you later!" and Corey walked off.

It was about 8pm when Jason heard a car coming up the driveway. He held his breath until he heard the doorbell ring,and the car drive off.

Opening the door he saw Corey. "Hi man! Glad you could make it!"

"Yeah,I'm always up for something new. Who else is here?"

"Well,there are some others coming along later but I thought we could get a headstart on them,be buzzing before they get here."


"Come on in." Jason said as he led Corey into the den. Jason had his den furnished with pit type furniture and a long bar. He had the pit shaped like a big cube for this one,with one of the edges butting the bar.

Corey walked in and looked at the room. He stood there for a moment until Jason jumped into the cube and started walking over to the bar.

"Come on Corey,jump in!" he said.

Corey shrugged and jumped in,following Jason over to the bar.

"What do you want to drink?" Jason asked.

"I'll take vodka,straight."

"Strong drink. I like that." Jason poured about 3 fingers of vodka in two glasses and gave one to Corey. Then he reached behind the bar and picked up a package with a number of pills in it.

Jason's contact had told him 1 pill would be sufficient but he gave Corey 2 of them. "Here,this is some good stuff. Take these then we'll blow some pot and get mellow. I was told these pills have a real kick."

Corey looked at the pills,shrugged and then tossed them down with a swallow of vodka. His eyes closed momentarily and Jason took that chance to throw the two pills in his hand down into the couch.

The boys sat there for awhile waiting for the pills to hit and talking about the movie. Jason rolled up another joint and handed it to Corey to light up. He was watching for any changes of expression,anything to let him know that the pills were working.

Suddenly Corey started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jason asked.

"I don't know" Corey answered,still laughing "there's something that just feels funny,so I'm laughing."

Jason waited another 5 minutes,watching Corey's face,stealing glances at Corey's body. He could see the boy's eyes go slightly vacant.

"Corey man,how do you like this stuff?"

Corey looked at him and smiled "Cool,I feel so cool."

Jason leaned over and grabbed Corey by the shoulder,pulling him down on the couch.

"Hey,what are you doing?" Corey asked,giggling.

"Just shut up,you'll like it."

Jason looked down at the boy and grabbed the front of his shirt. He gave a hard yank on it and it ripped down the front,buttons shooting in every direction. He pulled until all the remnants of the shirt were away from Corey and then threw it over the edge of the couch.

Corey looked down but felt distanced from it all. He could see his chest,and the air on it made him feel so good. Corey looked up at Jason and,taking him by surprise,grabbed his shirt and ripped it off him also, laughing like a maniac.

"Now what?" Corey laughed. "Damn but I feel so good!"

"Now this" Jason answered and reached down to the belt buckle on Corey's pants. He undid the belt and unfastened the top button.

"Hey man,what are you going to do?" Corey asked,a little fear in his voice.

"I'm going to fuck you,man."

"I don't want to,not with you."

Jason reached down and grasped Corey's cock,taking it and a lot of his pubic hair he almost lifted the boy off the couch. "We're going to have sex. I'm going to fuck you,then suck you. Then,if you're good,you can suck me too." He said all this ignoring Corey's yells.

Corey was yelling,he felt his hair being pulled out by the roots but where Jason had him by the cock he could feel himself starting to get hard. He tried to stop it but it seemed his cock had a mind of it's own.

Jason then reached down and unzipped Corey's pants. Corey tried to fight off the larger boy but his coordination was off,he couldn't get his hands to work properly.

Jason pulled the pants off the struggling boy and,stopping only for a moment to get his shoes off,threw his clothes off the side of the couch.

"The other people.." Corey started.

"There are no other people coming." Jason laughed. "It's just you and me until morning!"

Even though the boy was still struggling,Jason could see that the boy's cock was semihard,pushing at the underwear. He reached down and grabbed the underwear with both hands,pulling them up and then ripping them off Corey's body.

"Ohh,noooo. Please." but even as Corey said this his cock continued to get harder. He could feel it as a solid pressure in his head,in his balls, all over his body.

Jason looked down at the naked boy. Beautiful,he thought. 5'4",with blond hair and blue eyes and a perfect 5" cock,getting harder by the second.

Jason stood up on the couch for minute and started taking off his belt as the boy watching,panting,under him. Jason quickly unzipped his pants and took them and his underwear and threw all the clothes off the couch. He stood over Corey for a minute,watching the boy's face as he jerked off his 7" cock.

Slowly Jason lowered himself until he was straddling Corey's chest, his knees on Corey's shoulders,holding him down. The boy looked up at him with fear in his eyes.

"What are you going to do to me?" Corey whispered.

"I'm going to fuck that ass of yours,it can be easy or hard,that's up to you. Then I'll suck your cock all you want. But first I want your mouth on my cock."

"No,please. You can suck me. But I don't suck cocks,I don't get fucked and I don't want you."

"This isn't true love,little boy. You'll do what I want." Jason rubbed the head of his cock around Corey's lips. "Come on,open up and suck me!"

Corey shook his head no and Jason reached around and grabbed Corey's hard cock. He squeezed it hard and Corey gave a little gasp.

Just that little bit felt like an orgasm to Corey. But there was an itch that was unfulfilled and it was starting to get to the boy. Jason squeezed the boy's cock harder and the boy moaned in pain.

"Please,I need to cum. It's killing me."

Jason laughed at Corey. "You cum? You'll cum later. I told you it's my turn first." He tried to stick his cock into Corey's mouth but the boy clamped his lips shut.

"Okay. You want to play. We'll play."

Jason reached above Corey's head,under the cushions of the couch and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. These handcuffs were attached at the middle to an iron ring,with a cuff on either side. He grabbed Corey's arms and snapped his hands into the cuffs.

Jason went to the bar and pulled out a small bag. He reached inside and pulled out a cockring and snapped it around the boy's hard cock and his balls.

"Now,let's see how much you can take."

Jason reached down and grabbed Corey's cock and started to jerk him off. With his other hand he manipulated Corey's balls,rolling them between his fingers. He could feel the boy's body,becoming tense,even with the cock ring he knew Corey was almost to orgasm.

Suddenly Jason stopped.

"Nooo,damn. Please,please continue. I have to cum." Corey wailed. The pressure was almost painful,he could feel his sperm,ready to shoot,just held back by the firmness of the cock ring.

"First I cum,then you cum. Are you ready to suck me yet?"

"I'm not sucking your cock,no way."

"Then you'll take it up your ass dry. It's your funeral."

Jason reached under Corey's ass and started roughly grabbing his cheeks, forcing them apart with his hand as his fingers rubber over the boy's asshole. Corey tried to kick his legs but Jason easily overpowered him.

"Okay kid,it'll be the hard way."

Jason reached into the small bag and took out another pair of cuffs. He attached them to Corey's feet and then,pulling the boys feet up and over head,attached these cuffs to the ones already holding his hands.

"No,please...." Corey started.

"Shut up,you punk. You wanted it this way,now live with it!" and Jason got in between Corey's legs and,holding his cock at the base,rubbed it over the boy's asshole. He was leaking a little precum and he smeared this all over the area,then taking a firm grip on the struggling boy,he forced his cock into the tight,dry asshole.

"Ohhh,aarrhh.. I can't take this,it's killing me.." Corey moaned this out to Jason. It felt like someone was holding a lit match to his asshole,the pain was so severe.

Jason ignored the pleadings and continue to force his cock through the tight resistance of the boy's asshole. The head finally popped through and the boy gave a yell. Then Jason took Corey's hips in his hands and, in one thrust,drove his cock up the boys asshole all the way to the base.

Corey's shrill screaming split the air as he felt his asshole split by Jason's cock. Over and over he screamed as Jason pounded his way full length up the boy's ravaged asshole.

Jason felt his cock becoming bigger and longer as he savagely fucked the helpless boy beneath him. Yeah,he thought. You're so cute and now you're taking my cock up your ass.

Even with the pain of the cock punishing his asshole,Corey could still feel the pressure of his sperm,his balls felt like they were going to explode if something wasn't done. He looked down at his stomach,where his still bound cock was steadily leaking precum all over.

Jason moved even closer to Corey,humping his faster and faster. His cock was moving easier now in the boy and he started twisting,adding a circular motion as he drove in and out. He gave a final thrust that drove the boys head into the couch and felt his cock expand ever more and then the orgasm hit him.

"Take it all inside you. Take my cum up your ass." Jason growled as he violently thrusted his spurting cock up Corey's ass. With each spurt he thrust again and again,feeling his cock move much easier now with his semen as lubrication.

Corey could feel Jason's cock expand,felt as if he were going to taste the other boy's sperm,Jason's cock so far up his ass. He could feel each spurt crash out against the walls of his bowels,lubricating the still thrusting cock.

Jason buried his cock to the hilt in Corey's ass and let the sensations of this fantastic orgasm start to subside. He felt his cock start to soften slightly and ripped it out of Corey's ass in one motion,causing the boy to scream again.

Corey was panting,his eyes slitted,as he looked up at Jason.

"Did you like that,Corey?"

The boy shut his eyes and turned away,his face showing the streaks of the dried tears.

Jason reached up and undid the cuffs from Corey's legs,allowing him to lay flat again on the bed. The boy's cock was still hard as a rock,still leaking an amazing amount of precum. Seeing this,Jason reached down and under Corey's cock,taking his balls in his hand and rolling them around, bringing a moan from Corey.

"What should we do now?" Jason asked him.

"Please,no more. I have to cum,or I'm going to die."

Jason reached up and grabbed Corey's nipple between two fingers and twisted it,hard,causing the boy to moan again in pain.

"So you really want to cum,Corey?" Jason asked as he started slowly jerking the boy's cock. He looked down at Corey's cock and noticed the head of it was fiery red. It even felt hotter,as he ran his fingers over the head of it.

"Please,please. Make me cum."

Jason stopped jerking the boy. "Not just yet,Corey. We have some other business to take care of first."

"What? What do you mean?" Corey stuttered the words out.

"First you suck me,then I'll suck you."

Jason climbed back up to Corey's face and,lowering his semihard cock to the boy's face,rubbed it over Corey's lips.

"I,I can't." Corey said,almost crying. "Please,I ....mmpphh"

Jason was watching for Corey to open his mouth and as he did he slipped his cock all the way in. "Lick it,suck it. Come on boy."

This was another first for Corey. He had been blown before,many times, but never had he let another guy's cock in his mouth. He tried to force the cock out with his tongue but the larger boy had him by the head and kept shoving the cock into his mouth,grinding it around and around.

The taste was horrible,how could anyone like this,Corey thought,then he remembered where this cock had just been. He started to gag as the realization that he was tasting a cock that had just been buried up his own asshole set in.

Jason could feel the boy gag,his throat muscles contracting and this made it even better. "Yeah,keep that up. Get me hard again and take my cum,then I'll do you."

Corey couldn't even throw up,the cock in his mouth was wedged solid and growing larger,harder. He felt Jason grab the sides of his head and start to thrust the now hard cock deep into his throat,choking him over and over.

Jason looked down at Corey's face,his big cock sliding in and out of the boy's lips. He could even see the boy's throat shift and move as his cock penetrated to it's deepest.

"Suck me,you little shit. Suck me and eat my cum." Jason muttered as he started to really fuck the boy's mouth,holding his head and driving the cock over and over down the boy's throat. All too soon he felt his orgasm build again and then,it was one him. His midsection was seized with a crashing lurch and he buried his cock to the hilt in the boy's mouth. Spurt after spurt of sperm sluiced down the boy's throat,the boy gagging and turning red under him as he cut off his ability to breathe.

This was the worst,Corey thought. He couldn't breathe,tried to get away,pull away for just a moment from the cock that was in his throat, spurting sperm over and over. Jason pulled out a little,allowing Corey to breathe but the sperm kept coming,filling his mouth up.

"Swallow it,punk. Or we'll do it all over again."

Corey swallowed again and again,draining the boy's cock,his throat feeling raw and throbbing in pain from the penetration of the older boy's cock.

Finally his cock stopped spurting and he pulled it from Corey's mouth. "You're a pretty good cocksucker,boy."

Corey just looked up at him,an almost dazed look on his face.

Jason went over to the bar and mixed himself another drink,and lit another joint.

"Want some?" he offered the drink and joint to Corey.

Corey was beyond answering. He tried but all that came out was a mumbled expression. His need was evident,even to Jason.

"Ohh,I get it. You probably want to cum now,don't you?"

Corey moaned and shook his head yes.

"Maybe when I finish the drink,and the joint." and Jason took his hand from the glass,where it had been coldest and rubbed in over Corey's balls again.

Every time he touched the boy's body the boy began to quiver and shake. All this time and Corey's cock had not stopped leaking precum, there was a small pool of it just below the head of his cock.

Jason scooped up some of it on his finger and put it in his mouth.

"Tastes so good" he said,smiling down at Corey.

"Are you going to suck me?" Corey asked,pleading.

Jason finished off the drink and the joint.

"Yeah,I'm going to suck you now."

Jason went down and buried his face in Corey's genitals,breathing in the heat of the boy. He stuck out his tongue and licked at the boy's balls,eliciting a gasp from the boy. Then he licked up the shaft of the boy's throbbing cock and took the head of it into his mouth. He started to move,taking the boy's hard cock into his mouth and throat,moving on it in a regular rhythm. He continued this for a couple of minutes,with Corey's cock alternately kissing his lips and his tonsils. He could taste the precum as it flowed steadily from Corey's cock.

Corey felt as if he were cumming and cumming but with no ejaculation. The more he came,the more painful it became. After a minute of this he was gasping with each stroke the older boy's mouth gave him.

"I can't shoot,help me,please,I can't shoot."

Jason reached down to Corey's balls and undid the cockring,letting it fall to the bed. At the same time he roughly jammed his finger up the boy's ass and started furiously kneading the boy's prostate,at the same time increasing the rhythm of his sucking mouth.

The boy lifted his ass off the bed,feeling the delayed ejaculation finally begin. He drove his cock down Jason's throat,where the first spurt of sperm shot out. His cock started wildly jerking in the older boy's throat as load after load of sperm spurted. Five times,six times, it seemed the spurts would never end.

Jason could feel Corey's prostate gland enlarge and he continued to rub on it,then the boy's cock became harder and harder and Jason felt Corey thrust it into his throat and start to unload his sperm. Over and over the spurts continued into his throat,he finally pulled up enough to take the boy's still spurting cock in his mouth,drinking the copious amounts of sperm.

As the spurts finally started tapering off,Corey let his ass fall back to the bed,Jason still sucking his cock,his cock still oozing into the older boy's mouth.

Finally Jason let Corey's cock free. The boy's cock was still hard as a rock,if anything even harder than it was before his orgasm. It was so hard that it itched,at least that's what Corey felt,an itch in his cock that wouldn't go away.

Even though he had just cum an enormous load,Corey still felt ready to go. He moved his hips on the bed,thrusting his cock over and over into the air,hoping to inspire Jason to continue his cocksucking.

"Do you want more,boy" Jason asked him.

"Yes,please. It itches and I can't take the feeling."

Jason looked at Corey's face. It was still drawn and straining,trying to get more sensation,trying to scratch the itch in his cock.

"I'll make a deal with you Corey."

"What type of deal? What do you want now?"

"I want you to fuck my ass,think you can do that?"

"Yeah man,sure. I'll fuck your ass real good,just let me at it!"

Jason reached over into the bag and pulled out a tube of K-Y. Taking a big glob of it on his finger he spread it around and around his own asshole,pushing it inwards,lubricating the inside walls. He got more of the K-Y and put two fingers up his asshole,getting himself ready.

"Please hurry,please. My cock feels like it's splitting open!"

Jason took another glob and spread it all over Corey's cock. The boy's cock shivered and jerked in his hand as he lubed up the hard teenage boy's cock. Corey moaned as some of the itching sensation lifted while Jason's hand was on him,but the itching came right back when his hand left his cock.

"Let me loose,let me into your ass." Corey begged.

Jason reached up and undid the handcuffs and,as soon as that was done, rolled over on his stomach,pointing his ass in the air.

Corey wasted no time. As soon as he could roll over he grabbed his cock and,finding Jason's lubricated asshole,shoved it in as hard as he could and started moving,like a rabbit humping.

Jason didn't expect this type of fucking,his asshole wasn't relaxed and he let out a small scream as Corey's cock hit bottom,then continued to thrust full speed in his ass.

Corey quickly felt another orgasm build,the itching feeling subsiding as the pleasure built. His cock was almost a blur as he fucked Jason as fast as he could move.

Then the orgasm burst upon him again. His cock seemed to expand as the spurts once again shot out of his cock,five times,six times,his body shaking with each spurt of sperm.

Jason could feel Corey's cock shoot in his ass,the sperm sliding warm in his bowels,Corey's jerking cock spewing more and more. Corey slowed down in his fucking motions,still moving some,then stopping.

As soon as Corey stopped moving,his cock,still hard as a rock,started that itching feeling again. He slowly fucked Jason's ass but that didn't help. He started really plunging in again and that relieved the itch better.

"More,fuck me more." Jason said.

"I'm going to fuck you again,and again,and again,until you beg me to stop." Corey answered.

"Never stop. Even if I beg you,never stop."

Corey began to throw his meat into Jason. He pulled out until he could see the entire head of his cock,then slammed it all the way up Jason's ass again. He found a rhythm that moved his cock in all directions,round in a circle,in and out all the way,stretching Jason's asshole out.

Jason was moaning under him as he plowed his ass. I can't believe this, Jason thought. He fucks so good. Every time Corey moved in a circular motion it would hit his prostate gland and cause his now hard again cock to throb against the couch. The stimulation was more than Jason could bear and his orgasm crashed through him,his sperm shooting into couch under him,spurt after spurt draining his balls.

Corey could feel the older boy's asshole grip his cock like another mouth and then vibrate as Jason shot hard into the couch but he never slowed up his thrusting motions for even a minute. If anything he redoubled his thrusts,getting in deeper and deeper,driving Jason's orgasm with every movement of his cock.

Corey yelled as another orgasm shook his body. He didn't feel much come out of his cock,and the orgasm didn't last long,but the feelings for a few seconds were even more intense.

Jason,after cumming,tried to roll away from Corey. "Stop,please. It hurts."

"I'm not stopping until my cock gets soft,so get used to it."

Even though Jason was bigger,Corey seemed to have more strength,a kind of manic strength as he,seemingly by accident,gathered the older boy's hands and,as Jason's eyes snapped open in disbelief,cuffed him to the couch,like he had done Corey just a little while earlier.

Corey then went down and got Jason's feet,one at a time,and cuffed them above his head,exposing his well fucked asshole,sperm dripping from the distended opening.

"You wanted me,didn't you?" Corey leered. "You got me!" and he shoved his still hard,still itching cock back up Jason's ass.

"Get off me Corey. I'm warning you now,get off."

Corey ignored him as he fucked the upturned asshole,a look of pleasure and pain commingled on his face. He plunged in and out,over and over,with the older boy begging him to stop,for another 10 minutes or so until yet another orgasm hit Corey.

He could feel his cock jerk around and he pulled out of Jason's asshole roughly. There was nothing shooting from his cock,just the feelings of the orgasm,which faded in seconds to itching again. Jason was moaning beneath him,his asshole rubbed raw from the continuous fucking.

He felt Corey's cock move back up against his asshole. "Please" he begged,unheeded,as the boy sank his cock back to the hilt and started fucking again. Corey looked down at his cock,moving in and out of the older boy's asshole and was shocked. It was almost entirely red,like a fire engine color,but he just couldn't stop the fucking,when he tried the itching sensation just was too much for him to handle.

Over the next few hours Corey continued to fuck Jason's ass,both his cock and Jason's ass split and bleeding. The older boy had passed out earlier,from the pain,while Corey was forced to continue by the drugs that Jason had overdosed him with. Finally though,his legs cramping from the hours of fucking,his balls aching from the too many to count orgasms,his cock lost it's hardness.

Slowly,as if dazed,Corey got dressed,picking up the tattered remains of his shirt and,after unlocking the hand and leg cuffs,left the house.

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