Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Jan 6, 2007


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned. This work of fiction is property of myself and may not be copied or used in any way without my express consent. All persons in this series are fictional and not real people living or dead.

Thanks for all the nice comments that I have gotten via email.

It was a normal Tuesday routine for RJ and Rob as they got ready and headed to class. The day for RJ started with American History. He knew that Jude, the guy from the frat, would be in his class. Jude nodded as he saw RJ and sat next to him. Jude stopped RJ after class.

"So, I guess you and Jake are an item, huh?" Jude said as he caught up to RJ as RJ left the class.

"Well, an item I don't know. We are good friends though." RJ said.

"Good friends my ass. I know for a fact that motherfucker is hung, so your ass is getting banged." Jude said as he smiled.

"Yeah, he did fuck me over the weekend but not since if that makes us an item." RJ said.

"Hell he brought you again last night. I would say you guys are an item. There is nothing to be ashamed of. He is fucking hot and you are so fine." Jude said.

"He is hot and I do like being around him, so I guess we are sort of an item" RJ said as he left for his next class. He then went back to the dorm to find Rob just watching some TV. Rob and RJ talked about the previous night as RJ told Rob that Jake was trying to get in a frat. Rob told RJ he and Trev just went to play basketball and went to pick up more beer as Rob had noticed they were out. RJ said he drank the last 2 Friday night. Rob then showed him there mini frig was now full of beer again, plus there was what was left of that 12 pack plus another two sitting in the closet as he found a good deal on it at his store. Jake popped in to see how what was up and joined them.

"Jake, my man, I need to ask a favor, dude." Rob said when Jake sat on the bed with RJ.

"Yeah, what is it, Rob?" Jake said.

"You got any spare weed you could sell me. I am out." Rob said.

"No but I think I can get you some. How much you want?" Jake said.

"Oh a dime bag would do but a quarter bag would be fucking awesome." Rob said.

"Hey I will call him when I get back to the room as my phone is in there and see what I can do for you." Jake said.

RJ just sat quietly as the two brokered the deal for some weed right there in the room. RJ didn't mind as he was starting to like getting high as he was really starting to like the college scene of drugs, alcohol and sex. He was never wild in high school so now was his time to let his hair down. Speaking of hair, he just remembered he need a hair cut as it was now almost to his shoulders and he really couldn't do much with it.

"Dudes, I need a fucking haircut. You guys know of any place to get it cut?" RJ said.

"Oh I went to this one place down the street. She did okay." Jake said as he gave RJ the name of the place. RJ grabbed a phone book and called. He could get right in so he left Rob and Jake there alone as he left to go get a hair cut. Jake left after a few minutes as he said he had stuff to do in the room and would call his guy for Rob. Rob just broke out the books as he needed to study for a test he had the next day.

RJ got back in no time from his haircut. "Damn, she didn't cut enough off, did she?" RJ said as he got back to the room and looked in the mirror.

"Oh shit dude, it looks fine. Hell, I need one too but won't have the funds if Jake comes through." Rob said as he knew his hair was as long as it had ever been. "I guess I can get one when I go home this weekend."

"Dude, why you going home?" RJ asked.

"Shit dude, my ass is fucking broke and I need to talk my parents out of some cash. I am going to try to talk them into letting me set something up like you where they can just wire the money when I need it. I hope they go along with it."

"Rob, I will let you borrow money anytime you want if I got it. They just put some in my account yesterday so I got a little extra now. Here dude take this twenty and go get a fucking hair cut too." RJ said as he called the girl who just cut his hair. Rob agreed and left to go get his cut. RJ went back to the mirror trying to fix his hair and then just left it as it was. He no more than got started on reading for his English/Writing test when Jake came in the door. He pulled out a dime bag and laid it on Rob's desk. RJ gave him the money for it. Jake asked where Rob was gone. RJ said he went to get a hair cut like he had done. Jake then noticed the new cut RJ had.

"Bro, it looks fine. Hell that is the same cut as most guys here got so you will blend right in, except you are way hotter." Jake said.

"Thanks." RJ said as he kissed Jake on the lips. It was a quick kiss as RJ knew Trev or Rob would just come busting in the door without asking. Trev did come by to see what was happening. Trev and Jake talked what it was like to have a single room, since both had one now but on different circumstances. Jake said he liked it as he could get ready faster and the room stayed cleaner. Trev agreed that he sort of liked it now even though he wasn't there as much since he spent a lot of time with Rob and RJ. Rob came back to the room with his hair cut but he had done where his bangs would hang a little in the front.

"Nice cut, dude. I need to let my hair grow out to where I can do that." Trev said as he saw Rob.

"Oh, I just wanted a little something different. It doesn't make me look like a fag does it? If it does, I will get this shit cut off." Rob said as he looked in the mirror.

"No, it looks cool." RJ said "I was thinking about having my hair cut like that but decided against it. Hell Rob, if anyone says anything, you can beat the shit of them."

"Fuck yeah and I will." Rob said as he flexed his biceps and looked at it. "Hey, we going to work out again tonight dudes."

"Sure, ya'll want to go eat right quick and then we can work out afterwards?" RJ said as he saw that it was near 6. They agreed and went to eat. After eating, they piled into Trev's Avalanche to go work out. RJ was really liking that he was really working out regularly and he could tell a little as he noticed his abs were tighter with some definition starting to appear. Rob help RJ really concentrate on his abs as they did pull ups and work on the Swiss ball together. They were amazed at how strong Jake was as he almost was up to Rob's weight on a lot of the machines but just wasn't cut like Rob was.

When they got back to the dorm, Jake said he had studying to do and went to his room. RJ, Rob and Trev went to Rob and RJ's. They cracked open a beer as they sat around and talked. Rob then went back to studying for his test. Trev left early too to catch up on his homework.

"Dude, we really need to get our asses fucking laid. Shit, I haven't had pussy in 2 weeks. Fuck it wasn't for an occasional jack my fucking dick would bust."

"Hell yeah, I do too. Shit I haven't had any pussy since we got here. Damn, the girls were fucking hot at the frat party." RJ said as he knew there weren't many girls and he was basically lying out his ass.

"Dude, that is another reason I am going home to get fucking laid by that bitch at home hopefully." Rob said as he knew he was lying out his ass too but did this to not blow his cover with the guy he had at home.

They went to sleep rather early that night as the workout took a lot out of RJ and Rob. Rob did manage to jack off as RJ did the same. They played coy and tried not to let the other see but it was obvious when Rob moaned loudly.

"That shit feel good dude." RJ said as he nutted too on his abs.

"Fuck yeah, would have been better if a bitch were here." Rob said as he got up and cleaned off his abs and stomach. RJ followed suit as Rob threw him his towel to wipe off with. They both went right to sleep after that. RJ was glad he could at least jack off sort of in front of his roommate instead of doing it when he was alone.

Wednesday's routine was now down pat. RJ sat beside Trip in English/Writing class. RJ and Trip then ate together again with Trip's friends as usual. Trip didn't mention a word about Kyle as they talked about class and to the other guys. RJ wasn't sure if the other guys were gay as they didn't talk about sexual or relationship stuff. The next class was Algebra and Kyle sat next to RJ. RJ was cordial and now over Kyle. Kyle did ask if RJ had met anyone else. RJ said not really as RJ thought it was none of his fucking business what he was doing. RJ went to the next class and then to meet Trev as they normally did. Rob found them this time and sat with them to eat lunch. They then went back to the room, but RJ didn't go as he had lab that day.

After lab was over he went straight to his room. He found that Rob and Trev were gone. He went to Trev's room and found that they weren't there either, so he headed back to his room to chill. He no more got there when Jake called and asked if RJ wanted to come down to his room and hang. RJ agreed and went down there since the others were gone.

RJ and Jake just watched TV and talked. RJ noticed the room was clean as it looked as though Jake could now keep it clean.

"Dude, I am glad we are alone for a change." Jake said with a sly smile.

"Me too." RJ said as he knew what Jake meant. They made out on the bed for a few minutes. There was lots of kissing, tongue swapping and groping. RJ loved the feel of Jake's hands on his ass. Jake slowly took off RJ's t-shirt and started to lick his neck and suck on RJ's sensitive nipples. RJ was moaning softly.

"Bro, you are so hot." Jake said as he licked RJ's chest and abs and smelled his nice cologne.

RJ lifted off Jake's shirt and kissed down his chest and stomach and undid his shorts. Jake pushed them off all the way and kicked them to the floor. RJ massaged Jake's hardening cock in his hot boxer briefs. RJ slowly pushed down the front of the boxer briefs to reveal Jake's thick cock. Jake then pushed those off and kicked them in the floor. Jake's cock was now free to let RJ lick up and down and then he sucked on Jake's nice balls one at a time. Jake's cock was fully hard as RJ licked the head and took it in his mouth.

"Fuck RJ, suck my cock! OOOO shit yeah!" Jake said as he felt RJ's hot mouth take in his cock. RJ licked and sucked on Jake's big cock.

"Damn, I have been wanting this all week." RJ said as he then stuck as much of the 9 inches as he could in his mouth.

"Oh fuck that feels so good. Suck me!!" Jake said as he now was in heaven while RJ sucked up and down his cock. "Damn dude pull off. I don't want to nut just yet. Let me suck you." Jake then went and got a towel and put it on the floor. Jake took off RJ's shorts and found him freeballing again. He laid RJ on the towel as RJ spread his legs wide to allow Jake to suck him. Jake licked slowly and then started sucking RJ's cock.

"Fuck dude, I am so fucking glad you don't have a fucking roommate now. Damn, your mouth is so fucking hot on my cock." RJ said in a quiet voice as no one could hear them even though Jake's room was at the end. Jake sucked RJ's cock up and down as RJ just laid back and softly moaned. Jake then stuck one finger in RJ's ass as he was sucking RJ. This caused RJ to moan louder.

"Oh fuck yeah." RJ said as he felt the finger in his ass. Jake kept sucking and stuck 3 fingers in skipping 2. RJ knew it was to loosen his ass up for Jake's big cock.

Jake quit sucking and grabbed some lube and a condom. He lubed up RJ's hot hole and his hard big cock.

"Oh Jake, fuck me." RJ said as he felt the cold lube on his ass.

"Are you ready to take this monster again?" Jake said as he lined up his cock at RJ's hole.

"OOOOOOO fuck!" RJ said as he felt Jake's cock in his ass again. It felt bigger than ever as they weren't on those pills. RJ moaned "OO fuck dude, it hurts."

Jake said, "You want me to take it out?"

"Fuck no! Just be as gentle as you can. Fuck that bitch is huge." RJ said.

Jake let RJ get used to his big cock without the pills and slowly and gently started sliding more and more in. RJ moaned each time he felt the cock go deeper. Jake pushed hard and got his whole 9 inches up RJ's hot ass as RJ did all he could to keep from screaming.

"Fuck it is so big. I didn't really realize it Friday night, but fuck. Fuck my ass!!" RJ said as he now had his legs on Jake's shoulders.

Jake said "Are you okay?" RJ just nodded as Jake slowly started working his cock in RJ's ass. Jake was careful not to let the cock slip out of RJ's ass as he knew it would hurt so bad coming out. Jake could feel RJ's ass as it enveloped his big cock. RJ was now squeezing his ass to feel that big cock in him and to let Jake feel his ass. Jake slowly fucked RJ not with big thrust but slow gentle strokes.

"Oh fuck that feels so good." RJ said as the pain left and the sheer enjoyment of getting fucked took over.

"RJ, that ass feels so good. Glad I am fucking you in the floor or would be shaking the bed." Jake said as he was now fucking RJ a little harder and faster as sweat rolled down Jake's back as he fucked him. Jake leaned over and kissed RJ and stuck his hand between them to start jacking off RJ's hard cock. RJ loved the feeling of getting kissed as his ass was full of Jake's cock. It didn't take long of Jake's jacking until RJ shot his load between the two of them getting it on both their bodies. Jake slowly pulled out his cock and tossed the condom to the floor. RJ jacked off Jake's cock as Jake laid back on the floor. Jake flooded RJ's hand and the towel with his fresh load. They kissed after the good fuck. RJ wiped off the cum on his body and Jake's body.

"Fuck that was hot." RJ said as he went back to kissing Jake.

"Fuck yeah, we need to do that more often." Jake said as RJ nodded.

They got dressed and cleaned up all the evidence of the hot sex. They then talked about how great it was to be 18 and find a hot fuck buddy possibly lover. RJ said he now taught about getting laid all the time. Jake agreed as he knew his hormones were running high at college with all the hot guys around and easy access to find a willing partner in college. Jake said in high school it was a big deal to fuck but in college it seemed like everyone there was trying to fuck or get fucked, gay or straight. Then there was a loud knock on the door.

They opened the door to find Rob and RJ.

As soon as they got in the door, Jake said, "Dudes, ya'll are fucked up."

"Fuck yeah, we went to the park and smoked a fucking blunt." Rob said. "Look at fucking Trev."

Trev was glassy eyed as he just stood with a grin and reeked of the smell of marijuana. "Fuck yeah, that was some tight ass shit, Jake."

"Fuck it looks like it was. By the way, Rob your ass owes me for that dime bag." RJ said as he saw they were both so stoned.

"Oh fuck, here you go" Rob said as he pulled out some cash and handed it to RJ. "Fuck we are hungry. Let's go eat."

"Damn, here put on some of my cologne. Fuck I can smell the shit. Damn you boys are fucking strong." Jake said.

"Nah, we will just go change then." Trev said as they left.

They were back in no time and off they went to find something to eat. Rob and Trev told how they went to the park and smoked the blunt, then two skater dudes in high school saw them and asked for a hit. Rob and Trev didn't care as they were about finished and let them smoke the rest. RJ just shook his head and laughed. They went back to the dorm and then off to the gym to play basketball. RJ and Jake schooled Rob and Trev as they were starting to come down from their high. Jake joined them in Rob and RJ's room as they drank a beer before showering. Jake liked his beer and come back and joined them for more. That night the 4 drank all that was cold which was only 12. Rob broke out the hard shit. It was tequila. They did a few shots of it before RJ said he needed to stop. RJ printed out his history paper for the next day.

"Dudes, I got to fucking go. Weed and then this shit, my ass is going to bed." Trev said.

"Fuck it is only 10. Pussy." Rob said as he was now feeling his third shot of tequila. "Alright, see you tomorrow."

After the fourth and fifth shot by Jake and Rob, RJ grabbed the bottle. "Enough dudes, fuck our asses will be out of here in a sec. Fuck ya'll are getting too loud." RJ said. Rob just laid on the bed and passed out.

"I guess you are right. My ass is out of here too. See ya tomorrow, RJ" Jake said as he winked at RJ.

RJ then saw that the tequila was getting to Rob and helped him get to the sink. Rob threw up all over the sink and wall. The place now smelled like shit as RJ cleaned up the vomit.

"Fuck dude, that shit always make me puke. Don't let me do shots of that shit again." Rob said as he staggered back to bed. "RJ, please take off my shorts."

RJ the good roommate did take off his shorts as he was now used to Rob's nice cock as Rob just went to sleep on top on the bed sheets in the nude. RJ did a little Algebra homework and then went to bed as he knew he quit doing shots at the right time.

Thursday's routine was a rough start for Rob as he was now thankful that he had 9:30 classes. He looked like shit when he got up.

"Dude, how the fuck did I get out of my shorts?" Rob asked as he got up and saw RJ getting ready.

"Damn, you asked me to take them off you after you threw up." RJ said.

"No wonder there is this fucking awful taste in my mouth. Don't ever let me do shots of tequila again." Rob said as he rubbed his eyes and tried to shake off the effects of the shots.

"Rob, you told me that last night." RJ said as he laughed at Rob as he was just getting out of bed. "Dude, you need to hit the shower right quick." Rob did hit the shower and dress and combed his hair the way the girl had after he had it cut.

They went off to class in a hurry as they were running a little later than normal as they liked being a few minutes early. They made it just fine. RJ sat next to Jude again as he liked sitting near people he knew. Jude said he barely finished his paper as they both turned in their papers at the end of the class. RJ told Jude goodbye as he went to his next class. As he was walking back to the dorm after eating in the Union, a couple of guys said hi and RJ said hi back. He knew he knew them and just as he was walking he remember it was a couple of guys in Jake's frat. RJ hated to see that there was a storm coming in and it would probably rain. RJ spotted Jake just as they both got back to the dorm.

"Dude, fucking Rob threw up last night after you left." RJ said to Jake as they walked up the stairs to their floor.

"Damn, I felt like it. Fuck my head has hurt all day." Jake said. "You want to come in?" Jake asked as he got to his room first.

"Sure, dude." RJ said as he laid his backpack on the vacant bed. "Are you anxious about tomorrow night?"

"Nah, if I don't make it, it is no big deal. Now I am not sure I want to make it" Jake said.

"Why? You seem to really like it." RJ said.

"Oh I honestly was joining it to make a few friends and maybe since there were some gay guys find a fucking boyfriend. Now I don't need them." Jake said as he smiled. "Plus I fucking love hanging with ya'll. At first I thought Trev was sort of dorky, but you know he is fucking cool as shit as is Rob." Jake said as he grabbed RJ and started kissing him.

Jake laid RJ on the bed as they went through the same act as the day before except RJ rode Jake's big cock for a while before lying on the floor to get fucked. Jake came first all over RJ's abs and then RJ gave Jake a hot facial full of his hot load. They just lay in the floor this time and kissed until they decided they needed to get up and get dressed before someone came to the door. Jake cleaned up the used condom and threw it in the trash and put away the lube they used. RJ left to go to his room after he was dressed. He then saw Rob coming down the hall after his afternoon lab.

"Dude, my ass is ready to work out. How about you?" Rob said as they walked down the hall to the room.

"Sure, I don't know if Jake wants to go as he has to get ready and do some shit for tomorrow night." RJ said.

"I guess I can call Trev as you call Jake." Rob said as he got in the room and threw his backpack on the bed.

"Damn, I left my backpack in Jake's room." RJ said. He went to get his backpack and told Jake they were going to work out if he wanted to join them. Jake agreed and told RJ after they ate he had a lot of shit to do for tomorrow in both the frat and class work.

All four piled into Trev's Avalanche as normal and worked out pretty hard as RJ was seeing some results as was Trev. They showered together and then went to eat. Jake didn't join them in Trev's room as room as he had a lot to do. They just watched a movie, Friday, which Trev had bought while he and Rob were at his home. Trev then said he had some studying to do as he sort of hinted it was time for Rob and RJ to leave. They did leave and went back to their room. Rob studied as RJ talked on his cell to his parents. Rob told RJ he would leave to go home tomorrow right at noon. RJ told him it was fine. They tried to go to sleep but the neighbor's radio was too loud until 12. RJ just laid there and now was sure he wanted to move to an apartment next semester, but with whom?

Thanks for reading...

Next: Chapter 10

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