Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Dec 30, 2006


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned. This work of fiction is property of myself and may not be copied or used in any way without my express consent. All persons in this series are fictional and not real people living or dead.

Thanks for all the nice comments that I have gotten via email.

At noon, just as RJ was in a good sleep, he hears a banging on the door. He yells from his bed, "who is it?"

"RJ, it is me, Jake"

"The door is probably open. Come on in" RJ told him as he started to wake up.

"Damn, bro, you look like shit" Jake said as he saw RJ roll out of bed naked.

"Fuck dude, I barely slept last night. Fuck my asshole hurts like a bitch too now." RJ said as he stood up not caring what Jake saw now as they had fucked the night before.

"Damn bro, no wonder your ass hurts. We fucked for quite a while last night. You were fucking hot. Hey, I came to see if you wanted to go grab a bite to eat."

"Yeah, I might as well. Let me put on some clothes and we can go." RJ told Jake. RJ quickly threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and grabbed his sandals under the bed. Jake then reached over and kissed him. RJ loved Jake's soft lips as they meet his in a passionate kiss. RJ reached and grabbed a good feel of Jake's big cock as Jake was grabbing his ass as they kissed. "Fuck Jake we better go or I will have that big cock in me again."

They left this time in RJ's car and went back to the place Jake took them last night. RJ ordered the hamburger as did Jake again. Two of Jake's frat boys were there. They told Jake that they hoped he made it into the frat. Jake was hoping like hell too as he really wanted to be in a frat and really liked the guys in it. Jake knew it would be tough as there were quite a few guys rushing the same fraternity which made it tougher to get in. Jake asked RJ if he wanted to join him that night as it was an open social and he could bring someone if he liked. He told RJ there would not be an open keg since it was a rush social for the new guys to get to know the other members better and open liquor was not allowed. RJ said it would be cool and wanted to go.

"RJ, don't worry, I can almost guarantee your ass will come home drunk. I have yet to leave this frat sober even though it is supposed to not be allowed, especially for us freshman guys." Jake told RJ as they left the restaurant.

"Oh, Jake, it sounds fun. I have really wondered what it was like at a frat party." RJ told him as they were driving back to the dorm.

"Bro, they are really some cool guys. Your ass will like it." Jake told RJ.

They got back to the dorm and went to RJ's room as it was not a big mess. Jake told him there would be lots of hot guys and girls at the party tonight. Jake confessed the guy he fucked earlier was a freshman rushing the same frat but they agreed not to tell. Jake told RJ just to dress casual as he normally wore jeans and a polo shirt. RJ told Jake he hadn't wore jeans since he got there but it would be cool.

They watched TV snuggled up into RJ's bed. RJ felt Jake's hand on his crotched and just smiled. He reached his hand back to feel Jake's crotch as well. RJ knew what Jake was up to and didn't mind at all as he put Jake's hand down his shorts. RJ threw off his shirt and turned around to face Jake. Jake did the same plus threw his shorts and boxers on the floor. They kissed as Jake took off RJ's shorts so they both would be nude. RJ got up and locked the door just in case. He returned to Jake and made out with him. They both were hard in no time.

"Damn Jake you are so fucking hot." RJ told him as they started to 69 each other. RJ tried his best to get most of Jake's 9" in his mouth and throat but kept gagging. Jake had all of RJ's cock in his mouth as he loved sucking cock. RJ gave up trying to get all of Jake's cock in his mouth and just took in what he could. It was not long before Jake exploded in RJ's mouth. RJ returned the favor shortly after with a load for Jake's hot mouth. They swapped cum as they kissed.

"Fuck bro, I needed that." Jake told RJ.

"Fuck yeah, I loved it." RJ replied. They grabbed a towel and showered together. When Jake got back to the room he got dressed and went back to his own room. Jake told him as he left that he would be back at 7 and they could go to the party around 8 or so. RJ took a short nap as he knew it was going to be a long night.

RJ got up and just laid on top of his bed as he watched some TV and talked on his cell to his mom and dad. Kyle called once but as soon as RJ saw the number he turned off his phone. Shortly he turned back on the cell phone and listened as Kyle left a voice mail. RJ knew it was bullshit as Kyle said he was sorry and to call him sometime. RJ then took a shower and sure enough Jake was there as he walked in. They just talked about the party and left to go to their own room to get ready for the party. RJ was dressed in some nice jeans and his new polo he had bought at the mall. Jake knocked and came on in. He was virtually dressed the same way but nicer shoes. They talked more as RJ really like Jake as he seemed to be a decent funny loving guy who just was horny a lot. RJ told himself his hormones were running at all time high. They left a few minutes early and decided to walk as the frat house was only 3 blocks away plus they both had plans of being drunk shortly.

"Damn Jake this is a fucking long 3 blocks." RJ said as they were walking past a few other frats and sororities along the way.

"Bro, just down here on the right will be the house. Just chill." Jake said as they walked. They finally made it to the house after a good 10 minute or so walk. As soon as they hit the door, a member of the frat greeted RJ and handed him some "punch". The first drink nearly took RJ's breath as it was loaded. Jake grabbed some punch too and showed RJ around the house. RJ was pretty thirsty and pretty much downed the first cup of punch. RJ grabbed another one as they saw a member with 2. RJ was a little surprised at how quiet the house really was except for some rap playing in the background. RJ also noticed there were only a few girls and mostly guys. Jake told him it was early as some more girls would be there. RJ found most guys to be friendly but most was there to impress and/or get wasted. Jake seemed to know everyone by now including all the new freshman who were trying to get in. Next week would be the big week as they told them whether they were in or out. Jake started to wonder if he had the cash or what they were looking for to make it in this fraternity. RJ found out it was a rather new one on campus as it was only chartered 5 years ago to meet the growing number of people joining frats. RJ did recognize one guy who was also in his History class. The guy was friendly than most and talked at length about the class and the upcoming paper. RJ told him his paper was finished. The guy was amazed as he barely even thought about it. RJ said he was bored and finished it in no time.

RJ then found Jake had slipped out back. They were toking on a joint. Jake passed RJ the joint and took a big hit. Jake introduced RJ to his weed toking buddies who were mostly freshmen. RJ took another hit as the joint was passed around again. It was fairly strong. Jake told RJ they just did it a little but the older guys weren't really in to smoking weed. RJ was now fairly high and getting pretty drunk. He was enjoying himself since the frat wasn't real huge, really just the right amount. The freshman class would be the largest ever for that frat as they told them later 10 guys out of the 15 would for sure make it. That number would bring the total to 24 total members. Only eight could live in the house but there was even an extra full bedroom as most lived off campus. RJ was in desperate need of a piss so he asked Jake where the bathroom was after they ate a little and "mingled". Jake pointed upstairs and to the right. It would be like a dorm bathroom but smaller. When he got to the restroom, he found it was big with 4 stalls and 3 shower heads. He also found his classmate snorting coke at the sink. He asked RJ if he wanted a snort. RJ passed and went to the first stall. It was full and heard moaning sounds. He went to the next stall and saw 4 legs under the stall with one guys' pants on the floor. He washed his hands and left quickly.

When he got back downstairs, he pulled Jake aside and whispered, "You aren't the only gay fucker here. There were 2 guys fucking sucking in the bathroom and my guy I knew snorting coke."

"Ah shit, dude, it is nothing. Fuck half the guys here are gay or bi and the other half don't know better or want to be," Jake said laughingly. "Yeah, I saw your friend getting fucked in here last weekend. Hell this is about the only frat that doesn't give a fuck if you are gay."

"I get it. That is why you are rushing here and you brought my ass here. Hell you should have told me. Fuck this is hot. I didn't fucking know this type of frat existed." RJ said in real amazement.

"Yeah with all us gay/bi fucks, we needed a liberal frat to join and not be scorned by those better-than-you other fucks." Jake told him.

"Dude, how the fuck does your roommate not know?" RJ asked.

"Dude, he has no fucking clue or cares," Jake said as he grabbed another 2 glasses of punch, "as long as my ass is out of the fucking room, he's cool."

RJ drank the cup of punch and wondered in his mind who was gay and who wasn't. He then realized that he was with a gay guy and he would now be thought of by these as gay even though he was starting to come to the realization that he was gay. He became more at ease as the punch was really kicking in and smoked more weed with guys out back again. His friend from history class came and put his arm around him. RJ could tell he was messed up.

"Dude, you are hot. Oh I am Jude." Jude his friend from history class said to him.

"Nice to meet you, Jude," RJ said as he removed Jude's arm, "my name is RJ in case you don't already know."

"Fuck dude, I knew," Jude said as he slurred it out, "fuck, are you gay like Jake?"

RJ froze and didn't know whether to say yes or no he was just a friend from the dorm. RJ then realized the guy would never remember, so he answered, "Yeah Jude I am gay too."

"Hot as fuck dude" Jude said as he put his hand on RJ's crotch, "maybe you and Jake and I can have a fucking 3 some some time."

"OK, Jude" RJ said as he quickly found Jake who was feeling no pain as he was drunk and high. "Dude, Jude just tried put the make on my ass."

"Damn RJ what u say?" Jake said laughingly.

"Fuck, I just left his ass." RJ said as he looked at Jake. "Dude, we are fucked up. This whole thing is fucked up. Are you about ready to leave?"

"Yeah, I guess so it is getting late. You want to go with me to say good-bye?" Jake said as he grabbed RJ's hand. They walked around and said good-byes. Everyone was either drunk or stoned or both. There were a couple of guys making out on the couch as we left. RJ thought how most of the guys seemed straight at the beginning but the alcohol was really starting to bring out the trueness in most of them including him. Everyone told RJ to join them anytime he wanted and to think about joining next semester. RJ politely said thanks and he and Jake left. Jake planted a big kiss on RJ's cheek as they left.

"Thanks for coming with me." Jake said as they started the slow long walk back to the dorm. "Hope I didn't freak your ass out."

"No sweat, Jake. I had fun. It was sure different than I ever imagined. I just figured tons of people and lots of girls and guys. Wow, was I wrong, but you know what I liked it."

"Yeah, there are some really cool gay guys there. Not all want to fuck your ass or suck your cock, but a lot will and do. I just stumbled on this one when I read it was a liberal frat that welcomed all `types' of guys. I heard that even bi guys are so harassed at the big ones, that it is so hard on them. So I just checked out this one, even though they don't officially declare themselves as a gay frat. It is fucking close though." Jake said as they tried to hold each other up as they walked. "I told you your ass would be drunk."

"Fuck I am and stoned too. DAMN!!" RJ said as they were within close range to the dorm.

When they finally got back to the dorm, they went to RJ's room. RJ nearly passed out until Jake laid up on him. Jake kissed RJ as he laid his body on top of him. RJ loved kissing Jake as he now thought he was so hot. They quickly got naked together. They tried sucking one another to get a hard on but the night seemed like a lost cause as far as sex was concerned. Jake got up and put his pants back on and went back to his room to sleep. RJ was fast asleep as Jake left.

RJ slept later than he ever had and woke up about 3 in the afternoon. He called Jake and woke him up. RJ was starving and wanted to know if Jake was up for food, any food. RJ went to Jake's room as he saw he was just getting out of bed still nude. RJ said his head was pounding. Jake told him he threw up after he left the room. They both just laughed and agreed never that much punch again. Jake confessed that it was PGA with very little punch. He said all the guys like it plus it was kept in the hiding in case anyone came around checking the place. He said they put the real punch in the frig to throw them off. They laughed as Jake got dress in shorts and a shirt to go eat. It was fast food this time as RJ was starting to run low on cash and needed to hit the ATM soon. RJ's parents were cool about keeping money in his account but not a ton, just enough were he wouldn't really miss out on anything but not so much he could just blow it when he wanted.

When they got back, they went to RJ's room. Rob and Trev had made it back but RJ was shocked when he saw they had their ears pierced.

RJ introduced Jake to them even though Jake already knew Rob. Rob was getting comfortable as his shirt was on the floor. RJ looked at Rob and laughed, "Dude, how fucking drunk were ya'll to get fucking pierced?"

"Damn, RJ, Trev's mom gave us the money. Hell I like them. I think they look fucking tight ass." Rob said proudly as he showed them his hoops.

"Yeah, my mom said they even looked good." Trev spoke up and showed RJ his silver hoops.

"Bro, those look good. I have been thinking about getting pierced too but haven't done it yet. Did it hurt?" Jake asked.

"Hell no, I didn't even know they were finished when they told me to get up." Rob said.

The four guys sat in the room and talked about their weekend. Rob told in great details of how sweet Trev's house was and how cool his parents and little brother were. RJ and Jake told about their party they went to and how they met leaving out the sex part. RJ confessed to Rob he smoked one of his joints while he was gone. Rob didn't care as he said he and Trev smoked too on their trip. Trev told how Rob liked his friends and how they all partied a little on Saturday night too.

Rob then suggested they go work out. Jake agreed he needed to so he joined the three others as they went in Trev's sweet ride. All four showered together with one other cute guy but really didn't speak as the four showered and left. Jake decided he would go back to his room to see if his roomie was back. But he wasn't so he stayed there and studied a little.

"Damn, dude, you see that cock on Jake?" Trev asked.

"Yeah, how could you miss it?" RJ answered. "Damn bet he rips up some pussy with that."

"Fuck he ain't got shit on me but maybe a ½ of an inch." Rob said as he grabbed his cock as they were sitting in their towels.

"Yeah right, Rob. Bet that fucker gets 9 inches hard." Trev said.

RJ just sat there and thought if you guys only knew how big that fucker gets. RJ put on some shorts then as he went over his speech for Monday. Trev left about 11 as he and Rob seemed tired. Rob lay in his bed and told RJ he was tired. RJ agreed and joined him. They talked for about 30 minutes about Trev's big house. Rob said he was so fucking set that he had a king size bed and a flat screen in his bedroom. He told him that Trev's little 16 years old brother, who looked like Trev's twin, was a shit as he wanted to go with them everywhere including out drinking. Trev let him so he could drive their asses home. RJ told how he and Jake walked to the party as it was a good thing as they were so messed up. Both guys fell asleep after they finally stopped talking.

It was Monday again and Rob and RJ were fully in their routine by now. Rob and RJ dressed together and left for their morning class. They had started meeting up with Trev on those mornings as part of their routine for M/W/F mornings. RJ went to his 8 o'clock hoping Trip would not make it. Sure enough right at 8 he come walking in the door. The class went by fairly quickly as the teacher read some of their writings. RJ left hoping Trip would not follow him, but Trip lit his cigarette and tagged along.

"Dude, I fucking heard about your fight with Kyle. Dude that is fucked up." Trip told RJ as they grabbed a bite to eat. "You doing ok?"

"Oh Trip I am over that sorry ass motherfucker. I shouldn't have let myself fall for his ass, but I did. He taught me a lot though." RJ said as he smiled at Trip. Trip knew what he was talking about. RJ found out that Kyle and that guy were fucking before he entered the picture and really just wanted to get RJ involved in a 3some somehow. RJ laughed as Trip said he joined the 3some and more. Trip's friend joined them again later on. RJ laughed as they sat and told raunchy jokes to one another. RJ could smell they were smoking marijuana as he smelled it as soon as they walked up. Trip left with them as RJ went to his Algebra class.

He got there and found Kyle, but sat a good ways from him. The instructor handed back the test. RJ missed just one question and realized he made a stupid mistake as he forgot one step. The instructor spent the whole hour going over the test and answering lame questions. Kyle waited for RJ after class. Kyle was smiling as he showed RJ his paper. Kyle had only missed 3 out of 40 which meant he made an "A".

"Thanks a lot RJ; I couldn't have done it without you." Kyle said.

"Hope your fucking ass can do it without me next time. No way am I fucking wasting my time on your sorry ass again, motherfucker." RJ said as he wanted to get across the point that he was still mad. Kyle ducked his head and left.

RJ went to his speech class to give his first speech. He was nervous but made it just fine. He ate again with Trev and went hurriedly back to the dorm as a little rain was starting to fall. As RJ and Trev made it to their floor, RJ noticed a commotion at Jake's room. He looked around and saw the RA there with another guy, but no Jake anywhere to be found. He then saw Jake walking down the hall just back from eating lunch too. RJ and Trev said they would be down in RJ's room if Jake needed to tell them something. Jake went into the room and the RA shut the door to talk to him. Jake came out and went to RJ's room. Jake knocked out the door.

"No more roomie for me, dudes. They kicked his sorry ass out as they caught him smoking ganga in our room this morning after I left. What a fucking dumbass!" Jake told them.

They all laughed a little as Jake told them he was a pain in the ass and he was glad he was gone. He said maybe he could keep his room clean but doubted it. He told them he had to go sort through their clothes and pull out what was his and they would give Jake's roommate his clothes later on. Rob came in the room shortly after Jake had left and they told Rob what had happened. Rob was glad he only smoked away from the dorm. RJ and Trev agreed. Rob told RJ it was time to do the laundry as he was running out of shit to wear. RJ said he would ask Jake if he wanted to join them in the basement. Jake agreed he needed to do laundry but would come a little later as he was talking to some other guys about what just went down. Rob, RJ and Trev were half finished when Jake came in with a ton of clothes. Jake laughed as he said he kept some of his sorry ass roomies clothes he liked. Jake showed them just a few things he was snatching as he knew his old roomie would never know or much less cared. RJ stayed and talked to Jake and keeps him company as Rob and Trev went back up to their rooms.

"Damn, I am glad his sorry ass is gone," Jake told RJ as they just sit and did Jake's massive laundry. "Dude, now I got a single room. Maybe.."

"Fuck yeah, I know what you mean. I was wondering how the fuck I was going to get with you since we both had roommates." RJ told Jake. "That problem solved."

"Hey, RJ, I got to go to the frat house for a little bit to do some shit. Want to join me?" Jake asked RJ.

"Sure, I don't have any homework. My ass is caught up in all my classes." RJ told him as they finally finished Jake's pile of clothes and towels. "Hell yeah, finally fucking clean clothes. Damn I wore that shit 3 times I had on Saturday night."

They carried all of the laundry up to Jake's room and RJ was surprised as it looked better even though there was still trash every where. Jake found a trash bag next door and they cleaned up the trash and stuff his old roommate left that Jake had no use for. RJ found two used condoms under his roommate's bed and told Jake no way in hell they were his as they were too fucking small. Jake got a good laugh out of that. Jake needed a quick shower before he left as did RJ. They met up again in the shower and decided it was time to eat. They got Rob and Trev to go with them on campus. Trev was now quite happy as he had met another nice guy he could be friends with. Jake told them when they got back he and RJ were going to the frat house for a little while and be back later on. Rob and Trev decided to go shoot hoops again at the gym while RJ and Jake were gone.

Jake drove this time as he thought there would be no heavy drinking at the frat house. RJ saw that there were only the freshmen and 4 other guys. RJ excused himself as they met on what to expect the following Friday night. RJ talked in another room with another freshman who he found was the boyfriend of one of the guys. He told RJ he didn't want to join a frat and that his boyfriend had rushed after they met the second week there. RJ taught the guy was cute but a little too feminine for his taste. RJ soon discovered why this guy was with his boyfriend as the guy was also feminine acting as well once he was introduced. Jake and RJ joined a couple of the freshmen in back as one had brought a blunt to smoke. RJ didn't mind the taste as it was strawberry. The four guys smoked most of the blunt in a short time.

RJ went to the restroom again but was alone this time. He was amazed at how clean it was in a house full of guys. As he was walking back, he heard loud moaning from a room. He just tried not to look as the door was wide open and there were two guys fucking like dogs. RJ found Jake downstairs with glazed eyes.

"Dude, that shit was fucking strong." Jake said as he saw RJ walking towards him.

"Fuck yeah, my ass is fucking stoned." RJ said. "Dude, there were dudes just fucking in the open up there."

"Oh yeah, it was probably Taylor and Benji." Jake told RJ as he smiled at him.

"Yeah it was come to think of it. I thought I saw Taylor on top but wasn't sure it was him as I thought he left with Benji." RJ said.

"Dude they fuck every chance they get." Jake said. "It was probably in the vacant room."

"Yeah it was" RJ said. "So, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Jake said. He said good-bye to the guys who were remaining. All of them told RJ to come back anytime and to think about rushing next semester. RJ said he would consider it. Jake drove them back to the dorm.

Jake kissed RJ in the car before they got out where no one could see them. Jake went back to his room. RJ went back to his room but Rob wasn't there. He decided to catch up on some homework and went to bed. He was sound asleep at 1 when Rob came in and went straight to bed.

Next: Chapter 9

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