Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Dec 23, 2006


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned. This work of fiction is property of myself and may not be copied or used in any way without my express consent. All persons in this series are fictional and not real people living or dead.

Thanks for all the nice comments that I have gotten via email.

It was Friday, so RJ & Rob had early classes again. They were getting into quite a routine. As RJ messed with his now long hair, he decided the only way to get it the way he wanted was for a quick shower. It only took about 5 minutes to shower despite being a few other guys in the shower too. Rob was just getting out of bed when RJ came back to the room. Rob just threw on a cap to cover up his messy hair and some shorts and a polo for a change. RJ put on his A&F shorts and a plain looking white t-shirt to start the day. Again they met up with Trev who was sporting more of his new clothes. Trev and Rob made plans to meet up at noon to go to Trev's for the weekend as RJ left them to go to his first class.

It was Writing/Freshman Comp. Sure enough, Trip came in right as the instructor started class and sat beside RJ again. It was rather boring to both of them but they made it without falling asleep. Trip again followed RJ to class as he lit up a cigarette as he caught up with RJ.

"Dude, I missed you last night." Trip told RJ.

"Oh yeah, I just hung around the dorm with my roommate and a buddy of yours." RJ told him.

"A fucking 3some huh?" Trip said laughingly to RJ.

"Nah, I think they are straight and have no fucking clue about me. At least I think so on both accounts." RJ said as they got to the Union to grab a bite to eat. Again a few of Trip's friends joined them. RJ didn't mind them as he could see Trip was a lot like them in dress and speech. They all seemed to know Trip was gay and made some jokes about his boyfriend. They laughed at some inside jokes that RJ had no clue what they were talking about. RJ was amazed there were really other guys like Trip going to college.

RJ told them it was nice to get to know them and left for his class with Kyle. Kyle was waiting on him when RJ got to the big classroom. The instructor informed them that the test would be graded and handed out on Monday. He told them there was a wide range of grades from perfect to not so perfect.

After class, Kyle and RJ talked outside the class. "You still coming over this weekend, aren't you?" Kyle asked RJ.

"You bet your ass I am. " RJ told Kyle.

"What you say we get together around 8 or so tonight." Kyle told RJ.

"That's fine by me. I got a couple of things to do before I come anyway." RJ told Kyle as they both went to their next class. RJ ate at the Union again but was by himself, except for a couple of girls who sat with him that he didn't know. He left and went back to his dorm room. When he got there, he found that Rob and Trev were already gone. He had the place to himself for a while until he went to Kyle's for the weekend. He started researching for his history paper and wrote out most of it on his computer. He finished the final touches on his speech for Monday.

RJ was getting bored and a little hungry so he thought he would just head over to Kyle's early. He knew that Kyle wouldn't care if he was early. RJ stopped to get a hot pizza for them to eat. He noticed Kyle's truck in the lot so he knew Kyle was at the apartment or close by. RJ knocked on the door but no answer. He turned the knob and it was open so he went on in. He put the pizza on the messy table and heard loud music coming out of Kyle's room, which is probably why he didn't answer. RJ opened the door to find Kyle getting fucked by some guy RJ didn't know.

"FUCK YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!!" RJ said as he slammed the door on his way out of Kyle's room.

"Wait RJ!! Wait!!" Kyle said as he found RJ crying on the couch. Kyle knew RJ was mad and heartbroke.

"Why, Kyle? That is why the fuck you wanted me to wait til 8 so that guy could fuck you and then you could fuck me later." RJ said as he was crying.

"RJ, I am fucking sorry. I am a worthless piece of shit for what I have done to you." Kyle said as he stood nude in front of RJ.

"Go on and get your brains fucked out. I don't give a fuck!!" RJ said as he grabbed his pizza and slammed the door as he left the apartment. RJ was so hurt that he just sat in his car and cried for a while. He gathered himself up and went back to the dorm. He carried his pizza up to the room and just lay on his bed crying, knowing that he had fallen for Kyle too much. The more he thought about it, he realized Kyle was just using him and his ass. He knew he had to get his mind off Kyle so he headed to the gym to workout. RJ took out his anger on the machines as he worked out alone for the first time. It was great therapy for him. RJ was worn out as he drove back to his dorm room.

RJ grabbed a quick shower and went back to his room. He remembered Rob had left his stash of weed in a drawer unless he took it with him for the weekend. He found one joint rolled in the drawer in the baggie and took it. He went to his car and lit up the joint while driving around. RJ didn't care who saw him smoking. He finished the whole joint in a short time and drove back to campus, so stoned. RJ was surprised he made it back as he never once had done that. He went up to his room stoned as fuck and started to try to work on his history paper. He managed to finish the paper but wasn't sure how he done it. He ate the now cold pizza and drank the last two beers they had in the frig. Just as he finished, someone was knocking on the door that he left slightly open after going to the bathroom. It was Jake from down the hall. Jake and RJ had talked once before when they just had moved in.

"Dude, I saw you walking down the hall. Care if I come in." Jake said as RJ answered the door.

"Nah, I am here alone." RJ said as he welcomed Jake in. RJ was shirtless as he normally was around his room and picked up the beer cans he had left sitting on the desk. Jake was your average guy, who was deep into the frat scene from the beginning. RJ noticed Jake was shirtless too and in some sweat pants. RJ thought Jake had a nice cut body. Jake was about 6'2" with short dark hair and a little goatee on his chin like RJ was growing.

"Damn. Where the fuck you get beer, dude? You got anymore?" Jake said as he saw RJ throw the cans in the trash.

"Oh Rob is able to buy it. Sorry dude, I would offer you some but I honestly drank the last two we had." RJ said.

"Fuck. Oh well, I will be drunk tomorrow night at the frat party anyway. Damn, dude, you look fucked up." Jake told RJ as he noticed RJ's bloodshot eyes.

"Oh it's nothing." RJ told Jake.

"Nothing my ass, bro you are fucking high, bro. I know plus I thought I smelled it a little when I walked in." Jake said smiling at RJ.

"Fuck Jake, I smoked a joint in the car. The smell must have been on my shorts." RJ told him.

"Bro, I know what it is like. Shit, I like a good hit every now and then. Damn, my roomie is a big fucking pothead. Every day he smokes after class. It is cool but not every day. Where's Rob tonight?" Jake asked RJ.

"He went home to Trev's for the weekend. How you know Rob?" RJ said. Jake explained that they had a class together and had talked a few times since then. He told RJ he was lucky to have such a cool roommate.

"Damn, Rob is fucking hot too!" Jake said and then realized what he had said and turned red.

RJ just laughed at him "Yeah, he is proud of his body. He works out all the time. He has got me and Trev going with him to the gym. You look like you hit the weights some too."

Jake was still embarrassed and noticed how well RJ played it off. "Yeah, I try but with the frat I can't find the time to go that much. I played football and baseball in high school."

RJ and Jake talked about all kinds of stuff including college and Jake's frat. RJ learned that Jake's roomie was home like Rob which was one reason he was down. RJ also learned that Jake was from out of state and wanted to major in chemical engineering. RJ told Jake he was really undecided but was starting to lean towards finance. Jake asked RJ if he was still hungry as he knew a great place for a late night meal. RJ wasn't that hungry but decided to go along as Jake was great company. RJ threw on a shirt and gave one to Jake to put on. Jake drove them to an old place that RJ would have never thought to even step foot in. Jake told him his frat brothers took him there the first week and the food was great. Jake downed a hamburger as RJ just ate some fries. When they got back to the dorm, Jake asked if RJ wanted to come down to his room.

RJ was tired but said he had nothing better to do. When they got back to the room, Jake took a hydrocodone pill and offered one to RJ. RJ told him he didn't really know what it was. Jake told him it was a pain pill but made you feel good after taking it, sort of like weed but different. RJ took one and swallowed it down.

RJ and Jake sat on Jake's bed. RJ was glad his room wasn't that messy. There was clothes everywhere and trash on the floor like they hadn't picked up since the day they got to the dorm. Jake took off RJ's shirt and gave it to him and thanked him for letting him wear it to eat. Jake then changed into some shorts that were laying on the floor. RJ was starting to feel the hydrocodone as he was feeling light headed.

"Fuck dude, this shit is awesome." RJ told Jake.

"Yeah, I bought them from a guy in the frat. A lot of dudes are on them here at campus. Hell, no one can smell anything like weed plus it is a pretty fucking good high." Jake said.

"Yeah, Rob has a bottle of pills in the room and bet he has some."

"Yeah, I bummed a few off him before. Rob hooked me up good, honestly I bought some weed off him too. Oh don't worry he's not dealing drugs he just said it was some extra shit he had left over."

"Fuck Jake, there for a second, I thought Rob was dealing. Glad you set me straight." RJ said as he felt Jake's hand on his thigh. RJ just looked at Jake who gave him a sly, mysterious smile. RJ didn't push his hand away as Jake was rubbing his thigh.

Jake whispered to RJ who was really feeling the pill, "You cool with this?" RJ could tell Jake was feeling it too but didn't answer and put his hand on Jake's shorts. Jake took this as a signal it was okay and put his hand on RJ's crotch. Jake started rubbing RJ's cock through his shorts.

RJ spoke up "Dude, you and Rob ever mess around?"

"Fuck no, I only been with one guy since I been here. I was fucking wasted that night and really didn't know what was going on." Jake said.

"How the fuck you know I wouldn't beat your ass when you touched me?" RJ asked.

"Bro, I do it as a tester. Done it to about 3 guys here and they just pushed my hand away and one dude got fucking mad. I can tell you liked it, so I went for it," Jake told RJ as he was feeling of RJ's cock.

RJ's head was swimming as Jake took off RJ's shorts to reveal RJ's nice cut cock. Jake was feeling no pain either and took off his shorts to reveal his big thick cock.

"Fuck Jake how big is that hot monster?" RJ asked as he saw one of the biggest cocks he ever seen.

"Fuck bro, it is almost 9 inches," Jake told him as RJ was now playing with that monster. Jake told him that it takes him a little while to get hard on hydro and even longer to nut. RJ knew his cock was not hard like it normally was. Jake started licking on RJ's body then started licking RJ's cock. Jake took RJ's soft cock in his mouth and started to suck on it. RJ's cock finally responded and got fairly hard as Jake was giving him a good blowjob on the bed. RJ moaned a little as Jake sucked in all his cock to the pubes.

"That got you hard. Nice fucking cock, RJ." Jake said as he quit sucking RJ's cock. "You want to try to get me hard."

"Fuck yeah, I want to try." RJ said as he started licking Jake's soft cock. Then he took the soft but big cock in his mouth. It took almost 10 minutes of RJ's mouth and kissing that cock for Jake to get hard. RJ could barely get the big cock in his mouth once it was hard. RJ tried to get as much as he could but could tell it was fucking big. Jake was now moaning as RJ tried to suck his cock.

"Fuck dude, you doing so good. No one ever deep throats this fucker." Jake told him as he was now hard and loving the sight of RJ's mouth going up and down on his cock. "Can I fuck you?"

"Fuck dude, I don't know about that shit" RJ said.

"I will be gentle. I promise. If it hurts you will pull out." Jake said. The two kissed for the first time. Jake's lips were so soft. RJ was really fucked up now as the pill was kicking his ass. RJ's erection was now gone but he hoped it would come back. Jake's cock was hard as a rock now after RJ's mouth worked it good to a good stiff erection. Jake grabbed a condom and started to finger RJ's ass as he slid 2 fingers in. RJ moaned as he felt the two long fingers in his ass. Jake was surprised at the ease they went in.

"Fuck RJ, I would think you been fucked a few times lately. Damn your ass took my two fingers with ease." Jake said as he was working his 2 fingers in RJ's ass.

RJ not caring now what Jake knew said, "Fuck yeah, I've been getting this ass fucked by a friend. Don't you tell Rob."

"Bro, I am not one to fuck and tell." Jake said as he now stuck in a third finger. Jake then unrolled the condom on his cock before he lost his erection. Jake wanted to fuck RJ on his back. Jake then grabbed some lube and put it on his cock and RJ's ass.

"Fuck dude, be gentle. Never had a cock this big before," RJ said to Jake as Jake was ready to plow it in. RJ felt the big cock enter his ass. "Fuck Jake, fuck" was all RJ said when he felt it pop in his ass.

"Fuck RJ, it went in pretty easy. You still cool? I am going to slide more in and let your hole get used to this big fucker." Jake said he put more his big cock in RJ's ass.

"Slower. FUCK! Slower. Son of a bitch, that motherfucker is so huge!!" RJ said as he was now feeling it enter deeper and deeper. Maybe it was the hydro but RJ didn't feel a lot of pain, but just a huge cock in his ass. Jake just let RJ get used to his big cock as he had all his cock in RJ's sweet ass.

"Damn, RJ, guys are usually screaming by now when I got this much of my cock in them. Fuck yeah, you taking it good. Fuck your ass is so damn hot too!!" Jake said as he slowly started to pump RJ's ass.

RJ loved the feeling of Jake's hot thick cock in him. "Fuck me Jake!" RJ told him.

Jake took the clue and started sliding his cock in and out RJ's hot ass. Jake was amazed at how well RJ was taking his cock. RJ was just moaning in pleasure as he took Jake's cock. The small bed was shaking as Jake fucked RJ fairly hard. RJ pulled Jake into him to kiss him as they fucked. RJ loved it as Kyle was now just a distant memory. Jake then told RJ to get on his knees to fuck doggie style. Jake's condom was slipping off so he took it off and fucked RJ's ass raw with his big cock. Jake told him but RJ just nodded and let Jake fuck his ass raw. Jake was grunting as RJ moaned and ahhed as the big cock was pounding his ass. RJ took all of the big cock and loved it so much.

RJ wanted to ride that big motherfucker. Jake just laid back in his bed to let RJ ride his cock. He was thrilled as he saw his big cock disappear in RJ's little ass. RJ bounced up and down on his cock for a while and then leaned over and kissed Jake. Jake then took over still kissing RJ and pulling him up and down on his cock. This was all RJ needed as RJ's cock got hard again. He pushed RJ onto RJ's back with his cock still deep in RJ's ass. RJ felt his balls tighten up as Jake was now pounding his ass. Just as Jake pulled out and went back in, RJ flooded his stomach with his hot cum.

"Shit Jake, I never cum without touching myself before. That was fucking hot!" RJ said as Jake was still using his ass.

"Fuck RJ, I have had only one other motherfucker that did that. Shit, you must have loved my cock." Jake said as he slid his hard cock out of RJ's ass. RJ took Jake's cock in his mouth and started sucking it again, not caring that that raw fucker was just in his ass. Jake, after a few minutes of RJ's hot sucking, exploded all in RJ's mouth and throat. RJ didn't mind at all as he loved the taste of Jake's salty load. RJ swallowed the hot load and kissed Jake.

It was around 3 in the morning as the two made out on Jake's bed. RJ picked his shirt off the floor and wiped his own load off his abs. RJ noticed Jake was fast asleep as he put on his shorts and went back to his room. RJ took a little while to fall asleep as the pill started to wear off. RJ didn't sleep real sound waking up and tossing and turning all night.

Next: Chapter 8

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