Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Dec 21, 2006


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned. This work of fiction is property of myself and may not be copied or used in any way without my express consent. All persons in this series are fictional and not real people living or dead.

Thanks for all the nice comments about the previous stories.

The day began just like every Monday/Wednesday/Friday as both RJ and Rob had 8 o'clock classes to attend to. RJ got up first as usual and washed his face trying to wake up. He put got dressed as Rob was just rousing himself out of bed.

"Dude, where the fuck u go last nite?" RJ said to Rob as he was getting up.

"Oh I hung out with Trev some, then went out with my friends here. You were out late too as I came in at 11 and your ass was still gone." Rob said.

"I was hanging with Kyle for a while" RJ said as he gather his backpack for his day. Rob followed in behind him as they walked to their respective classes.

RJ was sitting waiting to start his English/Writing class when Trip came in the door. Trip sat right next to him. "Man, I hate fucking 8 o'clock classes. I didn't see you this morning when I got up at Jon's place."

"I needed to jet," RJ told Trip as class was starting. As class ended Trip followed RJ to the Student Union and grabbed a bit to eat as did RJ. Trip was glad to see RJ didn't have a 9 o'clock as class so he would have someone to eat with. Just as they were finishing, some guy came up to Trip and shouted "Fucking Faggot!"

"Who the fuck was that?" RJ asked. Trip told him it was his roommate in the dorm. Trip told him the first week he was gay and the guy flipped and has been screaming stuff at him every time he saw him. He explained that was why he was at Jon and Kyle's place all the time as he went to his dorm when he knew the guy won't be there. Trip stayed in the dorm over the weekend as the guy told him he was going home. Trip explained the guy kicked him out when he got back. Just then a couple of Trip's other friends joined him. They were the punk skater crowd that Trip met skating there at college. RJ politely told them he had to go and get ready for his big test. Trip thanked him for eating with him and would see him later.

RJ got to class about 10 minutes early to gather his thoughts. Kyle was early too. Kyle and RJ were ready to ace this test as they had studied their asses off for it. The professor handed out the test shortly after 9. RJ smiled at Kyle when he glanced over the test and saw that it was all the stuff they had studied the days before. RJ was one of the first to finish and waited out in the hall to see how Kyle did. Kyle came out with a big smile.

"RJ, you are a fucking god, you know that." Kyle said as he saw RJ there waiting for him.

"Thanks Kyle! You see what a little studying will do for you. That test was easy." RJ said to Kyle.

"I know. I was amazed that I only struggled with maybe 3 or 4 of the problems. Fuck that was awesome dude. You going to your next class?" Kyle said to RJ.

"Nah, I really don't have to as we are starting our speeches today and I don't have to give mine until Monday." RJ replied.

"Cool, I think I will blow off my next class too. I got a buddy who will give his notes. You want to go to my place and chill?" Kyle said as he smiled at RJ.

"Yeah but I have to be back at 1 for my fucking Geology lab." RJ told him as they walked out of the building.

"That's cool. I will bring you back by then. I got a 1 o'clock class too." Kyle told RJ. They rode to Kyle's apartment in Kyle's nice truck. Kyle and RJ went inside to an empty apartment. He told RJ that Jon had an 11 & 12 o'clock class so they would be alone for a while. Kyle planted a big kiss on RJ's soft lips. They went to the couch to make out some. It didn't take long until RJ had off Kyle's t-shirt as RJ threw his shirt on the couch. RJ was rubbing Kyle's crotch as they kept kissing.

"Fuck Kyle, I want that cock again. I can't believe how horny you have made me." RJ said as he removed Kyle's shorts and found he was going commando. He licked on Kyle's smooth chest, arm pits and abs. He loved the treasure trail that Kyle had. He followed it down to find his Kyle's cock. He licked up and down Kyle's hardening cock. He loved playing with Kyle's low hanging balls as he took Kyle's cock in his mouth. He was starting to get used to that cock being in his mouth. He took it slow going up and down as Kyle just lay back on the couch, enjoying seeing RJ suck his cock. RJ was managing to take all of Kyle's cock in his mouth now as he loved pleasuring him. Kyle made RJ pull off and stripped down RJ to find RJ's cock was sticking straight up. They made out in the nude on the couch, feeling and touching, using their tongues in each other's mouth. Kyle took RJ's cock and pleased him as RJ had done to him. Kyle then took a finger and placed it in RJ's ass. RJ moaned as Kyle rotated his finger in his ass.

"Fuck dude, this is so hot." RJ told Kyle as he was sucking his cock.

"MMMMM, fuck yeah" Kyle blurted out with a mouth full of cock. Kyle got up from the couch to get a condom and the Astroglide as he could tell RJ was ready. Kyle returned to the couch and slide on the condom and lube it up as well as RJ's nice ass.

Kyle let RJ ride his cock. RJ loved sliding up and down on Kyle as he was moaning and telling how much he loved getting fucked now. He then started rotating his hips to feel that cock all in his ass. Just as he laid RJ on his back on the couch to fuck him, they heard the door open. It was Trip. Kyle quickly let RJ up as Trip walked through the door.

"Fuck yeah. Damn RJ is getting his ass fucked." Trip said as he saw Kyle with the condom on his cock. "Damn, don't stop because I am here. Keep fucking."

RJ was not embarrassed as he had seen Jon and Trip fuck on the couch. "Fuck me Kyle!! Fuck let's give this skinny motherfucker a little show." RJ said as Kyle jacked his cock to get it hard again. In no time, Kyle's cock was hard again and slid it into RJ's ass as Trip sat in a chair watching them. Kyle was fucking RJ as Trip dropped his shorts and took off his shirt. Trip was jacking off as he watched Kyle's cock invade RJ's ass. RJ was moaning and grunting as Kyle grinded his cock into RJ's hot fuckable ass. "Fuck me" was all RJ said as Kyle worked his cock in and out RJ's wanting hole. RJ looked at Trip and smiled as Trip just grinned real big with his cock in his hand. As Kyle was fucking him, RJ was jacking his cock so it did not take long before RJ shot his load all over his stomach. Trip got up and dropped his big hot load on top of RJ's chest. Kyle pulled out of RJ's fucked ass and jacked his cock til he came on RJ's chest and face.

"Fuck dudes, thanks for the show!" Trip said as he looked at all the cum on RJ's upper body.

"Anytime. Hoped you liked seeing me get fucked. I thought it was fucking hot to have you watch me take Kyle's hot cock." RJ said.

"Fuck dude, you took his cock so fucking good. DAMN." Trip told RJ.

RJ and Kyle kissed while Trip went to get a towel to wipe off the 3 loads of cum from RJ's body. RJ and Kyle got dressed and headed back to campus after their noontime fuck. RJ was beaming as he walked to his lab knowing his ass was just fucked and his classmate watched.

As he got back to his room after lab, he found Trev and Rob sitting around and talking. Trev told them he needed to go to the mall to get some clothes as he really didn't like the ones he had at college. Rob and RJ agreed to go along. Trev told him he could drive since he was the one needing stuff. Trev pointed the way to his new Chevy Avalanche. Rob and RJ were surprised that it was Trev's ride as they had seen in the parking lot and didn't know whose it was. Trev's Avalanche was tight as it had leather seats, a navigation system and an I pod hookup.

"Fuck Trev, you said your parents had money, but damn!" Rob said as he climbed in the front seat with RJ in the back.

"Yeah, my parents wanted me to have a nice ride so they bought me this ride to go back and forth to home." Trev told them.

"Damn, you are fucking lucky dude," RJ piped up from the back seat as they rode to the mall. It didn't take long to get to the mall as it was about 20 minutes from campus. Trev headed straight to the A&F store and started picking out clothes and got both of their opinion. RJ ended up with a nice polo shirt as he mainly had t-shirts and needed a nicer shirt just in case. Trev came away with a haul of t-shirts, polo shirts, shorts, jeans, flip flops and boxers to add to the stuff he already had. Trev just whipped out his parent's American Express to pay for all his new hot ass clothes. Rob was broke so he just watched in amazement as Trev practically got a whole new set of clothes, but was really jealous that Trev was able to spend that kind of money on stuff and still make it at college.

Trev was feeling generous and treated his new friends to a meal away from campus at Chili's on the way back to campus. They were glad to eat food not made for the masses and enjoyed it. Rob ordered a beer with his fake ID and just laughed at them as he drank a couple as they had to drink sodas.

They got back to the dorm stuffed and went to Trev's room as Trev hung up neatly his new clothes. Trev finally had the clothes he needed to really fit in with most of the guys there on campus as his parents were reluctant to spend money on expensive clothes and just bought him regular cheap ass clothes. Trev did have to call his mom and explain the whole situation about needing new clothes. Rob asked them if they wanted to go to the gym and shoot some hoops. Trev put on a new pair of athletic A&F shorts he just bought as Rob and RJ went to their room to change and meet him at Rob's car to go to the gym. They found a few pickup games of basketball. RJ and Rob were stunned at what a good player Trev was.

They got back to the dorm sweaty and tired and again showered together as it was no big deal to the 3 of them. They piled into Rob and RJ's room with their towels as they were getting used to being around one another. Rob and Trev watched some TV and drank the few beers that were left as RJ studied for the next day classes. About midnight Trev went back to his room. RJ got into bed as did Rob. They talked in bed about how lucky Trev was and that they were really starting to become good friends and really enjoyed being around each. RJ suggested maybe they could move out into an apartment at semester with Trev. Rob said he would ask his parents about it, but liked the idea of the 3 of them sharing a place where they could really be free.

The next day started just like Tuesday with both RJ and Rob having 2 classes on Thursday. They laughed when they saw Trev sporting his new clothes. He was wearing his tight A&F t-shirt along with his new shorts and flip flops. Trev told them he was feeling hot today and would have to fight the girls off him. It was a rather calm day for RJ and his friends as classes were boring but got some bad news that he would have a paper due in American History due the next week. RJ met up with Trev for lunch in the Student Union. After eating they went back to Trev's room to hang out some. Rob came in for a little while but didn't stay long as today was his Biology lab, which he absolutely dreaded. RJ didn't stay long in Trev's room after Rob left and went to his room. As he got to his room, he got a call on his cell phone from Kyle. Kyle wanted him to come over that night but RJ told him his ass needed a break but the weekend was a sure thing and was looking forward to another hot weekend with him. Kyle told him that was cool as he had a test Friday and could use the time to study for it.

Rob came back from his lab to find RJ sleeping so he decided to catch up on sleep. They were out for about an hour when they woke to Trev banging on the door ready to go eat. So RJ and Rob got up and went and ate with Trev. When they got back, it was to the gym for a workout. RJ liked the fact that he was hitting the weights regularly at the persistence of Rob.

When they got finished working out and showering they went this time to Trev's to hang. Rob brought up the idea of the 3 of them getting an apartment at semester. Trev liked the idea since he was now in a single room.

"Hey, I was talking to my mom today and she wants me to come home as I haven't been home all semester. She said if ya'll want, ya'll could come with me." Trev told them as they were watching TV.

"Sounds good to me, Trev. Bet you got a fucking sweet ass house." Rob said.

"So how about you, RJ?" Trev asked.

"Damn, I wish I could but I got to work on my speech for Monday and start a paper in American History. Ya'll go on and have a good time. I am sure Rob will tell me all about your place." RJ said as he did have that shit to do but was really glad to hear that they were leaving as he wanted to spend the weekend with Kyle.

About midnight, Rob and RJ went to their rooms and went to sleep rather quickly.

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 7

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