Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Dec 18, 2006


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned.

Tuesdays were a lot easier on RJ and Rob as both didn't have to get up until 8:45 to make it to their respective 9:30 classes. RJ got up first to start his day. He was nude at the sink as he brushed his teeth and put on his deodorant to get his day going for his two classes that he had on Tuesday/Thursday. Shorts was about all he liked wearing as it was still warm enough, plus a good tshirt would do as he didn't have to go but to class. Rob woke as RJ put on his shorts without any underwear. He saw RJ pulling up his shorts over his ass and commented, "Freeballing today, huh? Fuck dude, those shorts just barely fit your ass as it looks like you lost some weight."

"Yeah, I guess I have lost a few pounds since I been here, but not on purpose. I guess we need to drink more beer, dude," RJ said as he tried to fix his hair.

"Sounds like a plan, dude. Fuck we need to get drunk together some night when we ain't got shit else to do," Rob said as he put on shorts too, freeballing. He found one of his many tight ass tshirts that he loved wearing ever since his senior year in high school when he started to develop his upper body some. He was a fat ass sophomore in high school but really hated his looks so he lost the weight as a junior and started playing soccer despite being the suckiest guy on the team. Rob hit the weights his senior year and noticed that he liked the way he looked after a few months. He really don't want to be a muscle head, just to get toned and cut, which he did. Rob grabbed some of RJ's cologne as he like the smell of it better than his.

They both went to just two classes that day. As RJ got out of his 12:30 Geology class he noticed it was raining so he ran in full sprint to the Student Union to eat as he was now so fucking hungry. He spotted Trev eating alone and asked to join him. They sat and ate and talked about their night before. RJ could sense that Trev was relieved to finally have friends on campus. They really had a lot in common as they were both top 10 in their senior class. Both had come from rather small towns and had fairly strict, but loving parents. When they finished eating, it was raining pretty hard. "Fuck it" they said as they ran back to the dorm hoping not to knock anyone down that was smart enough to carry an umbrella. They were soaking wet from head to toe by the time they got back to the dorm. RJ just took off his shirt when he got inside and rang it out just outside the door. Trev kept his own even though it was just clung to his thin body. RJ told Trev he could come down to his room if he wanted. RJ, shirtless and soaked shorts and squeaky flip flops, unlocked the door and stripped once he closed the door. He was surprised Rob had not made it back. Then Trev came in with just shorts as RJ was toweling off. Not 30 seconds later Rob comes flashing in the door soaked head to toe.

"Fuck dudes, it is fucking pouring out there," Rob said as he hit the door.

"No shit Sherlock. You think we couldn't tell," Trev said as he watched RJ put on some fresh shorts. Then without thinking Rob stripped down since he knew both guys didn't care. "Fuck you think this dude wants us to see him butt ass naked."

"Fuck guys just love admiring my big cock and tight ass body," Rob said as he started doing a little dance for them in the nude, dripping water all over the floor as he shook his ass for them.

Trev and RJ were laughing their asses off as Rob strutted around for a few minutes. Oh the joys of college life without parents!! Trev pulled out the PS2 and ask who was up for an ass beating in some NCAA Football. Trev was more than willing to play him as he had the same game in his room and was tired of playing alone. Rob just put on some shorts and talked on his cell phone for a little while to his secret boyfriend. He told his "friend" about his few days back at college in pretty graphic details, except for the JO session the night before. Trev was good and gave RJ all he could handle at the game. Trev had to leave as he had a biology lab at 3. RJ proceeded to then do a little reading for the next day and get his stuff together to go over Kyle's apartment to study for his test. He did manage to squeeze in a short talk with his mom back home telling her he was really starting to like college and he had met some good friends and how great a roommate he had.

Rob then asked RJ if he was ready to work out tonight. RJ told him he had to go over to Kyle's to study and get him ready for their test the next day. RJ suggested that they go now even though Trev was at lab. Rob agreed it would be okay and he might take Trev back later to be him some pointers that RJ missed. They got dressed to work out and RJ drove again. It was getting easier for RJ as he seemed more comfortable at the gym and not intimidated by the muscled up guys. He and Rob worked together which made it more fun and not as boring. It took them about an hour to go through the whole workout as it was more crowded on a rainy day. They were still soaked in sweat when they left. On the way home, Rob stopped at a little grocery and told RJ to wait in the car. He come back toting a 24 pack of beer for their little frig in the dorm.

"Fuck dude, how the fuck you score that," RJ said as Rob put the 24 pack in the trunk.

"Fucking fake ID. The dude looked at it and never gave it a second thought. You said you needed to drink more beer so here you go," Rob showed him the fake ID. Sure enough it was Rob but the birthday was a few years off as it said he was now 22. Rob did have the built for a 22 year old so no questions asked. "Dude I trust you will not say anything if I ask you to open up the glove box. We are friends right and I feel I can trust you."

RJ opened the glove box to find a baggie of weed with 3 rolled up joints, a few condoms, a bottle of pills and a can of Skoal. Rob told RJ to open the bag. RJ opened up the baggie and caught a good whiff of the fresh weed. Rob told him to hand him a joint. Rob asked "Is it cool with you? I will not smoke in front of you if you not cool with it. I understand if you don't do this shit."

"Dude, it is cool with me. Fuck I have smoked weed before, including this weekend."

Rob drove to a park where he knew he could park and smoke in seclusion as it was illegal to smoke weed in their dorm. Matter of fact, two guys down the hall got kicked out of school the week before when the RA smelt weed coming from their room. Rob grabbed his lighter out of the ashtray not caring if RJ saw the roach as he now had most things out in the open. He lit the joint and took a big hit. He passed to RJ who took a hit hoping not to cough. He did just fine. They passed it around til it was down to a roach when Rob snubbed out and put in the ashtray. RJ was floating as it was pretty strong weed as was Rob but didn't seem to show it as much.

"Fuck RJ, you are one cool motherfucker, you know that. Fuck I knew you won't care if I smoked but damn, you hit that shit hard. Fuck you are fucked up."

"Yeah, that was some strong shit dude. Thanks, fuck, we are in college and when we graduate, we can't be smoking joints and fucking around. We better fucking enjoy ourselves while we can. Shit, you are one cool ass motherfucker too," RJ said as he sat with a big smile on his face.

Rob drove them back to campus about 2 miles away despite his high state. They made it just fine. It had stopped raining so they loaded up the beer into a duffel bag that Rob kept in the trunk while Rob grabbed the rest of his shit out of the glove box. They were still high when they got to the room. No more than they had laid down on the bed in their sweaty clothes a loud knock came on the door. Sure enough it was Trev, just back from his biology lab.

"Fuck, you dudes are fucking messed up. Fuck, ya'll got fucking high without me," Trev said he looked at the two stoned dudes just laid out on the bed. "Fuck yall reek of weed and sweat."

"Yeah, I am too stoned dude. Oh fuck I smell, damn, Rob we need a shower pronto dude." RJ said.

So they both got undressed in front of Trev not giving a fuck. They showered and come back to the room just laughing as Rob was just carrying his towel as he got it soaked in the shower. Trev laughed at Rob as Rob was making an ass out of himself. Thank goodness the dorm was fairly empty, just one guy saw Rob fully naked and just laughed when he saw him caring his soaked towel.

Rob was dripping wet and suddenly popped RJ on his bare ass with the wet towel. RJ told him it fucking hurt and popped Rob on the side. They then proceeded to wrestle in the floor as Trev was watching and laughing at them. Rob easily pinned down RJ as he was much stronger and was still wet and got RJ wet as well. They both dried off and put on clothes as Trev said he was ready to go eat if their stoned asses could make it. They ate on campus as all three had a meal plan there at the college. They did find out Trev's family was pretty well off while Rob was just skimming by, enough for beer, weed and Skoal, but no really big nights out where it involved a lot of cash. RJ was doing okay since his parent gave him a credit card to get by but told him they would cancel it if it got out of control. It was nearly 8 by the time they got back to the dorm, so RJ just brushed his hair and grabbed his keys as he told Rob and Trev he had to go study with Kyle. He phoned Kyle on his way out the door to tell him he was on his way. RJ was now down from his high.

RJ just went right in like he owned the place when he got to Kyle's apartment. Kyle was sitting on the couch watching TV with Jon and Trip. RJ could smell the weed when he hit the door so he was not surprised all three were high as shit. Trip was in just his boxers while Jon was in a thong but his cock was sticking out one side. Trip said hi and was glad to see his gay classmate again. Kyle who had on some plain shorts got up and kissed him and he motioned him to the bedroom.

"Damn, sorry you had to see that shit man," Kyle said.

"No problem man. Looks like Trip and Jon are pretty out of it. Hope they are able to stay in school getting fucked up all the time," RJ said as he kissed Kyle back.

"You'd be surprised. Jon is fucking smart as shit and I think Trip is a fucking computer whiz. Hell Jon had a 3.6 last year. Fuck my ass only had a 2.1. That is why I fucking need your ass," Kyle told RJ. They then talked a little about each other and hit the books. Kyle was really getting it and seemed to think he would have no problems with his first test. He then had some other shit to catch up on. RJ decided he needed a beer. He went out and there was Jon and Trip on the couch nude, just hanging. As he was reaching in to grab a couple of beers, he felt a pinch on his ass.

"Dude, fucking nice ass," Trip said he grabbed a beer too. "RJ, you want to join me and Jon, bet you would like his big cock. I know I fucking love it. Hey let me see what you're packing."

RJ could smell the weed mixed with beer on Trip's breath as he looked down as saw his cock which was fairly hairless and fairly decent size about the same as Kyle to go along with his body which you could count his ribs. He knew Trip would bug him so he dropped his shorts and showed Trip his cock. Trip reached down and grabbed it and told him it was fucking hot. Trip grabbed RJ's hand and put RJ's hand on his cock. RJ told him it was nice but he needed to get back and help Kyle study. He took his beer and headed back into the room with Kyle. He told Kyle what had happened and Kyle just laughed a little. RJ sat on the bed and quickly downed his beer and half the one he brought for Kyle. Kyle was really studying and was showing he was going to get good grades this semester or else he would be home. RJ was lying on the bed when Kyle came over and kissed him, thanking him for making him study and getting him away from Jon and Trip.

Kyle and RJ made out for a little and RJ felt Kyle's hand down the front of his pants. RJ told Kyle he really needed to get back to the dorm, but it was only 9 so he thought a little fun wouldn't hurt. Kyle took off RJ's shorts and shirt as did RJ do the same for Kyle. They just laid there naked making out with RJ getting on top of Kyle and started to rub their two cocks together. Neither was fully hard but in no time RJ was rock hard. RJ took his time with Kyle's body. Sucking on his nipples and licking his stomach. He licked Kyle's hardening cock with his tongue. He sucked on each of Kyle's low hanging balls and then started bobbing up and down on Kyle's hard cock.

RJ pulled off Kyle's cock and told him, "Fuck my face!" Kyle was eager and slammed his cock in and out of his hot wanting mouth for a while. Kyle was deep in RJ's throat as pushed all his cock in for RJ to taste every inch of his hard fucker. Kyle then shot a huge fucking load into RJ's throat. RJ swallowed every drop. Kyle kissed him.

"There is more for where that came from" Kyle said as he smiled at RJ but his cock was still fairly hard. RJ wanted to taste Kyle's ass so he licked Kyle's asshole and tongued it good. Kyle was just starting to suck RJ's cock which was still hard.

Kyle pulled off RJ's cock and said "Fuck my ass tonight. Fuck you got me wanting to get fucked so bad." RJ reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom and lube. He let Kyle slide on the condom and then RJ lubed it up good along with Kyle's ass. RJ had never fucked a guy but hell it could not be much different than fucking pussy he thought. So he saw Kyle got on all four as he wanted to be fucked doggie style. RJ felt his cock pop in a guy's ass for the first time and was hoping not to cum so soon. RJ liked the feeling of Kyle's fairly tight ass wrapped around his hard cock. Kyle was moaning and encouraging RJ to fuck his ass harder. RJ fucked him as hard as he could. It felt good buried deep in his lover's ass with his balls slapping Kyle's ass. The room was filled with moaning and grunting from both guys as RJ fucked Kyle for the first time. RJ could tell he wouldn't last long as he pulled out just in time to send 4 good hot shots of his cum across Kyle's back. Kyle turned over to have RJ fall on top of him as they made out but Kyle was still hard.

Kyle reached and put a condom on his hard cock. He then lay beside RJ kissing him still as he slid his cock in a familiar place. RJ let out a soft ahhh as he felt Kyle's cock slide in his ass. He was getting used to getting fucked as this would be the fourth time to have Kyle's cock in his ass. He actually was getting joy out of Kyle's cock as he told Kyle how good it felt buried in him. "Fuck me" was all RJ could say as Kyle was deep in his ass. It was a slow sensual fuck more like love making than pure fucking. RJ then flipped over to his back where it would be easier to kiss Kyle as Kyle fucked him. Kyle kissed RJ as he was fucking his ass with long slow strokes in and out. RJ was so happy to have his lover buried in his ass, actually making love to him. They never stopped kissing the whole time Kyle was fucking RJ on his back. Kyle and RJ made love for 15 or 20 minutes of slow long strokes til Kyle pulled out and shot his load on RJ's crotch.

"Fuck Kyle, that was hot. I love you!"

"I love you too RJ." Kyle said as they kept kissing. RJ was so tired that he fell asleep in Kyle's arms. He then woke at 1:30 and realized he had to go back to the dorm or Rob would really be suspicious. He quickly dressed and kissed Kyle on the cheek as Kyle never woke up. He drove back to the dorm hoping Rob was asleep and could sneak in and make up some bullshit in the morning. He slowly opened the door. There was no Rob. He then shucked his clothes as he got into bed. Not 10 minutes later he heard Rob pulling the same routine but acted as though he was asleep. He saw jump into bed nude. RJ could not help wonder where the fuck Rob had been. He thought maybe he had gone down to Trev's room to hang out or he was out with some of his high school buddies who went to college there too. They both were sound asleep in no time as it was a long day for both.

Next: Chapter 6

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