Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Dec 13, 2006


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18 ,it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned.

Sure enough 7:15 came way too soon for both RJ and Rob, even though RJ had slept long. RJ rolled out of bed first still nude, splashed water on his face from the small sink in the room to wake him up more and started to get ready for his day. Rob hated getting up and stayed in bed for just a few more minutes. When he did wake, he got a good shot of RJ's bare ass bending over the sink and just smiled. RJ wanted to look nice and threw on his AF boxerbriefs this time, just in case--you know keep the wood down. He picked out a pair of shorts and tshirt he thought he would look good in. He was sore from working out the night before and got around a little slower. Rob woke up fully then not caring he was sporting morning wood. He said "Damn, RJ, you moving slow today. Did I work you out too hard?"

RJ replied, "Fuck dude, every muscle in my bod is sore, but I really want to get in shape like you." RJ then turned and laughed at Rob with his hard cock. "Fuck dude, you did sleep nude. Damn, you got something to be proud of there."

Rob quickly answered not caring that RJ was laughing at his bone but was rather proud to show it off, "Fuck yeah dude, bet you wish your cock was this big. Now you know why the ladies flock to me."

RJ finished putting on his clothes and tried his best to fix the mop on his head. He had never let his hair grow this long before but actually liked it. Rob just threw on some shorts but yet another tight tshirt like most guys were doing except for the ones who had nothing to be proud of as far as abs or pecs. They both grabbed their backpacks and headed out for another day of college learning in their freshman year. They would meet up after class and catch up on laundry as both had it piling up from the previous week. They wanted to do it together as they both knew how boring it was in the basement of the dorm by yourself doing the laundry.

RJ and Rob had virtually the same classes but at different times and instructors. They were just taking the basics that most freshmen take. They both had an 8 o'clock class which was not too far from the dorm. RJ noticed more than ever the guys like he had never done before and how hot some were and whether they were gay or not. RJ knew at 10 he would get to see Kyle again in his Algebra class. RJ made through the 8 o'clock Freshman English class with no problems. He had an hour to grab a bite in the Student Union. He then went off to his Algebra class. He was excited to see Kyle again after their hot weekend and hoped he would be just as cool in class. RJ took his normal spot near the back but no Kyle. Kyle came in right as the professor started the day. Kyle sat right next to RJ and smiled at him real big.

Kyle passed RJ a handwritten note about half through class. It read: RJ, u look fuckin hot today. Damn u were hot this weekend.

RJ read it and smiled real big at him and winked. At the end of the class, the professor stated that there would be a test on Wednesday just to see how everyone was progressing. Basically, it was a test to weed out some of the freshmen who weren't quite ready for this class.

Kyle caught RJ at the end of the class and told him, "Dude I need a fucking good grade out of this class. I had to drop it last spring and really need to pass it to stay on track. You think we could study together again?"

"Of course, you know I liked our last study session a lot. You want to study Tuesday night?" RJ asked Kyle.

"I was hoping this afternoon or both. I really want to nail this test. Is that cool with you?" Kyle said.

"Sure, I can go over after my next class that lets out at noon. Meet me in the Student Union and we can eat and go from there." RJ said. Kyle agreed with that. They both had to jet as they had a class meeting soon and RJ hated to be late.

Kyle and RJ meet at noon and had a quick lunch. Kyle told RJ just to ride with him and that he would take him back to the dorm when they finished. RJ called Rob to tell him he was going to study with a friend and that they could do laundry that night together. Rob told him he would probably do both of theirs so he could do other shit later. RJ thanked him and told him to grab a few dollars to do his.

When Kyle and RJ got to Kyle's place, Jon was on the couch with a cute guy. RJ recognized him as a guy he had in his 8 o'clock class. They greeted one another but neither knew each other's name. His name was Trip, a skater boy who sometime brought his board to class. He was a perfect match for Jon as they both skated, which is how they probably meet. Kyle knew Trip as he had been at the house a few times before and just said hello. RJ could tell they were both high as the smell of weed hit him when he got in the door plus the bong was still on the table where they had smoked it earlier. Kyle told RJ they could study in his room. The room was actually clean and the bed was made. They threw their stuff on the bed and Kyle kissed RJ.

"You know Trip?" Kyle asked RJ.

"Yeah, I did't know his name. He cracks me up as I have him in my 8 o'clock Writing class. He is fucking late almost everyday and usually brings his board with him." RJ told Kyle.

"Damn, he is a fucking stoner like Jon. Jon meet him the first week skating and has been here a lot. Jon fucked him the first day he came over and they been smoking and fucking ever since. Wait til you see him without any clothes, he is so fucking skinny. The dude loves to get pierced and tattooed. Jon took him to get a tattoo last week on his back." Kyle told RJ. "You ready to hit the books some."

RJ needed to hit the bathroom first so he stepped out to go the bathroom. Sure enough, there was Trip sucking on Jon's big cock. Kyle was right as RJ could see that Trip was skinny as was Jon. He tried not to look but couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the action on the couch. RJ came back to the room and told Kyle what was going on. Kyle was not surprised. They did manage to go over a lot of stuff that the professor said would be on the test. Kyle really seemed to catch on as RJ seemed to explain it better. RJ knew everything that was going to be on the test and told Kyle it would be a breeze. Just about the time they finished, they heard moans and screams from the living room. They both knew Trip was getting fucked by Jon on the couch, but sort of wondered what took so long to get down to the fucking. RJ told Kyle he was ready to go back to the dorm.

"Can't you stay just a little longer. I really missed you last night." Kyle said as he smiled at RJ.

"Well maybe a little longer. Fuck I am sort of horny after hearing Trip and Jon fuck." RJ smiled at Kyle and then grabbed Kyle's crotch.

"Dude, you were thinking the same thing I was. Fuck I need a reward after studying so hard." Kyle said as he started to take off RJ's shorts and noticed his hot AF boxer briefs. He pulled RJ's cock through the slit and started sucking on it. RJ quickly threw his shirt in the corner and was moaning lightly as Kyle was still sucking his hard cock. Kyle pushed down RJ's boxer briefs to suck on his nice balls. Kyle stood up and let RJ undress him. Kyle sat in the chair as RJ kissed him. RJ started licking Kyle's pecs and abs til he got to Kyle's now hard cock. RJ took his time sucking and licking Kyle's hot cock. Kyle then told him to bend over on the desk. RJ put his hands on the desk and stuck his ass out for Kyle. He thought Kyle was going to fuck him right there but Kyle started to rim his ass. They had not rimmed so this was very exciting to RJ, who was moaning loudly and not caring if Jon and Trip heard him. RJ loved the feeling of Kyle's tongue at his hole and told him how hot it was.

RJ whispered to Kyle, "Fuck me on this desk. Damn you got me so fucking horny after eating my ass!!"

Kyle grabbed a condom and put it on his cock. He mounted RJ's ass while RJ leaned on the desk. RJ felt the full 6 and half inches enter his ass with ease. RJ shouted "Fuck" as Kyle pulled out and rammed it in. RJ was moaning a lot but loving the feel of Kyle's manhood up his ass. Kyle could tell RJ was really getting into him fucking him so he picked up the pace. Kyle stood RJ up and they fucked standing up. RJ pushed Kyle to the floor and started riding Kyle's cock for all it was worth. They were moaning and some loud shouts of hot sex. RJ jacked his cock as he rode Kyle's cock. It didn't take very long until RJ unloaded his hot cum all over Kyle's face and chest while Kyle was still fucking his ass. Kyle pulled out quickly when RJ put his mouth on Kyle's cock. RJ took the big hot load all in his mouth and swallowed it. He was starting to love the taste of Kyle's cum.

They laid on the floor and made out for a few minutes. RJ was really starting to possibly be in love with Kyle. RJ got dressed as did Kyle who was going to take him back to the dorm. It was only about 3 so RJ knew Rob wouldn't suspect much. Kyle told RJ he wanted to just brush up a few things tomorrow night right before the test. RJ agreed but told him he probably wouldn't spend the night. As they got out of the room, they saw Trip and Jon were still nude and were smoking cigarettes this time. RJ really noticed Trip was skinny and loved his tattoos and piercing.

Trip stood up and said "Fuck dude. Looks like I am not the only gay motherfucker in our class. Dude, it sounded like he fucked your ass good by the way you were moaning and shit. That was fucking hot. Jon and I jacked off listening to you dudes fuck."

"Yeah, you are not the only gay motherfucker in the class. Kyle is so fucking hot." RJ said.

"Yeah, I know dude. Fuck, you need to let Jon fuck your ass. His fucking cock is the best I ever had." Trip said.

Kyle quickly went out the door, hoping RJ would not pick up on the fact that he had fucked Trip before when they were all stoned the weekend before. RJ got in the car and really didn't care, but he had just told a classmate he was gay. He never thought he would say those words as he never really thought he would be falling for a guy the way he was falling for Kyle despite Kyle's tendency to fuck random guys. RJ was hoping Kyle would be his and his only. He kissed Kyle as he got out of the car caring his backpack with him.

RJ got back to the room just after Rob finished doing their laundry. He noticed a kid from down the hall was in their room talking to Rob as he came in the door. RJ had only seen him in passing and knew that he had his door open as he was usually by himself, but didn't know his name. Rob introduced Trev to him.

Rob had really just met Trev too. He meet him in the showers as he had done his 100 situps and 100 pushup before he went down there. Trev was taking a shower as Rob walked in and was sort of nervous and a little shy. Rob noticed Trev had a cute ass and rather thin non-defined body like a young kid would have. He went in and struck up a conversation with Trev and found out he was really homesick as Trev's roommate was never there. Trev told Rob he hated this college was ready to go home to be with his real friends. Rob felt sorry for him and told him he could hang at their place anytime but he had laundry to do first. Trev had a little too so he joined Rob in the basement where they talked about school and home. Trev was still there when RJ came in. RJ never really thought anything about it except Trev was cute like a school kid.

RJ thanked them both as Trev put some of RJ's clothes in with his to make a full load. Rob asked how RJ's day went. RJ said just fine and that he was helping tutor a guy in his class. Rob said that was cool. The three of them just sat around and talked until it was time to go grab a bite there on campus. RJ didn't really mind the food there but wished for more variety. RJ was glad to see he and Rob plus Trev would be going to eat with him and keep him company. RJ learned through talking to Trev he was like himself in that he was a long ways from home, really came to that school to get rid of his parents and start anew. Trev too was pretty smart and found that the first of college classes were pretty easy for him expect the fact that he was fairly lonely with his roommate gone with his older girlfriend.

When they got back to the dorm, RJ was ready to go back to the gym. Rob who usually skipped a day after a long workout said he would go and just do cardio stuff. Rob asked Trev if he wanted to join them. Trev said he might as well since he had nothing better to do. Trev went back to his room for a second, while Rob and RJ stripped and changed. It was now no big deal to be nude around each other. Rob drove again to the gym as Trev just laughed when he got in at all the beer cans in the back seat. RJ again hit the weights but this time had to show Trev around a little as Rob was on the treadmill. RJ liked being the one who was stronger as Trev looked like he had never seen a weight machine before. Trev had he had never really worked out much, but he didn't need to say it as it showed in his thin arms and legs. Both RJ and Trev were tired after about 30 minutes as was Rob.

"Damn, it was hot as fuck in there. You think they could crank up the AC in there with what we fucking pay to go here." Rob said as they left.

"I know, it was like a fucking oven in there." Trev perked up as they were all three nothing but sweat.

They got back to the dorm and knew it was shower time again. Rob and RJ met Trev in the shower. RJ noticed just how thin and just no definition to Trev's body despite being 18 years old and about 6 foot tall and a real good dark tan.

"Fuck Trev, you look like you are 14 or 15 years old without clothes. Damn boy we both need to hit the weights." RJ said as Trev was showering between him and Rob.

"Shut the fuck up, RJ, you would not pass for over 16 either despite that hair you been growing on your chin or that tan you got over the summer." Rob said as RJ was proud someone finally noticed he was growing hair on his chin to look even hotter as he noticed the first week a lot of guys had that little patch of hair and thought it looked cool. RJ was tan from his days at the pool and was very proud of it as he normally didn't tan real well.

"Yeah, RJ, looks like you got the littlest fucking dick here, right Rob." Trev said as he grabbed his dick which when hard was bout 7 inches and the only big part of his body.

"He got you there, but we all got something to be proud of, especially me and my big fucking cock. Bet you guy wish you were hung like me," Rob said as kidded them.

"Fuck off dude" was all RJ had as he knew his cock was the smallest but he bet they didn't get it sucked this afternoon like he did. They finished and headed back to their room. Rob asked Trev if he wanted to join them. Trev was more than eager as it was still early in the night and he didn't have anything to do. RJ perked up and said "Join us unless you going back to the room and jerk that cock"

Trev went back to his room and just put on some shorts and boxers. He came in the door as RJ and Rob were sitting in their towels nude. "Fuck, dudes, ya'll always sit around nude like this not caring what the other sees. Speaking of jacking off, RJ, I think you are the one jacking off too much as I did your towels and I think there were cum stains on them."

RJ was red as a beet "Fuck Trev, you get off on it. Fuck yeah, I jack off. I bet the both of you do too, huh?"

Rob raised his hand "I don't know what the fuck you talking about but I don't." He was trying not to laugh but then just busted out laughing. "Fuck RJ, I do too, hoping you don't catch me in the act."

Trev then perked up, "I don't use towels but my trashcan is full of used tissues. Fuck my roomie is off fucking his girl so what the fuck dudes, I do it out of boredom sometimes."

They were laughing at each other as they were talking about jacking off. They each made fun of each other as only guys could on a subject like jacking. Trev said he bet Rob did it two handed as his cock was so big. Rob just laughed and grabbed his meat and pretended to do it two handed as if to make fun of himself. Trev was amazed that RJ and Rob were still nude, just sitting in their towels. He said despite what some guys would think he thought it was cool that roomies could be so forward and not care about showing their body. They proceeded to talk about the action they got in high school. RJ then got up and put some shorts on just in case. Rob was laughing at RJ but Rob showed great cock control and never got hard. They were amazed when Trev told he lost his virginity at the age of 14. Trev said he fucked his girlfriend almost every day when he was a sophomore and junior in high school as she lived just down the street. Rob and RJ shared a few stories including RJ's scare when he thought his girl was pregnant. Trev said his was pregnant but miscarried, which caused a quick halt to the everyday fuck session after school. Trev was relieved to finally be making some good friends he could talk about guy shit with and hang with. This was the happiest he had been since the first week of college.

It was around 11 after about 3 hours of bullshit and some TV. Trev hated to leave but did. He said as he was leaving, "Thanks guys, you don't know how much I enjoyed hanging with you two tonight. Hopefully, we can keep this up."

"Fuck yeah, Trev, stop by anytime. You cool as fuck dude and a fucking stud," Rob said laughingly referring to Trev's frequent fuck sessions with his girl. Rob and RJ read and studied just a little bit before calling it a night. RJ threw his shorts in the corner and decided he would sleep nude again. Rob was still nude and just slide into the bed the same time as RJ did.

After a few minutes, RJ noticed Rob's bed shaking a little, but all he could see was Rob's ass. He asked "What the fuck you doing?"

"Damn, dude, you know I jack so I was just jacking off thinking about all the hot stories we told" Rob said as he turned to show RJ he was jacking. He turned and let a little light in the blinds. "You can jack too. I know you got to have a big load in there waiting to escape."

"Fuck, I think you want me to see you now. Fuck dude, I am horny, might as well join you. You know what they say, roomies that jack together stay together. Or least has some shit on one another."

RJ said as he started jacking his cock. RJ really wanted to jump over in that bed and help him but just laid there jacking his own hard cock. He noticed Rob was watching him too. RJ really noticed in the faint light through the blinds just how fucking big and thick Rob's cock was which made him jack harder. Rob was jacking his good when he finally shot a big load on his toned defined chest. RJ didn't take long either to blow his nut. They each got up and wiped off the remnants of the cum and both fell asleep pretty quickly.

Thanks for reading my story.

Next: Chapter 5

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