Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Jan 28, 2007


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned. This work of fiction is property of myself and may not be copied or used in any way without my express consent. All persons in this series are fictional and not real people living or dead.

Thanks for all the nice comments that I have gotten via email.

RJ was glad to see now that the 3 guys were now out in the open about being gay. RJ knew that he would have his willpower tested every day to keep Rob at bay. RJ knew how much he cared for Jake and didn't want a repeat of what happened between him and Kyle to occur if Jake walked in some day. RJ called Jake and told him that is okay to come back down as they had everything out in the open.

"Damn, Rob, you and Trev had my ass going there for a while." Jake said after he got in the room.

"Dude, you have me completely fooled, too." Rob said as he lightly punched Jake in the arm. "Boy, I am not going to know how to act now that RJ knows. Hell, I was just getting into fooling his ass."

"Hey, I did everything I could to keep you off track, too." RJ said. "You guys ready to eat something. I am starving."

"Sure," Trev said, "I can drive."

The four guys went to eat hamburgers at the place Jake had found earlier. While eating, the four told stories and how that kept each other fooled. Each was amazed that one of the other had not walked in and caught them in the act. Jake told all about his frat to Rob, who just couldn't believe what he was hearing. After eating, Jake went back to his room to catch up on studying. The three others went to work out as RJ was really seeing progress as he could now start to tell and see the effects of a steady work out regime had provided him.

After working out, RJ went to Jake's room to thank him for what he did for him last night and earlier that day. It didn't take long before both RJ and Jake were naked on the floor in the throws of passion. RJ and Jake just 69ed as Jake loved RJ's hot sweaty body. Jake was the first to come as RJ worked his big cock. It didn't take long after that until RJ was cumming all over Jake's nice body. RJ got dressed and left.

RJ opened the door and found Rob fucking Trev. RJ just sat at his desk trying his best not to watch as Rob had Trev moaning and groaning as he fucked him good. Rob was very talkative as he fucked Trev's ass as Trev just grabbed the bed frame behind him. The bed shook and rattled as Trev took Rob's thick cock. Rob then told Trev to ride him which Trev did with a fury.

"OO fuck me Rob, fuck me!" Trev said as he rode Rob's cock.

RJ left the room as he headed straight to Jake's room. As Jake opened the door, RJ stepped in planted a big kiss on Jake's lips.

"Fuck me Jake. I fucking want it hard, motherfucker." RJ said he dropped his shorts and was already hard as a rock.

"What the fuck, bro?"

"When I went back, Rob was fucking the shit out of Trev. I came down here to be fucked like that. Fuck my ass!"

"Hot as fuck, bro." Rob said as RJ removed his shorts and started jacking Rob's big cock to get it hard.

"I want you to fuck my ass raw and fucking breed me like the gay fuck that I am." RJ said as he was jacking Jake's cock. Jake was shocked at what RJ said.

"Alright." Jake said as RJ jumped in his arms. Jake held RJ in his arms and found a bare wall. He felt RJ's ass slid down on his bare cock as he tried his best to brace him. Jake was now lifting RJ up and down on his big cock.

"Fuck yeah!" RJ said as he felt that cock in him raw again and wanting hot sex with Jake.

"RJ I need to let you down. Turn and face the wall and I can fuck you standing up." Jake then put his cock in RJ's ass as RJ put his hands up against the wall. Jake grabbed some lube this time to lube up his cock. Jake slid his wet cock in RJ's ass.

"Fuck me, Jake. I want your seed." RJ said as Jake again entered his ass. Jake was now fucking RJ's ass pretty hard as he felt his hard cock deep in RJ's ass. Jake kept his hands around RJ's slim hips as they fucked. RJ reached around to pull Jake closer and deeper in him. Jake was then kissing his neck and back as he fucked.

Jake kept his cock deep as they got on the floor to let RJ ride his big cock. RJ was bouncing up and down on Jake's cock like a wild man. Jake loved it as he saw RJ's hair flying around as his cock was so deep in that ass. RJ felt Jake's cock swell and knew he was about to have his ass flooded with Jake's cum. RJ squeezed his ass the best he could as Jake let out a steady stream of cum in RJ's ass. Jake slowly pulled out of RJ's ass as RJ was jacking himself off. RJ leaned back and let his cum fly all over his abs and chest. RJ then squeezed out some of Jake's cum as Jake licked it out of RJ's ass.

RJ then kissed and made out with Jake as they were in the floor. RJ put back on his shorts, completely satisfied that his ass had been fucked good by Jake's big cock.

RJ went back in the room as the smell of fresh cum hit his nostrils. He went to lie in his bed as Trev and Rob were kissing after their fuck session.

"Where the fuck you go?" Rob asked RJ.

"I went back to Jake's to get my ass fucked hard. I stood it long enough for you fucking the shit out of Trev, so I went to Jake's for one of our hottest fucks yet. I made him bareback me and breed my ass for the first time."

"You are one lying motherfucker." Rob said. RJ dropped his shorts and squeezed out a few drops of cum to show him. "Fuck that is hot."

"Shit dude, Rob barebacks me all the time now. He filled my ass up a while ago." Trev said as he showed his ass with cum all around his hole.

Trev then got up and cleaned the cum off his fucked ass and left. Rob and RJ just lay in bed and talked the rest of the night, knowing that their lives as roommates had changed.

They up and showered the next morning and both put on jeans as the weather had cooled some in that it was now late September. RJ sat next to Trip again in his first class. After class they ate together as they normally did with some of Trip's friends.

"How's the new place working out?" RJ asked Trip.

"Great. I love it so far. I just can't wait until someone moves in permanently. Not saying I didn't get fucked this weekend, but you know, RJ." Trip said.

"Yeah, it was a hell of weekend for me, too." RJ said.

"Got that ass fucked a lot, huh?" Trip said.

"Fuck yeah. I got a boy who puts Kyle's little dick to shame." RJ said. RJ got up and left to go to his Algebra class. RJ saw no signs of Kyle in the class and wondered if his drug habit was getting the best of him. After his next class, he found Trev again eating with Mike.

"RJ, don't you dare say a word to Rob on what I did this weekend with Mike." Trev said as he stared at RJ.

"Damn, dude, I won't say shit." RJ said. "It serves his ass right for what he intended to do to you."

RJ left after eating and went straight to his room. Rob came in shortly thereafter as they went to do laundry. Trev called Rob on his cell and asked what he was doing. Rob said that he and RJ were doing laundry. After a while Trev came down with a big arm full of clothes and joined them. After washing the clothes, RJ left them alone to go find Jake. Jake was studying in his room as RJ came in. RJ and Jake just sat and talked for a while, mostly about what had happened in the last day or so.

"Hey I got to run to the frat house a minute, if you want to go with me?" Jake said got up.

"Sure, how long we going to be?" RJ asked.

"Not long. I got to clean up. There should be only a few of us plus the few guys there that live there." Jake said.

"Cool. I can help if you need me too." RJ volunteered.

Jake and RJ left and went to the frat house. There were only like 5 guys there as they started to clean up the frat house. RJ helped out as it only took about an hour to get the place clean as they had a member's meeting that night. RJ really was getting to be friends with a few of the other guys as he really liked the new guys that were coming in to the frat as freshmen and sophomores. When they returned to the dorm, RJ went to his room. Rob had eventually gone to eat so RJ caught up on his studies for a while. Rob and Trev returned after eating and going to play basketball. The 3 guys just watched TV together and had a rather boring night. About 11, Rob got up with Trev as he was leaving. Rob kissed Trev outside the room in the hall.

As Trev walked down the hall, one of the guys who lived there on the hall stopped Trev.

"Hey you fucking faggot. I saw you kiss your boyfriend." The guy said.

Trev ignored him and kept walking. The guy followed him, "Faggot, I was talking to you. Bet you're a good cocksucker, motherfucker. Fuck I hate all you fucking fags. I hope you get AIDs and fucking die like you should, faggot." As Trev turned to say something, the guy punched Trev right in the stomach as hard as he could. Trev bowed over and saw the guy go back into his room. Trev had seen him around and knew which room he stayed in. As soon as Trev got to his room he called Rob to tell him what just happened and who did it.

Rob was fuming by the time he got to Trev's room. Trev pointed to the room as Rob banged on the door. The guy who just punched Trev opened the door.

"What's your fucking problem?" The guy said as he backed into his room when he saw how mad Rob was.

"That's what I want to know motherfucker. You punched me boyfriend in the gut for no fucking reason. Didn't you?" Rob said.

"Yeah motherfucker, get your faggot ass out of my room and go fuck him." The guy said.

No more than those words were out of his mouth, he caught Rob's right hand across his lips. Almost instantly, blood spurted out of his mouth.

"You faggot motherfucker!" the guy said as he felt his lip now start to swell. The guy thought better than to fight back as he saw how big Rob was.

"If you ever touch him again, your ass will be in the fucking hospital! You got that shit!" Rob said as he slammed the door and went to Trev's room. Rob told Trev what he did. Trev told him he shouldn't have done it but in a way was glad he did. Trev pulled up his shirt and showed Rob the big bruise on his stomach. Not 10 minutes later as they were talking, a knock came at the door.

It was the RA. Trev let him in as Rob knew the little shit went straight to him. Trev told him his side of the story as he raised his shirt and showed him the bruise. Rob said he was just going to talk to him but the guy mouthed off and he punched him. The RA said the guy left a few things out like saying they were gay and that he had harassed Trev about it. Rob and Trev told the RA that they were gay but that gave him no reason to say what he did. The RA told them that he would have to write Rob up but would say it was in self defense. He said he would come down hard on the other guy to show the others on that floor that harassment would not be tolerated and to let them know of any other guys who had derogatory remarks concerning being gay directed at them.

Rob left shortly after the RA did. As he was walking down the hall he heard the guy saying he hated faggots to the RA. The RA told him that if ever said another word to anyone derogatory about being homosexual that he would personally bring him up to the university board and recommend immediate dismissal. Rob just smiled to himself as RJ was standing at the door waiting on him. Rob told RJ the whole situation.

"What a fucking prick. He had better not lay a hand on me or say shit to me or his ass is going down. That shit makes me mad too." RJ said.

"Hey, I felt the same way. That little fucker was shaking when he saw me but he let his mouth overload his ass." Rob said. "You know it felt good to hit that fucker right in the lip. Now he has to lie when someone ask how he got a fat lip."

The next day RJ sat next to Jude in his history class as usual. After classes that day, RJ went straight to the room. Rob came in for just a few minutes.

"Dude, everyone knows about what I did last night. A couple of guys I barely know gave me high 5 for what I did to that prick. They told me that he was an ass anyway and was glad I stood up to him for Trev. They never once mentioned the fact that I was gay or anything." Rob said as he just sat in his chair waiting to go to lab that afternoon.

"That's cool of them to say that. I wasn't sure how everyone was going to react to the situation. I guess the RA solved that problem of guys harassing us but I am sure that is not the last we have heard as far as being harassed for being gay." RJ said.

Trev came down after a while and said a few guys came up to him too. They told Trev next time to deck.

"How's the stomach, Trev?" RJ asked.

Trev pulled up his shirt and showed a dark bruise that had formed. "Oh it will be okay. I am so proud of Rob." Trev said as he kissed Rob. Rob then left to go to his lab.

Trev and RJ talked about the whole situation as everyone seemed to know. Trev expected a little hatred out of some guys as far as stares and under their breath comments but never thought he would be hit. RJ said he thinks once things settle down everyone will adjust and there won't be any problems. After talking for a while, Jake came to the door.

"Dude, I heard all the shit that went down last night. I came to see if Rob was around and pat him on the back." Jake said.

"Yeah, it was fucking crazy dude." Trev said.

"I heard he hit you pretty hard. You should have decked his ass right there but I guess Rob took care of that." Jake said.

"Yeah he got me good. The thing was I never expected to be hit. I was in shock more than anything." Trev said.

Trev left and saw the guy that hit coming down the hall. They just stared at each other as they passed.

"I ought to fucking beat your faggot ass right here since your bodyguard is not around." The guy said.

"Fuck you bitch. Come on motherfucker if you want to try it again. I am not scared of your ass." Trev said as he stood up to the guy, who was about Trev's size.

"Fucking queer!" The guy screamed as his roommate came out and pulled him in their room.

"Fucking loser!" Trev said as that was all he could think of at the moment.

RJ and Jake heard the guy yell and looked out the door but saw nothing. Jake was now mad as he hated the guy's attitude and hoped someday he said something to him, but knew the guy was just trying to show out. Later as Rob came back from his lab, RJ and Jake told Rob what they thought was the guy and Trev having words out in the hall.

"His ass will never learn. Here let me call Trev and see what happened." Rob said as he grabbed his cell and called Trev. Trev told him about the incident and told Rob he stood up to him. Rob was boiling again as he got off the phone.

"I should go beat the motherfucker's ass right now and show him up." Rob said.

"Listen Rob, if you do that, then things might get worse. It sounds as though Trev handled it and stood up to the guy." RJ said.

"Yeah, he will bully Trev around unless he shows he can stand up for himself." Jake said. "Besides you might get in more trouble if you went down there again."

"Yeah, just let his ass say shit to me. I will show him again." Rob said as he headed out the door to go to Trev's room.

RJ and Jake just made out a little after Rob left. RJ now enjoyed having Jake around as much as ever. He felt a certain bond forming between the two of them like never before. Jake asked if RJ wanted to hang with him at the frat house as a few were going to hang out there. RJ said that was a great idea after he worked out. RJ found Trev and Rob and went to work out. RJ now looked forward to his workout sessions as he could see improvements in his overall body for the first time after sticking to his routine.

RJ came back and found Jake as they headed off to the house to hang with the guys. They found Jude and about 6 other guys just hanging out and chatting. Jake told the guys the story about Trev and Rob. RJ enjoyed the little group chat that they had as he was really starting to become friends with a lot of the guys in the frat.

Jake grabbed RJ's hand and let him upstairs after a couple of guys had left. He took him to the room had seen earlier with just single mattresses.

"We can have sex in here and no one will say shit." Jake said as he kissed RJ on the lips.

RJ then undid Jake's jean and started sucking Jake's cock thru his boxers. Jake then stuck out his cock thru the slit and let RJ continue sucking him. RJ loved the taste of Jake's cock as he kissed it and licked the cockhead for a little while. RJ then started bobbing up and down on Jake's cock as Jake had gotten both of them naked. Jake turned RJ around so he could suck RJ's cock while RJ serviced him.

As RJ and Jake were kissing each other after 69ing, the door flew open. It was Jake and Benji coming to have sex too.

"Fuck, don't let us interrupt you." Jude said as he got naked with Benji.

RJ then lay on his back and spread his legs for Jake. Jake lifted up RJ's ass and spat on his cock and RJ's hole. Jake threw RJ's legs on his shoulders and put his hard cock at RJ's hole. Jake pushed his big cock in as Jude and Benji stopped to watch.

RJ was oblivious to the two watching him as he just stared into his lover's eyes. RJ moaned as he felt Jake's cockhead enter him. RJ grabbed Jake by the neck and pulled him closer as Jake slid his large cock up RJ's ass.

"Oh Jake, yes!" RJ screamed as he felt the entire length of Jake's cock up his ass.

"Oh baby!" Jake screamed as he slowly worked his cock. He then felt RJ slide his ass to take more of his cock as Benji was starting to fuck Jude.

RJ then grabbed the bed post as Jake worked his ass over with his huge cock buried deep in him. The bed was rocking as Jake thrust his hips into RJ. RJ felt each deep thrust and just let out a soft moan each time. While Jake was hammering RJ, Jude was screaming and moaning as Benji fucked him. RJ could hear the loud screams and moans along with Jake's grunts and instantly became hard as a rock. Jake leaned over and kissed RJ as his balls slapped RJ's ass and felt RJ's hard cock pressed between them. Jake reached under and started jacking off RJ as he held RJ's legs and drilled his ass with all he could muster. RJ loved the feeling of Jake as Jake tensed up and let his cum spray RJ's inner ass. Feeling the spray of cum fill his ass was more than RJ could handle as he covered his abs with his hot cum. Benji then filled Jude's ass up too as Jude loved every second of fucking next to RJ and Jake. Jude unloaded his seed all over his hand as he jacked off.

Jake was kissing RJ as Jake laid on top of RJ and smeared RJ's cum between them.

"Fuck dudes, that was hot." Jude said. "I can watch ya'll fuck all day."

"Yeah that made me fuck Jude so hard." Benji said as he kissed Jude. Jude then got up and kissed RJ on the lips. Benji did the same to Jake. All the guys got dressed after wiping the sticky mess of each other.

"I hoped you guys like the show." Jake said as he smiled.

Jake then took RJ back to the dorm. RJ went to his room where he found Trev naked in bed with Rob again. Trev kissed Rob and left for the night.

"Damn dude you and Jake just get back from the frat?" Rob said.

"Yeah, I guess it is late." RJ said as he took off his clothes and climbed into bed with Jake's seed still in his ass.

"You get laid tonight?" Rob said as they laid in the dark and talked.

"Fuck yeah, we fucked at the house." RJ said. "That way no one would care."

"You know I don't give a fuck anymore what people think. I can't wait to move out of this hell hole."

"I know what you mean. At least then we can have a little more privacy and have sex when we want without anyone saying shit." RJ said.

"I know. Good night." Rob said as he turned over and went to sleep. RJ just laid in bed a while longer before drifting off to sleep.

They were late getting up the next morning as they barely had time to get dressed and head out the door. RJ sat next to Trip in his first class again and ate with him and Trip's friend.

"Hey I heard the cops busted Kyle's place over the weekend. I think he is in jail or just got out. They are pressing charges on them with all kinds of shit dude. I think they got thrown out." Trip said.

"It doesn't surprise me. You were lucky to get out when you did, Trip." RJ said.

"I know. I got lucky." Trip said as he got up and left.

The next two classes were the same old thing. He found Mike and Trev in the student union again as they were eating lunch. RJ didn't eat and just sat and talked with them until time for his geology lab. RJ walked back to the dorm as he saw Rob and Trev getting in Trev's Avalanche to go to the mall.

"Hey, you want to go with us?" Rob hollered at RJ.

"Nah, I was going to study some as I got a test first thing tomorrow. Have fun." RJ said as he went up to his room. RJ had to buckle down and study for his history test. As he was just getting started, his phone rang. It was Jude asking RJ if he wanted a study partner. RJ thought about it for a second and agreed. Jude said he knew the dorm but not the room number. RJ gave him the room number. After about 15 minutes, Jude was at the door.

"Wow, thanks for letting me study with you. Boy that was fucking hot last night. Damn that Jake was fucking that ass hard." Jude said.

"Yeah, I loved it though." RJ said.

"Fuck yeah, I took that cock earlier this semester. Fuck that bitch hurt at first, but I loved it too. We better get to studying or my ass is going to fail this test."

"Yeah, mine too. I barely have even read over this shit."

Jude and RJ spent the rest of the afternoon studying together and comparing notes. Jude made himself at home as he took off his shirt as RJ was already off. Jake came to the door the door as they were finishing up studying and really needed a break to clear their minds and get something to eat. As they were gone, Rob and Trev returned to the dorm after eating off campus. To be continued...

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