Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Jan 10, 2007


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of gay sex between that of consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18, it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now. Leave this site. You have been warned. This work of fiction is property of myself and may not be copied or used in any way without my express consent. All persons in this series are fictional and not real people living or dead.

Thanks for all the nice comments that I have gotten via email.

It was now Friday as both Rob and RJ were used to getting up at the same time now. They both got dressed and went to their classes as normal. Trip sat next to RJ as RJ expected but he smelled like weed this morning. RJ thought it was kind of bad that he couldn't wait.

"Trip you smell like fucking weed dude." RJ said as he and Trip walked to eat again.

"Oh fuck, I just couldn't resist this morning. Oh fuck, I forgot to tell you. I no longer stay with Jon and Kyle. My mom heard what happened and called the college to complain. She basically set my ass up dude. She got me a fucking tight ass one bedroom apartment. Hell, Jon was fucking Kyle more than me so I said fuck it after my mom told me to get out after she heard what shit I was doing." Trip said.

"Trip, she is fucking nuts dude. Your ass will be kicked out of that apartment in no time. I can't believe you told her all the shit that was happening at the apartment." RJ said.

"She's cool as fuck. She knows I am gay and do weed but she didn't like me doing hard shit like coke and meth. That damn Kyle has started hitting the meth hard with his fuck buddy. Since she was a drug addict, she told me to get my ass out and find a place and she would set me up as she fell into a lot of fucking cash in the last year." Trip said.

"Damn, that is cool of your mom. Any one living with you now?" RJ said.

"One of those guys that comes up and eats with us wants to, but my mom told me to wait to see if he was the right guy." Trip said as they sat down and ate. RJ ate with Trip and his friends again as he was starting to like 2 of the guys. One of the 3 others seemed a little too out there for him.

RJ left them and found that Kyle was not there that day in class. He went to his next class and then found Trev to eat. Trev was making friends now all the time as he had a buddy join them to eat. The guy was very friendly and talked a lot as they ate. He was an Asian looking guy who was in the previous class with Trev. His name was Mike as RJ would find out as they ate. Mike dressed now as Trev did in all the Abercrombie and Hollister stuff they could buy. RJ found out he lived in a dorm across the street from theirs. Trev and RJ told him to stop by some time as RJ really liked him and he was cute as they sat and talked for an hour after eating.

Trev and RJ knew that Rob was gone, but they both decided to take a nap after eating a big lunch. RJ was awoke by his cell ringing. Jake wanted to talk to him. He went down to Jake's room.

"Dude, wassup?" RJ said as he came into the room with just shorts and no shirt.

"Bro, I am really having second thoughts about joining this frat. One older member said I was basically in as far as he could tell. I just don't know what to do." Jake said.

"Dude, it is up to you. Don't let me influence your decision. Hell we might be seeing other guys next month. I hope not, but you never know. Jake if money is an issue, tell them." RJ said.

"I did early and two guys told me they would cover me as they really wanted me in." Jake said as he was so confused.

"If you really don't want to join now, tell me you will defer to next semester. They will let you in if you decide to go then." RJ said as he saw how confused and how torn Jake was. RJ got up and hugged Jake as more of a friend. "Dude, it is up to you. I will leave you alone and let you decide."

RJ left Jake's and went to Trev's room as they called Mike to see if he was up for eating. Mike joined them again as a couple of friends had left for the weekend too. Mike left after eating as Trev and RJ went to shoot hoops in the gym. They both did sit ups and push ups after shooting a little while and not playing a pick up game. Since it was relatively early, they decided to hit the hot tub there. They went in the shorts they were playing basketball in. They both enjoyed the relaxing hot tub as two other guys joined them after the workout. They felt small as the two guys were more buff than Rob ever thought about being. They left and went back to the dorm. They did shower together to get off the chlorine from the hot tub and sweat.

They went back to RJ's room in their towels. They grabbed a beer a piece as they had refilled the frig. Rob made a rule that if any were taken out they had to be replaced by the same number to always have cold beer when they wanted. It was basically against dorm rooms to have alcohol in their rooms, but the RAs looked the other way as they understood that it was happening and why as guys were out on their own enjoying being in college. The only thing if an incident occurred such as a fight, then that is where the trouble would begin.

After RJ and Trev sat and drank as they basically emptied the frig of cold ones, they just sat on RJ's bed together and talked as they still just had on a towel. RJ felt Trev's hand on his thigh.

"What the fuck, Trev!" RJ said as he immediately pushed away Trev's hand on his thigh.

"Oh fuck RJ, sorry!" Trev said as he knew he was caught and turned beet red. "Damn, Rob put my ass up to it to see if you would go for it. Fuck I am sorry."

"What the fuck, dude? Are you and Rob doing something when I am not around?" RJ said as he looked at Trev.

"No, no, he just wanted to see if you were gay like us..." Trev knew he had said too much then.

"Damn, don't tell me you and Rob are fucking gay, dude." RJ said as he thought whether to tell Trev he was gay too. "Fuck, you guys had my ass fooled."

"So, you aren't gay?" Trev said.

"Fuck, what gave you guys that idea any way?" RJ said.

"You know Rob, he thinks every guy is after him." Trev said.

"Well my ass does now. Fuck and to think I thought he was straight as an arrow. His ass has been teasing me." RJ said as he put his towel over him and walked to get on some shorts.

"Dude, I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship." Trev said.

"Hell no. I tell you what we will keep his ass wondering and see if he makes a move on me. Don't tell him you tried. Just tell him the opportunity never came up so you don't know one way or the other." RJ said as he looked at Trev and grinned. He knew Trev was bummed out as he had been caught red handed and had to tell that he and Rob were gay.

"Dude, I don't know about that. As you can see I am not a good liar." Trev said.

"I know Trev. I think you can do it. So spill the fucking beans and tell me all about you and Rob." RJ said.

Trev told RJ that he and Rob had a relationship going basically since the second day they met. Trev told RJ he was gay since high school and was caught by his girlfriend fucking her older brother. RJ looked surprised as Trev went on to tell how much Rob liked to fuck and that they fucked every chance they got. Trev told Rob that his little brother caught them in the act when they went home but didn't tell anyone as Rob popped his brother's cherry later that night. RJ was glad he put on shorts as he could feel a small boner coming on as Trev told in great detail the more he talked.

"Dude, you love him?" RJ asked when Trev finished.

"Fuck yeah, I think he loves me or he says he does but I don't know. His ass is off fucking his old boyfriend which is why I didn't go. He wanted me to go as he wanted a threesome but I refused and told him to go alone." Trev said.

"Dude, he will never have to know about this talk we had. I guess I would have found out if we moved in together next semester." RJ said.

"That was his main reason for wanting to try. He said he had to know. He said it would be cool if 3 gay guys roomed together as he thought you would never go for that shit if you were straight." Trev said.

"Well that does throw a little monkey wrench into that." RJ said as he now thought about a way to explain that he was gay. RJ thought of the best way to tell Trev and figured being up front and honest was the best way. "Ok Trev I will admit to you. I am gay too. Please let me tell Rob or you want to keep our little secret."

"Dude, you had my ass going. Fuck this makes my fucking day. Now we can all move in together. Jake fucking that ass, RJ?" Trev said then.

"Fuck yeah, he is gay too. Damn his cock is so fucking big. It tears my ass up. We have only fucked 3 times. I was getting fucked by that guy I tutored until I caught his ass last Friday with another dude." RJ said as he was now relieved to have that off his chest.

"Cool as fuck dude. That Rob has stretched my hole. He fucking hurt my little brother I think, but my little brother told me it was worth it. Dude, I have fucked Rob a few times too. He goes fucking crazy when he is getting fucked. He is so hot in bed." Trev said as he now realized that he didn't have to sneak around even though Rob still didn't know about RJ yet.

Jake came back and knocked on RJ's door.

"Bro, I made it. I took it. You were right, hell in 2 months we might not be..." Jake said as he saw Trev sitting on the bed and stopped talking.

"It is cool, his ass knows about us. Hell he and Rob have been fucking for weeks dude." RJ said as he smiled at Jake and kissed him.

"Well it looks like I better go." Trev said as he left in his towel. "See ya'll later."

RJ sat Jake down on his bed and told him the whole story. Jake was a little surprised but thought maybe as Rob is just too proud of his body. RJ and Jake made out on RJ's bed. RJ cranked up some music as he knew what as to come.

They were both naked in no time as RJ was now kissing and slowly moved to suck Jake's big cock. He was getting used to the size as he almost got all of it in his mouth. Jake was moaning as he pushed RJ's head deeper on his hard cock as RJ was trying to get all that big cock in his mouth and down his throat. Jake made RJ quit and sucked RJ's cock. He then fingered his ass to get it used to his big cock again. They kissed as RJ leaned on the side of the bed to take Jake's cock. RJ told Jake to get the condom out of the drawer.

Jake picked up the box and there was nothing. He did find a half full bottle of lube. "Dude, there are no condoms." Jake said as he showed RJ the box.

"Fuck it dude, I want that cock so bad. Fuck my ass raw with that big fucker." RJ said.

"Dude, we did do it the first night though. I will not cum in your ass, I promise." Jake said as he brought the lube over and lubed up his cock and RJ's ass.

RJ felt the big raw cock enter his ass, "Oh fuck that is so fucking hot. Damn that feels so good. Fuck me Jake. I want you so bad tonight."

"Oh fuck your ass is on fire. Damn this shit feels so good. Fuck" Jake said as he started sliding his bare cock deeper and deeper. He pulled out and put it right back in. RJ let out a moan that was muffled by the music.

"Fuck me Jake." RJ said as he felt the cock in the depths of his ass.

"Oh RJ, I love you." Jake said as he turned RJ's head to kiss him as he now was fucking RJ's ass slowly and deep.

"Oh Jake, harder. Fuck that ass, Jake. I love you too." RJ said as he was getting fucked. Jake picked up the pace hoping not to hurt RJ as he fucked him a little harder. He then threw RJ on the bed. He fucked RJ as hard as he had ever had before. RJ loved it as they kissed as Jake's cock was fucking him. Jake pulled out and shot a big load on RJ's chest. RJ jacked his cock to completion and let it fly all over his sheets and body.

They made out as RJ didn't care that cum was all over the room. He hoped he wasn't falling for Jake like he did Kyle but he knew different. They turned off the music as it was now midnight and that was the dorm rules. They just laid in bed basking in the glow of each other. RJ fell asleep in Jake's arms that night.

RJ woke up and found Jake was still in bed with him as they had slept together in that tiny bed. RJ kissed Jake to wake him up. Jake was startled as he woke up and realized he was still in RJ's room. They both were hungry as they got up late and it was now around 11. Jake went to his room to get some fresh clothes and met RJ. RJ wanted to get Trev and ask him if he wanted to go eat with them. RJ knocked on the door and almost left as Trev slowly opened the door.

"Trev, you want to go eat with me and Jake." RJ said as he saw Trev poke his head through the crack.

"Oh what time is it?" Trev said as RJ and Jake could tell he just woke up.

"It is past eleven. Can we come in?" RJ asked Trev.

RJ got in the door and notice Mike and Trev both nude as Mike crawled out of the extra bed. "Oh you know Mike. Dude, I can explain." Trev said as he told Mike it was okay. Mike pulled his slender nude body out of bed and put on his clothes. Trev put on his clothes as RJ and Jake shut the door.

"Hell looks like I wasn't the only one to get fucked last night." RJ said as he saw Trev and Mike.

"Fuck no. This motherfucker tore my ass up last night. Damn he is so fucking hot." Mike said as he put on his shorts and shirt.

"You know after we talked I was horny so I called Mike's ass. He had told me to call if I ever wanted to hookup. So I called and he was here in no time." Trev said.

"Hell yeah, I ain't had cock since my ass had been here. Trev was hot in bed. He might have a boyfriend, but he was hot as fuck last night." Mike said as he combed his dark hair.

"Are you motherfuckers ready to go eat? My ass is starving." Jake said as he was now ready to go eat.

They went in Trev's Avalanche to a pizza place off campus. Mike was amazed as he listened to Jake tell about his frat and how it was basically a gay frat. They then mapped out a plan to try to get Rob to admit he was gay as they sat and ate. RJ didn't know whether to ask him bluntly or just wait and let Rob spill the beans. They agreed not to tell Rob about Trev and Mike's little affair as Trev said he was out fucking his old high school friend.

They went back to the campus and Mike left them for the time being.

"Oh fuck, RJ, I forgot to ask you something." Jake said.

"What is it, Jake?"

"We are having a party for all us who made into the frat tonight and we can bring a date. Would you be my date, tonight?"

"Fuck yeah!" RJ said as he kissed Jake in front of Trev. "Hell, you didn't need to ask. Just fucking tell me and I will go with you as your date."

"Cool, the party starts at 8. Trev, I wish you could come but I can only bring one person tonight. Maybe you can come later."

"I want to see this shit. Fuck, a mostly gay frat that shit is fucking hot." Trev said.

"Dude, all the guys had my ass fooled except for one. Most are like us, just normal guys or jock looking guys like Jake."

"Yeah, that one really queer acting guy was the only one who didn't make it. They took us all except for him. He prissed out of there in a hussy and said we could stick that frat up our asses."

Jake went back to his room and studied as did Trev who was not mad as he left. RJ just sat on his bed thinking of different ways to out Rob's sorry ass. He really wanted all the sneaking around and deception to end soon as he was glad he came out to Trev. He wanted to be himself and not sneak around with Jake now. He now basically admitted he was gay and was happy with it, despite not wanting to tell his parents. He knew that would be the toughest part of his whole coming out as he wasn't real sure of how they would take it. It would be easy until he saw them again which he was planning on being at the Thanksgiving break unless he decided to drive there one weekend and tell them in person. His stomach was in knots as he thought about telling his parents. He tried to sleep as he knew he would be out late again. He then got on the internet to find ways that other gay people had come out to their parents. He was terrified at some of the stories but in the same sense relieved when he read the ones where the parents accepted it.

Jake came before 8 as he was dressed in a different shirt and slacks, but the shirt looked like it needed ironing. RJ insisted on Jake taking it off and let him try to iron it. Jake gave in and let RJ iron and put a little starch in it to make him look even hotter. They again walked to the party. It was basically the same thing as last Saturday except RJ knew a lot of the guys and felt at ease with them now. Jake and 3 others guys were the only ones at the time to bring dates as some of the others were already paired up. Jude came up to RJ and was again so wasted that he slurred his speech and told RJ how hot he looked and offered him a blunt. RJ grabbed the blunt and took it outside to smoke with Jake and 4 other guys who wanted to get high. RJ lit the blunt and passed it around. RJ was feeling different than the other times he blew weed as he seemed disjointed.

Jude came out and took a hit then, "Dude, this is a fucking killer ass bomb."

"What's the fuck that supposed to mean?" Jake added.

"Hell I put some fucking crack in there." Jude said. "Fuck all you motherfuckers are smoking crack too."

"Fuck, Jude that is not fucking cool." Jake said as he put out the blunt and handed it back to Jude.

"Fuck, I am feeling that shit too." One of the guys said.

"Fuck yeah, I am fucking flying!" RJ said as he hugged Jake. Jake was not quite as affected as he didn't inhale much as he had smoked a joint earlier with a couple of guys.

"Dudes, I am taking RJ home before he gets fucking sick. He took 3 big hits of that shit." Jake said as he grabbed RJ and pushed Jude away as he was furious with Jude. "I am fucking bringing your ass up at our first meeting."

"Fuck, I didn't know his ass would suck on it like he did. Hell he just grabbed that shit out of my hand." Jude said.

"Fuck you, Jude. All you are is a fucking piece of shit." Jake said as he headed out the door with RJ barely being able to walk. He practically had to brace RJ up as they made the 3 block hike back to the dorm. Jake was exhausted from practically carrying RJ the whole way back. He laid RJ on the bed. RJ was feeling no pain as he grabbed Jake and kissed him.

"Thanks for what you did." RJ said as he hugged and kissed Jake.

"Dude, I am fucking pissed as fuck at Jude. No fucking way should he have even brought that shit to the house. He knows that can be his ticket out of the frat and out of school. Fuck, we all smoke some shit but damn that is fucking taking it beyond the limits."

"Jake, it is alright. I am okay. You are here with me and I saw how much you cared for me."

"Fuck RJ, I love your ass and was afraid he was hurting you."

"Jake, I love you too. I saw how much you loved me tonight and I will not forget it. I actually never felt like that and you know what it was not half bad."

"Fuck, that shit killed my fucking best friend in high school when I was a junior when some fucker did that shit to him. I just didn't want the same to happen to you." Jake said as he was now mad again as he remembered the worst day of his life.

"Fuck Jake I am sorry about that. Sleep in Rob's bed tonight so you can watch me. I will be okay." RJ said as he was undressed and lying in bed.

"RJ, I was sleeping here no matter what."

It didn't take RJ very long to go to sleep as Jake watched him and finally went to sleep at 2 in the morning.

At noon, as both RJ and Jake were sleeping, Rob comes busting in the door.

"Fuck, I knew it." Rob said as he saw Jake in his bed.

"What the fuck?" RJ said as he now saw Rob standing between them.

"I fucking knew your asses were fucking gay." Rob said.

"Dude, chill." RJ said as he tried to get up. "Fuck your ass is as fucking gay as mine. You went home to fuck your old boyfriend. You have been fucking Trev the whole time."

"Fuck you, RJ!" Rob said as he sat down and realized he was outed.

"What the fuck difference does it make now? Fuck Rob we have been tiptoeing around each other for 3 fucking weeks while our asses are either fucking some dude or getting fucked."

"Dude, I am fucking sorry. This is not how I had it planned. I am so sorry, RJ." Rob said as he hugged RJ.

Jake got up and left to let the two talk and knew RJ would tell him all about it later. Jake went by Trev's room to tell him Rob was back but Trev was alone at the time. Trev came in as Rob and RJ were talking on the bed together.

"Fuck Rob I am sorry. He caught my ass red handed." Trev said.

"Don't worry Trev, I don't blame you. It was my sorry ass that put you up to it instead of just coming out and being honest with him."

"Hey, it is cool by me. Now we can fuck whenever we want. No more sneaking ass around to make sure the others don't find out. Hell, now I can't wait to move in the apartment with you two." RJ said.

"Trev, I need to apologize to you. I was an ass leaving you to go home to fuck my old boyfriend. All we fucking did was fight. That is why my ass is back early. He is now fucking history as he was fucking a high school junior." Rob said.

"Fuck Rob, you fucked Trev's little bro." RJ said.

"Fuck, you are right. My ass has regretted it since the second I slid in that tight fucking ass." Rob said as they all laughed.

"Fuck dude, you loved popping his cherry. My brother can't wait until I bring you home again." Trev said.

"Fuck yeah; his little boypussy was fucking hot. Sorry you had to hear that Trev." Rob said.

The three had a big group hug.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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