Rj Begins at College

By moc.oohay@ttkbciadan

Published on Dec 6, 2006


This story is a work of fiction and contains scenes of sex between that of 2 Consenting adults. If you find this offensive, are under the age of 18 or it is illegal wherever you are to read this, stop now.

RJ was entering a new phase in his life, life without his parents and life away from home for the first. He was nervous yet excited about his ?new? life without his parents looking over his shoulder. He was from a small town and chose a college about 6 hours from his home so he would not be tempted to run home when things didn?t work out as planned. He was on an academic scholarship, so he knew he would have to study to stay there.

RJ was an average college guy who wore the last fashions from A&F and Hollister and was really hoping to impress the ladies. He was 5?10? and 140 pounds who liked the way he looked without a shirt, but knew his 6 pack was a long ways from being a work of art. He was lucky enough to have a nice guy from a small town to dorm with. He got along very well with his new roomie quite well.

He took a full load of classes to keep him busy and go out and blow his scholarship. He was in Algebra class for about a week and was starting to get the hang of college life. He always seem to sit next to a nice guy named Kyle, who was one of the many sophomores in the class. Kyle was 6? and about 155 pounds, kind of a jock looking guy. It started out as classic bullshit between the two for the first couple of weeks. He thought Kyle was hot as he had the classic long hair and a nice bod to go with it. They both wore shorts to class as it was still warm outside plus RJ loved the way he looked in his A&F Cargo shorts. RJ notice that Kyle had some nice legs but never thought much beyond that.

After class on a Friday, Kyle comes up to RJ after class. ?Hey, I am really struggling to catch on to this shit, man. You can care to help a bud out as I need to make a good grade here?

RJ replied ?Sure Kyle, I would be happy to help a bud out. When was u thinking??

Kyle said ?You think tonight would be cool or are u jetting home this weekend? My roomie has left to go home, so it would be cool.?

RJ said ?Cool, my folks house is too far to go home, so I am stuck here too. What time you got in mind??

Kyle replied ? Round 7 or 8 would be cool.? Kyle wrote down directions to his apartment and his home and cell number for RJ.

RJ was sort of excited and nervous as he could feel a little something extra going on with Kyle and his actions and invite on a Friday night. RJ spent the rest of his day watching TV and chatting with his roomie who was off to visit his parents for the weekend. RJ was glad to have somewhere to go instead of sitting his ass in the dorm. RJ phoned Kyle about 7 and said he would be there in a few minutes. He threw on one of his tight T?s and cargos and a splash of his favorite cologne.

RJ headed out to Kyle?s apartment in a maze of other apartments and finally found the right place. RJ knocks on the door. Kyle answers it and welcomes him in and ask if he had eaten as he had just gotten pizza delivered. RJ was hungry as he had not eaten since lunch and accepted Kyle?s invite. Kyle offered RJ a beer with his pizza from the 3 varieties he kept in the frig. RJ, who drank a little in high school and wanted to be a part of the college life of drinking, accepted the Bud Lite. They ate and had the usual college bullshit, like if he liked the college, had a girlfriend, had made a lot of friends, etc.

After they finished, RJ and Kyle hit the books. RJ was happy to be making a good friend beside his roomie. They were still sipping on the beer and RJ was feeling it a little. Kyle, after about 30 minutes of boring x and y shit in Algebra, said ?Dude, I am fuckin tired of school now. You got to jet somewhere else or you want to hang here.?

RJ who was relieved to finish too, said ?Yeah, what the hell. I can hang here for a while. I ain?t got shit else to do on a Friday night.? Plus too he knew the beer was hitting him a little and wanted to stay until the buzz left him.

Kyle sit down on the couch and asked if he was into video games. RJ had a PS2 in his room and said sure. Kyle asks if he ever played NCAA Football. RJ said ?Fuck yeah, dude, I will whoop your ass. I rule the dorm in it.?

Kyle was like ?Ok dude, show me what u got. My roomie sucks and a fuckin hate beating his ass all the time.? RJ and Kyle play 2 games splitting the two.

Kyle perks up at the end of the second game and says ?Dude, you are a lot of fun to hang with. But, I have been dieing to ask you a question. Were you looking at my crotch in class today? I looked over and caught you staring.?

RJ, a little embarrassed, perked up ?Fuck no; you think I am a fucking fag, dude.?

Kyle said ?I don?t know. I was just asking.?

RJ replied ?Why are you a fag, Kyle, or just get off on thinking guys are staring at your crotch?

Kyle gulped down a big swig of beer and said ?I have fucked round with guys before. You know, innocent shit, you know all horny and shit. How about you, RJ??

RJ, thinking back to the times with his friend in high school to some innocent sucking and mutual JO, said ?I have, but not much. Just like you just innocent shit.?

Kyle, feeling horny and buzzed, wants to really get to know RJ better, so he popped the question ?You want to see more??

RJ popped a boner then thinking Kyle was hot and really wanted to see what he had packing. RJ said ?Sure, pull it out. We are just two horny college boys experiencing the college life of beer and sex.?

Kyle grinned real big and took off his shirt, revealing his toned but not real muscular bod for RJ to view. Then he stood up and dropped his shorts and boxers and gave RJ a good view of his cock, which was about 6 and « inches hard. He asked RJ ?You like what I been hiding? I want to see your cock since you seen mine.?

RJ stripped nude in a minute flat wanting to show Kyle his bod and now his hardening 6 inch cock. RJ said with a big grin ?You think I like your cock. Dude, you are fucking hot.?

Kyle instantly replied ?Fuck you are too.? Kyle reached up and kissed RJ, which was what RJ really wanted. Rubbing his hands over RJ?s tight little ass, he whispered, ?I think we should go to my bedroom.? Kyle lead RJ into his messy bedroom and threw him on his bed and kept kissing him.

?Dude, I never really fucked around with a guy much so go easy on me? RJ said as the two guys layed in bed admiring each other?s bodies. RJ made the first move by kissing up and down on Kyle?s tight abs. ?Fuck dude, hot abs.? RJ kept kissing and licking him until he reached Kyle?s hard cock. RJ took Kyle?s cock and sucked on the head and jacking him. He went down further on Kyle?s cock as Kyle laid backed and enjoyed the blowjob he was getting. RJ looked up at him and asks ?You like this don?t you??

Kyle was like ?Fuck yea, you doing good. You sure you not sucked many cocks.?

RJ said ?No, but I sure like this one.?

Kyle then pulled off RJ?s hot mouth and went down on RJ?s cock, treating it good like RJ had treated him. Kyle took RJ?s cock deep in his mouth. Then he stuck one finger in RJ?s tight ass, which caught RJ by surprise a little. RJ was looking Kyle?s mouth sucking his cock and his finger exploring his ass, which had only been fucked one time before by his friend in high school. Kyle looked up at RJ, who was moaning, and said ? I want to fuck you, RJ.?

RJ didn?t hesitate and said ?Oh Kyle, I want you to fuck me. Be gentle it was been a while since I got fucked.?

Kyle lubed up RJ?s tight ass and slid on a condom which he kept in his nightstand for this kind of moment. Kyle put RJ on his back and spread his legs and placed his cock at RJ?s tight hole. He slowly started pushing his cock in and could feel RJ?s ass opening up to his hard cock. RJ was moaning as Kyle pushed most of his cock in his ass and ask him ?You okay. I am hurting you, RJ??

RJ with a nice cock up his ass said ?Fuck, it hurts a little, but keep it in me. Fuck my tight ass. Fuck me Kyle.? With that RJ felt Kyle?s entire hard rod in his ass. Then Kyle started pumping his cock in and out his hole. ?Fuck me harder!!? RJ said in pure heaven as Kyle kept his cock in his ass. RJ was stroking his cock hard as Kyle fucked him good. RJ exploded all over his chest and neck with hot blast of cum. Kyle pulled out and threw his condom on the floor and exploded in the same spot RJ just cummed.

They then were in lip lock for a good 10 minutes after RJ had been fucked for his first time in college. ?Fuck, Kyle, that was fuckin hot.?

?Yeah, I knew you wanted my cock for a while. I know I loved it and I can tell you did too.?

They feel asleep naked in each other?s arm and slept off a hot night of beer and sex in college.

Next: Chapter 2

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