Rival Hearts

By N D

Published on Dec 17, 2002


DISCLAIMER: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. I am not affiliated with them, their record labels or any other businesses mentioned hereafter. This is all just fantasy and I am just a slash fiction writer. I would love to live this life but I don't but one can dream right? If homosexual content offends you or is illegal where you are please leave.

The only thing I have remotely in common with this lifestyle is that Ashley Parker Angel of O-town and I were born on the same exact day---August 1, 1981.

FIRST THINGS FIRST: With the addition of this chapter, this story will move into the novella category here at Nifty Boy bands. December 18th...when this is posted will be my one-year anniversary of writing here at Nifty. I was a reader for about 4 years before I ever got the courage to put one word down. I followed a few stories here and there but really wanted one for my own. Since then it's been one year and I can't believe I've written close to 80 chapters overall. It's pretty crazy but please if you have an idea and wanna be in this spot please go for it. I never thought I would take it this far but I can guarantee you it's all worth it. I've helped a few people get off the ground here at Nifty and if anyone wants to send me something to read please do.

THANK YOU to everyone who voted for me and my stories in the BBSA award ceremony. It is greatly appreciated and congratulations to all the other winners.

Check out my other stories at Nifty: -"Nick and Ashley" Saga (boy-bands archive) -"Josh's Heart" (boy-bands archive) -"Finding Support In Each Other" (young friends archive)

Email me for comments, suggestions or just to talk at pytn18@hotmail.com

Rival Hearts-Chapter Five

"Danny open up we gotta talk." Kenny said as he pounded on the hotel door at 3 AM.

"Who the hell is that?" Danny said as he shot up out of sleep.

"Whoever it is...tell them to go away." Ashley moaned out as he put the pillow over his head.

Dan got up and threw on a pair of shorts, as he was naked before that. He opened the door with no shirt on and Kenny kind of took a step back and admired the way Dan's chiseled chest flexed as he shut the door.

"What the hell is going on Kenny?" Dan said with an angry whisper.

Kenny was taken back by the site in front of him. It had been too long since he had seen Dan this close to naked. He remembered the way that he used to play with those dark nipples and run his tongue all over that beautiful chest. It wasn't his chest to toy with anymore however, which is why he was here at 3 am.

"We need to talk." Kenny said.

"Well let's get away from the rooms, people are sleeping." Dan said

The two men walked next to each other towards the balcony that looked out over the Nashville night, which is where they were for the tour. Kenny watched the two of them walk together and had to fight the urge to take his hand like he used to.

Both men walked out onto the balcony and looked out into the night.

"What's the matter KJ?" Dan said using the nickname he used to call him, meaning Kenny Jr.

"I miss you Danny." Kenny admitted.

"Look we've had this discussion before. I'm with Ashley now." Dan said.

"I know and it kills me to see you two together. What happened...that used to be us" Kenny said with tears in his eyes now.

"I'm not sure...Ashley came along and it just wouldn't fair to you if I didn't give you 100 percent of myself." Dan said.

"Maybe I don't need all of you" Kenny said.

"I have to admit I do miss you too Ken." Dan said.

"You do?" Kenny asked

"Yeah, sometimes Ashley gets so caught up in this business and getting famous that he forgets that I'm his boyfriend and not just his bandmate." Dan said

"I'm sorry Danny you know I wouldn't do that to you." Kenny said.

"You always took care of me and spent extra time just to make sure I was happy even before yourself." Dan said as he looked over at Kenny with tears now in his eyes too.

"Danny please I would still do that to you." Kenny said putting his hand on Dan's shoulder getting closer to him.

"You would?" Dan asked inching in closer to Kenny.

"I never wanted to stop doing it." Kenny said low and in a whisper.

Dan leaned in and kissed him. It was a kiss that was out of pure emotion but it was still a kiss. It was a dangerous kiss however as there was a boyfriend sleeping down the hall waiting for Dan to come back and just snuggle up to him.

Dan pulled out of the kiss.

"I'm sorry Kenny...I can't" Dan said.

"What? Why not?" Kenny asked getting angry.

"I just can't" Dan said walked out leaving Kenny by himself on the balcony.

This was too much for Kenny. He spilled his guts out to him and almost had him back. To taste those lips again and then be told that you can't have them was unbearable. He looked out over the Tennessee night and saw the hustle and bustle of the city lights. Where did he stand in all of this? He wasn't even in the band. Why would Dan go for him when he could have a heartthrob that every girl and gay guy in the world would love to have a piece of. Kenny started to get sick to his stomach.

He leaned against the railing for support. He looked down at the 8-story drop.

'Death has to feel better than this.' Kenny thought to himself.

He got up on top of the ledge and hung on to the overhang that leaned over the balcony. He looked down. It was a long way down but he'd probably pass out before. It didn't matter anyway. The pain would be a welcome feeling. It wouldn't even rival the pain in his heart anyway.

"Kenny! Don't jump!" A voice screamed from below.

Kenny looked down and saw Justin leaning out over his balcony a few floors below.

"It's gonna be ok...just don't jump" Justin yelled.

"Why not?" Kenny screamed back. Him and Justin had been pretty cool the past few days. The two of them always seemed to run into each other. He always had a crush on the guy but of course he was taken too.

"There's so much to live for." Justin yelled back

"Like what?" Kenny screamed out

"Life." Justin said quietly.

"Maybe for you. You've got somebody to hold you at night." Kenny said.

"Life isn't always about who you're with. You're working in the music business with a great living! Some people would love to be in your spot." Justin said.

Kenny began to falter. Justin saw his chance.

"Just because you're not with someone doesn't mean that you have to be miserable. I would hate to lose someone that I thought I was becoming great friends with." Justin said.

Kenny paused for a second then stepped down from the ledge. Justin smiled.

"I'll be right up and we can talk" Justin said as he ran upstairs.

"That was Kenny last night banging on the door!" Ashley screamed out

"Ash please, calm down." Dan said sitting down

"No I'm not gonna calm down. I'm surprised you even put pants on to go see him." Ashley yelled out.

"That's not fair." Dan said

"Fuck fair! He's had a thing for you since we started. You don't think I noticed it?" Ashley said

Dan put his head down.

"You did something with him didn't you?" Ashley asked

"We kissed but that's all!" Dan said with tears in his eyes.

"What happened to fair? At least I was faithful." Ashley said

"Let's talk about fair, shall we? How about you treating me more like a bandmate and a way to get you more famous then as a boyfriend." Dan said.

"Fuck you. I'm getting another room." Ashley said as he walked out.

"Ash, wait." Dan pleaded.

Ashley stopped still facing the door. "Not for you"

Ashley left Dan in the middle of the room a broken man.

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Ashley said as he walked down the hallway towards the elevator.

He trudged around the corner barely paying attention where he was going. He ran into someone just a little taller than him, with enough of a build to knock him to the floor.

"Fuck man I'm sorry." Nick said as he looked down and saw Ashley.

Ashley was pissed before, now he was just extremely frustrated. He didn't need this. He just laid there and put his hands over his head. He just laid there.

"Ashley, are you alright buddy?" Nick said as he patted his arm

"Fucking fantastic." Ashley said as he helped himself up.

"Yeah you look great" Nick said sarcastically. "Come on" Nick grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him slowly into his room.

Ashley was like a zombie just being dragged.

"Sit down." Nick said

"Nick, you don't have to do this." Ashley started

"Just sit." Nick said "Now tell me what's wrong"

"Nick, we just met practically." Ashley said.

"Well then what a great time for us to get to know each other." Nick said

"Me and Danny are having trouble." Ashley said

"Every couple does eventually." Nick said

"Not like this. We've been really distant lately. Tonight I found out he cheated on me with Kenny." Ashley said.

The two men just talked all night. Ashley broke down a couple of times but then realized that maybe this is for the best. Maybe Dan and Kenny were meant to be together. Where did that leave him though? Well, there was this beautiful specimen in front of him.

Ashley scolded himself. Nick was taken. Who cared though? He was taken an hour ago and now he's not. Why not try for it?

"So what were you doing tonight in the hallway?" Ashley asked

"Looking for Justin actually." Nick said.

"Where was he?" Ashley played dumb.

"Not sure. He just takes off from time to time." Nick said with a weird thought in his head.

"That's too bad." Ashley said as he planted the seed.

Ashley yawned, on purpose, which of course drew the next response that he wanted.

"You look tired...you should get to bed" Nick said.

"Well" Ashley started looking away "I really don't have anywhere to stay. The hotel said there were no more rooms." Ashley lied

"Well, it looks like Justin isn't coming home tonight so why don't you stay here with me." Nick said.

Ashley smiled.

Dan walked out of the elevator and headed for Kenny's door. He felt really shitty about what happened with Ashley and he wasn't sure why he was heading in this direction but it seemed like the only place he had left to go.

He rounded the corner and saw Justin walking towards the room. He ducked behind a tree and watched as Justin brought the room service that was delivered into the room.

This made Dan extremely curious. He slowly walked over to the door and put his ear next to it.

"Justin, thank you so much. You really made these past two nights much better than when it started." Kenny said.

"You just sit back, I'm gonna make this even better." Justin said as it started to get quiet.

'Maybe he's feeding him the food' Dan thought to himself

All of the sudden he heard kissing noises.

'No it can't be' he thought

"God Justin please kiss me there some more." Kenny said out loud.

Dan stepped away from the door. It couldn't be true. What the hell happened within the past day that fucked all of this up? Dan just ran. He ran as hard as he could. Eventually, he came to the complete opposite end of the hallway. He couldn't run anymore, it hurt too much to even breathe let alone run. He fell against the wall and slid until his butt was on the floor. He just cried until he had no more tears left. He leaned his head against whatever door it was and closed his eyes.


<<<< Tell me what you thought Pytn18@hotmail.com If you liked this check out "Nick and Ashley"...my main story>>>>


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