Rival Hearts

By N D

Published on Nov 14, 2002


DISCLAIMER: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. I am not affiliated with them, their record labels or any other businesses mentioned hereafter. This is all just fantasy and I am just a slash fiction writer. I would love to live this life but I don't but one can dream right? If homosexual content offends you or is illegal where you are please leave.

The only thing I have remotely in common with this lifestyle is that Ashley Parker Angel of O-town and I were born on the same exact day---August 1, 1981.

FIRST THINGS FIRST: Back for another chapter here at Nifty, hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. I know I've been slow with updating but school isn't as easy as it used to be. A big welcome back goes out to my buddy Kdawg. He's the author of "Encountering Nick" and took a brief stint off from Nifty but he's back now and hopefully he sticks around cuz I know I miss him like crazy and I'm sure you guys do too.

Check out my other stories at Nifty: -"Nick and Ashley" Saga (boy-bands archive) -"Josh's Heart" (boy-bands archive) -"Finding Support In Each Other" (young friends archive)

Email me for comments, suggestions or just to talk at pytn18@hotmail.com

Rival Hearts-Chapter Two

"Alright Nick everything looks like a go." The executive in the boardroom full of people and papers said.

"Awesome I can't wait to start recording." Nick said.

"Well, actually we've only got a month of recording." The executive said.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"Well, we've already got a few songs written along with a lot of the ones that you wrote and some of them you've already practically put down...we just have to hit the record button." He said.

"Why only a month though?" Nick asked confused.

"We've already got a tour set up." He said.

"With who?" Nick asked.

"Justin Timberlake and O-town. I hope you're ok with it." He said.

Actually he was ecstatic with it. He would get to spend a whole tour with his best friend/boyfriend and one of the hottest upcoming acts out there. He wanted to play it tough though. He wanted to be around for a while and he wasn't going to be pushed around in this business.

"I think it's a great idea. Next time I want to be notified earlier however. I mean that. Now let's start recording. We've got a lot of work to do before the tour." Nick said as he walked out of the room.

"Those are two huge acts we're touring with Clive." Erik of O-town said as the group and management was gathered in the huge living room they had shared so many memories in.

"Yes I know. It's an excellent way to promote our new album that just came out." Clive said.

"When does it start?" Trevor asked.

"In one month, which is just around the corner so we have to get things going." Clive said.

"Clive can I talk to you in private?" Ashley asked as everyone else began to chat and talk about preparing for the tour.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" Clive asked

"What's gonna happen with me and Dan? We started our relationship after the last tour so we've never had to deal with this." Ashley said.

"Ashley you know that you guys are like my sons and I support you and your relationships to the end but when we're in public or on tour you know you have to keep it quiet. We've talked about this before." Clive said

"I know" Ashley said as he put his head down.

Clive felt extremely torn. He loved these kids and they loved him. He also had to fight a little harder for Dan and Ashley ever since they decided to be together. Management didn't like it one bit but Clive had a heart and he wouldn't allow them to have their lives ruled by the label.

"Look Ashley, as long as you guys keep it quiet and in private then there's nothing I can do to stop you two. The guys already know and our crew will be handling most of the work and most of them have caught on by now. Nick and Justin are the only two that I see might have an issue with it but they seem like pretty good guys." Clive said

"Thanks Clive. I appreciate the support. I always have." Ashley said as he gave Clive a hug.

Clive returned the hug and then walked away to figure out some paperwork. Ashley looked over and saw Dan leaning against the wall in the back of the room watching the whole conversation. Ashley gave him a look of I guess everything will be ok. This was going to be the first real test in their relationship since they started going out about three months ago. Dan gave him a wink as if to say everything was going to be ok and they would get through it. Ashley found support and comfort in those blue eyes and he knew it would be ok no matter what.

Nick unlocked the door to his house and noticed that a few lights were already on. He got semi-worried but then smelled some home cooking and remembered Justin wanted to cook him dinner. Justin had a key to the house and would surprise him from time to time.

Nick walked into the kitchen and saw Justin at the stove boiling something. He slowly walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Justin was mildly startled at first but knew who it was right away. Those arms that he felt so secure and safe in. It could only be one person, Nicky.

"Smells great baby." Nick said.

"Thanks, you know me." Justin said

"Damn southern mama's boys. You guys do know how to cook though." Nick said.

"You got a problem with Tennessee guys?" Justin said with a laugh

"No, I think they're really sexy actually." Nick said seductively as he began to kiss Justin's neck, which sent chills down his whole body.

Justin moaned while Nick worked on his neck. Nick pulled up to his ear and whispered "Later".

"Can't wait and apparently neither can some other parts of me." Justin said as he turned around and showed off the bulge in his pants.

Both men sat down and enjoyed the good meal that Justin had prepared and spent time on. That was the best part about it. It was made with love and effort. Justin knew Nick had a rough day just by the time he got home, which meant that he needed to relax. He wanted to make sure that happened.

After dinner was over the two got a bowl of vanilla ice cream with two spoons and headed over to the couch. Nick shut off the light and sat on the one couch that he always had facing the window for occasions just like this. It looked out over the beautiful beach that his house was located on.

"What am I gonna do without you?" Justin said as he had laid on his boyfriend's chest.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked confused

"When we go on tour...it's gonna be so tough to be without you." Justin said.

"They haven't told you yet have they?" Nick asked with a laugh.

"Told me what?" Justin asked, it was his turn to be confused now.

"Let me guess, your tour starts in a month." Nick said.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Justin asked

"We're touring together silly. Management thinks it will help both of our careers take off." Nick said.

"Oh my god...that's so great. I get to be with you the whole tour. That's awesome." Justin said as he leaned in and gave his boyfriend the best kiss he could muster up.

"Hang on, hang on. Yeah it's really great but it's gonna be frustrating to not be able to show you affection and love in front of everyone." Nick said

"Yeah but it's ok as long as we're together." Justin said with a huge smile.

"Also, we're touring with O-town." Nick said.

"This is gonna be huge huh?" Justin stated rhetorically.

"Yeah I guess, just more people that I can't be with you in front of." Nick said with a pout

"I think we should tell them." Justin said.

"Seriously?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, we're gonna be on tour with them and I think I'm gonna drive myself crazy if I can't even be around you when we're near the people we're on tour with. Besides, they seem like cool guys." Justin said

"Alright, well we'll talk more about it another time. Right now I wanna continue where we left off in the kitchen." Nick said as he pulled Justin in by the shirt and kissed him deeply.

"Do you think we're gonna be ok out there on tour Danny?" Ashley asked while biting his nails.

Dan saw the worry in his boyfriend's face. He walked over to the bed they shared and sat down next to him.

"Ash, as long as we're together, we'll be fine." Dan said as he stared into his boyfriend's beautiful blue eyes.

"You always know how to make me feel better." Ashley said as he leaned in and kissed his boyfriend.

This eventually turned into more than just an innocent kiss. These two kids were honestly hot for each other. They always had been and they were sick of denying it to everyone and mostly to themselves. Ashley began to feel Dan's chest through his tight shirt as the kissing became heavier.

Their tongues swapped in and out of each other's mouths as their shirts were ripped off and thrown to the ground. Dan pushed Ashley back on the bed and began to kiss his hairless chest while undoing his jeans and taking them off. Ashley loved it when Dan worked on his body as he ran his hands through his blond hair.

Ashley was now completely naked with his cock sticking straight up in the air. Dan quickly took off his pants and threw them down and then straddled his boyfriend. Dan began rubbing the two cocks together, Dan's a bit thicker than Ashley's but just a little less longer.

When Ashley felt like he couldn't take anymore Dan pulled off as if he knew exactly what he was doing. He arched his knees up a bit and pushed Ashley's cock at the tip of his hole. After some readjustments and some time, Dan slowly inched himself on top of his boyfriend's beautiful package.

Before long Dan was bouncing up and down as both men began to feel the pleasure. Eventually Ashley kicked in and began to thrust his hips upwards, causing more pleasure for both men. Dan was getting so much pleasure out of it that he began to jerk his own dick that was bobbing up and down, completely hard. Ashley ran his hands through Dan's dark brown pubic hair and massaged his balls while Dan jerked it. It was too much for him to handle and he eventually unloaded his seed all over Ashley's chest.

This was enough for Ashley to get extremely turned on and with a few more thrusts and a moan or two he let go of three or four spurts of hot cum into Dan's waiting asshole.

Dan collapsed onto Ashley's chest, while the two men recovered. Through breaths Dan whispered "I love you."

"I love you too Danny." Ashley said. He had a good feeling that they would be just fine, now and forever.


<<<< Email me at pytn18@hotmail.com if you liked the story. Please authors love email and it doesn't take that much of your time. They really appreciate it. >>>>


Next: Chapter 3

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