Rites of Membership

By Shaun Duncan

Published on Jan 16, 2006


Sorry for the long break between part five and six, but this is where the story has been leading too, and I wanted to be happy with it. I wrote and rewrote until I had it right, I hope it was worth the wait. As before, if you enjoy it, let me know, I like to hear from satisfied readers, and the more satisfied they sound the better (if you know what I mean). If you don't like erotica, please leave, you are not invited. Thank you.

It must have been half an hour that Tim and I laid there, naked, enjoying the feeling of closeness. Our sweat covered limbs entwined, gently caressing each other (with Tim paying close attention to make sure he didn't send my cock into overdrive). I was particularly enjoying playing with his nipples, they were hard and red, and felt nice under my fingertips. And of course, the intoxicating scent hanging over us, the smell of cum and ass, was driving me crazy.

I had sucked, licked and been fucked so many times today, without being able to get some release myself, that my balls were screaming out in agony. Sarah was going to get a flood of cum when we finally got together tonight, and I was beginning to wonder which of her sweet holes was going to get the full force. That sweet round ass? Probably not, most likely her warm pink pussy, or even her wet inviting mouth. I felt my cock twitch at the idea. Nine o'clock was never going to get here.

I got up and told Tim I was going downstairs to get a drink, and a snack. He was content to lie there for a while longer, spent, and happy. He told me that he had dreamed of fucking me for so long, that he wanted to savor the memory for a while.

I slipped on a pair of boxers, and walked downstairs. I had quite a tent going in the boxers, and a big smile on my face. I was I a great mood, for the moment. And that changed as soon as I got downstairs. Sitting on the sofa was my sister Emma and her friend Hannah.

"Well, look who's up," Emma said, sending her and Hannah into a fit of giggles as they were both staring directly at the tent in my boxers. Emma was only a year behind me in school, barely 16 months younger, and never let me treat her like she was younger. She looked her age though, still in between child-like and adult. Her body had grown-up, and given her the beginning of a woman's figure, but at fifteen-almost sixteen she still seemed quite the little girl, with her innocent way of dressing and her brown hair, still worn long in a braid down her neck. Hannah was the same age, kind of cute, though a little mousy, with her dirty blonde hair her cut in a page-boy fashion. But having grown up with her constantly over playing with Emma, she was just "my sister's annoying friend" nothing but an accomplice in Emma's non-stop mission of getting underfoot.

I wasn't embarrassed to walk around in front of Emma and Hannah in my boxers. Like I said, Hannah and Emma had been best friends since preschool, so there were quite a few times growing up where we had played "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." I had even let them touch it once when we were really daring. But them laughing at my aroused state was embarrassing. Girls don't understand, we really don't control it, it controls us.

"Yeah, yeah, I was just reading the new issue of Maxim...and I was getting hungry," I said, hoping they didn't suspect that Tim was in my bedroom. That would be tough to explain. I was almost to the kitchen when I saw Tim's bag sitting on the floor, I hoped they hadn't seen it, I reached down quietly, picked it up and slipped into the kitchen. "Shit," I muttered to myself, that was close. I tossed the bag out into the utility room, if they saw it later I would just say Tim left it after swimming this morning. I grabbed a soda and a bag of chips and walked back into the living room.

The girls were giggling to themselves and stopped as I entered. Ok, something was up. "What are you two so giddy about?" I asked.

"Nothing," Emma replied in the sing-song voice that she used when she was being coy. They saw the bag I thought, fine, just use the excuse.

"Tim is going to stop by and pick up his bag, let me know when he comes," I said and started to walk away, heading back upstairs, planning to sneak Tim out the window and down the tree next to the house that I used to slip out.

"He hasn't come enough today?" Hannah asked, and the giggles started again.

Shit, they couldn't know, they were at the mall. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, we just thought he was over swimming this morning, that's all," Emma said with a smile.

"That's right, most of the gang was over to swim this morning," I replied and started to leave again.

"You must have really worked up an appetite if you are still hungry," Emma said.

"What do you mean, it's just a bag of chips," I said wanting desperately to reach my room before Tim decided to come downstairs and blow it.

"Right, but you already had several sausages and a cream pie today," Emma said, busting into hysterical laughter.

Hannah was about to loose it as well, "not to mention those sticky buns."

"Ha, ha, very funny. I don't know what you are talking about," I said, but inside my stomach was flipping over and over.

"We have pictures," Emma said, no longer laughing, speaking in her most serious voice.

"You were at the mall!" I said about to loose it.

"Yes, but we came back because I forgot my cell phone. We saw the whole thing from my bedroom window. Got some pretty good photos, could have gotten better if we came downstairs but didn't want to get caught." Emma was staring my straight in the eye. She was serious.

"You better delete those photos if you know what's good for you," I said, feeling the sweat build on my forehead. "If you show those around, Chuck and the rest of them will kill you."

"We won't show them around, but I'm going to keep them, just in case," Emma said, "besides, we've been talking. Hannah and I want in."

"I don't know," I said, "I don't make those decisions." I was dumbfounded. I didn't think those two even thought of sex, but here they were, asking to join the club. "I'll have to ask the others what the process is."

Hannah stood up, "We can go ask Tim, he's still up in your room where you two were fucking." She walked over, passing me on her way to the stair, then turned and placed a hand on my cheek, "You sure made some cute little noises when he was boning you." She smiled and started up the stairs at a run.

I was only halfway up the stairs chasing after her when she reached my bedroom.

"Hey Tim, how's it hanging?" she called out, loud enough for me to hear. "Looks a little tired out, just dangling there."

"Christ, Hannah!" Tim yelled, clearly not expecting her to come walking in on him.

When I reached the room, Tim was sitting upright n the bed and had placed one of my pillows over his cock. Emma was right behind me.

"Ummm, Tim, they saw everything," I said.

"Well, not EVERYTHING," Emma said. "Your door was closed so we only HEARD your little duet. But we caught the full show down by the pool."

"Shit, Chuck is going to go crazy," Tim said. "It's best if you two forget about it."

"They claim to have photos," I said.

"Yeah, yeah," Emma said mockingly, "let's cut to the chase, we saw your little orgy, we took pictures, we listen to you two expressing your man-love, and we fingered each other the whole time. We want to join. What do we have to do?"

"You did WHAT to each other?" I asked, in complete shock.

"We fingered each other. No big deal, it's not like it was the first time," Emma said. "Fuck, we've done it almost every time we've slept over with each other since we were eleven."

"I guess we have to talk to Chuck," I said, "or would it be Julie?" I asked Tim.

"Actually, this is all Sarah's thing," he replied. "She pretty much sets the rules. We never had an issue like this before. Most of us started in together, and then Rick went through what you did when he started dating Julie, and of course now you with Sarah. But we never came up with a plan for bringing in people that weren't dating a member."

"Well, then, you can ask Sarah while you are fucking her tonight," Emma said. "Wait until you are in her, riding her, then lean in real close and say, `by the way, my little sis wants to join the group and fuck each and every one of you.' Let me know what she says. I'll be holding onto the photos until I hear back." And with that Emma and Hannah walked down the hall and into her bedroom.

"Sarah's going to flip." Tim said, removing the pillow and standing up to retrieve his swim trunks from my bedroom floor.

"She's going to be mad, huh?" I said, crestfallen. This might end with me getting throw out of the group.

"No, she'll love it. I'm pretty sure she wants to fuck Emma."

************* The next few hours crawled by at a staggeringly slow pace. Tim kept hanging out, to make sure I didn't jerk off and relieve the pressure. The two times I had to piss he came along and watched, the last time whistling as I pulled my cock out of my boxers.

But at last, nine o'clock was arriving, and I was to go to the park down the street to meet Sarah. She would have been dropped off naked, so I figured she would be hiding at the back of the park, away from the road, in the trees. I was getting harder just thinking about it.

I started walking down the road (having been told that I was NOT to drive, that afterwards we would have to walk home from the park, I assumed they wanted to punish Sarah a little more by making her do it naked). I was thinking through everything that had happened today. This had to be the greatest time I had ever had. And it wasn't over yet.

Granted both my ass and jaw were a little sore from the workout they received today. Not to mention the extreme case of blue balls I was suffering. But I didn't care. If I lived to be 110, I would never forget today. I quickened my pace, anxious to get to the park, and finally get to fuck Sarah.

I was a block away when I saw a figure standing on the sidewalk up ahead, on the far side of a streetlight. Would Sarah have been that bold? Or had they made her? But as I got closer, I could see it was Chuck. Leaning against a tree, waiting, for me. I took a deep breath and hurried over to him. Stopping a few paces away.

"You ready," Chuck said breaking the silence of the night.

"More than you know," I said.

"Good, take them off."

"What?" I replied.

"Your clothes, what do you think I mean? Take off your clothes and give them to me," Chuck replied, testily.

I started to move to the shadows and unbuckled my belt.

"No, not there. Here, under the light."

I should have expected it, there was nothing to say, I did as I was told, looking around to see if anyone was on the road. Luckily for me it seemed deserted. I was soon down to my boxers, and looked up, to make sure those were to come off as well.

"Hand them over," Chuck said picking up the rest of my clothes and pointing to the boxers. "Completely naked. I'll make sure these get home ok for you."

Now I understood why I was supposed to walk, I was going to have to walk home naked afterwards. These guys were twisted and sick, and I absolutely loved it. I slipped the boxers off and handed them over, feeling the breeze blow across my naked ass.

"Here you go, Chuck," I said and turned to go into the park, hopefully before someone drove by.

"Have fun, my sister's waiting for you," he said and started to walk away, stopping after a few steps and adding, "and I'm looking forward to your sister myself. She doesn't have a clue what's coming."

So Tim had let them know. At least Chuck hadn't taken it out on me.

The park was dark, with only small spots of light from the streetlights, mostly centered on the path that wound around the small pond. I was near the pavilion and had to decide whether to slip past it on the road side, where it was a little darker, or on the tennis court side, where the lights from the court made it as bright as day. I opted for the road side, and walked on heading past the swings, aiming for the wooded area with the hiking trail and the other side of the pond, figuring that's where Sarah would be hiding as well.

I had just past under the jungle gym and was about to join up with the start of the hiking trail when I heard a voice from behind me. "Hey, nice ass. You going to come up here and do me, or are you planning to go for a hike in the nude?"

It was Sarah, I turned and she was sitting at the top of the jungle gym, her breasts peaking out at me over one of the rails.

"I thought it was too light here. Figured you would be back in the trees hiding so as not to be seen," I explained.

"The chance of being seen is what makes it so hot. Don't worry, the gang has our backs, if someone calls the cops, or they happen to do a patrol through here, the girls will pick us up and get us out of here. We do it all the time. I can't wait to take you to the school next time. It's great to wander though the halls naked and fuck on the desk of a teacher you hate. Don't you wonder why I'm usually smiling in Mr. Tobias' Algebra class? I had Rick in my pussy, Tim in my ass, while eating Julie out. We were a little worried at first the sweat marks from Tim's ass were going to be still there in the morning."

"I don't think I'm ever going to be able to look him in the eye after knowing that." I began to climb up the steps to the top of the jungle gym. This was it. After everything I'd done today, I was finally getting the reward.

I reached the top and stood next to Sarah, she hadn't moved so if she were to turn her head, my cock would have been right in line with her mouth. I waited, not sure what I should do to get things started. After a few more moments of silence, she spoke, "I suppose you think I'm going to suck that?"

"Well, I figured we could begin where we left off this morning," I replied. "Then move on from there."

"Oh no, you owe me!" She swung her legs back up and grasped them with her arms, turning to look up at me. "I want to cum about ten times on your face." With that she let go of her knees, spread her legs and leaned back, "Get down there and start eating."

She didn't have to ask twice, I dropped down and in the blink of an eye had my tongue buried in her pussy. It was already warm, and moist, and I could already taste her juices. Unlike Julie's earlier there wasn't the tang of semen mixed in it, just pure Sarah, sweet and spicy at once. She was grinding her hips into my face and moaning within a few moments.

"God, you are good with that tongue," she said after what might have been her second orgasm. "I enjoyed watching you eat out Julie on the video. You do have talent in that area. And I plan on making the most of it."

My cock was raging, I was in desperate need of finally blowing a load. Sarah sensed it, and reached down and began to stroke my cock gently in her right hand. "It must have been a looooong day, all that sex and no orgasm. I want you to ride me hard for a long time, so let's fire off this round first." She started to sit up while not missing a beat in her stroking of my cock. She reached out with her other hand and guided me closer, I was soon sitting on top of her thighs as she was working harder and faster on my manhood.

I watched her breasts bounce up and down as she began to crank harder and harder. I loved her full round breasts, and I loved nibbling on them as well so I bent down and got to work starting with the right one. She started sighing in pleasure.

It only took another minute or so and I tensed up, getting ready to blow. Sarah laid back and started to work both hands, one on my cock, and one massaging my balls. I shot a load seemed to just keep going and going. I counted at least seven long ropes of cum that flew out and landed on her breasts.

She sat up, and pulled me in tight for a deep hard kiss. I felt the warmth of my cum as she pressed her breasts against me. We kissed for a long time, before she pulled back and looked deep into my eyes. "Hope that takes some of the pressure off. From the mess, I can tell you were pretty hard up."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I said glancing down at her cum soaked breasts.

"That's ok, you can lick it off me," she replied and sat quietly for a moment. "I wasn't kidding, and I meant now." She sat back up and pulled my head to her left breast. "You made the mess you clean it up."

I did as instructed, and soon was eating my cum off her breasts. She just laid back and let me work, running my tongue around each breast, teasing each nipple as I cleaned them. It didn't take long to have them standing at attention, and I had to nibble a little, really get them flushed.

As I worked on her breasts, she was rubbing my chest with her fingers, working the cum that had been left on me from our embrace into my skin. She then let them wander down, tracing the line straight down past my stomach and soon had my cock in their grasp. They teased the tuff of hair above it, and then began to slowly stroke my meat into attention.

"You've done a good job, but now, I need to feel you inside me," Sarah whispered into my ear. "I want you to ride me, do me hard and fast, make me scream."

It didn't take much more encouragement to cause my cock to stand up and play. And I was soon mounting Sarah, sliding my cock into that warm, wet, very needy pussy. Home, yes, it felt like home. God, this was incredible, I had fucked pussy before, but Sarah knew how to make her pussy fuck my cock in return. It was grasping it and holding it tight with each thrust, it was amazing.

I could feel the warm fluid begin to run down the length of my cock and pool in the hair at the base. She was beginning to squirt, it made me harder, harder than I've ever been. I leaned in close an told her, "It feels so good when you do that, so wet and sloppy."

"You think that's good, let's trade positions, it will really flow if I'm riding your pole."

She didn't have to ask twice, I pulled out and laid back, she stood up, straddled me, and expertly lowered herself onto my tool. She began to ride me hard and fast. And true to her word, she was flowing even more, and my cock, balls, and pelvis were covered, I could even feel it begin to trickle down to my ass. "Before you cum, I'll clean you up," Sarah said, and dismounted me, and quickly buried her face in my crotch. I could feel her tongue lapping it up, cleaning me as well as I cleaned her. When she was done, she brought her lips to mine, so I could share the taste.

We kissed and shared for a few more minutes, but I still needed to cum again. "Mount me again Sarah, I need to feel that some more."

"Sure, but I have a different way to clean you next time, you'll have to wait and see." And she was once again impaled on my cock, writhing in pleasure.

I only made it for another minute at most and then thrust up hard inside her and blew my load. She still rode me for another couple of minutes, getting her last orgasm out while her juice and my juice flowed out of her, coating me again. When she was done she sat there, still holding my deflating cock with her pussy. "Are you ready for a bath?" she asked.

"Sure," I said, and felt warmth flowing down. She was peeing on me! The initial shock I had quickly gave way to enjoyment. It felt even better than her pussy juice, this would certainly not be the last time I would let her do this, one more new experience I had no clue about when I woke up hours earlier. "God, I love that." I told her.

"Good, cause I do to. Next time you can pee on me. I'll even drink from the hose."

"If we wait a bit, I could summon some up," I said.

"Maybe later, I'm done for now, and we have to get back to your house."

"My house? What for?"

"I have to begin breaking in your sister and her friend. I haven't decided which one is going to have to lick your cum out of me first, so I'll let you pick."

The End.

This is the end of the first tale, but the gang will be back in other stories. Emma and Hannah have theirs to cum.

If you liked the saga, PLEASE write me and let me know. s19d69@hotmail.com or shaunduncan512@yahoo.com. Other stories of other people will be forth coming.

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