Rites of Membership

By Shaun Duncan

Published on Dec 1, 2005


This is a work of fiction and is intended for adult reading only.

I am sorry for the delay in getting this part completed but I believe it might be the best part yet, it needed the time to get it right. Let me know your thoughts on it (s19d69@hotmail.com). Again, thank you for reading this far.

************** And so they were done. Everyone got dressed again, and began to pack up their things. Tim was to stay behind and keep an eye on me as the rest of the group left to continue their work on Sarah, taking the video camera with them and leaving me specific instructions for the rest of the day. I was not to finish myself off, I was not to tell anyone (a given), and at 9:00 pm I was to go to the park three blocks away to meet Sarah.

The hardest part was that after the workout I had received that morning, I was in serious need of release. I could feel the build-up in my balls as they ached for a chance to let go. But Tim was to keep me from finishing up. The orders were strict I was not to disappear from his sight at all. If I had to go piss, he was to come with me. I could tell by his smile that he would have really enjoyed that.

So we settled on the sofa and flipped on the TV. Tim sat close to me, and allowed his hand to rest on my leg. I wasn't sure if he was doing this out of affection or if it was all part of a plan to keep me as hard-up as possible until tonight. It certainly had that effect, my cock was straining against my swimsuit again in seconds. Ready to pop it's head out of the top of the Speedo.

Tim had noticed and just smiled as he stared at it. I could feel myself aching, longing for him to move his hand over a few inches, and slide it down between the waistband of the suit and my skin (which was now covered in goose-bumps, craving attention). I needed him to touch it, to stroke it, to give me some release.

As if reading my mind he said, "I'm sorry that I can't help you out there. Believe me, I want to, but you really just don't know what they would do to me if it did."

"Are they really that mean?" I asked, wondering what I had enrolled in.

"No, I don't want you to think that it is a negative, actually it is pretty exciting. We are all pushing each other, trying to get caught and punished in some creative sexual way. But you know when not to step over the line. And I would be doing that in this case. The punishment would not be fun. What Sarah is going through, believe me, she is having fun. They wouldn't be so kind to me if I let you cum. So I'd better not start playing with you. But later, we can have some fun, that is if you will let me."

I paused to think on that, "Well, I guess it is up to Sarah really, I mean, I had no idea what you guys have been up to, and I don't know what her thoughts are on it."

"That's not a problem, she'll be fine with it, she told me before once you were initiated, we could play whenever. She just wants lots of video or photos if she can't be there to watch. She really gets excited by two guys fucking."

"Really?" I asked. This day had certainly been surprising. I never thought women liked watching stuff like that. I knew guys liked watching two girls, but the idea that the opposite could be true never occurred to me.

"Oh yeah! Until she came into the group, it was just the occasional circle jerk between the guys, plenty of sex with the girls, but there wasn't much same sex play. She's the one that first forced me to give Chuck head after I couldn't get hard enough to fuck her to an orgasm. I had been wanting to do that to one of the guys for a while, but didn't because I was afraid they would kick me out of the group. But after that time, well, I got to do many things I had been longing to do. It was like she knew what I really wanted, and it made her horny. The other girls soon came to her opinion."

"So, is there anything you haven't done yet?" I asked, beginning to be really curious about what might lie ahead for me.

"Not much, as long as it is sanitary it is fair game. But, I have to say, I have never had anyone kiss me like you did today. I suppose that is what has been missing. With the rest of them, it is all about the sex, the fucking. I'm rarely more than a mouth or an ass to them when it comes to sex. Most of the time, they don't care if I cum unless they are planning on making me lick it up or share it with someone. With you, it was different, I felt like you cared. I want more of that."

All I could think to do was to put an arm around him and pull him closer to me, "I will try. I'm completely turned around here, and not real sure of what to do next, but I will try."

"When we do it, I want it to be slow, gentle, and caring. I can get fucked like a piece of meat by any one of those guys any time I want, but I want to feel what it is like when someone does it for me, not to me. Do you understand my meaning?" Tim asked.

I did, and his need for tenderness was making my swollen cock even harder. As I held him close to my body, I could tell, he had stiffened up again as well. There had been no instructions saying he had to suffer, and Julie had banned him from guys for a month after today. So if he was going to get a chance to have more fun with me before sometime in July, it would have to be today. I took a breath and swallowed once before letting the words come out, "why don't you show me how you want it to be? Fuck me like the lover you want."

Tim said nothing for a moment, then lifted his head and kissed me. His tongue was gently tracing my lips, and I felt his hands slowly grasp my shoulders and hold me tight. I closed my eyes and let the feelings wash over me again as I kissed him back. I tried to keep control and not let the lust take over. I wanted it to be tender, the way he needed it to be, even though the lust inside me wanted it to be like two animals rutting in the wild.

After a moment he paused and released me, "Let me get my bag, we are going to need some items." He left the room and headed into the entry hall where his duffle bag was sitting. He came back with two tubes in his hand. I recognized the tube of lube from earlier, but not the second.

Before he sat back down I suggested that we move to my bedroom. I wasn't worried that someone might catch us, my parents would be at work until well after 6, and my sister Emma left for the mall first thing this morning with her friend Hannah, I just didn't want to have to explain any stains on the sofa to my parents.

Once we were in my room, we were right back into each others arms and our lips met again, more intense than before, but no less sensual. He dropped the lube on my bed and pulling away from me for a second, took the cap off the second. He kneeled in front of me and slid my swimsuit down past my knees and let it fall around my ankles. My thick, hard cock stood straight out in front, begging for attention. He squeezed the contents of the tube into his hand, set the tube down and rubbed his palms together. Then, he began to stroke my cock up and down and circled his hands all around it, coating every inch with the warm ointment.

"This stuff will get a little warm, but it will also soften your dick up, and you won't be in danger of blowing a load. It's called `anti-climax' cream," Tim said as he finished up. He was right, I could feel a warm sensation bubbling under the skin, not hot like when you accidentally (or intentionally) get some muscle cream on it. And in less than a minute, it had lost some of the needful rigidity. I was still horny as hell, but no longer in serious threat of cumming all over the place.

I stepped out of my swimsuit and turned around to bend over my bed, offering up my ass to Tim. I grabbed the lube, and held it out for him. I was ready to be his again. To do whatever was needed to make him happy.

He took the lube from my hand slowly started caressing my thighs and ass and said, "Not like this, crawl up on the bed and lay on your back. I want to look into your eyes when I enter you and I want you to look into my eyes as well. I want to watch you as I thrust into you. I want to see if you bite your lip, or just exhale each time. I want to learn what your reactions are, to get to know you as I fuck you. I don't want you to be facing away from me, you are not an object to sate my lust, that is what it is like with the others. I want to kiss you deeply as I cum. Show you how I feel at that moment. I want you to wrap your arms around me after I have exhausted my load in your ass." His eyes were pleading, almost glassy as if by turning him down, he would melt into tears.

"I said I wanted you to fuck me like you needed, if you need me like this, then that is how we shall do it," I said laying back on the bed, completely nude, ready for his embrace.

"Bring your knees up," he said, sliding out of his swim trunks. He poured some lube into his palm and oiled up his cock. He then climbed up on the bed, kneeling at my feet, smiling as he ran his eyes across my naked flesh taking it all in. He stroked his cock a couple more times, and then slid the hand under me to lube up my ass. "Take your arms and grab your knees, hold them up to your chest." I did as he directed and this caused my ass to be centered perfectly in front of him. He rubbed a little more lube on it.

He placed the head of his cock at the opening, and very gently slid it in. True to his desire, his eyes were locked on mine the whole time, soft blue orbs swimming in a pool of white. I only winced slightly, my ass still stretched from Chuck's animalistic fucking only an hour or so earlier.

"That feel ok?" he inquired after the head had fully entered me. "It doesn't hurt does it?"

"No, it feels really good," I said, letting go of my right knee so I could stroke his face with my fingertips. "It feels wonderful. Take it deeper, I'm beginning to enjoy having a cock up my ass." He took his hand and pressed my hand tight to his face, then began to kiss each as he slowly slid his cock deeper. No wincing on my part, but my eyes rolled back in my head as the waves of pleasure swept across me.

Once he was all the way in, he let go of my hand and had to keep both his hands braced on the bed to keep from falling over. I took my right hand and began to run my fingertips across his face again, and down his cheek and neck to his chest. I had just begun tracing little circles around his erect nipples when he began to pull out. Another wave of pleasure caused me to moan out loud and stop all motion as the shudders rippled from my ass all the way out the top of my head and bottom of my feet.

He was thrusting back in again in a moment, followed by another pull back out. I let go of my other knee and grasped his hair with my left hand as my right dug into the bedspread, fingers tightening in ecstasy. I pulled his head down to meet mine and kissed him hard, and deeply, letting our eyes lock in passion as I released him just as he thrust into me again.

His breathing was getting heavier and the thrusts harder, faster and deeper. I knew he wasn't going to last much more, but I could have gone for another hour or two. Only 24 hours ago I would have sworn I would never have had a cock up my ass, but here I was, not only enjoying it, but wishing it would last longer.

He bent his head down again, and locked onto my lips and filled my mouth with his probing tongue. I took his tongue, and using the same strokes I had used on his and everyone else's cock I began to suck his tongue like it was a small dick.

Four more thrusts, four more moans from me, and one deep groan from Tim and I felt him tighten in anticipation. It was a couple more seconds, but they felt like an hour, he filled my ass with his cum, our lips locked tight, his moans vibrating through my mouth.

A moment later, he slid out of me and laid his naked, sweaty body down on mine. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close, using a hand to hold his head against my chest. Feeling his weight shift with each breath in and out. I inhaled in the scent of his hair, his sweat, and our sex, all the scents that were in the room. I held him, this strong, naked flesh wrapped in my arm, satisfied, and happy.

We were still and quite for a long time, and then he softly broke the silence, "Chris, I love you."

I closed my eyes and clutched him tighter, "I love you too."

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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