Rites of Membership

By Shaun Duncan

Published on Nov 10, 2005


Warning, again if you are offended by erotica, then you should click on the first part of the story, read that warning then take it to heart and leave this site. Things are only getting worse (better) by this point. Are they gone? Good Once again, this story is a work of fiction, intended for the reading pleasure of adults, who I hope have as much enjoyment in reading the story as I had in imagining it.

"What?" I asked turning my head to face Chuck, not wanting to believe what I was just asked to do. My cock was beginning to deflate as well. This was more than I had bargained for.

"Eat out Tim's ass," Chuck repeated. "Just remember what Sarah did to you this morning. Show us how close you paid attention to her instruction. Hell, show her, she IS going to watch the tape of the show. Let her see that her new boyfriend is willing to do anything she will."

It seemed pointless to argue that she had only licked my ass briefly today, in a short teasing way. She had done more than that before, and I was now pretty sure that the others must have known about it. So I turned and looked once more at Tim's ass, only a few inches from my face. I hesitated, and let out a large breath in resignation, there was no way out, I would have to do this.

"If it helps," Tim said, making this the first time he had spoken in several minutes, and the first time he did so directly to me during the "rites" as Chuck called them, "just pretend I'm a girl. You would do this to a girl right? So just pretend I'm not a guy."

Chuck started laughing, "Sure, pretend Tim's a girl if it helps, Lord knows that's what he will be pretending. He's a girl and your some guy eating her out. Just like the times he dresses up in lingerie or in a plaid mini skirt and white blouse and begs us to fuck his 'pussy' like some like some schoolgirl slut." I could see Tim's face turn bright red in embarrassment. I never had any idea he would have done that. "How many pairs of silky panties to you own anyway, Tim? Were you wearing a pair before you changed into your swimming suit?" Chuck continued to taunt Tim. Tim was silent. "I guess that means he was."

"A black pair," Tim replied looking down at his feet, "and a silk camisole under my t- shirt." I have to admit, that I never had a clue that Tim did this, yet it didn't seem too far fetched. He was a little feminine in his features, and seemed to bristle more than most when called "gay", even in jest. He had always been reticent to change clothes in front of others, always seeming to show up later for gym class needing to change just as everyone else was heading out of the locker room. I assumed it was shyness, but now I know it was because he didn't want anyone else to see he was wearing girl's panties. It was becoming clear that there was not a single perversion or fetish that would not be unearthed or exposed and then exploited among this group. What else had Tim been keeping from me? My cock halted it's decent to softness, and held there, slightly harder than normal. The image of Tim in women's lingerie had helped end the lost of rigidity.

"Come on Chris, time's wasting," Chuck started taunting me again. "The longer you delay, the more things I'm going to think up to put you through."

Right now, I couldn't think of anything else that he might be able to come up with that would be as far beyond what I had thought my sexual limits were, but then I had already stepped passed that line. I had already sucked cock for the first time and tasted cum that wasn't my own (until then I had thought of myself as straight, but any straight man that claims never to have tasted his own cum is a liar). I had gone this far down the path, and I knew from Chuck's earlier promise that my ass was in for a fucking as soon as he got hard again. I still hesitated.

"Chuck, I think this might be too much for him, he's not up to this," Tim began.

"Shut the fuck up, Tim," I said and thrust my face into the crack of his ass.

He gasped a little in surprise as my nose brushed against his anus. I held my face there for a second, getting used to it and working up the nerve to move to the next step. As I waited, Tim began to bend forward slightly, placing his palms on his thighs just above the knee, causing his crack to part more and give me better access. I reared back a little, took a quick look close up and then started to kiss both of his smooth white, fleshy cheeks. One, then the other, and back to the first, I munched and slurped with sloppy kisses and the occasional nibble with my teeth. Then starting at the base of his spine I ran my tongue down the crack, then under his legs as he leaned forward more to let me continue the path all the way to the base of his balls. On the return trip he flinched as my tongue raked across the little pucker of his hole.

To be completely honest, I was incredibly relieved at how it DIDN'T taste. I had been worried that I would be kneeling there gagging the whole time. While I had some sexual experience with girls, it had never been anything like this, just the usual missionary position and the couple quick slurps in a messy, awkward 69 position, mainly because as a preteen, 69 was always seen as the ultimate in sexual kinkiness...how little I knew then...but I had never even thought of anal play, at least until Sarah. It seemed like one of her favorite things, from the first time we got naked and started playing, she had gone straight for my ass. It seemed odd to me at first that she wouldn't let me do some things, as if they were taboo, but she had no issues with sticking her tongue in my ass. It wasn't that she didn't want to do other things, just that some things were allowed and others not by the rules of the group. As I would find out later, penetration of any hole of an initiated member of the group, whether it was a pussy, ass, or a mouth, by an un-initiated person was not allowed. So since it was her tongue going up my ass, it was allowed. I had just not thought of returning the favor, and had I tried, she wouldn't have let me. At least not until I had undergone the rites.

Not only was I relieved by the taste, it was making me grow hard again. It was an amazingly wonderful salty, woody taste. Today was certainly full of new experiences I thought. I had just licked my best friend's ass, a guy's ass...AND I ENJOYED IT! Liked the way it felt, liked the way it tasted, loved the way he moaned as I played with the taut little hole. His moans went right to my cock.

Again and again, faster and slower, I listened to Tim moan and wiggle under my assault, moving his ass to one side or the other to try to keep my tongue on the hole. I could tell it was driving him nuts. I began to understand it wasn't just enjoyment that was causing him to moan, he was pleading for something. While I was new at this, I realized it could only be one thing.

So I pushed harder with my tongue, and he moaned louder, I pushed harder again, and began to flick at his anus, to work my tongue into the crease, to slowly push past the taut little flower. He moaned louder each time. Soon, with the help of a couple of fingers pushing on each side (lesson well learned from Sarah), I was able to get past the little sentry, and had my tongue actually in his ass, I removed my fingers and felt him clamp down on my tongue with that salty muscle.

His moans were louder and deeper; clearly he had received what he was asking for. His sounds of enjoyment were warming me up, making me harder, and something more, something that wasn't even sexual. I no longer gave any more thought to feeling shame. Tim was my closest friend and I was giving him the pleasure that he wanted. What could be shameful in that? Had either of us been a girl would I have felt shame? No, so why should I be ashamed that I had my tongue up his ass just because we were both born with dicks? It's an ass and a tongue, the gender of the owner had little to do with anything. In that moment, all my sexual hang-ups and hesitations were gone. I was no longer limited by being "straight."

At some point during all of this, Rick and Julie had finished up and had joined the audience of the spectacle, because I heard Julie's start giggling, and then say, "Oh my, it sure didn't take you guys long to get Chris nose deep in boy butt." More giggling as she enjoyed the show a little more then she asked, "So Chris, are you enjoying yourself too much? Are you going to be able to hold off for Sarah, or will we have to tell her you are too into dick now?"

I pulled my tongue out of Tim's ass turned and answered her, "I'll hold on, I can't wait to fuck her after all this." Julie was standing right behind the camera smiling, clearly enjoying the sight. As I said it I knew my face was framed perfectly saying the words, and Chuck had told me Sarah would be watching the tape later. "But I have to admit that this is terrific, I only wish I had tried it before." That tape would certainly doom me to loads of reticule at school if it ever got out And Tim's reply caused my to turn red again, but not out of shame.

"I wish I had gotten up the nerve to ask you before. I had thought about it, many times. Before you started dating Sarah, I almost asked Chuck if we could induct you into the group just so I could do you."

Apparently, the sex of the person you wish to fuck doesn't matter, it is against the group rules for there to be any of the earlier mentioned penetration with anyone not inducted, and members that are dating set up their own rules on what is allowed inside the group, and when...but I would only discover that upon Sarah's return later that night (I must not get ahead of the story, that is still a long way off).

"You've had a crush on me?" I asked Tim, completely surprised. I had known him forever it seemed, we had sleepovers when we were younger. Had he been lying there those nights, wanting desperately to touch me? To kiss me? To FUCK me?

"For quite awhile," Time replied looking down into my eyes.

"Ok, that's enough of the mushy stuff," Chuck bellowed out. "Rick, you got anything left or did you spend it all with Julie?"

"Oh, I drained everything he has," Julie answered. "But," she said smiling devilishly, "he does need to be cleaned up. His pecker is quite the mess at the moment."

Without waiting further instructions, Rick pulled off his swim trunks, and walked over to me, his cock was limp, red and raw from the workout it had received. He took Tim's place, and up close, I could see the slick sheen of cum and pussy juice on it. The smell of the two fluids mixed together with sweat was quite erotic, and made my heart race. As Rick stood there with his suit in his hands, limp and glistening cock dangling in front of me, he said, "lick it clean Chris, be a good little dog."

I heard Julie say to Chuck, "I'm thirsty, go get me a beer, little piggie," and Chuck got up at once and moved quickly into the house to get a beer fro the fridge for her.

This was interesting, apparently in the hierarchy of the group, Chuck wasn't in charge, like I thought, but Julie, the one that was the quietest of them all was clearly running this group today. Something else to think about later, but now, I had business to attend to. Taking Rick's cock in my hands, I started at the base of the ball sack, and worked around and up, sucking and licking the mixture of fluids that were drying on his member. I actually found myself wondering if he had put his cock up her ass at some point today. Was I licking up any sweat that might have come from her ass? By then I had to admit that I was a complete pervert, and there was no hope besides indulging in it.

After three or four passes up and down his cock and scrotum, really working my tongue into the skin, tasting each inch several times over I released him and said, "There you go, nice and clean."

"Good boy," Rick said patting my head.

Chuck handed Julie her beer from which she took a swig and set down on a table. Rick was about to pull his swimsuit back on when Julie yelled out, "Stop! Chris, clean the mess out of his trunks. He can't put those dirty cum filled trunks over that pecker you worked so hard to get clean." I looked down and could see a big puddle of cum had formed in his suit, having leaked from his cock when he got dressed after fucking Julie. I grabbed the front of the suit, turned it outward, and slurped the pool into my mouth like it was a raw oyster.

Julie applauded, picked up her beer and handed it too me. She pushed Rick back gently, pulled the lounge chair up close to me, slid her bikini bottoms off and sat back. "Now it is my turn to get clean." She pulled her feet up on the chair and spread her knees apart exposing her neatly shaved pussy to me. I could see little drops of cum on the lips.

I took the bikini bottoms from her hand, there was a trail of cum in the center, I slurped it down the way I had done Rick's suit and handed them back to her.

She smiled and said, "He left a lot in me, so you should probably take a few swigs of the beer, you are going to be up there for awhile. Let's see how good you are with that tongue."

To be continued.

Once again, keep the feedback coming, it is great to hear from people that have enjoyed this story as it progresses. s19d69@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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