Rites of Membership

By Shaun Duncan

Published on Nov 7, 2005


Warning, if you read part one and are still are easily offended, still don't want to read sexually explicit material, or even still won't face the primal urge that is lust, then you really need some help operating your browser, because you have opened part two, which is much more likely to offend the easily offended then part one. If you believe naked teenagers don't do nasty things with each other, regardless of gender, then keep your illusions and leave now. This is a work of fiction.

So there I was naked and sporting a gigantic boner while Chuck stood over me with his suit down, his cock inches from my face as he directed our other two friends to strip down as well. This was some sort of test they had put everyone through apparently, and because I was about to start sleeping with Chuck's sister, Sarah, it was my turn. "Did you get the camera Tim," Chuck asked one of the other two guys, the one who I had know for years, and thought of as my best friend. But Tim hadn't warned me, or even tell me he had done anything like this, while apparently, I was not the first. "That's what I had to go inside for, that and to check on the girls," Tim answered. He had left poolside a few minutes earlier and told me he was going to make a quick call. This was after the girls of the group had left with Sarah. Apparently, she was in for a little punishment as well, since she had bent the rules and put my cock in her mouth before I was "inducted." "How are they doing?" Chuck asked. "Good," Tim replied. "Stacy said they didn't even wait until the minivan was out of the driveway before making Sarah take her medicine. They said they would be at Stacy's til dark, when they are done they will drop her off in the park down the street." "Naked right?" "That's what you asked them to do, Chuck. Do you think they want to risk having you think of something worse for them if they didn't?" Chuck stared back down at me, "Ok, are you ready to get started? I'm going to give you this chance to back out. You get one, and only one chance." He released me, swung his leg over me and took two steps away. "You can get up, go inside, get dressed and believe this never happened. But if you do, you will never get to be with my sister again. Nobody here will ever speak to you or even acknowledge you exist. If they do, they will be punished. So ask yourself, is it worth it? If not, leave us and we will leave you alone. Unless you think of getting cute and telling anyone what has happened, then we will spread all sorts of rumors about you, and with all of us agreeing, everyone will believe it. "You have all undergone this?" I asked looking at Tim, still a little hurt by his silence on the subject before. "Yes, Chris," Tim said, "I'm sorry for not telling you." "You can owe him a dirty punishment, Tim," Chuck said. "If you decide to continue. See, you aren't even a member yet, and already you have a chit to redeem. You are sitting pretty. Are you ready to continue?" Since my cock had not deflated even a little bit during all of this, Chuck must have known what my answer would be. "Then, I want you to look directly into the video camera and say, 'I love to suck on hard dicks.' Then crawl on your knees to me and start sucking me off. Tim, get that camera on." I paused for just a second. I wasn't afraid, or turned off. Fuck, teenage boys will do anything sexual, they are only afraid of what others think. If there was a way to be sure without making the first move and being labled by it, guys would be all over each other at every opportunity, its how we are wired, if it will get us off, we will do it. I only hesitated because I knew, that things would never be the same again, but after this, I would get to finally fuck Sarah. "Say it, or walk away," Chuck said. I couldn't believe how quickly my heart was pounding from the excitement of it all. I stared for a few seconds, looking closely at Chuck's cock. I could not believe it, but my mouth began to salivate at the though of having it. I turned my head, and looked straight into the camera, and said, "I, Chris Hicks, love to suck on hard, fat, juicy, throbbing dicks." And dropped to all fours and crawled over to Chuck, my erection swinging back and forth slightly along the way. When I got there, I didn't pause, I sat up on my knees and grasped it with both hands. It was the first cock I had ever touched that wasn't my own. It was growing firm in my hands, and I was thrilled by how it felt. I really WANTED to suck on it, and that realization was sending my lust into overdrive. I guess having said it out loud was enough to release that side of me, but instead of being unsure, I slid that large hunk of meat into my mouth, and started to suck. It felt good, it felt natural. I admit that I had occasionally wondered what cock tasted like, and even spent a small amount of time trying to reach my own. One time I had managed to brush the tip with my lips, but having a really sore back for two days afterwards lead me to give up. The taste was different from what I expected. I had eaten pussy a couple of times, and was expecting something similar, but this was much different, more earthy. The salty smell of sweat and chlorine from the pool floated up from his the small patch of hair above his cock (he must trim it to keep it so neat) and filled my nose each time a slid his cock deep into my mouth. Chuck took his hands and began gently stroking my hair, trailing his fingers across the side of my face. He held two fingers tight against the side of one cheek for a moment, feeling the head of his cock slide across the inside as I worked it. His touch made me feel warm and good, sensual and aroused. Here I was with this guy's cock deep in my mouth and it was his hands that were what were really getting me harder than I have ever been. I could feel the head of my cock throbbing, trying in vain to grow twice its size. I took one hand and started to stroke the head. It was burning up, there was so much heat in it. I ran a finger across the tip, I have a habit while masturbating of licking any precum I get. It tip was stretched so hard, I knew the hole the precum was dripping out of must be as large as a pencil. I could only imagine the size of the load I was going to shoot. My hand started jerking hard. "No you don't." Chuck said. Reaching down to the hand on my cock and peeling it way. "You don't get to cum until you are fucking Sarah. He brought my finger with the dribble of precum up to his mouth and licked it clean. "No wonder she was willing to risk getting caught. I will say you do taste good. She will be quite thrilled." With that he teased my finger by sucking on it in rhythm with my sucking of his cock. He then returned both his hands to caressing my face. "Keep you hands off yourself. If you cum before time tonight, we will have to start from scratch tomorrow...and it will be even worse." He returned to the soft gentle touches he had been giving before. This whole time, Carl and Tim were standing quietly watching, Tim holding the camera up , alternating between watching with the view screen and without. They were both slowly getting hard from the view. Chuck spoke softly, almost sweetly "Is this the first dick you have ever sucked," Chuck asked. I nodded my head, not taking it out of my mouth. "Good," his voice hardening back to the Chuck I thought I knew all too well, "I always like to be first. This certainly won't be the last. You are going to suck off Carl and Tim after me, and one day you will have to try Rick's, that is if you can pry Julie of it first. And don't worry, after today's rite, you will be allowed to receive head from anyone here. And give it as well. You really get a taste for it." I could tell he was getting close, his breath was quickening, and he was rocking his hips towards me, meeting my thrusting mouth. Once again, in the sweet voice he almost whispered, "You are good for a beginner, but I will have to show you a few tricks sometime." He took another moment or two to gentle stroke the side of my face, then wrapped his thumbs under my chin and placed his fingertips across my nose and pressed down slightly, holding me on his cock. "When I blow, swallow everything, I've been saving up for a week, getting ready for this." Ok, NOW I was nervous, Chuck was about to shoot a load of cum down my throat, and he was holding my jaw so I couldn't pull off it in time. I knew that there was no way back now, and my heart was beginning to really race. But my cock was as hard as ever. And with a low guttural groan, Chuck thrust forward harder, and I felt his cock buck in my mouth, pitching upward as it began to unload a stream of warm, sticky goo on the roof of my mouth and all the way to the back of my throat. I gagged, it couldn't be helped, but Chuck held my face still, with his cock buried deep.

His pubic hair was right up against my nose. His cock bucked four or five more times, each one releasing what felt like a torrent of cum. I swallowed, and felt the warmth slide down my throat and pool in my stomach. "Good little slut. You take it even better than Stacy, and she is a little piggy for the taste of fresh cum. I'm going to need a break to recharge my rocket before I blast that ass of yours. In the meantime, you are going to suck off these two faggots. Start with Tim." As if on queue, Tim set the camera down on a table, and pointed it directly at my naked form. I could almost feel it around my flesh as it stole the image of me kneeling there with my cock pointing straight ahead. Tim walked towards me at an angle, clearly taking care not to walk as to block the camera's view of me. This tape was all about me. He must have done this before. I wondered if there was one of Tim doing this somewhere, perhaps for the punishment he owed me, I would make him show it to me. Chuck stepped back, a flopped down on the lounge chair I had previously been peacefully resting in. Tim was in front of me and presented his cock to me like a present. "Wait," Chuck interrupted, "I have and even better idea! Tim, turn around." Tim did as he was told. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, remembering what Sarah had done to me earlier, and hoping that he hadn't seen it. But I was not to be so lucky, and I knew it, he must have seen, because his reply was straight to the point." "Eat his ass like Sarah did yours."

To be continued... In the meantime, your feedback is always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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