Rites of Membership

By Shaun Duncan

Published on Nov 5, 2005


Warning, if you are easily offended, don't want to read sexually explicit material, or won't face the primal urge that is lust, then have some hot chocolate and pretend that there isn't hot sweaty flesh out there right now rubbing together, and trembling. Men and women, women and men, men and men, and women and women, lust and flesh, all flavors taste good, but you won't know because you will have stopped reading this and logged off this site, knowing the carnal story told here is pure fiction, and never happened, at least to the author.

It started as a good day but in the end, became the greatest day ever.

It was the beginning of summer and school was out. The whole of the season laid out before me and I was feeling good. The past school year had seen me grow socially from the shy bookworm, to an outgoing member of a large social scene. I had a girlfriend, Sarah, and we had been dating for three months and I had begun to suggest it was time to have sex. She kept putting it off, saying it wasn't time, but until then we explored each other's naked bodies with eyes and hands. That was all she could allow she said, until later. Having been through the awkward first few times of fumbling ecstasy at any naked touch I was beginning to see that there was so much more to sex than I had ever dreamed a few years earlier when I was jerking off to playboys stolen from my parent's closet.

So the summer had started, and being bored, suburban teenagers, with no jobs, and middle class parents, the summer looked to be filled with hanging out at the mall, arcade, theme park and backyard pools. Everyone clustered in revolving groups, as couples would join and leave, and slip off for sex and rejoin and leave. You never knew who was around at a given time, maybe in a back room inside the house, or at a table on the next row at the food court. Except for Chuck, you always knew when he was around, load, obnoxious, and down right rude. Friend or foe, it didn't matter, he would pull the worst crap on anyone if he had an idea. I really couldn't stand Chuck, but as one of the alpha males of the group, to say anything, would be the end of acceptance in the group. I'm sure most people felt that way as well, but that is how a person like Chuck keeps his power, by making everyone else think they are the outsiders if they dare question. But the issue was even tougher for me, Chuck was Sarah's older brother.

Ever since Sarah and I had started dating, I became the prime target of his jokes and pranks. And it might have been just my imagination, but I believe they had gotten worse since she and I began getting closer to fucking. She and I had been dating for several months, and that we hadn't been fucking each other made us the odd ones in the group. Everyone that were paired up were fucking. And those that didn't have a steady relationship, seemed to be doing so as well, alternating on and off as people moved in and out of relationships. Chuck was one of the latter type. Never specifically dating anyone, but seemed to have fucked every girl in the group at one time or another.

The plans for the day were for everyone to hang out at my house, using the pool in the morning, then we would invade the mall for lunch. Sarah and Chuck were the first to arrive, already dressed in their swimsuits, and ready to go. I had just finished breakfast and hadn't changed yet, so I walked them out to the pool, turning on the stereo for the pool area as we passed through the utility room.

"I told everyone to just come around the side gate when they get here. I just need to go change and I'll be right back," I told them as Chuck dove right in without saying a word.

"Hurry back," Sarah said, giving me a quick pinch on the ass.

I went inside and started digging around my room for a swimsuit, but couldn't find one. I had to go dig around in the laundry room. It took me a few minutes of sorting through baskets to find the one I was looking for in the folded stack of clean clothes, a tight red Speedo, sure to drive Sarah wild. Having found it, I stripped down and began to pull it on when I heard the door from the pool area open behind me.

"Oh, my, yummy!" Sarah said running a finger down my back from my collar to the crack of my ass. "I just came in to put on a CD for Chuck. I didn't know I would get a show so early in the day. How about letting me get little nibble before the rest of the gang arrives?"

She set down the CD and lowered to her knees. Wrapping her hands around my thighs, she began to lick and nibble on my ass, first one side then the other. This had my member doing a little dance as the blood began to rush. Her fingers began to run up and down my thighs and around the base of my balls. She enjoyed making my cock dance, she considered it her "puppet."

She was making my cock as hard as it could get, I turned around slowly (since my Speedo was still around my ankles) which put my cock directly even with her lips. I wanted her to suck me off. But like actual intercourse, she had refused to do this until "it was time." I began to worry if it was ever going to be time. She understood what I needed, and spoke very quietly, as if she wanted to be sure we weren't overheard. "I wasn't sure until today, but, I can tell you now. Tonight is the night. We are going to fuck. If you can survive today, it will be worth it."

"With that to look forward to, I can survive anything," I said.

"I hope so," she replied cryptically. "I guess if we are this close to it, it wouldn't hurt if I gave you a hint of what's to come." And with that she began to lick the tip of my cock. I had a great view down her back to her tight little ass, perfectly outlined in her bikini. Working her tongue in circles, she traced the tip of my cock, then ran her tongue around the underside and slid my member between her lips. She knew all the right tricks, and enjoyed making it dance in anticipation of each caress of her lips.

The first drops of precum were forming when we heard Chuck's voice call out to some other of our friends that must have just arrived. Alison, Stacy, Cynthia, Tim, Carl, Rick, and Julie were all due that morning. From the sound, Chuck was heading our way. Our little session would have to wait.

Sarah stood back up, grabbed the CD and started fumbling with putting it in the player (like she was supposed to have been doing) as I quickly pulled up my Speedo as far as I could and turned around so Chuck wouldn't see my throbbing member sticking out of the top. I pretended to be looking for a towel.

"Where the fuck is the music?" he bellowed (not that he ever talked in a quite voice) as he opened the door.

"It's coming, I just had to clean off the CD first," Sarah replied, trying her best not to look flushed.

"Well, hurry up, the rest of the gang is here. You can't stay in here fucking this faggot all day," he said.

"Yeah, well up yours," I said in what I tried to make a joking manner, not turning around yet.

"I knew you want to." he said, walking back out to the pool.

"That was close," I said.

"Don't worry about him. He didn't see anything I have enough blackmail material on him, he could catch you with your dick up my ass and he couldn't give me shit about it," she replied. "And I do want to try that someday soon."

"Even the part about him catching us?" Sarah just gave the head of my cock a little tweak and headed out to the pool, her little ass bobbing back and forth as she went. I was stuck there for another five minutes willing my member to relax.

The next couple of hours were uneventful, but painfully slow. People swam, and played, there was the occasional flash of too much skin as the guys untied the girls' swim tops here, or had our swim trunks pulled down there, normal innocent (ok, not so innocent) fun. Sarah was in on it as well, giving and receiving. She was such an amazing tease, we had dated all this time, and nothing, now this day, the day she told me we were going to finally fuck she is making me suffer by flashing me and my friends, and stripping the suits off the other guys. Everyone got stripped or partially stripped except for Chuck and me. Wearing my Speedo, I didn't need to be stripped to give the girls something to check out, and according to Sarah, that's what Stacy and Cynthia spent most of the morning doing.

"They wanted to know exactly where every last freckle is," she whispered to me, and I noticed that the girls, sitting across the pool, quickly averted their gaze, then fell on top of each other giggling.

"So I see you told them."

"Of course, don't tell me you haven't mentioned that little mole on my rear to Tim?"

"Well, you see, I only..." I started saying. Tim WAS my best friend in the group, the one guy I had known before this year. Of course I told him. I called him at three it he morning the night Sarah and I had first gone skinny dipping and touched each other's naked body.

"I knew it. I don't care. Tell him anything you want. Just realize that you don't have any secrets I won't share either...and you will never know exactly what they have been told. Makes for quite an interesting game huh?"

I could feel myself blushing now. We had done some experimental things, and while most of them were her idea, I did completely enjoy them, yet wasn't sure I wanted EVERYONE to know. And among this group, if one person knew, everyone knew. Or at least I thought that morning, by evening, I would know differently.

By noon, the girls (except for Julie, who was in a perpetual lip-lock with Rick) had decided they needed to run by Stacy's house before going to the mall, and with a final kiss, Sarah went with them, leaving only the guys behind, with Julie.

I was stretched out on a lounge chair, eyes closed, soaking up some rays. Chuck and Carl were taking turns on the diving board. Tim had gone into the house to make a phone call and Rick and Julie slipped off around the side of the house. Nobody had to guess too hard what they went off to do, and the muffled moans only confirmed the suspicions as to why Julie didn't go with the other girls.

I just zoned out, waiting for Sarah to return. I don't know how long it was, but at some point Chuck must have gotten bored swimming. Next thing I knew, Chuck was whispering in my ear. "I saw what you were doing with my sister. I don't remember giving you permission to do that."

"I don't remember asking your permission," I coolly replied, trying to remain calm and not sweat too much.

"See, that's the problem isn't it? You didn't. If you had, this would have been a lot easier. But now, you are in for it big time. You are going to really have to work and earn it."

"I think if you ask her she will say I've earned it," I finally have the nerve to look him in the eyes as I say it.

"Not good enough, I get to say who gets to make my sister do those things. Everyone needs my approval. I have to check to make sure they are worthy."

"What, you going to fuck me and see if I'm good enough?" I laugh looking away. I really didn't expect him to answer the way he did.

"Yes, I am."

"You're joking," I said feeling very nervous all of a sudden. Next thing I know he has flung one leg over me and has sat down across my thighs.

"No, I'm not. Why do you think she has been waiting to do it? She knows the rules. She knows what she did this morning was against the rules, you haven't been proven yet. I say when someone has earned the right to put his cock in my sister's horny little mouth or pussy. And I make them earn it by fucking me. We had this all planned out, the girls won't be back until we call them to say you passed the test. This way, I know if she is getting the best she could get. And it also helps by making sure you don't end up treating her like dirt, or fucking her over. Blackmail material." So apparently it was a family trait.

I was stuck, his weight had me pinned to the chair, what was worse, much to my surprise, and I was beginning to feel turned on, and knew that it wouldn't be long before I started to get hard. Rick was around the side of the house and my only hope was Carl, who was walking over, drying himself off with a towel. "Carl, can you help get him off?"

"No, you are going to get him off. Didn't you hear him?" Carl responded calmly, as if this was no big deal.

I saw Tim return from the house and called out to him. "It will be easier if you don't fight, just relax, you will end up enjoying it," he replied.

"You knew?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't tell you, but I didn't want to face the punishment. Sarah is probably getting a pretty good spanking from the girls for that bit of a blow job Chuck caught her giving you."

I was now feeling lost, and tried to think of a way out, and also tried to keep talking my cock down, but I could feel the fabric of my suit tighten.

"Look", I said, "I really don't think I can fuck you like I would your sister. So just get up and let me go." I was getting desperate. My ears were flushed red, and the blood was pumping, not just in my face, but elsewhere.

"I think you misunderstood me," Chuck replied, "I'm going to fuck you. You aren't going to fuck me. At least not today. You really have to be around longer to earn that right."

"Took me three years," Carl said.

"All three of us are going to get off with your help, Rick said to let you off, Julie will take care of him, so you are getting off light," Chuck continued as he stood, placing one strong hand firmly on my chest holding me down while he untied his swimsuit's drawstring with the other.

"This is just one big joke," I said, "it has to be."

"No joke buddy-boy. Everyone here has done just about everyone else. Most of us have known each other for so long, I can't remember the first time. You are the newest member here, and I have to say, I have certainly been looking forward to this for awhile. And I can't wait to have you," and with that he slid down his suit, revealing his cock, standing halfway at attention inches in front of my face.

And then it happened. I had tried not to let it, but there was no hope anymore, my cock sprang to attention, and with the tight red Speedo, there was no way to hide it. Chuck was on my legs so I couldn't roll over. I just sat there silently screaming "no, relax dammit, not now!" as my suit tightened up and then moved aside to let the head slide out.

"Oh my, check that out guys. Looks like he can't wait either. I knew he was a dirty little slut at heart. This is going to be good."

With that he let go of my chest and ripped down my suit, my cock sprung even harder to attention. He start barking orders, "Carl, Tim, off with the suits, and out with those dicks, let the rites of membership begin."

To be Continued.

Let me know if you enjoyed this story s19d69@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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